Chapter 268
"How is it here?"

He took Jiang Che to the depths of the villa, where there was a grassland, covering a hundred acres in size.

Not far away, there is an independent courtyard.

The pure Yang immortal energy here is more intense, and Jiang Che can feel that a pure Yang immortal vein is being suppressed under this pasture.

The fairy spirit in the air almost reached the form of mist.

Holy place among holy places!

"Very good, Chunyang is so rich in immortal energy, it is an excellent holy place for cultivation." Jiang Che nodded.

Bai Qi smiled and said: "In that case, you can practice here. If you need anything, just ask Yun Lan."


Hearing this, Jiang Che was slightly startled and looked at Bai Qi: "Can I practice here?"

"Of course." Bai Qi nodded, "Your Majesty asked me to take good care of you, so I can't treat you badly. This place is empty and it's empty. Aren't you going to attack the fourth realm? This is a cultivation place, and no one will come here to disturb you."

"Thank you so much, General Bai!"

Jiang Che made a bow.

Bai Qi smiled and said: "Okay, since you are satisfied, then it's settled."

Immediately, he looked at Yun Lan at the side again, and said, "Jiang Che is cultivating here. If there is any need, please try your best to meet it. If you can't get it done, please let me know."

"Yes, handsome!"

Yunlan nodded.

"This is also a favor... in the future, I will repay it when I cultivate to great success."

Jiang Che remained silent, sighing inwardly.

The reason for treating him this way is because he is an immoral person. Of course, there are also personal reasons.

In any case, it is also a favor.

He can only repay it in the future when his cultivation is great.

"Okay, then you can look for yourself, I still have some things to deal with, so I won't accompany you for now, if necessary, just tell Yunlan." Bai Qi looked at Jiang Che and said.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and Bai Qi didn't delay too much. His figure turned into a ray of fairy light and disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

Seeing Bai Qi leave, Yun Lan looked at Jiang Che again, and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, let me show you here."


Jiang Che nodded, and then followed Yun Lan towards the courtyard not far away.

After taking Jiang Che around for a while, Yun Lan gave a brief introduction, and then followed him away.

Before leaving, he gave Jiang Che a sound-transmitting talisman, and he can just transmit the sound if there is something to do.

After sending Yun Lan away, Jiang Che came to this courtyard.

The location where the courtyard was established happened to be the core of the suppression of Chunyang Xianmai.

The spirit is surging.

Take a breath, and the mana is slightly improved.

Changing to such a good place, Jiang Che was naturally satisfied.

The facilities in the courtyard are also very complete.

Rest room, training room, alchemy room, weapon refining room... almost everything is available.

A perfect place.

Immediately, Jiang Che stepped into the training room and started practicing.

Although Bai Qi can escort him for a certain distance when he leaves in the future, and the greatest danger will be eliminated, but he can't take it lightly.

Being strong is the foundation of everything.

In the quiet room, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the futon, watching the gods and kings of the gods move around, and infinite immortal energy poured into his body like a sea.

The mana increased, and at the same time, Jiang Che absorbed the purple energy of the avenue with all his strength.

He has to reach the limit of the three realms before he can break through.

One realm, one sky.

Entering the fourth level, with the help of magical powers and immortal weapons, he is not afraid even if he encounters Emperor Shitian alone.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the purple light was shining, and the primordial spirit absorbed the purple energy of the great way with all its strength, and the marks of the law that manifested became thicker.

Breaking through the first level, there will be an additional trace of law.

The Nine Realms of Thunder Tribulation are the traces of the Nine Laws.

Jiujiu returns to one, realizes the Tao of Yang Shen, and achieves immortality!

With each step, the degree of difficulty increases geometrically.


The sun and the moon rotate, spring goes and autumn comes.

A year flies by.

Baiyun Villa.

In a study room, Bai Qi looked at the book folds. In front of him, Yun Lan, the manager of Baiyun Villa, was standing.

"How is he?"

Bai Qi asked without raising his head while looking at the folds of the book.

Yun Lan looked respectful, "Come back to Commander, Jiang Che has been cultivating for a year and has not come out, but I also went to take a look. His aura is getting stronger day by day, and it has become more terrifying recently."

"It seems that he is going to break through."

Bai Qi closed the book and said calmly.

Yunlan nodded: "It should be."

