Chapter 253 Chapter 253
Thousands of miles of void turned into chaos.

In Heavenly Blood City, nearly half of the blood clans fell.

In an extreme collision, the two avatars still have the upper hand against the five blood supremes.


With a thought, the hidden avatar instantly attacked, and at the same time, Jiang Che's main body also immediately launched.

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi descended in an instant, and the sky-changing seal appeared, and it fell on the head.


This smashing instantly made a blood race supreme dizzy and dizzy.


The mana was condensed to form a chain of laws, which directly imprisoned the blood supreme. At the same time, the Nantianmen descended and collected it instantly.

"call out--!"

The Renhuang pen was launched, and the killing of the gods was hit hard again.

At the same time, Jiang Che sacrificed the immortal rope and locked up a blood supreme.

The magic dragon sword manifested, aroused the power of the supreme dragon soul, cut through the void, and pierced the body of a human immortal with one sword.

When the Blood Sea Divine Orb was activated, the bright blood light instantly shone, pulling it directly into the sea of ​​blood.


The destructive light impacted the void, and the waves oscillated for thousands of miles.

The deity and the avatars were dispatched at the same time, and out of the five blood supremes, four of them were directly suppressed by Jiang Che.

With abnormal resilience, he can only be imprisoned and suppressed, and he can slowly suppress and kill when there is enough time.

The situation was reversed instantly.

Only the last Hall Master of the Heavenly Blood Temple remained.

Seeing this scene, before he had time to think about it, he broke through the attacks of the two clones, tore through the void, and jumped directly to escape.

"Want to run!"

Jiang Che didn't panic in the slightest, he activated the Star Shift, and disappeared instantly. Holding the Demon Dragon Sword in his hand, he slashed into the depths of the void with a single sword, and evolved into a dragon soul with sword energy, soaring to the sky and splitting the earth.


The lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple directly forced out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

However, the damage of this terrifying sword was recovered instantly after his abnormal recovery.

But before he could take a breath, a divine seal like a golden mountain appeared.

The sky-shaking seal was activated, and the sky-shaking seal was smashed down.


The brain collapsed directly, leaving a headless body, but in a breath, it recovered instantly.

However, Jiang Che's second strike came again, and a green bead landed on the body of the Heavenly Blood Temple Hall Master, and a faint light bloomed, causing his sanity to appear momentarily chaotic.

Dinghai Shenzhu directly attacked!

Make it dizzy.

"South Tianmen, town!"

Jiang Che acted on a single thought, and took advantage of this split second to directly bring the Hall Master of the Blood God Palace into the Nantian Gate.

Close the Nantian Gate and turn into a fairy light into the body.

The battle ended in an instant.

"The sea of ​​blood is monstrous!"

Standing in the void, Jiang Che sacrificed the Blood Sea God Orb, turning it into an endless sea of ​​blood, sweeping across the entire Heavenly Blood City.

Under the washing of the sea of ​​blood, all the blood races were wiped out in an instant, and the power of the immortal weapon was instantly killed under the human immortal.

Withdrawing the boundless sea of ​​blood, the clone returned to the body, and with a single thought, Jiang Che fled into the void and completely disappeared without a trace.

From start to finish, it took only a quarter of an hour.

The five supreme beings of the Heavenly Blood Temple, together with the thousands of blood races in the Heavenly Blood City, were all destroyed.

All that remains is a shattered void that radiates destructive power.


Blood God Realm.

On an unnamed mountain, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Among the five blood supreme beings, Nantianmen suppressed two, the master of the Heavenly Blood Temple, and another blood emperor.

The other three Blood Emperors were all suppressed in the Blood Sea God Orb.

The boundless sea of ​​blood washes away!
As soon as Jiang Che had a thought, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and in the next breath, his figure appeared above the boundless blood sea of ​​the Blood Sea God Orb.

The boundless sea of ​​blood churned, and the moment Jiang Che appeared, a terrifying force erupted from the depths of the sea of ​​blood.


Jiang Che spat out a word, and the power attack that descended collapsed in an instant.

In the Blood Sea God Orb, he is the master, and he can follow what he says.

Unless there is an existence with too much strength beyond him, otherwise, it can only be suppressed.

After devouring thousands of blood races, the power of the Blood Sea God Orb grew stronger again.

Except for the three blood emperors, the other blood clans all turned into the source of power of the blood sea.


The blood-colored waves churned, and the figures of three blood emperors appeared.

All of them are horrible.

