I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 266 Baiqi Central Dynasty

Chapter 266 Baiqi Central Dynasty
Purple light shone, and a tall figure wearing purple armor appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

There is also a golden spear in his hand.

Immortal power is pervasive, including the armor on his body, they are all immortal artifacts!
The breath in his body is even more terrifying, the same realm as Di Shitian, the supreme of the seven realms.

Stepping out of the central world, a middle-aged man in fairy armor looked at Jiang Che, and then at Di Shitian in the distant starry sky.

His pupils narrowed slightly, his expression solemn.

Standing aside, Jiang Che felt very apprehensive that Di Shitian did not come in the distance.

Jiang Che knew that if he did not enter this central world, he would definitely be killed by Di Shitian.

"Leave immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

The middle-aged man in Xianjia withdrew his eyes and looked at Jiang Che again, his voice was cold and heartless.

Jiang Che gritted his teeth, and immediately transmitted sound transmission with magic power: "Senior, wait a moment, I am a member of the Temple of Origin, and I was ordered to investigate the news. Central World resumes recovery."


"The Temple of Origin?"

Hearing these words, the middle-aged man in fairy armor fixed his eyes and looked at Jiang Che: "Are you from the Temple of Origin?"


Jiang Che nodded.

[36 Meters] [Tiger Skin Meter! 】

He had to pull the tiger's skin to pull the banner!

This central world is so powerful, it must know the temple of origin, Jiang Che has to take a gamble!
"The Temple of Origin has an order of origin, where is your token? Let me see!"

The middle-aged man in Xianjia said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart instantly "thumped".

Origin Token…

What is this?
It was originally a fake, where does he have any origin tokens.

And this thing, he has never seen it before, even if it is imitated, it is too late.

Thinking rapidly, Jiang Che immediately said: "Senior, my token of origin was lost during the battle with this demon."


"Then how can I trust you?"

The middle-aged man in Xianjia said calmly.


"If you can prove your identity, I will be able to let you enter Central World. Otherwise, His Majesty will need to obey the order."

The middle-aged man in Xianjia said calmly.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Senior, it's convenient. I'm just recovering for a while in Central World. I hope the senior will show me some face. The junior will be very grateful."

There was no other way, Jiang Che could only bow his head and beg for help.

Face is nothing compared to fate.

If he doesn't enter the Central World, he will definitely die today.

"Well, you sign a road agreement, and I can let you and me enter Central World."

While speaking, the middle-aged man in Xianjia waved his hand, and golden light bloomed, condensing a great agreement.

Jiang Che briefly glanced at the content of the Dao agreement, it was very simple, if you enter the Central World with him, you must be in the prescribed place, and you are not allowed to wander around.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Che directly signed the Dao Agreement.

In an instant, golden light penetrated into his soul.

Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

In the starry sky, Di Shitian stared at this scene with bloodthirsty red eyes.

But he was afraid of the horror of the central world, so he didn't step forward.

And at this moment, the middle-aged man in immortal armor spoke, pointing the immortal spear at Emperor Shitian: "Your Excellency, leave immediately, otherwise, I can mobilize the power of the world, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"


Hearing these words, Di Shitian was furious in his heart, and the violent aura surged around him, but he finally calmed down.

If there is only one Seventh Realm, then he will definitely do it, but the Central World is not limited to this one, and there are even more terrifying existences.

Looking at Jiang Che, Di Shitian's voice rang in his ears: "Boy, I will wait for you outside."

After finishing speaking, Di Shitian turned into a scarlet light and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's face froze slightly.

But fortunately, he saved his life for now.

As for the future... let's talk about it later!

His consumption is huge, and he must recover.

Watching Di Shitian leave, the middle-aged man in immortal armor also put away his immortal spear.

Looking at Jiang Che at the side again, he said expressionlessly, "Follow me."

After speaking, he turned around and stepped into Central World.

Jiang Che followed closely behind and stepped into the Central World together.

"What a strong world barrier!"

