Chapter 176

"very good!"

"It turned out to be that bitch's apprentice!"

Ji Huan's eyes were cold, and his pupils were full of murderous intent.

The surging breath made Mo Yuan beside him shiver uncontrollably.

"Master Ji Huan, do you want to..."

"I'll take care of this matter." Before Mo Yuan finished speaking, Ji Huan spoke directly.

Hearing this, Mo Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.


As soon as Ji Huan raised his hand, a light surged in front of his eyes. He closed his eyes, and the flickering light in front of him became stronger and stronger.

A picture gradually formed, but within the picture, it was extremely blurry.

Only one figure could be vaguely seen, but nothing else could be seen.

Mo Yuan stood aside, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing him.

Suddenly, Ji Huan opened his eyes, looking at the blurred picture in front of him, his brows frowned instantly.

Seeing the expression on Ji Huan's face, Mo Yuan's heart skipped a beat.


What's going wrong?

"Master Ji Huan, what's the matter?" Mo Yuan asked in a low voice.

"This person has a half-immortal weapon shielding the secrets of the heavens, so it is impossible to calculate his current whereabouts."

Ji Huan said lightly.


"Then... how about that?"

Mo Yuan looked at him, his heart sank.

If Master Ji Huan can't figure it out, then it may be very difficult to find this person.

"Not enough breath, can you confirm the location you just mentioned?" Ji Huan waved his hand, the screen disappeared, and looked at Mo Yuandao.

"Well, I'm sure, I'll go with you." Mo Yuan nodded.

"Let's go then."

"There is more breath, there should be a chance." After speaking, Ji Huan waved his sleeve robe, and the light swept Moyuan, and disappeared in the hall in an instant.


South China Sea, void.

A ray of light streaked across the sky at high speed.

Jiang Che's figure suddenly stopped.


"The Yin-Yang Jade Pendant has shaken!"

Standing in the void, Jiang Che's expression suddenly changed.

Just now, the yin-yang jade pendant in his body suddenly vibrated. It was only for a moment, but it made Jiang Che vigilant.

"what happened……"

"Could it be that there is a Supreme who is trying to deduce my trace?"

A thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

The yin-yang jade pendant shields the secrets of heaven, and under normal circumstances, this should not happen.

There is only one conclusion, someone is trying to deduce him.

And it can cause the vibration of the yin-yang jade pendant, so it must be a supreme-level existence.

"Either it's the Dragon Emperor of the South Sea, or it's the demon fairy Ji Huan..."

A thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

He just annihilated the giant of the Sea Clan, so soon the Supreme Sea Clan pushed him.

That means that the movement this time may not be as easy as last time.

If the yin-yang jade pendant can't stop him, his whereabouts will definitely be exposed.

Although he generally has the strength to contend with the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, but it is only a rivalry.

Jiang Che didn't have much confidence since he had never fought against the Supreme Master Lei Jie.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che came back to his senses, and pushed forward with all his strength, at a speed that was close to traveling through the void.

Run a little farther away first.

The yin-yang jade pendant has become a semi-immortal device, and its ability to shield the secrets of heaven is beyond Japanese.

But don't be completely careless, if you are tracked, it will be a battle of life and death.


Night falls.

The galaxy hangs in the air.

The stars are shining brightly, and the bright stars seem to be within reach.

On an island three hundred miles in size, Jiang Che's figure quietly appeared.

Spiritual consciousness explored the whole island, this is a deserted island.

Among the islands, there are only some wild beasts, and there is no danger.

Hurricane day.

At full speed, Jiang Che still ran a long distance.

During this period, the yin-yang jade pendant shook again, which made his mind tense even more.

Without stopping for a moment, Jiang Che felt a little tired after running for an unknown number of miles.

Had to choose an island to rest temporarily.

Closing his eyes and sensing the yin-yang jade pendant, the feeling in Jiang Che's heart still didn't dissipate.

But he's sure he hasn't been extrapolated yet.

Otherwise, at the speed of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, if he directly travels through the void, he will not be able to run away even if he is so close.

The Supreme Thunder Tribulation can tear apart the void and travel through space directly.

Only the Thunder Tribulation Supreme has this ability.

Unless you have enough strength to explode the void, you can force it out.

