I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 207 Sword God Palace Sword Tomb

The stronger the Dutian Divine Fire, the shorter the time to refine the Demon God's Qi, and the safety is higher.

Looking at the burning Dutian Shenhuo, Jiang Che quickly took it into his body with a thought.

If he can obtain several more innate divine fires, or more heaven and earth spiritual fires, then he can go to the restricted area of ​​Moyuan.

If you don't have enough confidence, if you try it once, you may be trapped in the restricted area of ​​Moyuan forever.

Even if it takes more time, Jiang Che is not in a hurry.

After putting away the Dutian Divine Fire, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

The pure Yang immortal energy permeating it makes it easier to cultivate.

Today, his mana has only reached about six or seven tenths.

It will take a long time to fully compress it into mana.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the fifty-foot-tall golden primordial spirit exudes brilliant brilliance.

Jiang Che took out a Chunyang Fairy Fruit and immediately started to absorb it.

There are still some of the pure yang fairy fruit cultivated in the fourth round, and the pure yang fairy fruit will increase his physical body and primordial spirit at the same time.

Although the stronger the physical body, the more difficult it is to break through.

However, once it breaks through, its strength will also be earth-shaking.

His life span is sufficient, and he is not in a hurry.


Three days passed in a flash.

He practiced at night, and during the day, Zhong Ling accompanied him to visit some places in Tianshi Mansion.

Except for a few restricted areas, he is basically familiar with other places.

Beautiful mountains and clear waters, outstanding people.

Pure Yang immortal energy pervades the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and the cultivation in the Holy Land is smoother and smoother.

Those who can be recruited are more or less talented.

Jiang Che also met several top talents in the Tianshi Mansion.

The existence of the peak of the primordial spirit.

Basically, they are all on the Tianjiao list.

There are [-] Tianjiao rankings in the Tianjiao list.

Among them, there are four or five in the Tianshi Mansion alone.

But basically they are ranked around twenty.

None of the top ten Tianjiao.

It's not that the Tianjiao of Tianshi Mansion is too weak, but that the Tianjiao of other holy places are too perverted.

Except for the number one Xuanyuan Wudi, the rest of the top ten are all taken over by several super holy places.

The overall strength is very strong.


Five days passed, and Jiang Che also left Tianshi Mansion.

After stepping out of the Tianshi Mansion, Jiang Che continued to follow his own route towards Jianzhou.

There is still about half a month to go, and he is not in a hurry.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che walked on the clouds.

Along the way, Jiang Che was still thinking about the congenital fire.

To get Xiantian Shenhuo, the degree of difficulty is too great.

The known innate divine fires are all in the major holy places.

It was just an accidental situation that merged with Nanming Lihuo.

First, Nanming Lihuo's Demon God Qi was really hard to get rid of.

Second, it was also because Chi Yuan wanted to make friends with him.

But other congenital divine fires are not so easy to get.

"There are also too many..."

"When the matter in Jianzhou is over, you can go to Taishang Dao for a walk."

Looking at the blue sky in the distance, an idea popped up in Jiang Che's mind.

Of course, he wasn't sure.

However, he also planned to go to Taishang Dao to take a look.


starry night.

The stars are shining.

A vast expanse of galaxies hangs from the sky.

The light of the bright moon sprinkled the earth.

On a stretch of green hills, Jiang Che's figure appeared on a hilltop.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Jiang Che put one arm behind his back.

In another day, he will be able to reach Jianzhou.

This is the place with the most sword cultivators in Central Continent.

It is also the holy land of the strongest swordsmanship in the world.

"I don't know if there is any hope of breaking through the realm of the Excalibur..."

Jiang Che sighed inwardly, looking at the stars.

He was about to arrive at the Sword God Palace, and he was still a little nervous.

But at the same time, it was full of hope.

Sword God Palace!
The Holy Land created by Sword Ancestor.

This is where he is most likely to break through the Excalibur Realm.

Break through the realm of Heavenly Sword and advance to the Realm of Excalibur.

It is only a small difference, but the impact on the swordsmanship is enough to turn the world upside down.

Gazing at the stars.

After a while, Jiang Che came back to his senses, calmed down the fluctuations in his heart, and then sat cross-legged.

Rest here today.

He was too lazy to enter the city.

It was novel at first, but after seeing it a lot, I got used to it.

