
"Can you say that again?"

Looking at Jiang Hong, Jiang Che thought there was something wrong with his ears.

Qingluo is dead...

How can it be!

She was once taught the method of cultivation, and she is good at medical science, and she is in good health. How could she die suddenly?
Looking at the disbelieving Jiang Che, Jiang Hong sighed, "Master, Qingluo died a year ago."


At this moment, Jiang Che's heart exploded instantly, and he stared fixedly at Jiang Hong.

Not his hallucinations.

Qingluo is really dead!

Jiang Che's heart was churning.

Although Qingluo was just his personal maid, Jiang Che also raised her as one of his own.

This time, he came back to improve Qing Luo's cultivation and strength.

But it has not yet been cultivated, but it died.

"How did you die?"

His heart was overwhelmed, but Jiang Che's face was surprisingly calm, with no expression of emotion or anger, and he couldn't see his mood at the moment.

Jiang Hong: "It was killed by Lu Xiangye's third son."


As soon as the words fell, in an instant, the clear sky was covered with dark clouds and lightning.

At this moment, Jiang Che was furious!

The vision of heaven and earth is formed by the pulling of his mind at this moment.

Once angry, the world changes!
The sky over the entire Yujing City was instantly turbulent.

In the last second, it was sunny and bright, but in the next second, the wind and clouds merged and turned into darkness.

A doomsday-like scene appeared over the entire Yujing City.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and terrifying lightning ravaged the world.

"God, what's going on?"

"It was sunny just now, why did it suddenly change?"

At this moment, the entire city of Yujing exploded in an instant.
All eyes turned to the void.

The vertical and horizontal lightning and thunder seemed to come at any time.

Ordinary people just feel that the sky has changed.

But in the eyes of the monks, it was a different feeling.

This is not a change of nature.

Rather, there was a terrifying supernatural power that changed the vision of the heavens and the earth, which led to this scene.

In the depths of the imperial city, the true spirit of luck in the depths of the void roared, invisible to the eyes of ordinary people, but visible to the eyes of monks.

"The true spirit of luck is alarmed, and I only want to issue a warning. My God, could it be that some Supreme is going to attack Yujingcheng?"

Seeing this scene, all the practitioners were terrified.

Even Daqian's national destiny spirit was alarmed, this is not an ordinary situation.

"what happened!"

"Didn't you just pass by?"

"Is there really a Supreme who dares to risk the punishment of heaven and cause chaos in the city?"

In the depths of the imperial city, Emperor Qian felt the change of the true spirit of luck and saw it clearly.

Let the spirit of luck cause such a fierce reaction, this time, the heart of Emperor Qian sank.

He would not use the first emperor's body unless necessary.

But the current situation is so serious that Emperor Qian feels a little out of control.

In this situation, even with the blessing of the true spirit of luck, they might not be able to defeat this mysterious supreme being.


In Hongguogong's mansion, a vast and majestic coercion swept across the entire Guogong's mansion.

At this moment, everyone in the Duke's Mansion seemed to have a big mountain in their hearts.

Under the majestic power of the sky, he even stopped breathing.

And in front of Jiang Che, Jiang Hong felt an immemorial mountain pressing down on his heart.

He was filled with horror.

The world changes in a fit of rage!

The son's strength has reached this level? !
This breath is a hundred times more terrifying than the master!

"Is that Lu Chunqiu's third son?"

Jiang Che looked at Jiang Hong with cold eyes.

"Yes." Jiang Hong nodded.

After getting the answer, the aura around Jiang Che became even more terrifying.

The surging breath is like a living fairy.

"My lord, Lu Xiangguo has already made compensation." Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hong held back the strong breath on his body and said.

Jiang Che's eyes were cold, unmoved.

Jiang Hong held back his breath, and continued: "At the beginning, Lu Xiang personally led the third son to come to the door to make amends, and gave the compensation, son, you..."


Before Jiang Hong finished speaking, Jiang Che directly interrupted him.

When the words came to his lips, Jiang Hong could only swallow them abruptly.

"Wait in the mansion, I will go back as soon as I go."

Jiang Che's voice reached Jiang Hong's ears again, and in the next breath, he disappeared out of thin air.

The terrifying coercion that shrouded also dissipated instantly.

