Chapter 237
"This is my friend, Jiang Che, your name is Brother Jiang."

Xuanyuan Wudi opened his mouth to introduce.

The girl looked at him, blinked her eyes, and said, "Jiang Che... the one who broke through to the Excalibur Realm in the Excalibur Palace a few years ago?"

"Yes." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded.

"Wow, I finally saw a real person today. It's amazing." A bright smile appeared on the girl's face.

Xuanyuan Wudi patted her on the head, "Be serious, sorry, this is my sister, Xuanyuan Mingyue."


Jiang Che nodded.

"Brother, you must be tired just after you came back. Let's go home and rest first."

Holding Xuanyuan Wudi's hand, Xuanyuan Mingyue went to the distance.

Jiang Che followed behind.

"These two brothers and sisters have a very good relationship."

Looking at the figure, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

After a while, the three came to a mansion.

Pushing open the door, Xuanyuan Mingyue stepped into the mansion first.

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi followed closely behind and entered the mansion together.

Passing through the promenade courtyard, the three came to the main hall.

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at Xuanyuan Mingyue and said, "Little sister, go and get out the fairy wine that brother treasured."


Xuanyuan Mingyue nodded, and then left in a bouncing manner.

"Brother Jiang, do it!"

Xuanyuan Wudi stretched out his hand to signal, Jiang Che nodded, and sat beside him.

"Chunyang's immortal energy is so strong, this place is a holy place for cultivation."

Jiang Che said with a sigh.

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled: "The ancestor once suppressed the three pure Yang celestial veins, which are located in the center of the earth, so there is such an environment."

"Three Pure Yang Immortal Veins!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

In other holy places, there is a pure yang celestial vein, which is already extraordinary.

As for the Xuanyuan family, they directly penetrated three pure yang celestial veins into the center of the earth, and there may be more in the time and space of the secret realm.

"Eternal Yangshen Dao Lineage, this background is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary holy places."

Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

There is a big gap between the Holy Land and the Holy Land.

The longer the inheritance, the stronger it is.

The accumulated background is also stronger.

Of course, there are also those that were once brilliant and are now in decline.

Not all Yangshen Taoisms are like the Xuanyuan family. Not only have they been passed down for a long time, but they are also becoming more and more brilliant.

The first family deserves it.

Born in this kind of environment, under the nourishment of pure yang immortal energy, even a good-for-nothing can become a genius.

No wonder the Xuanyuan family is so prosperous.

There are many masters, and there are also many arrogance of the younger generation.

If there is a young leader like Xuanyuan Wudi, it will not work if he is not prosperous.

"Brother Jiang, you need to spend more time this time. I'll take you around the family."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi spoke.

Jiang Che nodded.

He came to the Xuanyuan family, and he also wanted to see it.

But if Xuanyuan Wudi didn't lead the way, he definitely wouldn't be able to run wild.

In case of triggering any restriction or stepping into some forbidden area, it will be a lot of trouble.

While the two were chatting and laughing, Xuanyuan Mingyue entered the hall with a box.

A boxy jade box.

Holding the jade box in front of the two, Xuanyuan Mingyue put the jade box on the table: "Brother, this is your treasure."

"Well, open it." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded.

Xuanyuan Mingyue immediately started to open the jade box, revealing a wine jug in a white jade bottle.

He took out the jade cup, poured a cup, and gave them to Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi respectively.

The liquor was amber in color, and a fragrance poured into his nose, and the smell of liquor made his soul tremble slightly.

"Come, brother Jiang, taste the immortal drunk that I treasure."

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled, raised his glass, Jiang Che also raised his glass, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.


After taking one gulp, Jiang Che felt a dizziness from his Yuanshen in an instant.

At the same time, a warm current flows through the whole body.

There was a very comfortable feeling in all the limbs.

What's even more incredible is that this glass of wine actually increased his life span by 50 years.

One glass of wine adds 50 years!

The dizziness in Yuanshen gradually disappeared before Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Immortal Drunk, in addition to the taste, also has the effect of enhancing the soul and nourishing the body, and the biggest point is that it increases the life span by 50 years.

"Brother Jiang, are you... all right?"

Putting down the wine glass, Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him and said.