The stars are extraordinarily bright tonight.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged, with star streamers appearing in his body.

The starlight in the sky flows like a galaxy, and the star streamers in the body greedily absorb the power of the heaven, earth and stars.

Zhoutian star technique!
Now, he has already cultivated to the peak.

Infinite star power entered his body, enhancing his physical body and soul.

The gods and demons are running, and all the energy is integrated into every inch of his flesh and blood.

After breaking through the Immortal, the improvement of the physical body will slow down.

The change of immortals.

Differs greatly.

After stepping into Central Continent, he has not opened up new tricks so far.

Most of the time is spent on the road, and a small amount of time is spent practicing.

Still only fifteen orifices have been opened, and the sixteen orifices have not been opened yet.

With 360 acupoints opened, his strength is enough to easily crush the existence of the mid-term human immortal.

Starlight entered his body, and a layer of silver light glowed around Jiang Che's body.


Nothing happened overnight, and it passed quickly.

As dawn broke, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

Looking at the rising sun in the sky, Jiang Che got up immediately.

"set off!"

Stepping into the sky with one step, Jiang Che rushed into the clouds of the sky in an instant.

Step on the white clouds and go to Jianzhou.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the air is filled with cold air.

At a height of several thousand feet, the temperature here is very low.

But it didn't have any influence on Jiang Che.

"call out--!"

While walking forward, a large rainbow came through the sky, and Jiang Che felt it instantly.

Stopping in his tracks, Jiang Che stood above the white clouds, looking at the large rainbow that struck from a distance.

A fragrance filled the air.

In Changhong, several graceful figures appeared in his eyes.

The strength varies, there are middle-stage Yuanshen, early-stage Yuanshen, and a few at the peak of Jindan.

A group of nuns!
But when Jiang Che saw clearly the special markings on their chests, Jiang Che instantly recognized their identities.

He is a disciple of Yin Yang Holy Land.

The Yin-Yang Holy Land is also a powerful Holy Land.

Moreover, it is also a holy place for several kinds of divine fires.

However, he had no contact with the Yin-Yang Holy Land.

A few female cultivators from the Yin-Yang Holy Land came from a distance, and soon passed Jiang Che.

Several female cultivators glanced at him, but they didn't stop.

Watching the few female cultivators go away, Jiang Che immediately continued to ride the clouds and fog, heading towards Jianzhou.


A day later, Jiang Che stepped into Jianzhou.


Nine out of ten people are sword cultivators.

Among them, the main influence is because of the Sword God Palace.

Sword God Palace accepts disciples, not only to have aptitude, but also to see whether they are suitable for the practice of swordsmanship.

The way of the sword in the Sword God Palace, they say it is the first, no one dares to call it the second.

Only those with certain kendo qualifications can enter the Sword God Palace.

Of course, Sword God Palace also has this background of strength.

As for Jianzhou, the most indispensable thing is sword repair.

Walking on the street, grab a lot.

Nine and a half out of ten are sword cultivators.

The sword cultivators of the Sword God Palace are also well-deservedly powerful and terrifying.

The combat power is much stronger than the disciples of other holy places.

On the Tianjiao list, the Sword God Palace monopolizes more than a dozen places.

Among the top ten, there are three Sword God Palace disciples.

The strength is extremely strong, and the background is also very strong.

As for the sword cultivators in Jianzhou, all of them want to worship and practice under the sword god palace.

The influence of the Sword God Palace on the entire Jianzhou is also well-deserved.

Stepping into the land of Jianzhou, Jiang Che entered the first city.

On the street, many sword cultivators can be seen.

With his state of the sword, one can fully understand the state of the sword of these people.

Most of them are small masters of swordsmanship, and there are quite a few great masters of swordsmanship.

The realm of the human sword and the realm of the earth sword are much less.

This city is called South Sword City.

Rumor has it that it was given the name by a sword fairy.

And this Sword Immortal is also a top-level Supreme in the Sword God Palace for countless years.

And in the center of South Sword City, there is still a giant sword that is hundreds of meters tall.

Carve out this giant sword in a sculptural way.

And this huge sword looks like the sword used by the sword fairy countless years ago.

In South Sword City, there are many shops selling divine swords and magic weapons.

All kinds of divine swords are dazzling and innumerable.

Jiang Che also read it again.

These divine swords are very strong.

Not only does it look beautiful, but the actual combat effect is also good.

