Chapter 213
The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Che checked out and left.


Five days later.

Outside a tall and majestic city, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

The wall is hundreds of feet high, and the whole body of the city wall is black, with a special luster.

It's like a city wall made of metal.

And here is the Great Xia Imperial City, Chaoge!
Chaoge City is also the number one city in China.

The four walls cover the entire Chaoge.

The high wall stands majestic.

On the city wall, there are still soldiers in black armor stationed one by one.

The city gate is more than ten feet high and four or five feet wide.

The flow of people entering and leaving the city gate is like a sea.

But although there are many people, it is orderly.

There was no confusion.

"This is the Imperial City of Great Xia... It really is magnificent!"

Looking at Chaoge City in front of him, Jiang Che sighed inwardly.

Before entering the city, Jiang Che felt a strong oppression in the primordial spirit.

His primordial spirit was directly suppressed by the fate of the country.

In the face of the fate of the country, it is difficult for his soul to resist.

The vast national fortune is also number one in the world.

The yin and yang eyes are opened.

The sky over Chaoge City was covered by a red light.

The raging red dust fire is almost impossible to look at directly.

The fire of the world of mortals is too strong, so strong that he can hardly bear it.

In the depths of the vast world of mortal fire, Jiang Che could vaguely see a hazy and illusory figure.

Daxia's luck is really good.

Majestic and huge, hidden in the depths of the fire of the world of mortals, you can't even see your real body, only a hazy phantom.

And just when Jiang Che was trying to find the real body of the True Spirit of Luck, suddenly, a gaze came from the depths of the world of mortal fire.


Jiang Che let out a muffled snort, and immediately closed his Yin-Yang Tianyan, his face turned slightly pale.

Under Yin Yang Tianyan, Jiang Che vaguely saw a pair of terrifying eyes.

The eyes of the true spirit!

Just a look of his eyes caused a strong turmoil in his primordial spirit.

If it weren't for the fast closing, I'm afraid that the eyes of the real spirit could hurt his soul.

"To what extent is the strength of this true spirit of luck..."

Jiang Che's face was pale and he recovered a little, but he was still full of lingering fears about that gaze just now.

This look is too scary.

Looking at each other, the primordial spirit shook.

If they looked at each other a few times, I'm afraid he would vomit blood and be seriously injured.

The price to be paid for spying on the true spirit of luck of the Great Xia Dynasty was also very high.


Exhaling a breath, Jiang Che calmed down the waves in his heart and stabilized his mind.

Looking at the vast clear sky, Jiang Che did not open his Yin-Yang Sky Eye.

The strength of the true spirit of luck is too strong, even his strength can't bear it.

From this alone.It is enough to know the horror of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Killing the Immortal Thunder Tribulation is nothing more than flipping hands.

Calming his mind, Jiang Che looked at Chaoge City, and stepped into Chaoge City with strides.

Entering Chaoge City, Jiang Che's primordial spirit felt the powerful oppression even more.

Although the primordial spirit is suppressing him outside, he can still use mana and true energy, but after entering the city, it is difficult for him to even stimulate the mana and true energy in his body, at most one-tenth of it.

The divine channel method lost its original power in Chaoge City.

The physical body remains unchanged and unaffected.

National luck suppresses the immortal way, but against the martial way, this situation does not exist.

The primordial spirit is extremely heavy, and the true energy of mana seems to be as heavy as pressing on the ancient mountain.

With all his strength, Jiang Che could only activate one-tenth of it.

But this effect is nothing, it is not as powerful as his casual punch.

After getting used to it for a while, Jiang Che went deep into Chaoge City.

The deeper you go into Chaoge, the stronger the oppression.

However, he had prepared in advance, and Jiang Che had gradually gotten used to it.

Chaoge is very prosperous.

Also very big.

In addition to the four districts of east, west, north, south, there is also a Midtown.

The location in Midtown is the most prosperous area in Chaoge.

But consumption is also high.

The consumption standard starts from the next grade of Lingshi.

The Great Xia Dynasty developed a special coin.

It's called Tianbi!

Also known as Tianqian!

For this special coin, one day's money is equivalent to a low-grade spirit stone.