Bai Qi looked at him and said: "You should pay attention at all times. If he survives the tribulation, you can take him outside the city of Tiandu. You can also observe it, and it will also improve you."

"It's the commander-in-chief." Yun Lan nodded.

"Go down." Bai Qi waved his hand and said.

Yun Lan then turned around and left the study.

Watching Yun Lan leave the study, Bai Qi narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and his figure instantly disappeared into the study.


Baiyun Villa, in the depths.

In the quiet room of the courtyard, Jiang Che's whole body was shining with purple light, and a surging aura was surging.

The surrounding air rippled layer upon layer.

Just like the waves, the waves continue.

Suddenly, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

The majestic breath disappeared instantly, and the air returned to calm.

The purple light also gradually dissipated.

One year.

A whole year.

Jiang Che refined all the purple qi of the Dao, and the number of primordial thoughts soared to 25.

It is more than twice that of the general Four Realms Supreme.


And this has reached his own limit.

Can't continue to improve.

The breath may rush out at any time, triggering the avenue of thunder and calamity to descend.

Breaking through the four realms is also imminent.

The secret of the world was also successfully broken, consuming an Origin Dao Fruit.

The effect of a hundredfold increase in understanding is also remarkable.

Let him successfully break the world's secrets.

Stepping into the four realms, he has full confidence.

"it's time……"

Jiang Che got up slowly, and slowly exhaled a foul breath.

In the next second, his figure disappeared into the quiet room in an instant.

Soon, he appeared in the courtyard.

A year's time.

Practicing in such a strong pure Yang Immortal Qi, the improvement effect is huge.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and took out a sound transmission talisman, mana sound transmission.

In a moment, Yunlan's figure appeared outside the courtyard door.

Seeing Jiang Che and feeling the invisible aura in his body, Yun Lan's heart trembled.

Compared to a year ago, it’s completely different.

With the lifespan of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, one year, that can be said to be very short.

There is a saying that seven days in the mountain, the world has been thousands of years!

One or two years of retreat and practice can be said to be very short.

The improvement in one year is so huge, Yun Lan has to sigh, she is indeed a monster from the Temple of Origin.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, are you preparing for a breakthrough?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Yunlan spoke.

Jiang Che nodded and looked at Yun Lan: "That's right. I'm about to break through. I'd like to ask fellow Taoist Yun to lead the way and follow me out of the city to find a place to overcome the tribulation."

"It's a trivial matter, I'm leaving now."

Yunlan smiled.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yun!"

Jiang Che made a bow, and then, without any nonsense, he followed Yun Lan and left the courtyard.

Unfamiliar with Central World's environment, Jiang Che naturally couldn't rush through the tribulation, and had to ask Yun Lan to lead the way.

Otherwise, if you break into somewhere, you will be in trouble.

He didn't know much about the situation in the central world.

How many immortal forces are there?
Although I have a token given by the Central Emperor, it still has some influence.

In unfamiliar places, naturally try to keep a low profile.

After all, Central World, where there are so many masters, is not a place for him to act recklessly.


Leaving Baiyun Villa, Yunlan headed directly to the outside of Tiandu City.

Jiang Che also followed behind.

Soon, the two left the city in an instant.

With one flying step, the two of them arrived in the cloud sky. Yun Lan continued to lead the way, with Jiang Che following behind.

"Friend Daoist Yun, where are we going?"

Jiang Che asked as he walked.

Yunlan: "The Chihai Desert is an uninhabited land that spans thousands of miles. It is a forbidden place with few lives. It is suitable for crossing the catastrophe. The impact of the thunder disaster on the road is not trivial. It is also the most suitable place to cross the catastrophe in the Chihai Desert. It's not far away, at our speed, we can arrive in an hour, if you are not familiar with it, fellow daoist, I can ask you to take me directly, it may be faster."


Jiang Che nodded.


In the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che followed Yun Lan and flew an infinite distance.

Across cities, mountains, rivers, and oceans.

During the march, Jiang Che also asked Yun Lan about the situation in Central World.

The entire Central World is dominated by the Central Dynasty.

The scope is vast, with four continents.

Shenzhou, Yuanzhou, Beizhou, and Hongzhou.

Among them, the Shenzhou Continent has the largest area, almost equal to the other three continents.

The Central Dynasty is the only dynasty in the Divine Continent and the only dynasty in the entire Central World.