But to Jiang Che, this is useless.

His kendo realm has reached the point where everything is a sword.

It can even deify the sword.

Unless it is a semi-immortal or immortal-level supreme treasure fairy sword, it can greatly improve him.

Ordinary magic weapon, the improvement is not great.

Even the best Taoist artifacts don't have much increase.

Its own strength is too strong.

Only the top magic weapon can increase.

And Jiang Che generally rarely used magic weapons.

His magical powers are the strongest means of attack.


After wandering around South Sword City for a while, Jiang Che stayed temporarily.

Arrive in Jianzhou.

He still needs to know more about the situation of Sword God Palace.

Breaking into the Sword Tomb is not something everyone can do.

Sword God Palace still has rules.

However, this rule has little effect on him.

To break through the Sword Tomb of the Sword God Palace, one needs at least the level of swordsmanship at the Human Sword Realm.

If he has not reached this level of swordsmanship, the Sword God Palace will not let him intrude.

The way of the sword in the sword mound is very terrifying, and the diffuse sword intent is very powerful.

It is also difficult to bear without a certain level of swordsmanship.

This is also for safety reasons.

Realm of Human Sword, this is the minimum requirement.

If you meet this requirement, you can break through.

But if he died in the Sword Tomb, the Sword God Palace will not be responsible.

It is stated in advance that it is up to you to step into the sword mound.

Knowing that it won't work, but continuing to break through, the Sword God Palace will not take any responsibility.

In this regard, Jiang Che feels that Sword God Palace has done very conscientiously.

Just to remind you, if you continue to break through, then it is obviously giving away the head.

The most frightening thing about the Sword Tomb is that at the deepest part of the Sword Tomb, there is a fragment of a fairy sword.

And this fragment of the fairy sword is left by the sword god.

Even if it's just a fragment of the fairy sword, what it formed is also very terrifying.

The sword intent is monstrous.

Even those with a certain level of swordsmanship may not be able to bear it.

And being able to bear it will also greatly improve one's swordsmanship.

This is what Jiang Che likes.

The fragments of the fairy sword used by the sword god still retain the artistic conception of the sword god.

If he can absorb the artistic conception, then he has hope to step into the realm of the divine sword.

Step into the pinnacle of kendo that all sword cultivators dream of.

Of course, it is not so easy to achieve.

Jiang Che didn't have much confidence either.

We can only hope that the sword god artistic conception of this fairy sword fragment is strong enough, so that there is more hope for him to break through the realm of the divine sword.

In addition to the fragments of the Sword God's fairy sword, there are also many sword art concepts left by the Sword God Palace Sword Immortal.

This is also helpful for improving kendo.

But if it helps his kendo, it might be useless.

After all, his kendo has reached the peak of Heavenly Sword.

This is the same as the realm of the Sword Immortal's Dao of the Sword.

But it can also be used for reference.

All rivers are inclusive and integrated into one.

Maybe there is hope to step into the realm of the sword.


After a day of rest in South Sword City, Jiang Che continued to set off.

Go to the location of Sword God Palace.

Two days later, Jiang Che arrived at the mountain gate of the Sword God Palace.

Looking up, the entire Sword God Palace was filled with a terrifying aura.

Sword God Palace.

Kendo Holy Land.

The mountain gate is magnificent.

Also full of atmosphere.

Compared with Tianshi Mansion, it is more magnificent.

Even with the large guardian formation, Jiang Che could still feel the sky-reaching sword intent emanating from the void of the Sword God Palace.

Kendo Holy Land.

Well-deserved reputation!

"Seal your own qi and blood first, otherwise, there will be a lot of noise." Jiang Che thought, and a layer of black and white light flashed under his robe.

The yin and yang jade pendant instantly blocked his immortal qi and blood, keeping it around the peak martial sage qi and blood.

There are many masters in Sword God Palace, he doesn't want to draw too much attention.

Just go to the Sword Tomb and see if you can break through the Excalibur Realm.

Looking at the Sword God Palace in front of him, Jiang Che shifted his gaze to a road on the right.

The bluestone road twists and turns and leads straight to the depths.

This road is the road leading to the Sword Tomb.

Not only other sword cultivators, but also the disciples of the Sword God Palace would also go to the Sword Tomb to practice from time to time, using the Heaven-reaching Sword Intent scattered throughout the Sword Tomb to hone their sword skills.