In the sky above Yujing, the terrifying dark clouds and thunder disappeared in an instant.

As if nothing had happened.

"It's over, the young master has gone to Lu Xiangfu!"

Jiang Hong's expression changed.

But now, he couldn't stop it.

Jiang Che's strength surpassed his by too much, and he was no longer able to stop him.

For a moment, he froze in place.

Thoughts turned extremely fast.

Jiang Che went to Lu Xiangfu, what would be the consequences?
If the commotion becomes too big, Emperor Qian may have to stop it!
If he is tough with Emperor Qian, this is Yujing City!
With luck protecting the body, who is Qiandi's opponent?


Yujing City.

Lu Xiangguo Mansion!

The void suddenly tore open, and a young Taoist in green robe stepped out of the void.

Appearing out of thin air instantly shocked the guards of the Xiangguo Mansion.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to trespass on Lu Xiangguo's mansion!"

After a brief shock, a guard immediately snapped at him.

With a flick of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, with a breath, a terrifying wind rushed out, and the bodies of Lu Xiangguo's four gate guards exploded, blood spurting all over the ground.

The plaques of Xiangguo Mansion were all dyed red.

Jiang Che stepped into Lu Xiangguo's mansion step by step. The moment he approached, the gate of Lu Xiangguo's mansion exploded.

"Bold, whoever trespasses on Xiangguo's mansion, seeks death!"

There was a sound of angry reprimand.

One by one, black-robed guards rushed out, holding long knives, and rushed towards Jiang Che quickly.

Dozens of guards came together, but Jiang Che's expression did not change at all, still cold.

The moment dozens of guards approached, their weapons and magic weapons collapsed and turned into nothing.

"Puff puff!!!"

The guards vomited blood one by one, and their bodies flew upside down, as if struck by lightning. The moment they landed, they died directly.

The strong smell of blood wafted through the entire Xiangguo Mansion in an instant.

This time, the entire Xiangguo Mansion exploded.

Looking at Jiang Che's eyes was like looking at a demon god.

Passing through the central hall of the front yard, Jiang Che walked at a leisurely pace, but with every step he took, the momentum enveloping Xiangguo's mansion deepened.

Hundreds of guards died, this time, no one dared to approach.

And at this moment, the news that the mysterious Supreme entered Lu Xiangguo's mansion suddenly spread into the imperial city.

Imperial City, Taixuan Hall.

A guard in brocade clothes hurried into the hall.

In the hall, a middle-aged man in a black black robe appeared.

It is Emperor Qian.

The guards in brocade clothes stepped into the hall quickly, and Emperor Qian looked at him: "What's the real panic? How decent!"

"Your Majesty, it's not good, someone has entered Lu Xiangfu."

The guard in brocade clothes stepped forward and spoke directly.


Emperor Qian stared at the guard in brocade clothes.

"Someone broke into Lu Xiangfu?"

Emperor Qian looked suspicious.

The guard in brocade clothes nodded, "Yes, the guard at the gate of Lu Xiangguo's mansion was instantly killed. This person has already entered Lu Xiangguo's mansion and killed hundreds of people. It looks like he is going to destroy the gate."


At this moment, Emperor Qian immediately lost his composure.

Lu Chunqiu is a great prime minister.

Minister of State.

Lu Chunqiu was in charge of most affairs of the imperial court.

Jiang Zhen has been away for more than a month, and now Lu Chunqiu is in charge of all government affairs in the court.

If something happened to Lu Chunqiu, there would be a big problem in the court.

And at this moment, Emperor Qian spread out his hand, and a sound transmission bell appeared in his palm.

Hearing the voice from the sound transmission bell, Emperor Qian's expression changed instantly.

"Notify the guards immediately, and go to Lu Xiangfu immediately!"

Emperor Qian looked at the guards in brocade clothes in front of him, and gave orders directly.


The guard in brocade clothes nodded, then turned and left the hall.

"No, Lu Chunqiu cannot die."

Emperor Qian's gaze was fixed, and his figure disappeared into the hall in the next breath.


Prime Minister.

At this moment, the blood is shrouded.

The corpses are disgusting.

A strong smell of blood wafted up and down Xiangguo Mansion.