"That's a little over the top." Jiang Che said something.

With his primordial spirit, he felt dizzy.

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled: "Brother Jiang, I can't drink in one sip when I'm drunk, otherwise, it's easy to make the Yuanshen intoxicated. Brother Jiang, you can take a sip of a glass. This Yuanshen is not so strong!"

"It's too hasty, and Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan will laugh at you," Jiang Che said.

"It's okay, just take a small sip, so that you can have endless aftertaste and taste more." Xuanyuan Wudi smiled, and Xuanyuan Mingyue poured another cup.

At the same time, she looked at Xuanyuan Wudi: "Brother, I want to have a drink too, okay?"

"Your primordial spirit can't bear it." Xuanyuan Wudi said.

"Oh, brother, just one cup, I won't drink too much." Xuanyuan Mingyue looked at him with a pitiful look.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Wudi nodded: "Okay, just this cup."

"Thank you brother." Xuanyuan Mingyue immediately showed a bright smile, and poured herself a glass of wine.

"How is this wine brewed? Can it increase lifespan so much?"

After taking a sip, Jiang Che put down his wine glass, looked at Xuanyuan Wudi and asked.

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled and looked at him, "Brewing is easy, but there is only one raw material that is difficult to find. Without this raw material, it is impossible to brew immortal drunkenness, nor can it achieve the effect of increasing lifespan."

"Oh, what is this raw material?"

Curiosity aroused in Jiang Che's heart, and he looked at Xuanyuan Wudi.

"The divine spring of life."

Xuanyuan Wudi spoke.

"The divine fountain of life..."

Jiang Che lowered his head and thought for a while.

"It's also known as the Divine Spring of Creation. In the vast world, this kind of water is rarely found. This is what I got by accident in Tianwaitian."

Xuanyuan Wudi said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Good Fortune Spring Water, then he will know.

This is a kind of innate divine water.

The biggest effect is to increase life expectancy.

And it can be superimposed infinitely. It can also be understood that if you have enough good luck springs, you can live the same life as the world, immortal and immortal.

Of course, it is basically impossible for there to be so many divine springs of fortune.

It is extremely difficult to find a small number of them.

"No wonder it has such an effect."

Jiang Che recovered and nodded.

"Come on, drink again, you and I have a good drink, take a day off today, and tomorrow I will take you to visit other places in the family."

Xuanyuan Wudi raised his glass.

Jiang Che immediately held the cup, and the two chatted while drinking.

After Xuanyuan Mingyue drank a cup, her little face immediately turned pink.

A cup of fairy drunkenness greatly improved her primordial spirit.

The stun effect that can be produced is also very strong.

It was crooked, as if it was about to fall to the ground at any time.

Xuanyuan Wudi immediately called his servants to help Xuanyuan Mingyue down to rest.


The two drank while chatting, a pot of immortals drunk, and drank everything in one gulp.

While chatting and laughing happily, Jiang Che's life span was increased by 500 years.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a fantasy, but today, it really happened.

The entire lifespan of a Jindan cultivator is only 500 years.

And a jug of wine has increased his life span by 500 years.

After drinking a pot of immortals, both of them felt a little dizzy.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan Wudi suddenly spread his hand, and a sound transmission bell appeared in his hand.

Listening to the sound transmission of the sound transmission bell, Xuanyuan Wudi instantly sobered up three points from his drunkenness.

Putting away the sound transmission bell, Xuanyuan Wudi took a sip of Sobering Up Immortal Tea to dispel the drunkenness on his body.

"Brother Jiang, the old ancestor just transmitted the voice, I have to meet, let's go, I will take you to the room where you live first."

Xuanyuan Wudi opened his mouth, and Jiang Che's drunkenness also became three points sober.

Patriarch summons!

He nodded calmly, then got up and left the hall with Xuanyuan Wudi.

Immediately, Xuanyuan Wudi led him to a small courtyard.

Back to the courtyard door, the environment inside is very elegant.

Flowers and trees are neatly planted.

And each of them is a spiritual plant.

"Brother Jiang, how is it going here?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi said.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, you can go first and leave me alone." Jiang Che smiled and nodded.

"That's fine, if you need anything, you can just notify me directly." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, then turned and left the yard.

