I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 27 Advance by leaps and bounds【New book please support】

Chapter 27 Advance by leaps and bounds【New book please support】


Standing by the lake, looking at the jade slip in his hand, Jiang Che stuck it between his eyebrows.

In an instant, the practice of spells instantly appeared in his mind.

Looking carefully, Jiang Che opened his eyes after a while.

After just reading it once, he has basically figured it out.

Sword control is not a very advanced spell, but it is suitable for a novice like him to practice.

Compared with the magic seal of Tianlong Town, which is still shrinking to an inch, the practice of Yujian is much simpler.

There are two types of fencing.

[-]. Control the sword with Qi!
The second type is the True Qi Transformation Sword!
Using true energy to activate the magic weapon to kill people, the stronger the magic weapon, the greater the power!
But the prerequisite is that you need enough true energy to support it!
The second method consumes more energy!

The power depends on one's own true energy.

The strength is strong enough, true energy can be turned into a sword, and it also has the power to cut rivers with a sword.

Although he visualized King Dainichi Ming and cultivated the true energy of King Dainichi Ming, his cultivation level is too low, and the quality is higher, but the amount is too small.

"However, the true energy is not enough right now, let's wait until we break through to a higher level."

With a certain thought in his mind, Jiang Che immediately returned to his yard.

After returning to the room, Jiang Che quickly calmed down.

King Dainichi Ming once again appeared in his mind, and he started his second practice.

Infinite spiritual energy gathered.

In his mind, the body of King Ming emitted a fiery light, illuminating the dark chaos.

With previous experience, this time, Jiang Che is familiar with the road.

Pinch the Seal of the King of Ming Dynasty with the hand, and the aura is drawn into the body, turning into the unique True Qi of the King of Ming.

The true energy in the dantian is also gradually rising.

Jiang Che was also completely absorbed in meditation.


Time passed by little by little.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Beside the sparkling lake, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

The sun was shining brightly, the breeze was blowing, and the lake surface was rippling layer by layer.

"Royal Sword Technique, come out!"

With one hand, Jiang Che activated it with a single thought.


A three-foot long sword pierced through the air, glowing red, carrying a sharp sword aura, and instantly slashed towards the lake.


When the flying sword landed on the lake, it was like gunpowder exploding in the lake, and there was a loud noise instantly.

A three-foot-high spray rose, the lake surged, and ripples swept across the entire lake. After a while, it gradually stopped.

Beside the lake, Jiang Che watched this scene with a smile on his face.

The power of imperial swordsmanship finally reached a level that he was quite satisfied with.

After a month of training, Jiang Che's progress is also increasing day by day!
From Qi Gathering Level [-], he soared to Qi Gathering Level [-] in one breath!

In the dantian, King Ming's true energy surged.

Calming down the fluctuations in his body, looking at the rippling lake surface, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the flying sword was retracted instantly, and inserted into the scabbard behind him.


Jiang Che breathed out a mouthful of turbid air, and his star-like eyes became a little brighter.

With the help of the basic magic weapon, it is already possible to be able to achieve the current power.

"Not bad, it's only been a month and you've reached this level, disciple, you've made great progress."

At this moment, a voice came. Jiang Che turned his head, and a figure in a blue Taoist robe appeared in his eyes.

It was a mysterious sound.

Holding the familiar white jade gourd in one hand, he walked towards him leisurely.

"Master has won the award!"

"It's better to be taught by Master."

Jiang Che saluted with a smile on his face.

In addition to practicing on his own, when he has time, he will also ask Xuan Miaoyin for advice on problems in practice.

Every time he points out, he will make a lot of progress.

"The master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual. With your current cultivation strength, you can be regarded as the top among disciples of the same level."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him with a smile on his delicate face.

"It's still thanks to Master's guidance, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to progress so fast." Jiang Che smiled.

Silently took a flattery!
Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, a color flashed in her bright eyes.

"At the fifth level of Qi Gathering, the True Qi is already so strong, it seems that the sixth level of Qi Gathering should not be far away."

Xuan Miaoyin opened his mouth and had a quick insight into his true energy cultivation.

"Well, after practicing for a while, I feel like I should be almost done." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, Jiang Che rolled his eyes, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Master, this disciple has some strength now. There is something I want to ask Master to agree to."


Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, narrowed her eyes slightly, and nodded: "What's the matter, let's talk."

"Tu'er wants to conduct an actual battle, go to the Northern Wilderness to eliminate demons!"