The body seemed to be corroded, and the strong flesh showed creepy wounds.

Even the blood emperor couldn't bear the rush of blood sea power.

The abnormal resilience will also take a certain amount of time to be resolved.

Looking at Jiang Che, fear appeared on the faces of the three blood emperors.

This terrifying sea of ​​blood seemed to restrain their ability to recover. Under the washing of the sea of ​​blood, their recovery ability slowed down a lot.

Jiang Che could also clearly perceive this point.

The Blood Sea God Orb has the ability to restrain the blood race.

It's just that there is a blood emperor who has cultivated to the immortal level, and his recovery ability is too abnormal.

Even if the blood sea is restrained, it will take time to kill.


With a thought, Jiang Che manifested an ocean of heavy sword energy, enveloping the three Blood Emperors, and at the same time urged the Blood Sea God Bead to bombard them with all his strength.

The bodies of the three blood emperors were cut into pieces in an instant, but they recovered in an instant.

But in the face of endless terrifying sword energy, the recovery ability of the three blood emperors can't match.

Cut, heal, cut again, heal again...

It's like being stuck in a loop.

However, with the endless bombardment of sword energy, coupled with the all-out bombardment of the Blood Sea God Orb, even with the recovery ability of the Blood Emperor's physical body, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Bastard, you must die!"

"Fuck, damn human race, you will definitely be killed by the blood ancestor in the future!"

The three blood emperors kept cursing, and that was all they could do.

Within the Blood Sea God Orb, there was no resistance at all.

Jiang Che also turned a deaf ear.

As the bombardment continued, the sea of ​​blood continued to absorb the flesh and blood of the three blood emperors, and their recovery ability declined step by step.

An hour later, it was completely resolved.

The rewards of the three Yuzi Ninth Grade broke out.

Jiang Che's eyes also showed joy.

Although it is difficult to kill the Supreme Blood Race, the rewards are not small.

In the early stage of ordinary human immortals, at most the first rank of the cosmic character, only a very small number can reach the reward of the cosmic character level.

If there is a slight difference, the reward is extraordinary.

Completely killed, the body was finally swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, enhancing the power of the sea of ​​blood.

Jiang Che could clearly feel the power of the boundless sea of ​​blood.

The physical essence of the three blood emperors is much greater than the improvement of the flesh and blood essence of hundreds of millions of blood clans.

No matter how much you pay, the rewards are equally astonishing.


The figure disappeared out of thin air, and in the next breath, Jiang Che escaped into the Nantian Gate.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths array was in operation, and the devastating damage continuously bombarded the two blood emperors.

But in the face of such an attack, their recovery ability can almost be ignored.

Even if it is suppressed, it can still be alive and well.

As soon as Jiang Che appeared, the Heavenly Blood Temple Hall Master and another Blood Emperor directly killed him.

The wheels of life and death erupted, and Jiang Che retreated with a single blow.

Before he had time to catch his breath, Jiang Che directly captured the Blood Emperor who was in the early stage of Human Immortal, leaving only the Heavenly Blood Temple Hall Master still in the Nantian Gate.


In the nine heavens and ten earths, the heaven-shattering roar of the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple sounded.

Infinite divine thunder descended and bombarded his body, but it was of no avail.

Immortal artifact damage can be recovered instantly.

It's not that Jiang Che doesn't use the Immortal Severing Flying Saber, but that he can't kill him at all.

The spiritual will of the immortal is integrated with the physical body, not in the realm of thunder and calamity, and the primordial spirit exists alone.

The Immortal Slashing Flying Knife can only injure, but cannot completely kill.

Of course, it's not that Zhanxian Flying Knife is too weak, but that his strength is not enough, and the enemy is too perverted. If he is of a higher level, he can kill him with one blow, but the gap needs to be huge.

The blood emperor in the middle stage of human immortality has even more abnormal recovery ability.

And the strength is terrifying, Jiang Che can only suppress it with all his strength.

The fourth Blood Emperor was resolved, and Jiang Che's figure appeared in the Nantianmen again.


When the shocking punch came, Jiang Che seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, and he didn't panic at all. The life and death wheel of the heavens broke out, and he punched hard, repelling the owner of the Heavenly Blood Temple.

"If you can't escape, the Blood God Palace will definitely know that the entire Blood God Realm is sealed off. With the blood ancestor's seal still in place, you can unite the world's original power, and you will definitely not be able to escape the Blood God Realm."