Yuanzhou, Beizhou, and Hongzhou, these three continents, all have official forces established by the Central Dynasty, and their influence is so great that they are well-deserved number one in the entire Central World.

This can be seen from the true spirit of luck.

It’s no wonder that the Central Dynasty’s true luck spirit is so terrifying.

Dominate the world.

Among the heavens and myriad worlds, they are rare.

Human race supreme.

Except for the Central Dynasty.

There is also the Holy Land of Xianmen.

And the most powerful fairy gate holy land, a total of eighteen.

And these eighteen Immortal Sect Holy Lands also have a long history and a very profound foundation.

However, they have to obey the orders of the central dynasty. The emperor issued an order, and these eighteen immortal sects also had to obey the order.

In the Central World, the Central Dynasty has absolute power to rule!
The eighteen Immortal Sect Holy Lands are also scattered across three continents.

In the Divine Continent, there is no powerful Immortal Sect force.

This is also related to the Central Dynasty.

After all, in Shenzhou, it is easier to be influenced by the dynasty.

Farther away, that's safer.

The Chihai Desert mentioned by Yun Lan is within the scope of Hongzhou.

A land bordering the Divine Continent.

It is also the largest "no man's land" in the entire central world!
In addition to sand, almost nothing else can be seen.

The formation of the Erythean Desert also has acquired elements.

According to Yun Lan, it was only formed tens of thousands of years ago.

In the past, the Chihai Desert also existed, but the scope was not as large.

Due to some special factors, even the aura of heaven and earth in the Chihai Desert has become scarce, and no forces are willing to come here.

Over time, the Chihai Desert has become a real no man's land.

The Red Sea Desert is also the place where many supreme beings go through tribulation.

The impact of the Great Dao Thunder Tribulation is huge.

Immortal tribulation is not comparable to ordinary tribulation.

Therefore, most supreme beings will choose to survive the catastrophe here.

It will have no effect.

It is also officially designated as a super place to cross the catastrophe!

As the sea of ​​clouds moved forward, as far as the eye could see, a crimson desert appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

After an hour, following Yun Lan, Jiang Che arrived at his destination.

The Erythean Desert!

Looking down from the sky, it looks like a red ocean.

The waves are monstrous.

Entering the Chihai Desert, Jiang Che could feel that the pure Yang immortal energy here had dissipated.

Even the aura of heaven and earth has become very scarce.

A true deserted place.

At a glance, not even a flower or plant can be seen.

After continuing to go millions of miles deeper, Jiang Che and Yun Lan stopped.

In the air, heat waves billowed.

The entire Chihai Desert was filled with terrifyingly high temperatures.

When his spiritual consciousness swept over it, he couldn't even see the slightest trace of life.

"It's here."

Jiang Che took one step forward.

Yunlan also retreated some distance.

Standing in the void, quietly watching Jiang Che's figure.

Looking up at the sky, Jiang Che looked at the blue sky, and his whole body shone with light instantly.

A majestic breath rushed out of the body.

In the next second, the bright blue sky suddenly changed.

A terrible calamity overflowed.

A thick robbery cloud appeared instantly, and the sky darkened directly.


The sound of thunder exploded, and streaks of purple divine thunder penetrated the void.

The world-destroying power of heaven descends.

Seeing this scene, Yun Lan in the distance felt a fatal sense of oppression, and unconsciously retreated hundreds of miles before stopping.

"here we go."

Yunlan stared at the calamity cloud. In the dark calamity cloud, heavenly palaces built by lightning appeared.


A roar sounded, and ferocious ancient beasts appeared in the Heavenly Palace.

The lightning flashed, and the power was unparalleled, as if the real ancient monster had been resurrected.

The catastrophe in the void became deeper, and a deadly breath made his soul tremble.

But at this moment, Jiang Che under the robbery cloud, a ray of golden light shone, and in the next breath, a tall and golden primordial spirit appeared.

Looking at the thunder tribulation of the Void Avenue, the golden soul rushed towards the tribulation instantly like an arrow.

Yunlan: "???"

Seeing Jiang Che's soul directly entering the catastrophe, Yun Lan was confused on the spot.

Directly the soul leaves the body to overcome the tribulation?

Is that crazy?

Use your soul to be strong!
Aren't you afraid that your soul will completely disappear and your soul will be scattered?