Jiang Che spoke.

For a month, he has been cultivating hard, and now he has reached the fifth level of energy gathering, he feels that it is okay.

In addition to the sword control technique, he has also made a lot of progress in shrinking the ground to an inch. Although the Tianlong Town magic seal is still unable to practice, but relying on the sword control technique and shrinking the ground to an inch, Jiang Che is more or less confident.

The rewards from the Demon Book are top-quality!
Furthermore, he still has a big killer weapon, that is Xuanhuang Sword Qi!
Today's Xuanhuang Sword Qi is even more frightening after being continuously nourished by his King Ming's True Qi.

Therefore, he wanted to go to Beihuang to test the waters.

Relying on your own ability, come to a real demon slaying!

"Go to the Northern Wilderness..."

Xuan Miaoyin frowned, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Do you understand the situation in the Northern Wilderness Mountains?"

"Understood, the disciple previewed some information about the Northern Wilderness Mountains in advance."

Jiang Che nodded.

In the basic manual of Taoism, there are some introductions that Jiang Che has already memorized by heart.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him, and said: "Although the Northern Wilderness Mountains are only a test place for disciples, your current cultivation level is still too weak. It is still dangerous to go there."

Jiang Che looked serious, and said, "Master, this disciple wants to improve himself through actual combat. Only by experiencing actual combat can he fully display his strength. Didn't the master say that cultivation is not just about meditating and refining Qi, but also requires improvement in all aspects. Actual combat is the most important point, so I want to give it a try."

Mysterious voice: "..."

Seeing that Xuan Miaoyin remained silent, Jiang Che spoke again, and said, "Master, if you haven't experienced actual combat, you are not a qualified practitioner. Young eagles always have to take the first step. Besides, disciples don't go deep. Just try it out on the outskirts of the Northern Wilderness Mountains. There should be no problem."

Mysterious voice: "..."

"I can't tell, you can talk quite well with your little mouth."

With a serious face, Jiang Che said, "This is what the disciple said from the bottom of his heart. Master doesn't want his disciple to be a waste of cultivation, does he?"


Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin's bright eyes flashed with light, and said: "You can go, but you need to go up to a higher level of cultivation, and you can have a little foundation at the sixth level of energy gathering. Your current foundation is too weak."

"Let's do this. I want you to go up one level as a teacher. You should be stuck between the fifth and sixth levels of energy gathering. You can go to the next level."

"Master wants to empower and improve me?" Jiang Che blinked.

"No need, just take a sip of wine."

Xuan Miaoyin spoke, and while speaking, threw the white jade gourd in her hand to Jiang Che.

Catching the white jade gourd with both hands, Jiang Che's body trembled.

"It's so heavy!"

Catch the white jade gourd with both hands, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

The white jade gourd, which looked light and light, actually weighed a hundred catties. He was caught off guard and almost missed it.

"Drink a sip of wine, and you can break through the sixth level of energy gathering, but you can't drink too much, otherwise, your body won't be able to bear it."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.

"Is this some kind of fairy wine?"

Looking at the white jade gourd, Jiang Che came to his senses.

But thinking about his master's cultivation, the wine in it is fairy wine, which makes sense.

Jiang Che was dubious, opened the white jade gourd, and a seductive aroma of wine poured into his nostrils.

He glanced into the white jade gourd, which contained amber wine as viscous as mercury.

Take a breath and feel refreshed!

Holding the white jade gourd with both hands, Jiang Che directly took a sip.

The wine entered his body, and in an instant, the true energy of King Ming in his body boiled like boiling water.

A fiery torrent exploded in his body, sweeping his limbs and bones.

There was a ray of light on the skin.

Seeing this, Xuan Miaoyin took the white jade gourd with one hand, and at the same time put the other hand on Jiang Che's shoulder, and the voice came to his ears.

"Calm down and concentrate."

The voice of Xuan Miaoyin came into his mind, as if it contained some kind of magical power, Jiang Che instantly settled down.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the spot, making a formula with his hands, and in his mind, King Da Ri Ming manifested.


A powerful wave of true energy swayed, sweeping the whole body.

Red light blooms.

Xuan Miaoyin's jade hand on Jiang Che's shoulder also shone with light.


There was a buzzing in the dantian, and the next breath, the King Ming's true energy in Jiang Che's body directly increased several times.

The zhenqi in the body wanders between the meridians, sweeping through the limbs and bones!

After a full quarter of an hour, Jiang Che slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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