The moment Jiang Che passed through the world barrier, he felt an infinite force of obstruction.

Compared with the previous worlds, the obstacles in the central world are huge, more than a hundred times.

Following the middle-aged man in immortal armor through the world barrier, Jiang Che completely entered the central world.

The Nine Heavens Void here is very peaceful, without the terrifying scene of thunder and storm.

The thick sea of ​​clouds is as solid as the land.

After entering the central world, Jiang Che could feel the pure Yang immortal energy permeating the world.

In the void of the nine heavens, strands of pure Yang immortal energy can be sensed. One can imagine where this central world land is.

The pores of his body opened up, absorbing it instinctively, and the heavy wounds in Jiang Che's body gradually healed a little.

Through the thick sea of ​​clouds and the vast void, Jiang Che could see the majestic mountains and rivers.

The pure yang immortal energy pervades the world.

The whole world is a place of practice.

Following the middle-aged man in fairy armor, Jiang Che did not wander around, and walked as he led the way.

He signed the avenue agreement.

Do not intrude into the central world without authorization, otherwise, he will be expelled.

"What's the senior's name?"

Following the middle-aged man in fairy armor, Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"White up!"

The middle-aged man in Xianjia said.

Bai... Bai Qi? !

Jiang Che was taken aback.

this name...

Why does it feel a little familiar?

However, Jiang Che didn't think too much, and soon came back to his senses, and said, "Senior White, this junior's name is Jiang Che."


Bai Qi nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

Take Jiang Che and head towards a certain direction in the central world.

Soon, across thousands of miles of void, the two arrived outside a majestic city.

The figure descended from the sky, and when looking at the city, Jiang Che could feel an extremely terrifying luck.

When the eyes of the sky are opened, what comes into view is the raging fire of the world of mortals.

And in the depths of the intense mortal fire, Jiang Che saw a boundless true spirit of luck.

This true spirit of luck can be compared with the true spirit of luck of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Jiang Che didn't look much and quickly closed his eyes.

On the side, Bai Qi looked at Jiang Che and said, "This is Tiandu City of the Central Dynasty in my Central World, follow me."

After all, Bai Qi led Jiang Che towards the Tiandu City.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, followed closely behind, and followed Bai Qi towards Tiandu City.

Entering Tiandu City, Jiang Che could feel the existence of the boundless true spirit of luck all the time, and his primordial spirit restrained himself, not daring to move an inch.

If he is attacked by the true spirit of luck, then his soul must perish.

This is the first time Jiang Che has encountered the Qi Luck True Spirit Dynasty, which is comparable to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Tianducheng is full of flowers.

The streets are wide enough for a dozen carriages to run side by side.

On both sides of the road, there are bustling shops and people coming and going.

Looking at it, there are almost no ordinary people, and everyone has a certain level of cultivation.

Following Bai Qi through several streets, he soon arrived outside a villa.

Compared with other bustling places, it is very quiet here.

The villa is covered by a large formation, so it is not clear what is going on inside.

At the door, there are two guards with knives, who are at the peak of the great master.

The gatekeepers are all peak masters.

Looking at the plaque of the villa, this villa is called Baiyun Villa.

"I've seen the handsome man!"

Bai Qi appeared, and the guards of the two peak masters immediately saluted.

Bai Qi nodded slightly, and then stepped into Baiyun Villa.

Jiang Che also followed closely and entered the Baiyun Villa.

The interior of the villa is also very large.

A strong pure yang fairy energy permeated the air.

In the land of the villa, there is at least one pure Yang immortal vein suppressing.

Let the whole villa be filled with surging pure Yang immortal energy.

Every place is a holy place for spiritual practice.

Walking through the corridor and stepping through the courtyard, Bai Qi led Jiang Che to the gate of a courtyard soon after.

Stopping in his tracks, Bai Qi looked at Jiang Che: "You are living here temporarily, I hope you are sensible and don't run around, otherwise, you will trigger the prohibition in the villa, and you should be aware of the consequences."

"Understood, thank you, Senior White."

Jiang Che nodded.