It is a very good place for sword cultivation.

Sword God Palace can be opened to the outside world, which also proves its grandeur.

If it were any other holy place, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so liberal.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and walked towards the road to the Sword Tomb.

"This brother, what's your name?"

Just as he stepped onto the road to the Sword Tomb, a voice came from behind him.

Jiang Che turned his head and saw a young man in a black robe.

The cultivation base of the peak of Yuanshen, the vitality and blood are also very huge, the peak martial saint.

An invisible sword intent permeated the whole body.


"It's also in the realm of the Heavenly Sword... Could it be that he is one of the top talents in the Sword God Palace?"

Jiang Che looked at the young man in black robes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the logo on the chest, he is a disciple of Sword God Palace.

Those who can achieve this level of cultivation are absolutely rare even in the Sword God Palace.

The primordial spirit is powerful, about 25 feet long

Soon, he came back to his senses, looked at the black-robed young man, and said, "Jiang Che is here."

"Jiang Che..."

The young man in black robes looked at him, a light flashed in his black and white pupils.

"There is also Jiang Che on the Tianjiao list, could it be Your Excellency?"

The young man in black robe looked at him and asked.

"Probably." Jiang Che nodded.

"No wonder, I can't sense your master's sword state. It seems that your master's sword state is stronger than mine."

The young man in black robe looked at him and said.

Jiang Che: "It's nothing, I was able to ascend to the Heavenly Sword Realm only by chance."

"The realm of the Heavenly Sword is already the dream realm of many sword cultivators. Brother Tai is so young, but he can achieve such a realm. I am afraid that no one in my Sword God Palace can compare."

"...What's your name?" Jiang Che asked.

"My name is Zhou Yuan, a true disciple of the Sword God Palace." The black-robed youth said.

Jiang Che nodded.

With this name, he was ranked seventh on the Tianjiao list.

Although he lost to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, however, he has the power to resist.


Zhou Yuan looked at him and said, "Is this your first visit to Sword God Palace?"

"Yeah." Jiang Che nodded, and said, "The holy place for sword cultivators in the world, I have come here admiringly."

"Haha, today I happened to meet someone with such a strong swordsmanship like you, I would like to ask for advice."

Zhou Yuan smiled.

At this moment, other Sword God Palace disciples not far away were surprised to see this scene.

It's unbelievable that Senior Brother Zhou is so warm to an outsider.

"I dare not take it." Jiang Che smiled.

Zhou Yuan looked at him and said, "Since we're here, then Zhou will lead the way, and you and I will go to the Sword Tomb together, how about that?"

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

Zhou Yuan followed the path of the Sword Tomb, and Jiang Che followed behind.


A while later, following the road to the Sword Tomb, Jiang Che also came to the entrance of the Sword Tomb of the Sword God Palace.

The entire sword mound was completely sealed by the formation.

The scope of the sword mound is hundreds of miles in length and breadth.

If the Sword Tomb is not sealed, several years of monstrous sword energy will come out, which will also harm the disciples of the Sword God Palace.

The sword energy in the Sword Tomb is very violent, it doesn't care if you are a disciple of the Sword God Palace or not.

Moreover, the sword qi also contains the killing intent, which is very dangerous.

That's why a big formation was used to block it.

At the entrance of the Sword Tomb, there are disciples from the Sword God Palace who are responsible for inspection.

In fact, it is a simple screening.

After all, Jianzhong has not existed for a day or two.

After such a long time, the rules have already been handed down, and there is no certain level of swordsmanship, and there is no need to use it in the sword mound.

Those who are weak in the way of swordsmanship are not tempered, but looking for death.

"Senior Brother Zhou!"

At the entrance of the Sword Tomb, the disciple in charge of inspection saw Zhou Yuan and immediately bowed to salute.


Zhou Yuan nodded, then looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, and said, "Brother Jiang, the sword energy in the sword mound is very violent, we still need to be prepared."


Jiang Che nodded.

The disciples on the side looked at Jiang Che in surprise, and then at Zhou Yuan.

"Could it be Brother Zhou's friend?"

A thought emerged, and this disciple felt that it was very possible.

Immediately, Zhou Yuan stepped into it.

Jiang Che also entered the Sword Tomb.

The disciples on the side also came back to their senses.


Stepping into the sword mound, a mouthful of murderous divine sword pierced through the gray void.