Standing in the void of the Nine Heavens, the Master of the Heavenly Blood Temple looked at Jiang Che with murderous eyes.


Hearing what the head of the Heavenly Blood Temple said, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, such a news broke out, which really made him feel incredible.

"As long as you let me go, I can let the past go and let you leave the Blood God Realm safely."

At this time, the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple spoke again.

Jiang Che looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"The proposal is good, but unfortunately, if it is in my hands, then don't even think about leaving alive."


Jiang Che immediately revealed the Blood Sea God Orb, and the scarlet blood light bloomed.

"This... this is the Pearl of the Underworld of the Blood Race, how could you have it!"

When looking at the Blood Sea God Orb in Jiang Che's hand, the Heavenly Blood Temple Hall Master was startled for a moment.

"Pearl of the Underworld?"

Jiang Che was also taken aback for a moment.

This is what he killed the ancestor of the blood sea in the restricted area of ​​Moyuan. How did it become the treasure of the ancestor of the blood?

Jiang Che looked at the master of the Heavenly Blood Temple, and there was a trace of unconcealable fear in his eyes.

"Whether it is or not, let's kill it first!"

Without thinking too much, Jiang Che activated the Blood Sea God Orb in an instant. The scarlet blood light shrouded it, filled with supreme immortal power, and instantly pulled the owner of the Heavenly Blood Temple into the sea of ​​blood.

To suppress the blood race, the Blood Sea God Orb is more suitable than Nantianmen.

As the sea of ​​blood washes away, it will continuously absorb and absorb the flesh and blood of the vampires, and if one ebbs and the other ebbs and flows, it will be doomed in the end.

Jiang Che mobilized the Blood Sea God Orb with all his strength, and kept attacking the Heavenly Blood Temple Master.


As long as he is not dead, the attack will not stop for a moment.

However, during this period, he was unable to use the Blood Sea God Orb to fend off the enemy.

The Blood Sea God Orb can only be used if the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple is completely killed.

Absorbing the physical energy of the four Blood Emperors, the power of the Blood Sea God Orb was earth-shattering.

However, Jiang Che reckoned that it would take at least half a month to kill the Hall Master of the Heavenly Blood Temple.

The blood emperor in the middle stage of human immortality, the recovery ability is too abnormal, but he can afford to wait for this little time.

He will continue to act only after he completely kills the Hall Master of the Heavenly Blood Temple.

Otherwise, when defending against the enemy, if there is a slight accident that causes serious injury to oneself, it cannot be suppressed, and the master of the Heavenly Blood Temple may run away.

After disappearing into the Nantian Gate, Jiang Che's figure appeared on the hillside.

Immortal light flashed with a wave of his hand, and he disappeared in an instant. Jiang Che began to check his rewards.

In half a month, the other sanctuaries of the Blood Race will definitely know about the destruction of the Heavenly Blood Sanctuary.

However, Jiang Che was not worried about this.

Run away!

Impossible, the hunt has just begun!
He has enough time now.

After opening the reward, maybe there is even greater confidence!


With a thought, Jiang Che immediately began to extract rewards.

The light shone, and a red ball appeared in his hand.

Blood Soul Orb!
Contains amazing breath.

A strong spirit permeated the air.

Jiang Che swallowed it in one gulp, and continued to extract rewards.

The second reward is still the blood soul pearl.

Feeling turbulent in his heart, Jiang Che took a deep breath, swallowed the blood soul pearl, and continued to extract it.

The red light bloomed, and the third reward was still the Blood Soul Pearl.

Jiang Che: "..."

Beheaded blood clan, so the probability of bursting blood soul beads is higher?
Looking at the third Blood Soul Pearl, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Swallowed again in one gulp.

"The last reward, it can't be any more..."

"Bless the Dao, come out with a big one!"

After praying in his heart, Jiang Che took a deep breath, and once the thought moved, he extracted it again.


A gloomy light bloomed, and a green bead appeared in his eyes.

Dinghai Divine Pearl!


Looking at the Dinghai Shenzhu in front of him, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came back to his senses, looking at the Dinghai Shenzhu in front of him, Jiang Che immediately entered the mark of the primordial spirit, and directly started the sacrificial training.

The two Dinghai Divine Beads are all sacrificed, and the power of the combination is even greater.

The sneak attack effect is also stronger.

At the same time, the effect of the frontal attack is also multiplied several times.

But Jiang Che prefers to use the Dinghai Shenzhu for sneak attacks.