Bai Qi didn't say much, and disappeared directly in front of him.

Seeing Bai Qi disappear, the stone in Jiang Che's heart fell slightly.

After stepping into the courtyard and entering the room, Jiang Che immediately began to recover with all his strength.

The consumption was too great, especially the consumption of his essence and blood. Even if he was replenishing it while consuming it, he still lost [-]% of his essence and blood.

No matter what happens next, his top priority is to return to his peak.

As for what to do next, that is an unknown.

But at least his strength has recovered, and he can feel at ease.

One by one, the elixirs and medicines were absorbed by him crazily, and Jiang Che's whole body instantly formed a light mask, covering the entire body.


In Baiyun Villa, in a study room, Bai Qi's figure appeared. At this moment, he changed into a black robe.

Sitting in front of the study, he squinted his eyes and looked towards the window.

"The Temple of Origin..."

"Your Majesty had acquaintance with the Temple of Origin back then. It seems that you need to report this matter to Your Majesty."

Bai Qi muttered to himself, and in the next breath, he disappeared into the study.


Tiandu City, the Central Imperial City.

Outside the imperial study room, Bai Qi's figure appeared.

"General Bai, Your Majesty invites the general to enter."

At this time, in the imperial study room, a eunuch with a fair face and a feminine face stepped out, looked at Bai Qi with a smile on his face.

Bai Qi nodded slightly, and immediately, he stepped into the imperial study.

In the imperial study room, four beautiful maids stood in four corners. Before the dragon table, a figure in a black dragon robe appeared in Bai Qi's eyes.

With a tall body, sitting there, there is a kind of supreme majesty, full of a strong sense of oppression.

And this figure in the black dragon robe is the leader of the Central Dynasty, the Central Emperor!

"I see you, Your Majesty."

When he came to the dragon case, Bai Qi bowed to salute.

The central emperor looked at Bai Qi with a calm and prestige face, nodded slightly, and said: "Ai Qing, you don't need to be polite, just sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Bai nodded, and then sat on the golden chair beside him.

"Aiqing came to see me in such a hurry, why?"

The voice of the Central Emperor sounded.

Bai Qi looked slightly hesitant, and the Central Emperor waved his hand immediately, and the four court ladies and other eunuchs immediately exited the imperial study.

"Okay, it's just you and me here, let's talk now."

Bai Dian nodded and said: "Your Majesty, I have met someone from the Temple of Origin."


"The Temple of Origin!"

Hearing this, the central emperor also showed a serious look on his face.

"Please tell me what the specific situation is."

Bai Qiqiu nodded, and then told all the things that happened outside Central World just now.

Hearing Bai Qi's explanation, the Central Emperor lowered his head slightly in thought.

"The person you're talking about only has three realms of cultivation?" The Central Emperor looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qiqi nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, but this person is a fellow practitioner of Immortal Martial Arts, and his martial arts cultivation is strong, and he has reached the late stage of Human Immortal."

The Central Emperor nodded, then looked at Bai Qi: "Arranged him in his mansion?"

"Yes." Bai nodded, and then said: "This person is seriously injured and needs to be recuperated."

The central emperor nodded.

Bai Qi looked at him and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to meet this person?"

"It's okay, just bring it after he recovers. I haven't interacted with the Temple of Origin for so many years. This time, it's a chance."

The central emperor nodded.

"However, Your Majesty, this person does not have a token of origin, and I am not sure that this person is a member of the Temple of Origin." Bai Qi added.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it is or not. The Temple of Origin will not interfere with the affairs of the heavens and the world. It is only aimed at the demons and has no effect on us."

The Central Emperor said lightly.

Bai Qiqiu nodded, "The minister understands, let him come to see His Majesty after he recovers."

The Central Emperor nodded, and then said: "The heavens and worlds have been stable for so long, but now they are showing signs of restlessness, and we need to pay attention."

"I understand."

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Asura clan who hunted down Jiang Che, do you want me to take action?"