Heavenly money can not only be used, it can also be cultivated.

The energy contained is the same as that of a low-grade spirit stone.

And this kind of heavenly money is not a coin that was developed when the Great Xia was established.

It was developed and circulated 1 years ago.

Tianqian is also deeply loved.

It can't be imitated either, each sky coin has a unique logo.

The purchasing power of Tianqian is the same as that of Lingshi.

The smallest denomination is one day's worth, while the largest is one thousand days' worth.

The face value is different, and the energy contained in Tianqian is also different.

One thousand heavenly coins is equivalent to one thousand low-grade spirit stones, one hundred middle-grade spirit stones, ten top-grade spirit stones, and one top-grade spirit stone.

This kind of money is also deeply loved by the people of Daxia.

The major immortal sect forces will also choose to accept heavenly money.

It can be used and cultivated, so it is very fluid.

This is also the main currency of Bactria.

However, it is also circulated in Central Continent, and other continents also need top-level cities to have it.

After all, ordinary people in other continents have never seen Tianqian.

Jiang Che also exchanged low-grade spirit stones for one hundred pieces of heavenly coins with a face value of one thousand.

A total of [-] days of money!
The energy contained in it is no less than that of a top-grade spirit stone.

Tianqian looks like banknotes, but in fact, it is not.

It was a special material that he couldn't even recognize, and there was more than one kind.

"If this kind of money is circulated in a large area, I am afraid it will be unstoppable!"

Looking at the sky money in his hand, Jiang Che sighed.

Of course, not everything is bought with sky money.

Gold and silver also have purchasing power, and heavenly money is generally used to trade some big treasures.

Daxia's banks are all state-owned.

There is no private bank.

If there is a private bank, Daxia will immediately send troops to destroy it.

Therefore, even the Holy Land of Xianmen will not establish a private bank.

There are two ways to carry Tianqian.

One, directly carry Tianqian!
The second is to apply for a day card at the bank.

After applying for a day card, a day card can store a large amount of money.

And this model is just like the bank card in the previous life.

You can withdraw money at any bank by swiping your card.

In the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty, there were countless money houses.

From above, Jiang Che also seemed to see the ambitions of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The goal of printing this kind of heavenly money may not be limited to just one Central Continent.

But the whole great world.

It's just that a transcontinental war consumes a lot.

But if the Great Xia Dynasty has accumulated enough background, this day may come.

After wandering around Chaoge Zhongcheng, Jiang Che chose an inn to stay.

The cost is not low either.

The accommodation fee for one night in the inn is [-] days!
Of course, the service is also very complete.

There can be a dedicated service, and some additional special services can also be provided.

Of course, special services require additional money.

The meals provided by the inn are not ordinary meals, they are all made of various heaven and earth spiritual materials and monster meat.

These services are free.

Five hundred days seems to be expensive, but after comprehensive services, it is about the same.

And this pricing is also supervised by the dynasty.

It's not as much as you want.

This is also to prevent profiteers from raising prices.

In this regard, management is also very strict.

Of course, this is the top price, and there are cheaper ones.

Different prices, different services.

Jiang Che naturally wouldn't care about this.

On the way, he sold a lot of magic weapons, and his current wealth is also a massive number.

The inn where Jiang Che stayed has a total of one hundred floors.

Very high!

Living in an inn room on the 99th floor, Jiang Che can have an unobstructed view of the nearby Midtown.

At the same time, you can also see the majestic palace in the distance.

Yuanshen was suppressed by the fate of the country, but with his own induction, Jiang Che could sense the majestic pure Yang immortal energy in the Great Xia Palace.

All are pure Yang immortal energy, permeating the entire palace.

Absorbing these pure yang immortal energies can greatly improve one's abilities.

Although it is impossible to practice immortality in the palace, there is no problem in improving martial arts.

The fate of the imperial palace is shrouded, and there is no formation.

There is no need for arrays.

The protection of the Great Xia's national fortune is more useful than any formation.

In addition to the protection of the national fortune, there are naturally many guards who are responsible for patrolling the palace.

It is basically impossible to sneak in secretly.