The stun effect is invincible.

Even the blood emperor in the middle stage of human immortality can't stop the dizzy effect of Dinghaishenzhu.

After two hours of effort, Jiang Che completely succeeded in the sacrifice.

Dinghai Shenzhu submerged into his body.

"There are still 22 Dinghai Shenzhu..."

"A long way to go!"

Looking at the scarlet sky, Jiang Che let out a mouthful of turbid air, regained his senses, and began to absorb the three blood soul beads in his body with all his heart.

The blood soul pearl strengthens the physical body and enhances one's own blood will.

Also good stuff.

A blood orb absorbed before not only restored his physical body.

At the same time, it also allowed him to go to the next level, and his physical strength broke through the strength of 20 dragons.

These three blood soul beads are enough to expand his power to a more ferocious level.

In half a month, with all his strength absorbed, he was almost able to refine the three blood soul beads.

The strength is stable, and it has been improved to a higher level.

The stronger his strength, the smoother his action of killing immortals.


Blood God Realm.

A land of green mountains and green waters.

Here, the palaces and pavilions are built, and the majestic aura permeates and evolves into mist, just like a fairyland on earth.

And here is the Holy Land of the Blood Race, the strongest temple in the Blood God Realm, and the headquarters of the Blood God Temple.

On a majestic mountain top, in a splendid palace, several blood clan supremes gathered.

Every aura is very terrifying, and every vampire supreme is at least the existence of the early stage of human immortality.

Among them, there is also a blood clan supreme in the late stage of human immortality.

More than a dozen blood emperors gathered here, and the palace was filled with oppressive atmosphere.

"Do you know the situation of the Heavenly Blood Temple?"

A blood emperor spoke, breaking the silence.

"What the Terrans did, directly slaughtered the Heavenly Blood City, the third palace master, how should we deal with it?"

Another blood emperor spoke, looking at the strongest blood emperor on the central throne.

The other blood emperors also set their sights on the strongest third blood emperor.

"Now I can't lock this person, and I can't deduce this person's heel, so I can only wait and wait for the next appearance."

The voice of the three palace masters sounded.

The faces of the other blood emperors changed, and they looked at him in unison, and one blood emperor said: "Isn't that just sitting and waiting to die?"

"This seat has already communicated with other temples. Activate the blood god formation left by the blood ancestor to block the entire blood god world. Once he shows up, he will definitely not be able to escape."

The voice of the three palace masters sounded.

"In this case, it's a catch, but you still have to be careful. If this person can kill the Heavenly Blood Temple, his strength must be great."

Another blood emperor spoke.

"Don't worry, all the halls are ready. If anything happens, we can communicate in time, and we can go to support as quickly as possible."

"If the support is not timely at this distance, I am afraid that all previous efforts will still be in vain!" A blood emperor showed worry on his face.

"With the Blood God's Boat, what are you afraid of?"

The third hall master said lightly.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the dozen or so blood emperors suddenly lit up.

Yes, the blood god's boat!
That is an immortal weapon refined by the blood ancestor, and it travels through the blood god world in an instant.

"What about the third hall master, the great hall master and the second hall master?"

A Blood Emperor asked.

"They're coming back soon, within half a month." The third hall master said.

"Okay, let's all go down, pay attention to the situation in other temples at any time, be fully prepared, and go immediately if there is any situation!"

The third hall master got up, and the voice sounded in the hall.


A dozen Blood Emperors responded, and then their figures turned into rays of light and disappeared into the palace.


Half a month passed in a flash.

Jiang Che also completed the sacrifice.

The three blood soul beads were completely absorbed.

His strength has risen to 30 dragon power, surpassing most of the mid-term peak existences of human immortals.

After absorbing the three Divine Blood Orbs, the physical body underwent a complete qualitative change.

Reached the semi-immortal level.

The physical body has been cultivated to the level of a half-immortal weapon, and the damage of ordinary half-immortal weapons cannot shake him.

Only the attack of the immortal weapon can harm his physical body.

The strength is even higher.

Opening his eyes, he stood up and stood up. With a thought, Jiang Che came to the space of the Blood Sea God Bead.

Above the boundless sea of ​​blood, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

For half a month, the endless sea of ​​blood washed over the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple.

But relying on the terrifying physical body, he is still immortal.

One last breath left.

As soon as Jiang Che appeared, the sea of ​​blood surged, and a tattered body rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

It is the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple.