Jiang Che's primordial spirit came out of his body directly. The truth of this operation made Yun Lan a little confused.

It was the first time he saw this method of crossing the catastrophe.

Once the great commander crossed the catastrophe, he didn't dare to cross it like this.

This is not crossing the catastrophe, this is pure death!

Directly out of the body!

Without any magic weapon.

How much confidence do you have in yourself to dare to do this?

Are you not afraid of an accident, so there is no way out?
Yun Lan's heart was filled with waves.

At this moment, he held his breath.

A pair of eyes stared straight at the primordial spirit who had penetrated into the robbery cloud.


The primordial spirit rushed into the thunder calamity, and the criss-crossed ancient beast roared instantly, breathing out the world-ending thunder light, and rushed directly to Jiang Che's primordial spirit.

Sweeping in from all directions.

Jiang Che's soul remained motionless. Looking at the incoming ancient beast, thoughts suddenly burst out.

Yuanshen turned into a sword, cutting out overwhelmingly.

A giant ancient beast was killed on the spot, turning into a liquid divine thunder.

After killing an ancient giant beast, Jiang Che's soul moved and instantly absorbed the energy of the divine thunder crazily.


After absorbing the divine thunder liquid, his primordial thoughts instantly broke the confinement and began to expand.

And at this moment, dragon and phoenix are equally famous.

An ancient thunder dragon and an ancient thunder phoenix attacked from left and right.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit moved, and two swords of primordial spirit condensed out of his thoughts.


In the next breath, the sword of the soul struck at the two ancient giants.

Thunder flooded the sky and covered the void.

They fought together in an instant, and Jiang Che's soul was almost invisible.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Yunlan's heart twitched.

Now, he really can only watch.

Originally, he wanted to observe it, but he couldn't imitate Jiang Che's way of crossing the catastrophe.

During the tribulation, the soul leaves the body without the help of any magic weapon or fairy weapon.

If he tried this method of crossing the catastrophe, there would be only one ending, the primordial spirit would perish and return to eternal nothingness.

He still wanted to learn and gain experience, but now, he really could only watch.



The calamity cloud shook, the palace collapsed, and one after another ancient giant beasts were killed by Jiang Che.

The Great Dao Thunder Tribulation is coming to an end.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit was shining golden.

Slaying the ancient giant beasts and absorbing the divine thunder that contained the rules of the Dao, Jiang Che's primordial spirit grew wildly.

Continuous and violent expansion.

This crazy method of crossing the catastrophe is simply jaw-dropping.

Only he dares to do this.

The solid accumulation completely exploded at this moment.

Without enough confidence, Jiang Che would survive the tribulation like this?
That's pure courting death!
Dao Leiguang penetrated his soul body.

The entire primordial spirit is shining with thunder.

With a single thought, the primordial spirit's thought turned into Thor's Hammer, and blatantly smashed towards a Thunder God Palace.


Yuan Shen's Mjolnir hammer exploded the palace.It collapsed directly and turned into nothing.

The Thunder Shrine shattered and turned into a liquid Dao Shenlei.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit frantically absorbed and devoured it directly.

Doing so would be very dangerous, and the Thunder of the Great Dao would do a lot of damage to the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit.

Especially the avenue rules contained in it are extremely destructive.

But if you can bear it, the improvement is not small.

There is pain.

The pain of Yuanshen tearing apart.

But relying on his own will, Jiang Che resisted forcefully.

After the pain, it was the crazy expansion of the primordial spirit.

Thousands of spiritual thoughts surged at once.

His pure Yang Yuanshen became stronger.

The wind of destruction hit and blew his primordial spirit, but it couldn't shake it at all.

The robbery cloud surged, and Jiang Che shot again, destroying the Thunder God Palace.



The last Thunder God Palace was shattered, and the other ancient behemoths were instantly killed.

Jiang Che's soul crazily absorbed the great divine thunder.


And at this moment, in the depths of the robbery cloud, a terrifying aura of robbery permeated the air.

A strong aura surged.

Purple light shines.

A purple divine spear descended from the calamity cloud.

Containing the aura of supreme punishment from heaven, in the terrifying sharp gun, there is a danger that even Jiang Che can feel.

"God's Punishment Spear!"

In the distance, Yun Lan stared at the purple gun that descended, her eyes widening for a moment.