But with this strength, there is no need to run away, it is not him who should run.

"Temporarily stable, but still can't be careless."

Opening his eyes, looking at the bright galaxy, Jiang Che let out a breath.

During the day, he killed nineteen sea clan giants in one go, and after annihilating all the sea clan, he moved forward at the fastest speed.

The extreme speed so close to the sky is infinitely close to traveling through the void.

However, correspondingly, it is still so slow.

It is different from the real void shuttle.

After recovering, Jiang Che raised his hand, and several talismans burst into light.

In an instant, a large void formation was formed, covering the entire desert island.

"Look at the rewards first."

Taking a deep breath to calm down the unrest in his heart, Jiang Che immediately turned his gaze to the bronze album in his mind.

Rewards for six cosmic characters of the eighth rank, and four cosmic characters for the fourth rank.

This should be the most cosmic character reward he exploded at one time.

Still extract other rewards first.

He put the big ones at the end.

Except for these ten cosmic word rewards, all other rewards were withdrawn in an instant.

Some special treasures of heaven and earth, magic treasures, talismans, elixir and so on.

Immediately, Jiang Che's eyes fell on the ten cosmic word rewards.

The difference is one rank, and the size and light of the light clusters are different.

The reward light clusters of the four cosmic character ninth ranks are slightly smaller and dimmer.

The rewards of the six cosmic characters and the eighth grade are more radiant.

With a single thought, Jiang Che took the lead in extracting the first reward of the ninth grade of Zhou Zi.

Light emerged, and a golden stone appeared in his eyes.

Glittering gold.

First prize.

It turned out to be a spirit stone of heaven.

Jiang Che was taken aback for a moment, and only after seeing the words dissipated in his eyes did he come back to his senses.

Heavenly Dao spirit stone can upgrade magic weapon by one level.

But it has no effect on fairy artifacts.

It also cannot be upgraded to a fairy weapon.

Seeing the Heavenly Dao Spirit Stone in his hand, Jiang Che immediately put it away.

Let's talk about extracting all.

With another thought, the reward for the second Cosmic Character Ninth Grade was instantly withdrawn.

The light appeared in the eyes.

An item manifests.

A gray stone.

But a terrifying sword energy burst out.

The diffuse sword energy caused ripples in the void.

At the same time, there was a surge of surging sword intent.

Sword Stone: A special thing that contains the meaning of swordsmanship. When Yuanshen enters the sword stone, he can obtain the sword spirit in it. At the same time, he can enter the long river of time and space of swordsmanship, gain a chance of swordsmanship epiphany, and greatly improve his own swordsmanship...

"so smart?!"

Looking at the gray stone in his hand, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Obtaining the sword intent and improving one's swordsmanship is the next thing, but the most incredible thing is to be able to enter the long river of time and space of the swordsmanship and suddenly realize the swordsmanship.

This is abnormal.

Looking at the sword stone in his hand, Jiang Che's eyes instantly glowed with blaze.

But he soon calmed down and calmed down.

Calm down the fluctuations, temporarily put away the sword stone, and start extracting again.

The reward for the third Cosmic Character Ninth Grade is still a Heavenly Dao Lingshi.

Two heavenly spirit stones!

Jiang Che still collects it temporarily.

Continue to withdraw rewards.

The reward for the fourth cosmic word ninth grade is a fifth grade spiritual vein.

Jiang Che received it in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Finally, there are six cosmic characters and eighth grade rewards.

Jiang Che continued to extract without stopping at all.

The aura burst out, and the aura was shining brightly, and a spiritual vein like a dragon appeared in his eyes.

A fourth-grade spiritual vein.

The majestic aura surged, shaking the entire deserted island.

However, there is an array arranged in advance, and no changes can be seen outside the island.

Opening the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Che immediately took this fourth-grade spiritual vein into his pocket.

Extract again.

The light shone, and an object instantly appeared in front of Jiang Che.

A pill.

There are nine holes on the pill.

The dragon-shaped air flow visible to the naked eye shuttles.

"Nine Apertures True Dragon Pill!"

Jiang Che recognized it at a glance.

This elixir is exactly the Nine Apertures True Dragon Pill that he once took.

Take this pill, you can achieve a real dragon body with nine apertures!

"Give it to Yuan Ling."

