Chapter 264
"Yan Tu, Nine-tailed Demon Emperor!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

Taking a closer look, Jiang Che was sure that these two figures were definitely Yan Tu and the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor.

Breath cannot be faked.

He did not expect that this time, he would meet in the Asura Realm.

It's not that enemies don't get together!

"These two, why are they in the Shura world?"

"By the way, there was a Supreme Asura who appeared in the Xuanhuang Realm before, and it's not surprising that he can appear here..."

A thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind quickly.

Immediately, he looked at the other figures in the void fairy boat.

They are all the supreme beings of the Shura clan.

And everyone is from the Emperor Shakra family!
Among them, there are three Five Realm Supremes.

Including Yan Tu and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, there are five Five Realm Supremes in total.

Together with other Shura Supremes, there are sixteen Supremes in total.

Four Realms Supreme, and several Three Realms Supremes.

"This should be the Sovereign Shura of the North Shrine on the North Road."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

There is only one possibility for more than a dozen Shura Supremes.

The Supreme of North Road.

"The news came out very quickly, and it didn't take long before they were killed." A stern look flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

"It seems that most of the previous whims were due to this factor."

The thought was certain, Jiang Che calculated it.

There are a total of three Shura Supremes and Five Realms Supremes in the Northern Temple, plus Yantu Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, a total of five.

Including Yan Huang, the master of the Yan Temple, there are six five-realm supreme beings in total.

It is indeed tricky.

However, Jiang Che had no intention of retreating.

Six Five Realm Supremes, if this vote is successful, it will definitely explode!
There was some risk, but with twenty Dinghai Divine Pearls, he was more than [-]% sure.

But together, this is definitely a big trouble.


In the fairy boat of the void, the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor looked at Yan Luoshan, his eyes suddenly turned to the distance, and his eyebrows frowned.

On the side, Yan Tu noticed the change in her expression, and said via voice transmission: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just have a bad feeling."

The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor came back to his senses.


"A bad feeling?"

Yan Tu remained calm on the surface, but his heart skipped a beat.

"Just play it by ear later, if the mysterious Supreme comes, the appropriate effort will be almost enough."

When he came back to his senses, Yan Tu's mana was sound transmission.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor nodded silently.

And at this moment, the Void Immortal Boat has arrived outside Yan Luo Mountain.

The huge fairy boat stopped in the void.

At this moment, several rainbow lights burst out from the palace in Yan Luo Mountain, and came to the void fairy boat.

A hundred miles away, in the darkness, Jiang Che looked at several figures appearing from Xiaoyan Mountain, and looked at the leading figure in black robes.

"Aura of five realms..."

"This should be Yan Huang..."

"Several other Supremes have also come. It's very good. It's easier to solve it when they gather together at once."

A wisp of murderous intent emerged in his heart. Jiang Che gathered his strength and struck the head. He had to be quick and accurate!

If you can't kill the Supreme Being of the Five Realms, then don't try to run away from others!
The Dinghai Divine Orb in his body was ready to move at any time.

"Welcome to the Temple of Hell."

In the void, Yan Huang's voice sounded.

On the fairy boat, more than a dozen figures stepped out.

The three leading ones are the three strongest North Temple masters.

Looking at Yan Huang, their expressions were serious.

"The Four Halls are destroyed, Emperor Yan, as the core ruler in charge of the Southern Temple, this is your negligence of responsibility."

A hall master spoke, his tone was full of unkindness.

"The incident happened suddenly. I don't have the power to reach the sky. Even if I know about it, it would be a step too late, so I will inform you all."

Yan Huang opened his mouth and said.

"Isn't this a play of your Yan Shendian colluding with foreigners? After destroying the fourth palace, your Yan Shendian is the dominant family?"

At this time, another Five Realms Palace Master spoke.

Hearing these words, Yan Huang's face darkened instantly.

"Yintian, what do you mean? Want to slander me?"

Looking at the Lord of the Five Realms Palace, the faces of the Supreme Lords of Yan Temple behind Yan Huang were also very ugly.

The Supreme Lord Yintian who spoke laughed loudly: "Haha, I am just guessing, why should Lord Yan care about it, since he didn't do it, it would be better."

