I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 23 Thoughts of the Gods and Kings of the Heavens [seeking support]

Chapter 23 Thoughts of the Gods and Kings of the Heavens【Please support~】


Daozong, Little Qiongfeng!

A ray of light descended from the sky and stopped beside the lake.

Jiang Che jumped off the white clouds, and Xuan Miao Yin stepped out gracefully.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at Jiang Che, and pointed to the courtyard not far away.

"From now on, that will be your place of practice. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Go and change your clothes first, I will wait for you in Qiongfeng Palace as a teacher, and teach you a supreme law."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin spoke again.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly brightened.

Supreme formula!

"Okay Master, this disciple will go now."

Jiang Che nodded, and then walked towards the courtyard.

Watching Jiang Che leave, Xuan Miaoyin's figure moved, and the next breath, she came to Qiongfeng Hall.


"The environment is good."

After entering the courtyard, Jiang Che took a look.

Although compared with the environment of the Hou Mansion, it is a little bit worse, but it is not bad.

Quiet and free.

Walking into the room, the facilities inside are basically complete.

Jiang Che put down his things, and then put on his Taoist robe.

The cyan Taoist robe added to his body added a bit of his temperament.

There is a feeling of being out of this world.

Putting on the cassock, Jiang Che also felt refreshed and transparent.

"The supreme method, it must be the same."

Looking at Qiongfeng Palace, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Although there is a basic method of practice, it must be better if the mysterious sound is passed on to him.

The Thunder Tribulation Supreme made a move, and it was generally not bad.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che directly stepped out of the courtyard gate and headed towards Qiongfeng Hall.


Soon, Jiang Che arrived in front of Qiongfeng Hall.

"Come in directly."

A mysterious sound came from the hall.

Jiang Che took a deep breath and stepped directly into Qiongfeng Hall.

Entering the hall, Jiang Che immediately saw Xuan Miaoyin lying sideways on a white jade couch.

The cyan Taoist robe was also changed, and a black robe was put on, but it was still difficult to conceal that proud figure.

Seeing Jiang Che come in, Xuan Miaoyin, who was lying on her side, also got up.

With a fragrance of orchids, she strolled to his front.


Jiang Che bowed in salute.

"En." Xuan Miaoyin nodded, then spread his hand, and two jade slips appeared in his hand.

"I have two supreme practice methods here for you to choose from. In this piece of jade slip is an ancient Qi refining method, which is a practice method created by an ancient god. It is called "Hell Pluto Contemplation Thoughts". When practicing this method, you can visualize Hell Pluto and become a primordial spirit, which will allow you to cultivate into a Pluto primordial spirit and have the ability to suppress evil spirits."

Xuan Miaoyin picked up one of the jade slips and introduced it.

Looking at the jade slip she picked up, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Hell Pluto concept idea!
Why does this sound like magic tricks?

But it sounds like this practice method seems to be very powerful.

The cultivation method of the ancient gods must not be different.

The name is also great!

"Then what is the second practice method?"

Jiang Che was not in a hurry, but looked at another piece of jade slip in Xuan Miaoyin's hand.

Listening to Jiang Che's opening, Xuan Miaoyin raised his hand and said, "This is also an ancient Qi refining method. It should be older than the concept of Hell Pluto. The exact time is no longer available. The name of this method is "Contemplation of the God Kings of the Heavens".

"However, the practice of this method is more difficult than the concept of Hell Pluto, but if it is completed, it will be unparalleled."

"The thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens..."

Listening to the introduction, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, and said: "These two methods belong to the highest-level methods, and after they are completed, they are unparalleled in power, and they were obtained by accident in the ancient ruins by the master."

"Which one is Master practicing?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

"It's neither of these two. The method that I practice as a teacher belongs to the extremely yin method, which is not suitable for men. If you practice, there will be changes." Xuan Miaoyin said.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che looked at the two jade slips and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Master, can I practice both methods at the same time?"

Mysterious voice: "..."

"What do you think? Do you want all of them? Each practice is different, and you can only practice one of them. If you practice both of them at the same time, do you want to go crazy?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin rolled her eyes and said.

Jiang Che smiled awkwardly, "Just ask, disciple."

"Choose one."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said.

"Apart from these two, is there anything else?"

Jiang Che looked at Xuan Miaoyin.

Xuan Miaoyin glanced at him, and said: "Yes, there is. Daozong's Taishang Xuanling concept is also a top-level method of visualization."

"Taishang Xuanling's thoughts!"

Jiang Che pondered.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, and said: "What you got in Xinrendian is the idea of ​​the Supreme Mysterious Spirit. Qi Gathering Chapter! However, I feel that these two methods can improve you a lot. Of course, if you want to practice the idea of ​​​​the Supreme Mysterious Spirit, that's fine. I will teach you the whole article."

"Then which of these two methods does Master think is better?"

Jiang Che blinked and said.

"Each has its advantages."

"Considering your aptitude, it is not difficult to practice the concept of Hell and Pluto, and there is no big problem in practicing."

"Although the idea of ​​the gods and kings of the gods is powerful, it is not so easy to practice. In the later stage, when you become a primordial spirit, it will be more difficult and has certain dangers. However, once you fuse, your primordial spirit will also reach a terrifying level, surpassing other primordial spirits, and the further you go, the greater the promotion. However, there are certain risks. If you resist, then if you can achieve thunder disaster, the chances of you achieving thunder disaster are much higher than ordinary people."

The mysterious voice spoke slowly.

Jiang Che also listened very seriously.

Generally speaking, it is easier to practice the concept of Hell and Pluto.

The idea of ​​the gods and kings of the heavens is more difficult, but it is more powerful than the idea of ​​​​the hell and the king of hell.

"In the future, it will be more difficult to slay demons and eliminate demons by relying on hacking, but it shouldn't be a problem..."

"However, the concept of Hell and Pluto also has advantages, and it is not prone to danger."


"The disciple chooses this!"

Jiang Che stretched out his hand and pointed, this jade slip was exactly what the gods and kings of the heavens thought.


Xuan Miaoyin nodded, and handed the jade slips of the gods and kings to Jiang Che.

"After you go back, stick it between the eyebrows, the soul will sense it, and the practice method will automatically flow into your mind."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.

"Disciple understands."

Jiang Che nodded.

"This is Bigu Pill. You go back and eat it. I will guarantee you half a month. If you can achieve something after half a month, I will take you to the Taoist restaurant for a good meal as a teacher."

Taking out a pill, Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said.

"Thank you, Master!"

After receiving the Bigu Pill, Jiang Che nodded.

"Go, as a teacher, you basically won't leave these days. If you have any questions about your cultivation, you can come and ask me anytime."

Xuan Miaoyin said.

"The disciple retire."

Jiang Che nodded, then turned and left Qiongfeng Hall.

Seeing Jiang Che's leaving figure, Xuan Miaoyin also showed a smile on his face.

"It shouldn't be too slow to cultivate top-level aptitude. In this way, he can try it at the Zhufeng Conference a year later, and then he can make a fortune..."

Thinking of this, a bright smile appeared on Xuan Miaoyin's face.

The graceful figure also trembled, the waves were choppy!


"The thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens..."

Back in the courtyard, Jiang Che sat on the bed and looked at the jade slip in his hand.

Practice the law!

At this moment, he finally embarked on the path of cultivation.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che instantly pressed the jade slip between his eyebrows, and with the next breath, the jade slip shone with light.

A vast torrent forcefully inserted into his mind, and flowed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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