What the hell!

The Heavenly Punishment Spear unexpectedly descended from the Supreme Dao of the Four Realms!
The commander-in-chief only appeared after going through the seven realms of tribulation.

Under the Sixth Realm, it is impossible for the Spear of Heaven's Punishment to appear!
But now, it broke his cognition.


Yun Lan's heart exploded, setting off a stormy sea.

Is it because the Heavenly Dao perceives that the potential of the Tribulator is too monstrous, so it comes early?

Yunlan's eyes were bright and he didn't dare to blink for fear of missing something.

Jiang Che also became serious.

Spear of Heaven's Punishment!

Heaven's Punishment Contains Heaven's Wrathful Will!

If he remembers correctly, this is at least a divine punishment that only comes from above the sixth realm.

"Enjoy" yourself in advance!

The aura of destroying the world and the boundless will of heaven's punishment made him feel the danger.

Pierce through the void and attack directly.

Jiang Che's soul was instantly pierced by the Spear of Heaven's Punishment, and purple lightning flashed, flooding the sky.

A vast shock wave swept across the world.

The terrifying aura forced Yunlan to retreat again.

He can't feel it anymore.

Under the aura of heavenly punishment, the only thing he could do was to look with his eyes.

His primordial spirit thoughts cannot be approached.

Get close, and you may die.

Lightning flooded.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

Yun Lan held her breath, her heart beating wildly.

At this moment, he couldn't feel it anymore.

Can only wait for the ending.

or die!
I originally thought that Jiang Che would be able to overcome the disaster steadily and successfully.

But with such an anomaly as the Heaven's Punishment Spear, the situation became unknown.

He didn't even know if Jiang Che was sure that he could successfully overcome the disaster.

Maybe... it will fail!


Maybe a long time passed, maybe it was just a moment.

The thunder light dissipated, and the robbery cloud disappeared.

The dark sky gradually returned to light.

Deep in the void.

A golden light burst out, and in the next breath, Jiang Che's pure Yang spirit appeared.

There is a very eye-catching wound on the body of the soul.

The smell of divine punishment permeated the air.

Jiang Che's Pure Yang Soul was covered with cracks.

It's as if the fine porcelain has cracked.

It seemed like it could break anytime.

"It's done!"

Yun Lan's pupils shrank.

And at this moment, in the depths of the darkness, a bright avenue of light descended, enveloping Jiang Che's primordial spirit.

Under the shroud of the light of the Great Dao, the eye-catching wounds on Jiang Che's soul gradually healed, and the cracks in the soul all over his body also quickly recovered.

When the light of the Dao completely dissipated, Jiang Che's pure Yang Yuanshen completely recovered, and the aura of the Yuanshen became even more terrifying.

Exuding a torrent of energy.

Even though they were far apart, Yun Lan could feel Jiang Che's terrifying aura of primordial spirit.

"It's not as good as the Marshal, but I'm afraid it's even scarier than the Primordial Spirit of the Five Realms..."

Yunlan's heart stirred up waves.

Deep in the void, Jiang Che looked at the robbery cloud that had completely disappeared and exhaled.

Successfully, he stepped into the four realms of Thunder Tribulation, the world of Nian Sheng!

With just one thought, he could create a small world in the void.

The primordial spirit is strong, and with a single thought, it can change the world.

Stepping into the four realms of Thunder Tribulation, Jiang Che also condensed the trace of the fourth law.

But as soon as I stepped into it, the fourth mark of law was much different from the other three marks of law.

Yuanshen thoughts expanded, reaching 60 Yuanshen thoughts!

It has greatly surpassed the limit of the Supreme Being of the Fourth Realm.

Although the number of thoughts has not reached a million, it has also improved tremendously.

Originally, it was only raised to 50 soul thoughts, but the final Spear of Heavenly Punishment directly gave him a wave of boost, instantly increasing to [-] soul thoughts.

All of a sudden, his soul reached a qualitative leap.

The boundless power gave him the feeling of destroying everything.

The Spear of Heavenly Punishment almost destroyed his soul, but fortunately he had a strong accumulation and shattered 90.00% of his soul, and finally blocked it.

The dangers are enormous, and the gains are unimaginable.

"call out--!"

In the next breath, Jiang Che's primordial spirit instantly returned to his body.

(End of this chapter)

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