If you can even break through the Great Xia National Games, it is enough to prove that your strength has the ability to kill the Great Xia Emperor.


"It's incredible to be able to achieve this!"

Looking at the Great Xia Palace, Jiang Che sighed.

Entering Chaoge is an eye-opener.

Especially Tianqian.

Jiang Che didn't pay much attention to it before, he just heard about it.

After developing a special coin like Tianqian, Jiang Che doubted whether the developer was a time traveler.

Sky money, sky card!
It's so similar.

Of course, it is not impossible.

This vast world is not comparable to previous lives.

Transmigration is not impossible.

Reincarnation and rebirth, this point, Lei Jie Supreme has the ability to do it.

Standing in front of the panoramic window and looking at the palace, Jiang Che could feel many majestic auras.

It is not difficult to sense the artistic conception of immortals.

"Dong Dong!!"

While Jiang Che was admiring the scenery, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Che turned around, stepped out, the door opened, and at the door, a graceful figure appeared in his eyes.

The facial features are exquisite, and he is wearing a tight black suit.

It's the service staff of the inn.

Looking at Jiang Che, the service woman showed a faint smile, and respectfully handed over a golden card: "My lord, I'm sorry to bother you, this is the VIP card of Tianyuan Commercial Bank, senior customers who stay in this inn can receive a VIP card for free .”

"The VIP card of Tianyuan Commercial Bank..."

Looking at the VIP card handed out by the service staff, Jiang Che picked it up and looked at it.

He had heard of Tianyuan Trading Company.

It is one of the top ten commercial firms in Daxia.

Behind it, there is also the shadow of the dynasty.

Fame is great.

"My lord, Tianyuan Trading Company will hold an auction at Xushi tonight. If you are interested, you can use this card to participate in the auction."

The service staff looked at Jiang Che and said.



Jiang Che looked at the service staff and said.

"My lord, this is the address of the auction. Not far away, it's in Midtown, only one street away from our inn."

The service staff again took out a card with an address written on it.

Jiang Che accepted the card, nodded, then waved his hand, and the service staff left with interest.


"Tianyuan Commercial Bank is holding it, so there should be something good..."

Looking at the VIP card and address in his hand.

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

At the auction, there are many things and categories.

Perhaps, there are innate divine fires or heavenly and earthly spiritual fires.

Of course, maybe not.

"Xushi...then there should be more than an hour, you can go and have a look at that time."

After recovering, Jiang Che accepted the VIP card and card address.

Even if you don't have what you need, it's okay to go and have a look.

When he came to Central Continent, he hadn't participated in any auctions yet.


At Xu time, the sky was not yet dark, and the sky and the earth were hazy.

Jiang Che left the inn.

First went to several nearby banks, and exchanged a total of one billion days' coins. Jiang Che then headed towards the auction address of Tianyuan Trading Company.

After crossing a street, Jiang Che came to the entrance of Tianyuan Trading Company's auction.

Showing off the VIP card, Jiang Che entered the auction under the guidance of professionals.

The venue for the auction is huge.

When Jiang Che arrived, many figures had already appeared in the venue of the auction.

The venue is surrounded by a ring, with the auction platform in the center.

Entering the auction, you can sit directly on the seats in the venue.

Of course, you can also pay a hundred days and choose a separate box.

Jiang Che didn't save on this, and directly chose to spend a hundred days' money to enter the private room.

Jiang Che also asked, the auction will last for two hours in total.

There is still a quarter of an hour, the official opening.

After entering the box and sitting inside, Jiang Che could clearly see everything outside, but he couldn't see the inside from the outside.

Although he seldom participates in auctions, Jiang Che also has experience, which is similar to the auction model that Longteng Dynasty participated in.

Sitting in the box, Jiang Che looked outside, and many people entered the venue one after another.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, with the ringing of the bell, all the light in the venue was extinguished. After a short period of darkness, a ray of light bloomed on the central auction table.

A middle-aged man in a black robe stepped onto the auction stage.

"Welcome everyone to come to participate in this auction of Tianyuan Commercial Bank. I hope that you can auction off your favorite treasures at the auction."

The sound spread throughout the venue, and after the opening remarks, the auctioneer also went directly to the topic.