"No, let him go, as long as he doesn't enter the central world, the ancestor of Shura is not that easy to deal with."

The Central Emperor shook his head and said.

"The minister knows."

White started.


A month passed quickly.

Baiyun Villa, courtyard room.

After recovering at full speed for a month, Jiang Che finally recovered all the depleted essence and blood after taking a large amount of elixir.

The shattered primordial spirit also absorbed the avenue of purple energy to recover, and the shattered thoughts re-condensed, returning to the peak state that was not injured before.


On the bed, Jiang Che opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

After a month of crazy rest and recuperation, he finally recovered to his peak.

After entering Baiyun Villa, Jiang Che was not disturbed in any way.

Bai Qi didn't come back either, as if he had been forgotten.

Jiang Che also recovered with peace of mind.

The mana in his body surged, Jiang Che regained his thoughts this time, and his primordial spirit improved a bit.

The primordial spirit of thought has reached the number of one yuan.

12 thoughts.

However, he was still far from breaking through the four realms.

Jiang Che felt that he had to absorb all the rewarded Dao Purple Qi before he could break through to the Four Realms Supreme.

But this will take at least several months.

"If you can leave after breaking through the four realms in Central World, then there shouldn't be so much pressure."

A thought flashed across Jiang Che.

Even if he breaks through the fourth realm, it is still impossible for him to defeat Di Shitian of the seventh realm.

But at least it wasn't as miserable as before.

Although it is still not safe, at least it can have more certainty.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che checked his fairy weapon.

The Dinghai Divine Pearl is still dim. When fighting Emperor Shitian, he is still invincible with only twenty Dinghai Divine Pearls.

The other celestial artifacts were also dimmed and suffered heavy damage to varying degrees.

Jiang Che's mana surged and he immediately started to restore the immortal weapon.

Three days passed, and Dinghai Shenzhu was the first to recover to its peak.

Jiang Che still kept on recovering other immortal weapons.

It took half a month for Jiang Che to restore all the immortal artifacts.

The fairy artifact was completely recovered, and Jiang Che felt more at ease.

The consciousness turned to the mind, and on the demon book, the reward light clusters shone one after another.

There are a total of eleven Yuzi level rewards.

Zhouzi rewards, three!
Among them, the biggest reward was the Fifth Realm Supreme, Yuzi Sixth Grade, whom he killed.

"Hopefully there will be something nice..."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che calmed down, and then began to extract rewards.


The light bloomed, and a blood soul pearl appeared in front of him.

Jiang Che swallowed it in one gulp, and continued to extract the reward.


The three cosmic-level rewards will soon be finished.

Two Chaos Origin Beads and one Blood Essence Bead.

"If we can get the sea god beads together, we will be more confident..."

Seeing the reward lights on the demon book in his mind, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

24 Dinghai Divine Pearls, that combination is even more powerful.

The complete Great Dao Immortal Artifact.

Even with his current strength, if he can mobilize 24 Dinghai Shenzhu, he can at least get more breathing opportunities.

"Master Dao bless!"

After praying in his heart, Jiang Che immediately started to extract.


The purple light shone, and a great way of purple air appeared in front of him.

Jiang Che took a breath, and as soon as he thought about it, he collected the great purple energy into the Heavenly Court Shrine.

He then proceeded to withdraw the reward.

A blood soul pearl appeared in front of him.

"This... is out of order?"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

"There are nine more, the chance is great!"

Jiang Che took a deep breath, swallowed the blood soul pearl, and extracted it again.


Purple light flickered, and a spiral-shaped purple-patterned fruit appeared in front of him.

Origin Dao Fruit!


When Jiang Che came back to his senses, he directly sealed the Origin Dao Fruit and put it away.

Immediately, he performed the reward withdrawal again.

The fairy light bloomed, and a fairy knife appeared in front of him.

Devil Slaying Knife!

Immortal power pervades.

Jiang Che: "..."

The immortal artifact exploded, but it wasn't the Dinghai Shenzhu, but other immortal artifacts.