In the inner hall of the prime minister's mansion, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

In the distance, servant girls and servants of Xiangfu looked at him from a distance, their eyes were full of horror.

But no one dared to step forward.

The Martial Saint-level chief executives all died at the hands of this person.

They went up, and there was only one dead end.

Jiang Che's eyes were cold, without the slightest emotion. His majestic spiritual consciousness scanned the entire Lu Xiangfu, and with a slight lift of his hand, the void was directly broken, and a young figure was directly caught in the air.

The whole body was imprisoned by the invisible force of heaven and earth, unable to move.

The young man's face was full of horror.

"Three young masters!"

Seeing the young man caught by Void, all the servants instantly recognized him.

Did this person come here for the third young master? !


The body of the young man landed heavily, smashed the stone slab, and a mouthful of blood spurted out instantly.

"Cough cough..."

The corner of his mouth was dripping with blood, the young man held back his fear and looked at the Taoist man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

"I...I am the son of Xiangye, you...you can't kill me!"

Looking at Jiang Che, the young man opened his mouth tremblingly.

But Jiang Che's expression did not change at all.

But in the next second, one of the young man's arms exploded and shattered, blood mist filled the air.


The sudden pain of breaking his arm instantly caused the young man to let out a shrill scream.

But Jiang Che's face was still ice-cold, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Who are you, and why did you come to my Lu Mansion to start a killing spree!"

At this moment, an old man in brocade clothes and black robes appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

The peak martial saint cultivation base, the vitality of life is surging to the sky.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly fell on the old man in brocade clothes and black robes.

The eyes met, and the old man in brocade clothes and black robes was startled for an instant.

Human fairy!

Just looking at each other, he felt the infinite pressure between heaven and earth.

It was as if a mountain was pressing on my heart, extremely heavy.

Lu Chunqiu!
Big dry prime minister.

Jiang Che recognized his identity with just one glance.

"Father, save me!"

Seeing Lu Chunqiu appear, the young man endured the pain of breaking his arm and called for help.

Lu Chunqiu's face was ugly.

He had a vague feeling of deja vu for the person in front of him.

But I just can't remember who it was.

"Who are you, why did you treat my son so cruelly, when did my son offend you, this is Yujing City, the capital of a great country, don't you want to rely on your cultivation to do whatever you want?"

After all, Lu Chunqiu was the prime minister of the dynasty, even now, he was still not too flustered, so he calmed down and spoke.

Hearing Lu Chunqiu speak, Jiang Che's expression did not change at all.


In the next second, the other arm of the young man exploded strangely.


Pain swept through his body, and the young man's face was completely pale.

Almost passed out.

The two arms disappeared in an instant.

He wanted to pass out, but there was a special force that kept his mental will awake.

Looking at Jiang Che, the young man only had endless fear in his heart.


This is a devil!
"Your Excellency, you are too presumptuous!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Chunqiu was instantly furious.

My son was alone, but now his arm was broken.

This time, he became disabled directly!
Even knowing the horror of the person in front of him, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"Presumptuous? Why didn't you think of this when you killed my woman?"

The cold voice entered Lu Chunqiu's ears.

Hearing this, Lu Chunqiu instantly calmed down.

Looking straight at Jiang Che, he seemed to see a familiar figure from Jiang Che's silhouette.

"You are Grand Master Jiang's son Jiang Che!"

At this moment, Lu Chunqiu suddenly remembered.

Jiang Che looked at him with cold eyes.

Raising his hand lightly, he snapped his fingers, and in the next second, one of the young man's legs exploded.

"You guessed it right. Now that you know it, you should know what I'm doing here today."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and just as he finished speaking, the young man's last leg exploded.

Lively became a human pig!
But it just couldn't die and pass out.

This scene made Lu Xiangfu feel cold all over.

Everyone is cold all over.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chunqiu's eyes were completely blood red.

My own son, this one is completely abolished!
"Jiang Che, what happened a year ago was a misunderstanding. I had already let Gouzi come to my house to make amends. Why do you still treat me like this!"

Lu Chunqiu roared angrily, his eyes were blood red.

"Apologize, that's fine?"

Jiang Che's eyes were cold, and his expression did not change at all.

"Jiang Che, as long as you don't kill him, everything is negotiable." Lu Chunqiu calmed down and spoke with the pain in his heart.