"Master Yin Palace, what you said is too much." Behind Yan Huang, a Supreme Being of the Four Realms spoke.


Hearing these words, the Yintian Supreme Being, who was still smiling a second ago, changed color instantly and his eyes were cold in the next breath.

A breath instantly burst out of his body.


Yan Huang's voice sounded like a bell, shaking the world.

The aura of the cloudy sky dissipated instantly.

Looking at the three Supreme Beings of the Five Realms, Yan Huang said: "I invite you here to defend against the enemy, not to quarrel. If you suspect that my Yan Temple is colluding with foreigners, you can leave."

"Dianzhu Yan, what do you mean? We can't ask yet?"

A Four Realms Supreme from the Northern Temple spoke.

"Ask, I think you are here to ask the teacher for your crime!" Yan Huang said directly.

"Okay, Brother Yan, Brother Yin is also guessing, why be so angry." At this time, a Five Realm Hall Master who had not spoken up until now said.

Yan Huang's face also softened by three points, looked at the Lord of the Five Realms who was speaking, and said: "Brother Beixuan, it's not Yan, but I don't agree to slander my Temple of Yan like this!"

"Well, the atmosphere is not right, is this a fight?"

Looking at this scene hundreds of miles away in the darkness, Jiang Che was stunned.

It sounds like the north and south temples are not in harmony.

There was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

"It's best to start a fight. This way, I will save more energy..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

Infighting, he likes it!

Once he did it, it was his best chance.

But Jiang Che is also very clear that there is a lot of hilarity in it.

In this case, unless you get kicked in the head, it's better to take action.


"This seat did not say that it must be the hand of your Highness Yan Shen."

The Yin Tian Supreme said lightly.

Yan Huang looked at him with cold eyes: "It's best not to make wild guesses like this, otherwise, you will die."

"Why, the four palaces have been destroyed, I can't guess?"

The Yin Tian Supreme said lightly.

"If you don't want to sit down and talk, you can leave now, I don't ask for it."

Yan Huang said coldly.

"I'm afraid that you, Yama Temple, will also follow in the footsteps of the Four Halls." Yintian Supreme said calmly.

"Really? You may have forgotten what's under Yama Mountain, right?"

"It's urgent, this seat won't care so much."

Yan Huang said lightly.

Hearing these words, the Three Realms Supreme's complexion changed wildly in an instant.

The complexions of the Supreme Lord Shura of the other Northern Temples also changed.

Seeing this scene, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor was very surprised, and looking at Yan Tu beside him, his expression also changed.

She was even more curious in her heart, and said with magic power: "Why, fellow Daoist Yan has such a face, could it be that he knows the mystery?"

"I know a little bit." Yan Tu nodded.

"Then what's under the Yama Mountain?" the Nine-tailed Demon King asked.

"There is a suppressed Seven Realm Supreme!"

Yan Tu said.

Nine-tailed Demon Emperor: "???"

"A Supreme Being of the Seven Realms who was suppressed under Mount Yan Luo?" The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor wondered if he had failed.

He looked towards Yama Luoshan.

But he didn't sense any breath.

"Friend Yan Daoist, are you kidding me? Yan Shendian has the strength to suppress a Seven Realm Supreme?"

Nine-tailed Demon Emperor's mana transmitted sound, and his voice was full of inconceivable.

Yan Tu looked at her, and said, "That's true, but it wasn't Yan Shendian who suppressed it, but gathered the power of the entire Shura world, plus the methods left behind by the ancestor of Shura, Emperor Luo Tian."


Hearing these words, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor's heart skipped a beat.

"There is such a connection..."

Looking at Yan Luoshan, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor was full of inconceivable.

"Then which Supreme is this? Do you know?"

The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor asked.

Yan Tu shook his head: "I only know that it is the emperor of the Emperor Shakra. I don't know exactly which supreme one it is."

Indra royal family?

The nine-tailed demon emperor was even more stunned.

Isn't that the supreme lineage of the Shura clan?

Why did the Shura clan suppress the existence of the seven realms of their own supreme lineage under Yama?
What's happening here?
Just when the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor was stunned.In the silent void, a Supreme Palace Master of the Five Realms said, "Brother Yan, what are you talking about, we came here with integrity, why should this be the case, and so are you, Palace Lord Yin, it's not good to guess like this!"