"The first one is a celestial artifact, the Celestial Spirit Peach. Taking this peach can improve your cultivation, strengthen your physical body, and increase your lifespan by 100 years. The starting price is 100 million days, and the price will increase every time. , not less than [-] days..."

"150 million!"

As soon as the words fell, the first voice sounded.

In one breath, directly increase the price by 50 days!

"200 million!"

Immediately afterwards, a second voice sounded.

"210 million!"

"230 million!"


The prices rose rapidly one by one, and soon, the price of Tianyuan Xiantao reached 500 million days.

However, this price is obviously not the limit.

For a 100-year lifespan, this increase is still quite a lot.

But Jiang Che was not interested.

His life span is thousands of years.

Although Tianling Xiantao can increase the lifespan by 100 years, he doesn't need it.

He will only take action if there are Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire and Heaven and Earth Divine Fire. As for the others, then there is no need.

The magic weapon, several of his semi-immortal artifacts, are all top-notch.

He doesn't need supernatural powers.

The main ones are Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire and Heaven and Earth Divine Fire.

No, then he won't make a move either.


The price rose rapidly, and in the end, Tianling Xiantao was won at a price of 3000 million.

The second auction item is a low-grade Taoist weapon.

Jiang Che watched quietly.

Time also passed by every minute and every second.

Among the dozens of auction items, none of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire and Heaven and Earth Divine Fire that Jiang Che wanted appeared.

Calculating the time, there is only about a quarter of an hour left.

His eyes fell on the auction stage, looking at the auction items, Jiang Che waited patiently.

As time passed for practice, the time for a quarter of an hour gradually approached.

The hope in Jiang Che's heart also dwindled little by little.


Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

On the auction stage, a blue flame appeared in his eyes.

"This is... Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire."

Soon, Jiang Che made a judgment relying on his powerful induction.

Not Heaven and Earth Divine Fire, but ordinary Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire.

But it also caught his attention.

Although Devouring Spiritual Fire didn't increase as much as Devouring Innate Divine Fire, it still improved.

Being able to upgrade Dutian Shenhuo, Jiang Che would definitely not miss it.

"This is Xuanyin Spirit Fire, a kind of Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, which has great attack power against the primordial spirit. The starting price is 500, and every time the price increases, it will not be less than [-]..."

"530 million!"

"570 million!"

"600 million!"


Prices climbed rapidly.

The price of Xuanyin Spirit Fire also reached more than 2000 million.

"3000 million!"

Jiang Che raised the price by several million days in one go, and the auctioneers choked instantly.

"Thirty-one million!"

After a while, a voice sounded.

"4000 million!"

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged, he held the tea in one hand and took a sip gently.

After a few breaths, no new sounds emerged.

The auctioneer also inquired again, and confirmed that no one raised the price, and it was a final decision.

Soon, Jiang Che also got his auction item, Xuanyin Spirit Fire.

There is no hot feeling, but a cold feeling.

Jiang Che moved on a thought, spread his hands, Dutian Shenhuo quickly wrapped the Xuanyin Spiritual Fire, and devoured it in an instant.

The Xuanyin Spirit Fire purchased with 4000 million days' money has only improved a little.

Compared with the innate divine fire, the heaven and earth spirit fire is far worse.

But in the end it was an improvement.

Jiang Che put away Dutian Shenhuo.


The last quarter of an hour was completely over, and Jiang Che also left the auction venue.

4000 million was spent for a billion dollars.

Other things didn't appeal to him in the slightest.

The strength is strong, and the requirements are higher.

Ordinary items can't meet his requirements.

After stepping out of Tianyuan Commercial Firm, Jiang Che walked around the vicinity of Zhongcheng.

In the middle of the night, the city is still bustling and bustling.

It is full of the breath of fireworks in the world.


"You are Jiang Che?"

Just when Jiang Che was about to return to the inn, an uncertain voice came.

Hearing someone say his name in one breath, Jiang Che was taken aback.

Turning around to look, a young man with Confucian temperament appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Che looked at the young man and sensed the aura. Martial Dao is the cultivation level of a peak martial saint, and the primordial spirit is also the aura of the peak primordial spirit.