As soon as the words fell, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and it hit the young man who had turned into a human pig without the slightest deviation.

Under the rolling thunder and lightning, his body exploded in an instant, flying into ashes and annihilated.

Completely killed, not even scum left.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chunqiu petrified on the spot.

"I originally let him go, but unfortunately, heaven will not allow it." Jiang Che's voice sounded.

Lu Chunqiu's eyes were instantly bloodshot.

God forbid?
Fart, it was clearly you who killed it!
Looking at Jiang Che, Lu Chunqiu's eyes were blood red.

Jiang Che's gaze also looked at Lu Chunqiu, and the invisible force of heaven and earth bound his whole body.


Lu Chunqiu spat out a mouthful of blood instantly.

But at this moment, Jiang Che suddenly raised his head.

The void split open, and a figure in a black dragon robe descended from the sky.

In an instant, he came to the front.

The majestic aura overflowed, counteracting Jiang Che's aura, and Lu Chunqiu let out a sigh of relief.

"God Emperor!"

Looking at the figure in the black dragon robe, Jiang Che felt the invisible power of luck around him, and he didn't need to guess, he knew that this person was Qiandi Yang Gan.

Only the lord of the dynasty can have luck and true spirit protection.

"His Majesty."

Lu Chunqiu cupped his hands and bowed, with a sad expression on his face.

Emperor Qian ignored Lu Chunqiu, but looked at Jiang Che.

"Just let it go at this time, Jiang Che, you have to forgive others and forgive others."

Emperor Qian opened his mouth, and the voice sounded.

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Emperor Qian: "Your Majesty is here today, is it from Prime Minister Baolu?"

"You have already killed his son, and you have received the punishment you deserve. Your elder brother is also working in the court, and he is a minister in the same court. Why is there such an unpleasant situation? I just want to tell you that there are some things that should not be too much .”

Emperor Qian looked at him, and the voice sounded again.

"Your Majesty is right. As a courtier, you can't look up and look down, but I have a way to completely resolve this contradiction."

Jiang Che said lightly.

Emperor Qian stared, and frowned.


Before Emperor Qian could react, a human head flew up.

Blood spurted out, the headless corpse shook and fell to the ground in an instant!

Lu Chunqiu is dead!

He was killed directly in front of Emperor Qian.

At the same time, a terrifying divine sword fell into two places in Lu Xiangfu.

The other two sons were also instantly wiped out.

From top to bottom of the Lu family, they will directly destroy the family!
The attack was so fast that Emperor Qian couldn't stop it.

Looking at Lu Chunqiu's body, Emperor Qian's expression changed instantly.

Killed the current minister in the country in front of his own face.

This is undoubtedly slapping him in the face!
"You are presumptuous!"

Emperor Qian's voice was furious, and with the next breath, the dragon robe swelled, a terrifying aura surged, and a divine light burst out directly, rushing towards Jiang Che in an instant.


Jiang Che stood on the spot, his whole body bursting with light, the moment the divine light approached, it directly blocked it, and a majestic aura rushed out.

The entire Lu Xiangfu was destroyed in an instant.

Razed to the ground.

Hundreds of servants in Lu's mansion were also wiped out in an instant.

The guards outside the mansion were vomited blood by the airflow and retreated frantically.

The dust dispersed, only the figures of Emperor Qian and Jiang Che stood.

Seeing that Jiang Che was intact, Emperor Qian's pupils shrank.

"Jiang Che!"

Emperor Qian gritted his teeth and looked at him with a pair of eyes.

Jiang Che's face was still calm, and he looked at Emperor Qian: "Your Majesty, the conflict has been resolved, and there will be no such troubles in the future."


Emperor Qian was furious, his whole body was filled with breath, and there was an instant change between heaven and earth.

In the void, bursts of dragon roars roared, that was the voice of the true spirit of national destiny.

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged.

"Your Majesty thinks it over carefully. I'm afraid that the spirit of good luck and good luck will not be able to hurt me."

Jiang Che's voice fell into Emperor Qian's ears word by word.

Hearing this, Emperor Qian calmed down instantly.

Even if the anger in my heart is raging, but at this moment, I have to endure it.

He did feel a terrifying aura from Jiang Che.