"That's right, Brother Yin, it's not good for you to be so slanderous, Brother Yan is an upright person, how could he collude with foreigners to frame his own people?"

Another Supreme Palace Master of the Five Realms also spoke.

The Supreme Lord Yintian recovered his complexion, looked at Emperor Yan, and said: "Brother Yan, this seat is just a small guess, don't worry about it, I am talking too much."

At this time, Yan Huang also showed a smile on his face: "I am very happy that everyone can come so quickly. It was just a joke just now."

All the Supremes: "..."


Go Nima's joke, can this be joked casually?
If you want to die, don't hold us back!
All the Supremes slandered in their hearts.

Smiling on the surface, in my heart... Greetings to the eighteen generations of ancestors!

"what's going on?"

A hundred miles away, Jiang Che looked at this scene and was very puzzled.

Suddenly... okay?
I'm afraid this is abnormal, right?


This Yan Luoshan, is there really a problem?
Jiang Che was puzzled.

But dare not underestimate it.

"Try it first!"

With one thought of Jiang Che's thought, and with the next breath, he transformed into three cleanses in one breath, and three clones appeared out of thin air.


The aura of the three clones shook the heavens and the earth, sweeping through the void.

Mana spewed out, and the sea of ​​heavy swords manifested.

With the Great Void Sword Art, the three clones activated the same move at the same time, overwhelming the sky and sweeping towards a group of Shura Supremes.


This shocking blow instantly changed everyone's expressions.

All the Shura Supremes looked at the overwhelming sword shadow, and all of them activated their magical powers.

The breath in the body rushed out, sweeping the sky and the earth.

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers!
Immortal Artifact excited, quickly made a counterattack.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky collapsed, the earth sank, and Yan Luoshan's protective formation shook instantly.

The ultimate light wave blooms in the void, impacting the heaven and the earth.

Terrible power swept across the void land.

The shock wave of destruction shattered everything.


Several Shura Supremes vomited blood and retreated violently, and the aura around them became chaotic.

The Supreme Being of the Fifth Realm was not seriously injured, but the Supreme Being of the Third Realm was seriously injured!
But fortunately, the joint attack of the three clones was blocked by the combined force.

In the shattered void.

The figures of a group of Shura Supremes appeared.

The fairy boat bloomed with brilliance, resisting the constant breath of destruction.

"This breath..."

"It's that damned human race!"

Yan Tu looked at the three clones, his pupils shrank, and he blurted out.

The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor on the side also changed his expression.

She also recognized this man.


Hearing these words, all the Supreme Asura looked at Yan Tu.

"Why, Fellow Daoist Yantu knows you?"

A five-level supreme hall master spoke.

Yan Tu nodded, "Yes, our plan failed precisely because of this guy!"

"Fellow Taoist Yan Tu, what do you mean, these three are the human race who killed the White Emperor?"

A Five Realm Supreme spoke.

"This is the avatar of this person, and his main body must be hidden nearby!"

Yan Tu spoke again.



Hearing these words, the complexions of the Shura Supremes changed wildly, and they couldn't stand still anymore.

Even the heart of the Supreme Being of the Five Realms exploded instantly.

This is just a clone?
How terrifying is that deity?
Just one blow, that was quite powerful.

"Everyone, this person has cultivated a strange supernatural power, which can keep the avatar almost as strong as the deity."

Yan Tu spoke again.

Hearing this, the five-level supreme beings felt a little more at ease.

If so, that's fine.

"But be careful, this person has a Supreme Immortal Artifact, if imprisoned, the five realms will be doomed!"

Yan Tu reminded again.

Hearing these words, this time, the heart that had just been suspended was tightened again.

"This person must be the culprit of the destruction of the Four Halls, so be careful."

The King of Hell spoke.

A hundred miles away, Jiang Che's heart twitched as he watched this scene.

This guy exposes himself.

The sneak attack can no longer be done, and it will definitely not be eliminated by relying on clones alone.

Because the avatar does not have his immortal body.

"Then do it clearly!"