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che instantly felt certain.

He had already taken one of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill.

If you take it again, it will not have much effect.

It can be given to Yuan Ling to take it to achieve the nine-aperture real dragon body and improve the physical body.

Putting away the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill, Jiang Che started to extract it again.

The reward for the third cosmic character ninth rank.

The spiritual light whistled, and a fourth-grade spiritual vein appeared in front of him.


"Not bad."

Seeing the brilliant spiritual pulse in front of him, Jiang Che took a deep breath.

Fourth grade spirit veins, that's fine too.

Two fourth-grade spiritual veins are enough to greatly speed up the ripening of the pure yang fairy fruit.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che carried out the extraction again.

With a flash of light, a tall and burly figure appeared in front of him.

The body of glass exudes the light of glass.

"This is……"


Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and the next breath, the words appeared in his eyes.

Heavenly Armor Puppet: A puppet created with an innate spirit embryo, inspired by top-quality spirit stones, can awaken the puppet, and burst out the fighting power of the peak of the primordial spirit...

"The combat power at the peak of the primordial spirit..."

Seeing the dissipated characters in his eyes, Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

Even more powerful than the purple armor puppet!

The Tianjia puppet has the fighting power of the peak of the soul, which seems to be only slightly stronger than the purple armor puppet.

But in reality it is very different.

The gap between the late stage of Yuanshen and the peak of Yuanshen is also several times.

A Tianjia puppet is definitely a great help!

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che exhaled a sigh of relief, and immediately put away the heavenly armor puppet.

With a thought, withdraw the reward again.

The light shines.

Aura burst out.

A figure of glazed jade appeared in his eyes.

Tianjia puppet, two consecutive explosions!
Still a sky armor puppet.

Jiang Che: "..."

Is it because the extraction is too fast, the probability of the same item popping up is higher...

Looking at the Tianjia puppet in front of him, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

However, there are two Tianjia puppets at the peak level of Yuanshen, which can be regarded as a big explosion.

"There is one last..."

Jiang Che looked at the Demon Book in his mind.

There is still the last reward for the eighth grade of the universe character.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che thought.

Extract again!


A light flashed in front of his eyes, and an object appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

A book like glass jade.

Jiang Che: "???"

Looking at the glazed tome in front of him, Jiang Che blinked.

magic weapon? !
Seems to be……

Exudes the breath of the best Taoist weapon.

It's just that he hasn't used magic weapons like books.

More like what Confucian and Taoist monks need.


Why is there an evil feeling? !

At this moment, words appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

Misfortune Book: The ultimate tool for enlightenment, which contains the power of innate misfortune, consumes the power of the soul, uses the meaning as a pen, and writes the name. It can curse the enemy and let bad luck come. At the same time, it has the ability to shield the secrets and avoid being perceived by the enemy...

When the words appeared in his eyes, Jiang Che was taken aback for a moment.

The last reward really made him feel incredible.

Book of Doom!

Cursing the enemy can bring bad luck to the enemy.

And it also has the effect of shielding the secrets, which is really incredible.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che's eyes were bright as he looked at the book of doom in his hand.

This superb Taoist artifact, not bad!
The ability to curse enemies just by writing their names is also great.

"If you curse the Thunder Tribulation Supreme...will it be able to block it?"

Jiang Che blinked.

Immediately, he made a formula with both hands, and immediately began to sacrifice this top-grade Taoist weapon.

After completing the initial engraving, Jiang Che completed the first sacrifice in only one hour.

It is different from other top grade Taoist artifacts.

It's quite easy to refine the Book of Doom.

There seems to be a sense of success.

Jiang Che still didn't stop.

The night passed quickly.

In a few hours, Jiang Che completely sacrificed this top-grade Taoist artifact successfully.

It might not be so easy to switch to other top-grade Taoist artifacts, but the more refined the Doom Heavenly Book, the simpler it becomes.

After one night's work, he succeeded in the alchemy.

The East is too white.

The sun shone on the island.

The light is shining.

Jiang Che opened his eyes.

As soon as he thought about it, a book of doom appeared in front of him.

"Would you like to try it?"

After finishing the first sacrifice, Jiang Che felt eager to try.

Being able to curse the enemy without anyone noticing, he has never tried this special ability.