Watching Xuanyuan Wudi leave, Jiang Che cast his eyes into the distance.

Patriarch summons!

The strongest of the Xuanyuan family.

Jiang Che also heard a little bit about it.

The existence of Thunder Tribulation Supreme Realm.

As for which realm it is, he does not know for the time being.

But it is definitely one of the strongest existences in the Central Continent.

"I am afraid that some of the Emperor Yangshen of the Xuanyuan family is also in the place of origin..."

Jiang Che muttered to himself.

Of course, it's just his personal guess.

Chatting with Xuanyuan Wudi, he didn't even know whether the former ancestor of the Yang God existed in this world.

After all, the time span is too long.

However, Jiang Che feels that if he is not dead, then he should be in the place of origin.

Because there is some kind of chaotic substance in the place of origin, and this kind of chaotic substance can enhance Yangshen and prolong lifespan.

Shaking his head, Jiang Che suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and then stepped into the room.

This is not what he considers.

Whether it exists or not does not have much influence on him.

This time I came to the Xuanyuan family, just as a guest, to watch the Xuanyuan family.

For other things, it has nothing to do with him.


The Xuanyuan family, in the depths, in front of a black hall, Xuanyuan Wudi's figure appeared in front of the hall.


In front of the main hall, Xuanyuan Wudi bowed.

Immediately, an old voice came from the black hall.

"Invincible, come in."

An old voice sounded, and Xuanyuan Wudi immediately stepped into the black hall.

In the gloomy hall, an old man in black robe with a stooped figure appeared in front of Xuanyuan Wudi.

"Invincible has met Patriarch Ming Kong!"

Xuanyuan Wudi bowed and saluted, the old man in the black robe turned around, revealing a face in the sky.

His face was full of ravines, but his spirit was very strong.

Standing there, it seems as if the body melts into the heaven and the earth.

With a light step, the figure of Patriarch Ming Kong came in front of Xuanyuan Wudi.

"Is this trip going well?"

Mingzu spoke.

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, "Everything went well, but some accidents happened when taking Xuanyuan Sword."

"Fortunately, there is the divine talisman of Patriarch Xuankong, otherwise, it would be dangerous."

"I figured it out, this time, you should have woken up the guy who was sleeping in it?"

Patriarch Ming Kong looked at him and said.

"Yes, but the seal is not broken, even if it is born, it will take a long time." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded.

"If this old devil is born, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Patriarch Mingkong said with a long sigh.

"Probably not? His Majesty the Emperor will not sit idly by?" Xuanyuan Wudi frowned.

"The situation of the dark abyss has already entangled the emperor. I am afraid that we will need to solve this trouble by ourselves in the future."

Patriarch Mingkong said.

"The future is changeable, but Wudi believes that there will be no problem." Xuanyuan Wudi said with a serious face.

"Haha, it's good to have confidence. A demon god has not yet reached the level of being invincible."

Patriarch Ming Kong smiled.

Immediately, he looked at Xuanyuan Wudi and said, "Did you bring someone back?"

"Exactly, his name is Jiang Che, from the Eastern Desolation Dao Sect. I met him in the restricted area of ​​Moyuan. I feel that I have a lot of sympathy with him, so I brought him back to talk about the law when I have time."

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded.

"This young man has grown up very quickly. Now he has cultivated to become an immortal a few years ago. Now, he has stepped into the Thunder Tribulation. He has unlimited potential and can communicate. It is also a good thing for the Xuanyuan family to have such a friend with unlimited potential. "

Patriarch Mingkong said.

Xuanyuan Wudi frowned slightly: "Old Ancestor, I only treat him as a friend. Will it affect me if I do so?"

Ancestor Mingkong looked at him and said, "Just make friends appropriately. What I mean is, with such a friend, in the future, there will be one more help. It's not for you to use him, understand?"

"Invincible understands." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded.

"Well, since it's a guest and it's the first time here, you should take him around the family more often. The Xuanyuan family's way of hospitality is indispensable. You can go anywhere."

Patriarch Mingkong said.

"Can everyone go?"

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at Patriarch Mingkong.

"You just know what you have in mind." Patriarch Ming Kong nodded and said.

"Invincible understands."