Jiang Che's heart thumped, and he took a step forward, and the aura around him was instantly aroused.

The gazes of all the Asura Supremes looked at him instantly.

"Fellow Taoist Yantu, fellow Taoist Jiuwei, don't you want to cooperate with me inside and outside? If you are exposed like this, that is not good."

Jiang Che's voice reached the ears of the Supreme Beings like thunder.

Hearing this, the other Supremes swished away from them.

Yan Tu and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor were furious instantly.

"You're riding a horse and farting, who's with you!"

Yan Tu swears directly, and the muscles on his forehead bulge.

The face of the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor was also very ugly.

"This person is treacherous, he is sowing discord, everyone, we have cooperated for so many years, do you believe what this person says?"

The voice of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor sounded.

Hearing these words, Yan Huang's eyes flickered.

But before he could speak, Jiang Che spoke again: "Fellow Nine-Tails, that's not what you said at the beginning. According to the plan, you were intentionally hurt by me, severely injured and fled, and created false appearances. Why do you say such things now? You, this It is unrighteous!"

Jiang Che looked angry, as if something really happened.

Reverse black and white!
Can you be a human being on a horse?
Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu were dumbfounded.

This horse riding is simply a jerk!
But at this time, Jiang Che's voice sounded again: "You two fellow Taoists, it's not too late to turn around now, the Shura clan are all like demons, if you choose to follow them, you will be looking for your own death."

"I don't care about the past. As long as you join forces with me and rely on the next treasure, you will be able to wipe them all out. At that time, the resources obtained will be shared equally between you and me."

"You two fellow daoists have to think clearly, if the three of us share the resources equally, it will be much better than with them."

Jiang Che chattered endlessly, every word clear to his ears.

【36 Strategies】【Follow the Strategies】【The Strategies in the Strategies】【Invert the Universe】【Stimulate Divorce】!
Nine-tailed Demon Emperor: "..."

Yan Huang: "..."

In the void, the atmosphere instantly became strange.

Looking at the appearance of this human being, it doesn't look like he is acting in a play, which is quite true!
The faces of all the Asura Supremes looking at the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu also changed.

Mana enveloped the whole body, very vigilant.

And at this moment, Yan Tu and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor were about to cry.

His family business is gone.

Now being so framed by the guy in front of me, I can't stand it!
"Fellow Daoist Yan Tu, fellow Daoist Nine Tails, you... do you want to explain?"

A hall master spoke in a cold voice.

"Two fellow daoists, act now, we will join forces to kill them and share the resources!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

In the next second, the three avatars aroused their supernatural powers, Fate Sword Technique, Zhoutian Star Technique, and Great Void Sword Art, and instantly killed a group of Shura Supremes.

And coincidentally, the attack perfectly avoided Yan Tu and the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor.

A group of Shura Supremes were furious, their supernatural powers were aroused, and the light of the fairy artifacts shone, blasting out instantly.

The void that had just been repaired cracked again and turned into nothing.

The shock wave of destruction swept all around.

Several Shura Supremes vomited blood again.

"Two friends, do you really want to cooperate with the Shura clan?"

Jiang Che's eyes were red and he roared angrily.

The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu were stunned by the attack just now, and they just didn't make a move.

Hearing this, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Go to Nima, who will step on the horse to cooperate with you!

"Okay, I didn't expect that you would use counterintuitive tactics to frame me, and we parted ways. Hum, I have to make you suffer a lot today!"

Jiang Che was angry again and again.

The acting is off the charts.


Who stepped on the horse to frame whom?

Shame on you!
"You bastard, nonsense!"

"I will kill you even if I try my best!"

Yan Tu and Nine Tails roared furiously, and in the next breath, the divine light erupted, and the group and the magical powers blasted directly at Jiang Che.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

Jiang Che's eyes were cold, and he blasted the void with one punch, directly blasting the ten thousand miles of void, the power of three million dragons exploded in an instant, and the life and death wheels of the heavens were urged to the extreme peak by him.


The berserk power was like a tsunami overwhelming the sky, the wheel of law crushed, and the attacks of Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu were shattered on the spot.



The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu directly spewed out a mouthful of blood, the whole body vibrated, and the blow directly caused damage.

