I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 270 Instant Kill Amitabha Shock

In the deep sky, a bright world bloomed with golden light.

In the darkness in the distance, a ray of light broke through and landed in front of this golden world.


Stopping his figure, Jiang Che looked at the golden world in front of him, and slowly exhaled a foul breath.

This world is the Amitabha world.

This is also the world he has carefully screened.

Although it is a world ruled by Buddhism, there are still a large number of demons.

It seems to be about the same size as Xuanhuang World.

Compared with Central World, it is a bit inferior.

Looking at this world of Amitabha, Jiang Che stared at it for a while, came back to his senses, moved his figure, and followed it towards the world of Amitabha.

After passing through the world barrier, Jiang Che descended directly into the world of Amitabha.

Standing in the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che overlooked the vast land.

Amitabha world.

According to the basic information I know, the most powerful Buddhist gate here should be the Dazen Temple.

This is also a Buddhist influence with a long history, with a very deep foundation.

The Buddhist power established by the ancient Buddha is known as the top Buddhist sect of the three thousand Buddhas.

Jiang Che didn't have a deep relationship with Buddhism.

At the very beginning, I had an encounter with a Buddhist disciple from the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Xihuang.

However, in the past many years, he has basically never dealt with people from Buddhism.

Among the Buddhist sects, the one who has cultivated into the Supreme Being of Thunder Tribulation is the Buddha!

Come to fruition!

Cultivate into a golden body of Dafa!

However, Jiang Che didn't know much about other information about this great Buddhist temple.

It's not very clear either.

There is only one idea in mind.

As for the other Buddhist forces in Amitabha's world, he was even less clear.

"Find a target first, search for the soul!"

Jiang Che was certain in his heart, and with the next breath, his figure instantly disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

Across the void of the nine heavens, descend to the boundless land.

Yuanshen thought to explore the world.

Soon, Jiang Che came to a mountain top.

This is the cave of the Golden Core Demon King.

The body is a silver wolf.

With just one thought, he was captured in the void, and a big man in silver robes was captured from the void by Jiang Che.


The body fell to the ground, and the silver-robed man was dizzy.

Jiang Che looked at the Golden Core Demon King in front of him with calm eyes.

And when the silver-robed demon king came back to his senses, seeing the figure in front of him, all the hairs on his body stood on end.


Extreme danger!
The Tsing Yi Taoist in front of him gave him the feeling as if he was facing the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Without waiting for the silver-robed demon king to ask.

Jiang Che's pupils instantly emitted a gloomy light, and he directly searched for souls violently.

The silver-robed demon king also seemed to be frozen in place, motionless.

Jiang Che searched for the soul of the demon king and screened out some information.

Opening his eyes, the silver-robed demon king instantly vanished into ashes.

Looking at the blue sky, Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

From the information he just obtained, he knew his current location.

Here is a country called Baituo Kingdom.

And this "Baiduo Kingdom" is just an ordinary kingdom.

Not even the vassal states of the Eastern Desolation.

A country with a population of tens of millions.

Baituo Kingdom is a country that believes in Buddhism.

And the controller behind the scenes is a Buddhist faction called "Amitabha Temple".

And the country controlled by Amitabha Temple is not just a country like Baituo Kingdom.

There are dozens of countries.

And every country is a country like Baituo Kingdom.

All believe in Amitabha Temple, and there are branch temples of Amitabha Temple in dozens of countries.

Spread very broadly.

This situation also spread throughout the entire Amitabha world.

Most of them are composed of small kingdoms, without any great dynasties.

Amitabha World, a total of five domains.

East, West, South, North, Center!

And this area is the Eastern Region.

According to the memory of the Demon King, there are almost more than 1000 countries in the entire Eastern Region.

The country controlled by Amitabha Temple is only a small part.

The strongest Buddhist sect in the Eastern Region is Tianyuan Temple!
There are at least a few Buddha-level existences sitting in the Buddhist forces.

Command the Buddhas of the Eastern Region.

Most of the Eastern Region is under the command of Tianyuan Temple.

For the other domains, the situation is mostly the same.

Among the five regions, the strongest one is the Great Zen Temple in the Central Region.