Although his soul was suppressed, he could sense it.

The primordial spirit should only be about twelve feet, but it is also stronger than the average peak primordial spirit.

"It's really Jiang Daoyou, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Looking at Jiang Che, the Confucian youth stepped forward and bowed his hands.

"you are?"

Jiang Che looked at the young Confucian scholar in front of him, and was slightly taken aback.

He didn't seem to have much impression, but he felt as if he had seen it again.

"Sheji Academy, Ning Jiang, Brother Jiang, do you still remember that we met at a Tianjiao meeting in the Dragon Dynasty?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the Confucian youth introduced himself.

"It's you!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Che suddenly remembered.

The suitor who pursued Qiuxuan of Tianshi Mansion.

"It seems Brother Jiang still remembers me."

Ning Jiang laughed.

"I didn't remember it for a while, sorry."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

Ning Jiang: "I didn't expect to meet Jiang Daoyou in Chaoge, what a fate."

"I didn't think of it either." Jiang Che smiled.

"It's such a chance meeting, brother Jiang, how about I treat you, how about a drink?" Ning Jiang looked at him with a smile.

"Okay." Jiang Che nodded.

Ning Jiang smiled and led the way, and the two soon came to a restaurant.

When he came to the box on the fourth floor of the restaurant, Ning Jiang ordered some dishes and the signature spirit wine.

The two chatted while eating.

"Brother Jiang, after you stepped into Central Continent, you became very famous! So many geniuses in the Sword God Palace have never comprehended the realm of Excalibur, but Brother Jiang became a blockbuster. I have never forgotten that vision."

Looking at Jiang Che, Ning Jiang took a sip of wine and said with emotion.

"It's just a coincidence, and I have gained a little." Jiang Che smiled lightly.

Ning Jiang: "In the early stage of human immortality, the peak of Yuanshen, brother Jiang, your progress, few in the Holy Land of Central Continent can match it."

"Brother Ning is not bad, and there is a lot to do in the future to break through the Thunder Tribulation Immortal."

"It's not that easy, but I heard that Gu Changge is about to break through the thunder tribulation."

Ning Jiang opened his mouth and said.

"Gu Changge..."

Hearing Ning Jiang speak, Jiang Che instantly thought of someone.

He had a deep memory of Gu Changge at the Longteng Dynasty's gathering.

Now that a few years have passed, the strength is bound to be even more terrifying.

"With his aptitude and talent, it will be a matter of time." Jiang Che said.

"He has entered the Langya Secret Realm, and if he comes out, he will be the Supreme Thunder Tribulation."

Ning Jiang opened his mouth and said.

"Langya Secret Realm?"

Jiang Che took a sip of his wine and looked at Ning Jiang.

Looking at the suspicious look in Jiang Che's eyes, Ning Jiang said, "This is a special secret realm in the Daluo Holy Land, which was created by a Supreme in the Daluo Holy Land ten thousand years ago, and the inheritance of the Supreme is left in it. At the same time, this The secret realm is also a very strong place for cultivation."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded, his heart cleared up.

Not too surprised though.

Daluo Holy Land, that is the top holy land fairy gate.

The number of Thunder Tribulation Supremes all have double digits.

It is not comparable to ordinary holy places.

It is not a strange thing to open up such a secret realm.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here at Chaoge? Is there anything I need? I also know a few officials in Chaoge. If you need anything, just ask."

Looking at Jiang Che, Ning Jiang said.

"It's nothing, I just passed by Chaoge to take a look." Jiang Che said.


"Brother Jiang, where are you going?"

Ning Jiang looked at him and asked.

"Endless Sea!"

Jiang Che took a sip of wine and said.

"Endless Sea!!"

Ning Jiang's eyelids twitched as he looked at Jiang Che.

"Endless sea, that is a dangerous place!"

"Just go and have a look, I haven't been there, I've seen and seen." Jiang Che smiled.

Ning Jiang nodded.

With Jiang Che's early cultivation as a human immortal, going to the Endless Sea would not cause any danger under normal circumstances.

Unless you reach the dark abyss.

Isn't he going to the dark abyss?
(End of this chapter)

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