Jiang Che looked at the murderous divine sword. In fact, it was a divine sword formed of sword intent and sword energy.

It just contains the killing intent.


An imperceptible ray of light burst out from Jiang Che's black and white pupils, and immediately, the divine sword collapsed and dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan's eyelids twitched slightly.

The realm of swordsmanship is so powerful, he can't do it so easily.

Without using any cultivation base, it is completely controlled by the powerful realm of swordsmanship.

Thoughts are blocked, collapsed and dissipated.

The realm of swordsmanship is superb!

Zhou Yuan gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Che didn't have any expression fluctuations, and scanned the sword mound.

Here, the void is full of majestic sword energy and sword intent.

On the ground, there are also mouthfuls of divine swords.

Perhaps because of the sullenness of sword energy and sword intent, the aura of these divine swords pierced into the ground is full of sharpness.

At a glance, large pieces of Excalibur were inserted into the ground.

Like the hell of swords.

Densely dense, also makes the scalp numb.

It feels like I can leave the ground at any time, as if I was killed.

70.00% of the area is full of various swords.

Swords are not particularly powerful magic weapons, or even just ordinary swords.

The sword intent and sword energy contained in it are terrifying.

This is also the danger of Jianzhong.

The sword intent here is violent killing.

Although it may suddenly appear from the void at any time, it will come to you all at once.

It is easy to pierce the heart with a sword.

The sword fairy and even the sword god's fairy artifact fragments are all in the depths of the sword mound.

Take root in Jianzhong.

Most of the shocking sword energy and sword intent here have a lot to do with it.

However, the special point in the sword mound is that the stronger your swordsmanship is, any sudden attack can be sensed, directly controlled and destroyed by the realm of swordsmanship.

The stronger the state of the sword, the more stable it is.

"Brother Jiang, in the sword mound, the most possible way to temper is to seal one's own cultivation and fight against it completely with the way of the sword."

Zhou Yuan's voice sounded, and as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body flashed with light.

The breath around him dissipated instantly.

Just like an ordinary person.

"See you in the depths!"

Zhou Yuan's voice sounded, and immediately, his footsteps rushed to the depths of the sword mound.

As soon as he moved, several sword intents and divine swords condensed with sword energy appeared in the void and rushed towards Zhou Yuan.

However, with the powerful swordsmanship, all of them were resolved one by one.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Also sealed his own cultivation base.But with his physical body, even if he stood still, the Void Excalibur condensed with ordinary sword intent and sword energy would hardly cause him any harm.

Dao Shendi is not a vegetarian.

What's more, he has cultivated into a human immortal, and the body of a single human immortal is enough to contend.

It just sealed the fluctuation of Qi and blood.

The physical body has not changed.


Jiang Che stepped out like a ghost, leaving behind a string of phantoms.

In an instant, several swords in the void turned into divine swords and came to kill.

Before getting close, the divine sword of the void collapsed directly.

Absorb the kendo contained in strands of sword intent.

But it hardly improved him.

At the peak of the Heavenly Sword Realm, relying solely on the sword intent of these sword qi and divine swords, it cannot be greatly improved.

However, some of the kendo contained in it still has some uses for him.

This scene also made other sword cultivators in the sword mound not far away watch, their eyelids twitching wildly.

In the sword mound, the faster you move, the more terrifying the sword energy you will receive.

With Jiang Che moving so fast, other than Zhou Yuan, no one else would dare to play like this.

It's like risking your life.

The figure moved rapidly.

The basic movement power of the pure physical explosion is amazing enough.

One word, fast!

Hundreds of Void Swords turned into divine swords swept forward, and all of them collapsed before they got close.

The speed is faster than Zhou Yuan.

Almost ignored.

The attacks outside the sword mound had no effect on him.

Jiang Che went straight to the depths of the Sword Tomb.

See if the sword intent contained in the celestial artifact fragments can improve yourself.

"It's so outrageous..."

Seeing Jiang Che's ghostly figure directly surpassing him, Zhou Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

Simply relying on the movement of the physical body, without any cultivation.

The overwhelming sword qi and divine sword seemed to have no effect on Jiang Che at all.


Quickly regaining consciousness, Zhou Yuan also had a warlike heart in his heart.

It also broke out at the limit speed of the physical body, and chased after Jiang Che. (end of this chapter)

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