However, compared to the beginning, his aura dropped a lot, and most of the flesh and blood essence was absorbed by the Blood Sea God Orb.

"Vitality is tenacious!"

Looking at the owner of the Heavenly Blood Temple in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

In the next breath, boundless power surged, and the life and death wheels of the heavens erupted.


One blow shattered the fleshy body and directly exploded, but the shattered flesh and blood squirmed for a long time, and once again gathered into a fleshy body.

"Try my new move, Force Sea Frenzy!"

Jiang Che took a step forward, the boundless power erupted again, and the terrifying power descended in an instant, obliterating the fleshy body, and with the next breath, the fleshy body condensed and obliterated again.

The blow lasted for hundreds of breaths, and under Jiang Che's continuous obliteration, the last wave completely exploded the fleshy body, covering the sky with blood, completely absorbing it.

"This vitality is really abnormal!"

Seeing the complete annihilation of the body of the Lord of the Heavenly Blood Temple, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the Blood Sea God Bead's ability to absorb the essence of flesh and blood while suppressing it, it would be almost immortal.

His strength increased, but it didn't reach the obvious level.

The explosion of the cycle of life and death in the heavens can instantly kill the flesh body of a blood emperor in the early stage of human immortality in an instant, but it is much worse to destroy the blood emperor in the middle stage of human immortality with one blow.

It is equivalent to a fleshy body derived from flesh and blood. It is more troublesome to kill than the Thunder Tribulation Supreme from the four realms.

The grand prize broke out, Yu Zi Qipin.

Jiang Che disappeared into the space of the Blood Sea God Bead and came outside.

Extracting the reward, a black bead appeared in his hand.

Terrifying calamity filled the air.

Dao robbery bead!

It is the same power as the Dao Jiezhu that broke out before.

"The blood emperor in the middle stage of killing immortals is not a big problem. It is probably impossible to kill the late stage of human immortals..."

Jiang Che looked at the Dao Jiezhu in his hand, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

The blood clan supreme in the later stage of human immortality, the recovery ability is closer to rebirth from a drop of blood, immortal.

The other late human immortals are completely different from the late human immortals of the blood race.

The blood race is born with abnormal recovery ability, so even he is very headache.

The Dao Jiezhu can kill other late human immortal supremes, but if it kills the late human immortal supremes of the blood race, the possibility is too small.

Still, it's possible to inflict indelible damage.

The power of tribulation qi erupted by the Dao Dao Tribulation Pearl is enough to cause eternal damage to the supreme being in the late stage of human immortality.

Even the perverted recovery ability of the blood race needs to be expelled to recover.

"With the Dao Jiezhu, the next move will be more stable."

Putting away the Dao Tribulation Pearl, Jiang Che looked towards the blood-colored sky.

Dao robbery pearl.

Huge lethality.

But there is only one problem, that is, when it explodes, both the enemy and yourself will be injured.

Last time in the Sky Demon Realm, Jiang Che suffered this blow.

Not necessary, not available.

At any time, his physical body has improved, but if he is in the center, the damage will still be devastating.

"Next time, it's best to explode the clone, so as to avoid injury."

Thoughts surfaced, and after calming down, Jiang Che immediately thought about his next goal.

"The closest one should be the Temple of Borneo... Then this one!"

The goal was determined, and Jiang Che didn't delay at all. He exploded, disappeared in an instant, and headed for the Boluo Temple.


The Void Teleported greatly, and within an hour, Jiang Che arrived at the headquarters of the Borneo Temple, Mount Borneo.

Also called Borneo.

This is a city built on the hills.

A large number of blood race figures can be seen outside the city.

The moat formation is always in operation.

The destruction of the Heavenly Blood Temple also made other temples very cautious.

Defensively, fully activated.

If you don't defend, then hell will happen.

"Will it be the same as the Sky Demon Realm..."

"If this is the case, it can be done with one vote."

Looking at Borneo City, an idea popped up in Jiang Che's mind.

In the Blood God Realm, the strongest Blood Race Supreme lost to the Sky Demon Emperor.

However, it should not be underestimated.

If the three blood race supremes in the late stage of human immortality have immortal artifacts, the situation is also not good.

But with Dao Dao Jiezhu, Jiang Che sketched out a new plan in his mind.

If enough Blood Race Supremes are attracted, then detonate the Dao Tribulation Orb.

Under the late stage of human immortality, there is no doubt that he will die!
Think about it, this possibility is not only possible, but also very large!

(End of this chapter)

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