With a twitch in his heart, Jiang Che calmed down, and put away the fairy knife in front of him.

"This prayer really didn't work... Or is it bad luck today..."

Jiang Che's heart twitched, and he looked at the seven Yuzi-level reward light groups in the mind of the Demon Book.

There are seven left...

The probability of two to one is gone.

Unless there are continuous explosions.

Jiang Che stopped for a while.

Sitting cross-legged, looking solemn.

Pray to Dao again in my heart.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

With a thought, extract it again.


Purple light shone, and a spiral purple fruit appeared.

Origin Dao Fruit!

Jiang Che: "..."

It's over, it's really broken now.

"Whatever, if you don't get it together, you can't get it together."

After adjusting his mentality, Jiang Che did not continue to pray.

Withdraw rewards again.

The purple light flickered, and another Origin Dao Fruit appeared in his eyes.

After sealing the Origin Dao Fruit, Jiang Che continued to extract it.


The green light shone, and a green bead appeared in front of Jiang Che's eyes.

Dinghai Divine Pearl!

The first Dinghai God Orb exploded!
"Finally a..."

Looking at the Dinghai Shenzhu in front of him, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

There are still four rewards left, and it seems that it will be difficult for him to collect them all.

However, adding a Dinghaishenzhu can also improve his strength again.

How much helps.

After simply engraving the mark, Jiang Che started withdrawing the rewards again.

The light bloomed, and another Dinghaishen Pearl emerged.

Two consecutive explosions!
Jiang Che looked at the Dinghai Shenzhu in front of him and blinked.

Another one exploded, so it seems... there is hope?

After regaining his senses, Jiang Che imprinted the mark again, and continued to extract it with apprehension.


A dim light bloomed, and the third Dinghaishen Orb appeared in front of him.

Looking at the Dinghai Divine Pearl in front of him, Jiang Che's breathing quickened.

Three consecutive explosions!
23 Dinghaishen beads, now, he is only short of the last one, and he will be able to gather the complete Dinghaishenzhu and evolve into a complete 24 heavens.


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che looked at the last two Yuzi-level reward light clusters.

With a thought, extract it again.


A dim light bloomed, and the fourth Dinghaishen Orb appeared in front of him.

What the hell!

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

Looking at the Dinghai Shenzhu in front of him, his breathing became more rapid.

Got it all together!
The 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls are completely gathered together!


24 Dinghai God Beads, evolve into 24 heavens.

A real perfect level avenue fairy artifact!

He didn't explode a few times before, and Jiang Che didn't expect that in the end, he would directly send him a four-in-a-row explosion.

Dao's love has not disappeared, it just came a step late!

Exhaling a breath, Jiang Che directly engraved the mark.

As long as the four Dinghai Divine Beads are completely sacrificed, then he will have the Dao Immortal Artifact.

Combined into 24 heavens, endless life.

Even Di Shitian's attack was not as easy to damage the Dinghai Shenzhu as before.

There is no doubt about the power of the combination of 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls!

"There is one last reward..."

After recovering, Jiang Che looked at the demon book in his mind.

The last one, the reward of the sixth grade of Yuzi, is also the biggest reward.


With a thought, Jiang Che drew the prize directly without any delay.

With all the Dinghai Shenzhu together, even if there is a bad one in the end, he can feel at ease.

The main thing is Dinghai Shenzhu!


The light bloomed, the golden light was shining, and a golden gold circle appeared in his eyes.

On the golden divine circle, the Dao Xianwen is inscribed, the terrifying power of the immortal pervades, and the strong aura of the Dao surges.

After taking a look at it, I felt that the primordial spirit was shaken a little.

"This aura...isn't it a Daoist Immortal Artifact?!"

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, and when he took a breath, the dark characters appeared in his eyes.

Diamond Cutting: Immortal Artifact of the Heavenly Dao, with endless mysteries, capable of absorbing all things, impenetrable by water and fire, activated Diamond Cutting, can store all fairy artifacts in it, and also has a certain attack power...

(End of this chapter)

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