"You should also go down and rest. Both Xuanyuan Sword and Xuanyuan Bow have their own inheritance, which can allow you to improve again."

"Yes, invincible retreat!"

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, then turned and left the hall.

Seeing Xuanyuan Wudi leave the hall, Patriarch Mingkong smiled, then turned around and disappeared without a trace.


In the room, Jiang Che was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with lights shining all over his body.

Jiang Che gained a lot from the trip to Moyuan's restricted area.

Got a few fairy artifacts!
Fantian Seal, Nantian Gate, Blood Sea God Orb, Tianlong Bell!

In addition to his previous immortal artifacts, the Immortal Binding Rope, Immortal Slashing Flying Knife, Misfortune Book, Human Emperor's Brush, and Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map.

One person gathered nine celestial artifacts!

Even beings with higher cultivation bases don't have as many immortal artifacts as him.

A trip has yielded a lot.

There are other improvements, the most important one is the avenue of purple energy.

It can improve his chances of proving the Dao of the Yang God.

If this is reported, I am afraid that the existence of the eighth and ninth realms of Thunder Tribulation will not be able to resist snatching it.

Increasing the chances of proving the Dao of the Yang God alone is enough to make countless supreme beings flock to him.

However, the Dao Ziqi is hidden in the Heavenly Court Shrine, even if it is a few realms higher than him, unless the primordial spirit invades his body, it will not be discovered.

Absorbing the avenue purple energy can also push his strength to a new peak.

It must be too far to prove the Dao Yangshen.

However, it is also possible to improve his immortal cultivation base to be even more terrifying.


The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Che withdrew from cultivation.

After stepping out of the room, Jiang Che met Xuanyuan Wudi a moment later.

"Brother Jiang, let's go and see the family environment."

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled, Jiang Che nodded, and followed Xuanyuan Wudi out of the mansion.

The residence of the entire Xuanyuan family is very large.

It looks like a mansion from the outside, but inside it is an independent kingdom.

For the first goal, Xuanyuan Wudi first took Jiang Che to visit the Xuanyuan chariot at close range.

Towering into the void.

Jiang Che could feel the horror of the Xuanyuan Chariot.

It seems that there is a feeling of transcending immortality.

"This is the ultimate treasure, and it is also the Tao-level immortal artifact refined by the first Yangshen ancestor of my Xuanyuan family. It is much more powerful than ordinary immortal artifacts."

On the side, Xuanyuan Wudi introduced.

"Extreme treasure?"

Jiang Che blinked.

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him with surprise, "Brother Jiang doesn't know the ultimate treasure?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Che shook his head.

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him, and said, "The so-called ultimate treasure is the Dao Immortal Artifact!"

"The power is much stronger than ordinary fairy weapons."

"And this kind of fairy weapon can only be made by the Yang God."

"It's also a fairy weapon, but the Dao fairy weapon is more powerful."

"An ordinary fairy weapon is also a heavenly fairy weapon!"

"Although they are all immortal artifacts, there is still a gap between Heavenly Dao immortal artifacts and Dao immortal artifacts."

"Of course, there are some particularly terrifying Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifacts whose power surpasses that of Dao Immortal Artifacts, but they are rare and belong to exceptions."

"Moreover, more Dao Immortal Artifacts are congenitally formed, more powerful, and acquired. They can also be refined to the level of Dao Immortal Artifacts. However, they can only be upgraded if they reach the Yangshen realm."

"Of course, not all Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifacts can achieve Great Dao Immortal Artifacts, it depends on the situation."

Xuanyuan Wudi opened his mouth slowly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che understood in his heart.

Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact and Dao Immortal Artifact!
There is a difference, but it depends on the situation.

Not all Dao Immortal Artifacts surpass Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifacts.

Of course, 90.00% of the eight are surpassed.

There are only a very small number of Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifacts that can overtake Dao Immortal Artifacts.

But it also depends on the user.

One that fully utilizes the power of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact, and one that only uses less than half of the power of the Great Dao Immortal Artifact, is still a victory for the Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact.

Immortal artifacts refined by the Yang God and immortal artifacts refined by the Thunder Tribulation Supreme Realm also have different powers.

There is also a gap between immortal artifacts and immortal artifacts.