With the ability to shield heavenly secrets, Jiang Che thought, he should be able to give it a try.

Enemy, isn't that ready-made?
South China Sea Sea Clan!

There are only two people who can shake the yin-yang jade pendant, the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea and the demon fairy Ji Huan.

However, he doesn't seem to know what the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea is called.

"Then take the demon fairy Ji Huan!"

Thoughts turned a thousand times, Jiang Che instantly chose a target.

Those who know the name, the Thunder Tribulation Supreme Demon Immortal Ji Huan.

Regardless of whether this Supreme is deducing himself or not, he is not his friend anyway.

If it's not a friend, it's an enemy.

With so many giants of the Dead Sea Clan, they will definitely not be friends.

With a thought, Jiang Che stretched out his hand, and his fingertips glowed with light. He opened the book of doom, and an invisible evil force surged out.

The power of bad luck!

The Book of Misfortune contains innate power of misfortune.

This evil force made Jiang Che's primordial spirit tremble, but after refining the Doom Book, he felt that this force of doom was very comfortable.

Use your fingers as your pen and your mind as your ink.

Jiang Che instantly wrote two words on the Book of Misfortune.

Ji Huan!

With the last stroke, the Book of Misfortune erupted with terrifying power of misfortune, projected into the void, and disappeared without a trace.

But at this moment, in the Book of Misfortune, a phantom of a man in a black robe faintly appeared, which was very vague.

Jiang Che blinked his eyes as he looked at the appearance of the phantom that appeared on the Book of Misfortune.

If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the demon fairy Ji Huan.

Suddenly, the names on the Book of Misfortune gradually dissipated, and the phantom trembled. Jiang Che seemed to see a black power wrapping around his body.

Immediately, everything disappeared, and the book of doom returned to normal.


Jiang Che blinked.

After all, he didn't know the real power of this thing.

At this moment, the South China Sea is deep in the ocean.

In a palace, a black-robed man sat cross-legged on the ground, and an illusory picture appeared in front of his eyes. In the picture, the fog was shrouded, but a figure could be seen faintly.

And beside the man in black robe, there was an old man in gold robe. He stood aside, motionless, afraid of disturbing the man in black robe, he even stopped breathing.

But suddenly, the screen instantly collapsed.

The man in black robe opened his eyes, frowned, and stood up instantly.

"Master Ji Huan, why is this happening?"

On the side, Mo Yuan looked at him with an incredulous expression on his face.

Everything was normal just now, why did it suddenly change?

Ji Huan stood still, and suddenly breathed out a black breath, and the void sneered instantly.

Looking at the black air flow corroded by the air, Mo Yuan was taken aback.

"Someone is doing it, cursing me!"

Ji Huan spoke suddenly.


Hearing Ji Huan speak, Mo Yuan's heart trembled instantly.


Who dares to curse Master Ji Huan? !

Before Mo Yuan came back to his senses, Ji Huan's face changed again, and he let out another breath of black air.

"Damn, who is it!"

Ji Huan was furious instantly, and a terrifying aura enveloped the entire palace.

Mo Yuan on the side was at a loss.

Under the majestic momentum, he even felt a little difficult to breathe.

But before he could react, Ji Huan let out another breath of black air. This time, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Mo Yuan's pupils shrank instantly.

Master Ji Huan is injured!
Could it be that the caster is also the Supreme Thunder Tribulation? !

Could it be the master of that human monk? !

A thought came to mind.

But in an instant, Mo Yuan felt that it was impossible.

If it was the master of the human monk, he should have come in person, and it is impossible to cast spells and curses.

Once, he was fortunate enough to witness an epic battle in the East China Sea.

It's not the master of the human monk, so who is it?

Mo Yuan didn't know, so he couldn't figure out who dared to cast spells and curse Lord Ji Huan.

This is simply incredible.

Ji Huan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was extremely gloomy.

Inside the body, a ray of light rushed up.

Instantly enveloped the whole body.

Ji Huan calculated with one hand, but he couldn't figure out who was cursing for a long time.

There are celestial shields.

Unable to deduce.

And it's not just one layer of secrets, but multiple layers of secrets.

Ji Huan frowned, suddenly, when he raised his hand, light surged, and an illusory image appeared in front of him.