Let him be threatened.

At this moment, Emperor Qian understood the vision of the true spirit of luck before, that the mysterious supreme person who entered the capital was definitely Jiang Che.

Although the Qi Luck True Spirit Bodyguard can block many dangers, it consumes a lot of power of national luck.

Moreover, he was not fully sure of taking down Jiang Che.

If you really want to do it, it must be a dead end.

"This matter is over, what does your majesty think?"

Jiang Che said lightly.

"Jiang Che, you killed the current prime minister, this is a felony!" Emperor Qian said coldly.

Jiang Che looked indifferently, and looked at Emperor Qian: "Your Majesty, I am doing justice for the heavens. Prime Minister Lu has brought disaster to the country and the people, and I am here to eliminate cancer for Daqian."

"You ride a horse..."

Hearing such shameless words, even Emperor Qian couldn't help becoming manic.

Never seen such a brazen person!
"To eradicate today, His Majesty can establish a new minister. In order to make a big effort, His Majesty needs to think carefully."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

Emperor Qian looked at Jiang Che with ice-cold eyes. After a while, his aura suddenly dissipated, and the vision of heaven and earth also disappeared.

"What you said is reasonable, I will consider it, but I don't want another incident to happen again, can you guarantee it?"

Jiang Che looked at Emperor Qian and said calmly: "I can do what Your Majesty said, as long as my brother is fine, everything will be safe and sound!"

"Okay, I agree."

Emperor Qian nodded.

Jiang Che also nodded.

"You broke this place, shouldn't it be repaired?"

Emperor Qian opened his mouth.

With a flick of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, celestial light shone, and in the next breath, the destroyed mansion was instantly restored under the celestial light.

In an instant, a brand new mansion appeared.

"Is Your Majesty still satisfied?"

Jiang Che looked at Emperor Qian.

Emperor Qian nodded.

In the next breath, he tore through the void and disappeared in full view.

Jiang Che's figure also disappeared in the same instant.

The Guards outside also retreated at the same time.

But this scene was branded in the hearts of all the practitioners in Yujing City.

Jiang Che.

This name spread all over Yujing City in an instant.

Emperor Qian came in person, but the result was far beyond everyone's expectations.

All members of Lu Xiangguo's mansion were wiped out.

After a brief silence, the entire city of Yujing exploded in an instant.


Duke's Mansion!
Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Jiang Hong looked at Jiang Che in front of him, and seeing Jiang Che appearing in front of him intact, the tense stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.


Jiang Hong stepped forward immediately.

"It's okay, Uncle Hong, you can arrange to take me to Qingluo's cemetery."

Looking at Jiang Hong, Jiang Che said.

"My lord, are you really all right? Emperor Qian..."

"Don't worry, it's resolved."

Jiang Che spoke again.

Hearing this, Jiang Hong didn't ask any more questions, and nodded: "My lord, wait a moment, the old slave will make arrangements immediately."

Jiang Che nodded, then watched Jiang Hong leave.

After killing Lu Xiangman and his family, Jiang Che didn't feel the slightest disturbance in his heart.

Qingluo died, so she must be buried with her!

He will not swallow this breath.

Even if he was tough with Emperor Qian, he would not make any concessions, everyone in the Lu family must die!

Otherwise, his thoughts will not be clear!

If Qing Luo hadn't been killed, he wouldn't have made a move easily in front of others.

Those who should be killed should never be kept.

Don't talk about Lu Xiang, even the prince, he will fight mercilessly.

If you offend, you will be offended. He has already said that if something happens to his brother, he will make the entire royal family pay the price.

"Let's take some precautions for big brother!"

Jiang Che spread his hands, and a golden talisman appeared in his hand.

At the same time, Jiang Che took out the sound transmission bell, communicated and determined the exact location.

Blowing out a breath, the golden talisman in his hand broke through the air in an instant.

This is his avatar.

Even in the face of the existence of Lei Jie Renxian, he can block one or two.

The threat was a threat, but he had to take precautions. He didn't want the same thing to happen twice.

This time, it is also a wake-up call!
One's own people must be fully prepared.


"Master, you are ready, you can leave."

"Let's go."

Jiang Che nodded, and followed Jiang Hong out of Duke Hong's mansion! (end of this chapter)

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