However, it did not reach a very obvious level.

His nine immortal artifacts seem to be evenly matched, but in fact, the strongest immortal artifact is Nantianmen.

Nantianmen, you can collect other fairy artifacts in it.

This point cannot be achieved by the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, which also contains the world of heaven and earth.

"In that case, it is possible for my Nantianmen to reach the level of a Dao artifact?"

A thought flashed through my mind.

Of course, I can only think about it now.

Although he stepped into the thunder tribulation, every time he reached a level, the difficulty factor was earth-shaking.

To achieve the Yangshen, then go to the water, the moon in the well, it looks like it is right in front of you, but in fact it is thousands of miles away.

If he has cultivated himself into a Yang God, even if it is a Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact, he can beat the Great Dao Immortal Artifact.

The magical artifact is only auxiliary, not absolute.

The core point lies in self-improvement.

If you are not strong enough, I will give you the Dao Immortal Artifact, and you will just use it like a mallet.

It is just ordinary people's fantasy of immortal gods that mortals can use fairy weapons.

One step to the sky, that doesn't exist.

This is the avenue of heaven and earth.

Cultivation must also be completed step by step, not from ordinary people to Lei Jie, and it can be done overnight.

No matter how strong the chance of good fortune is, it can't do this.

Aptitude, comprehension, nothing, even if you forcefully give you the comprehension of the great way of heaven and earth, it will only explode.

Unless it is cultivated to be the supreme being beyond the realm of Yangshen.

All rules and avenues of logic are not bound by any constraints, making people become immortals and flying into the sky in one step.

But this realm only exists in legends.

Because since ancient times, no one has been able to reach this state.

Yangshen is the realm of reality.

It is also the pinnacle that monks can reach.

"In the whole family, there is only this Great Dao Immortal Artifact, which is also the symbol of my Xuanyuan family!"

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at the Xuanyuan battle lane in front of him.

"Only this one?"

Jiang Che looked at Xuanyuan Wudi.

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded: "The other Dao immortal artifacts have all been lost and destroyed."


Jiang Che nodded.

"Let's go, Brother Jiang, I'll take you to see other places." Xuanyuan Wudi came back to his senses and said, Jiang Che nodded, glanced at the Xuanyuan chariot in the void, and then left with Xuanyuan Wudi.

Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact, Dao Immortal Artifact!
He opened his eyes today.

Also clear the gap between immortal artifacts.

Overall, the Dao Immortal Artifact is stronger, but not to an outrageous degree.

It also depends on the specific situation of each fairy.

After all, the abilities of some immortal artifacts are earth-shaking.

It also depends on the user's situation.

Strength is the core.

Immortal Artifacts are only auxiliary.

Among his nine immortal artifacts, at present, Nantianmen has the most hope of becoming a Daoist immortal artifact.

Of course, you have to fit your own way.

Not all celestial artifacts can prove the divine artifact.

Only when one's own Tao conforms can one become an artifact of Taoism.

It's not that you can become a Great Dao Immortal Artifact by simply taking an Immortal Artifact.

Most of the fairy artifacts are heavenly artifacts.

The simplest way to understand it is that the Dao Immortal Artifact is the ancestor, and the Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifact is the son.

Lao Tzu is better than his son. Of course, it is also possible that his son is good enough to overwhelm Lao Tzu.

There is a gap, but not to the extreme.

Most of the Thunder Tribulation Supremes don't even have Heavenly Dao Immortal Artifacts.


Night falls.

Jiang Che followed Xuanyuan Wudi back to his residence.

After a day of shopping, he had a clearer understanding of the Xuanyuan family in general.

In some places, even the direct descendants of the Xuanyuan family cannot enter.

Jiang Che went to ninety-nine percent of the places in the world.

Except for the ancestral hall of the Xuanyuan family, I have been to most places.

This first family is also very scary.

On this day, Jiang Che met at least seven or eight Supreme Thunder Tribulations.

Although most of them were from the first level of Thunder Tribulation, Jiang Che also met an existence from the fifth level of Thunder Tribulation.

He is the great elder of the Xuanyuan family.

There are many other supreme beings, even more terrifying than the super holy land.

The number one family of Yangshen in all ages is well-deserved!

(End of this chapter)

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