"Why don't you do it!"

Shocked back a hundred miles, Yan Tu roared angrily.

"Hmph, you are not acting, are you?"

A Shura Supreme said lightly.

"Play you Ma!"

"This guy is simply the enemy!"

Yan Tu roared angrily.

"Brother Yan, Fellow Nine-Tails Daoist, as you have seen, they will not make a move at all, let you and me kill each other, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

But after hearing these words, Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu were speechless to refute.

This damned human being is simply insane!
The heavens and the world have never seen such a brazen person!
"Two fellow daoists, this is the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit, which can heal your injuries. I'm showing sincerity."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, and in the next second, the two Pure Yang Dao Fruits turned into rays of light and flew towards Yan Tu and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor.

Coincidentally, it just fell into my hand.

Nine-tailed Demon Emperor: "..."

Yan Tu: "..."

[36 Strategies] [Murder and Punishment]!

After recovering, the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu shattered the Pure Yang Dao Fruit at the same time.

He looked directly at Yan Huang and the Asura Supremes: "If you don't believe me, then we will leave."

"Okay, let's go, I have recognized you, in the future, there will be no cooperation, and you will also be my enemies!"

Before the group of Asura Supremes could speak, Jiang Che took the words directly.


You step on the horse! ! !
The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Yan Tu's eyes were bloodshot, and they were so angry that they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Everyone, I believe that Yan Tu and Nine-Tails Daoist should work together first to take down this person, and everything will naturally become clear. This person destroyed the Four Palaces, this is a fact!"

A Five Realm Palace Master spoke.

Hearing this, all the other Shura Supremes looked at Jiang Che in unison.

"Okay, if I take this person down, I will cut him into pieces, and his soul will be crushed to death bit by bit."

Yan Tu gritted his teeth, his eyes were red.


As soon as the words were finished, Yan Tu and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor shot directly, attacking with anger.

The power is even more terrifying!
Other Shura Supremes also took action at the same time.

The light of destruction rushed towards Jiang Che.

The three clones joined forces to resist, but they collapsed in an instant.


The light flooded Jiang Che, and his physical body collapsed, disappearing immediately.

In the next breath, he recovered again, alive and well.

"Alright, Nine Tails, Yan Tu, if you don't show respect, don't blame me!"

A cold voice sounded, and the tone was full of coldness.

In the next breath, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the twenty sea-fixing beads were activated instantly.


The green light that reaches the sky shines, directly blocking the world.

The shocking aura spread.

"Be careful, this treasure is very powerful!"

Yan Tu opened his mouth to remind.

"Dinghai Qiankun!"

In the next breath, Jiang Che's voice sounded, and endless destructive attacks descended instantly.

This time, even the Supreme Being of the Five Realms felt the threat of death.

Use all your strength to stimulate the fairy weapon and kill it directly!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

The power of destruction destroys everything, but Yan Luoshan stands still.

Gathering the power of the twenty heavens, Jiang Che singled out all of them.

The Supreme Being of the Five Realms was beaten until he vomited blood and was shaken back, and the immortal weapons vibrated.

With one blow, all the three and four realm supreme beings of the Shura clan were killed.

The demon book vibrated crazily.

Yuzi-level and Zhouzi-level rewards exploded directly.

Twenty Dinghai Shenzhu trembled, and the barrier was shattered on the spot!

Even the Dinghai Shenzhu couldn't stop the six Five Realm Supremes and other Asura Supremes joining forces.

If it is not pulled into the heavens, it is no match for this supreme blow.

However, it also killed other Shura Supremes.

This is also a surprise!
Dinghai Shenzhu surrounds the whole body, shining green light, and powerful immortal power pervades.

In the chaotic void, only six figures remained.

The other Shura Supremes were completely annihilated.

It was so tragic that neither the three main hall masters of Beishen Temple nor Hades thought of it.

With a combined attack, they were no match for the two supreme beings who were in the third realm of thunder tribulation in the late stage of human immortality!
The human in front of him was only slightly injured.

It's incredible!

At this moment, even the Five Realm Supremes felt a trace of fear in their hearts.

Never seen such a perverted person!
(End of this chapter)

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