But in the image, there is a cloud of fog, and nothing can be seen.

"Is that Jiang Che cursing me?!"

Ji Huan muttered to himself, with uncertainty on his face.

Mo Yuan, who was on the side, stared instantly when he heard this.

Is that human monk cursing Master Ji Huan?

So rampant? !
Mo Yuan's heart beat wildly, he came back to his senses instantly, looked at Ji Huan and said, "Master Ji Huan, this is unlikely, right?"

"Not sure." Ji Huan shook his head.

"Then do you want to go to Dragon Palace and use Wu Yuanjing to deduce it?"

Mo Yuan said.

Ji Huan was silent, and Mo Yuan didn't dare to speak more when he saw this.


Suddenly, Ji Huan waved his sleeves, and the light swept across Mo Yuan, disappearing into the palace in an instant.


On the deserted island, Jiang Che blinked his eyes as he looked at the name that disappeared from the Doom Book again.

He tested it three times, but he didn't know exactly how the curse worked.

Yuanshen consumed a little bit, but it was not a big problem.


"It seems a little safer."

Suddenly, Jiang Che felt the feeling deep in his heart dissipate.

There was a yin and yang jade pendant to shield her from the sky before, but since the shock once, there has always been a feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

But now, the feeling of uneasiness is gone.

"It seems that there is also the credit of the Book of Doom..."

When Jiang Che came back to his senses, the Book of Misfortune also had the ability to block heavenly secrets.

This special magic weapon eliminated the crisis?

Jiang Che looked at the sky and tested it three times, but he didn't witness the effect with his own eyes. He didn't know the power of this curse.

"Leave here first."

To calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che's figure moved, and he was activated in the distance, and disappeared on the deserted island in an instant.

The feeling of uneasiness dissipated, but there was no guarantee that he was in absolute safety.

Let's go far away first.

While escaping, Jiang Che activates the shielding ability of the Book of Misfortune, no matter whether it can be superimposed or not, let alone release it, double insurance.

Although it is not a semi-immortal weapon, the ability to shield heaven may not be as good as the yin-yang jade pendant, but adding more is always good. As for the power of the primordial spirit consumed, it is just a drizzle.

A restorative Primordial Spirit Elixir, which can be easily restored.

And just about an hour after Jiang Che left the deserted island, two figures appeared out of nowhere on the sea around the deserted island.

It was Ji Huan and Mo Yuan.


Standing in the void, Ji Huan's face was gloomy.

Mo Yuan was on the side, and his face was also very ugly.

Even Mr. Ji Huan couldn't track this person, could it be that the dead giant of the Sea Clan just forgot? !

This is the elite force of the South China Sea.

More than 20 people were damaged at once, and it was a big trauma to the entire South China Sea Sea Clan.

Moreover, a giant of the Dragon Clan fell among them.

If the Dragon Emperor returns, the consequences will be serious.

"Master Ji Huan, what should we do?" Mo Yuan looked at Ji Huan who was beside him.

Ji Huan's face was sullen and gloomy.

After a while, he waved his sleeves again, and Mo Yuan disappeared above the sea.



In the South China Sea, the surface of the sea was empty, and a divine light descended from the sky, sweeping across the sea water, causing the sea water to set off a tsunami.


In the sea water, a sea monster was imprisoned by the divine light and flew into the void.

But at this moment, a young Taoist in a cyan Taoist robe appeared out of thin air. Looking at the captive sea monster, the Taoist robe shook, and the universe in his sleeve activated, sweeping across in an instant.

Taking one step forward, Jiang Che came to a small island.

The Taoist robe shook, and the captured sea monster appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground.

This is a sea monster king in the late stage of Jindan.

His body was tightly imprisoned by the chains like rays of light, unable to move an inch.

Looking at the sea clan monster king in the late Jindan stage, Jiang Che raised his hand and revealed the book of doom.

Immediately, his pupils burst into light, and he forcefully searched for the soul of the sea monster king, and instantly learned his name.

After writing three words in the book of doom, the book showed the appearance of the demon king of the sea clan.


With one stroke, a majestic power of misfortune surged out of the book of doom, and the next second, the sea monster king in front of him spit out a mouthful of blood, the light in his eyes dimmed, and the breath of life was cut off in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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