It is also the strongest Buddhist force in the entire Amitabha world!

The other four top Buddhist forces are all inferior.

And this is roughly the construction of the Buddhist forces in the entire Amitabha world.

But what Jiang Che cares more about is the power of the monster clan.

In addition to the five top Buddhist sects, the Yaozu is also very powerful.

The Silver Robe Demon King he killed belonged to the Silver Moon Demon King.

In the Eastern Territory, there are three great demon emperors.

The Silver Moon Demon Emperor, the Zixuan Demon Emperor, and the Sky Void Demon Emperor!
The three major demon emperor forces all have their own regions.

The most bizarre thing is that these demon king forces can peacefully coexist with the Buddhist forces, which makes Jiang Che feel incredible.

The monster race is naturally cruel, but in the world of Amitabha, it feels different.

The monster race here also eats people.

Some peerless monsters would easily slaughter cities and countries.

But he won't make a move against Buddhism.

Of course, it is not absolute.

It will also attack some small Buddhist forces, but the top Buddhist disciples will basically not attack.

Similarly, Buddhism will not interfere too much with the monster clan massacring the city and the country.

Some are too much, and Buddhism will take action to check and balance, maintaining a delicate balance.

Jiang Che checked the memory carefully, and found clues in it.

The Buddhism here is to practice incense and become a god.

Among all the countries, there are Buddhist believers, enjoying incense and offerings.

However, some countries do not believe in Buddhism, which is exactly the case. These countries that do not believe in Buddhism are often slaughtered by monster clans.

Warning of massacres at every turn!

In some cases, the previous ruler believed in Buddhism, but the next one did not, and he would face the same disaster.

And in countries with these situations, Buddhism will not make a move.

Let the city be slaughtered and the country destroyed.

Anyway, it’s the same truth, if you believe in Buddha, you can live, if you don’t believe in it, you will massacre the city and destroy the country!

As for the Yaozu, they will not slaughter cities and countries at every turn, and will keep some.

A country that does not believe in Buddhism is equivalent to raising pigs and sheep, which may be slaughtered at any time.

Knowing this, Jiang Che also calmed down.

Buddhism allowed the monsters to slaughter secular kingdoms, and these secular kingdoms were just ordinary countries. How could they have the strength to fight against the monsters?
If it is gone, it will be gone.

Those who are not followers of Buddhism are just ants, who can be killed casually.

"This is a deformed way to step on a horse..."

Jiang Che sighed.

This is simply hypocrisy.

Extremely hypocritical.

It is obvious that Buddhism is behind the scenes, but all the crimes fall on Yaozu's head.

Of course, the demon clan is not good either.

Ordinary people, where is there any choice?

Buddhism arranged, and then rescued and assimilated believers.

This operation is so amazing!
The key is to thank you.

People are weird!

The belief in Buddhism has become more profound.

"The way of deformity, after all, it is difficult to become a grand..."

Jiang Che shook his head.

But did not think too much.

Every world has world rules.

He is not the Virgin, he wants to save the heavens and the world.

With this strength, he is beyond everything.

"Silver Moon Demon Emperor..."

Jiang Che calmed down and returned to the topic.

In the memory of the Silver-robed Demon King, he only knows that the Silver Moon Demon King is the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, but the specific strength is unknown.

"Then use Yinyue first!"

With a firm mind, the next breath, Star Trek activated, and Jiang Che disappeared on the top of this mountain in an instant.


Eastern Region, Nanqiu Kingdom.

Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the void and landed on a mountain top.

Looking far ahead, a majestic mountain stands a hundred miles away.

In the high mountains, thousands of monster figures can be seen, palaces and pavilions stand tall, and a strong monster aura pervades.

Rolling demon spirit soaring to the sky!

Ripples in the void.

According to the memory of the soul search, this place is the headquarters of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor.

The Three Great Demon Emperors of the Eastern Region.

As for whether there are other demon kings, it is unknown in the memory.


Just as Jiang Che was about to take action, suddenly, he seemed to sense something and cast his gaze towards the sky.

At the same time, the gloomy light of Dinghai Shenzhu bloomed, the figure disappeared out of thin air, and the breath covered it all.

Just at this moment.

In the void, a golden light struck.

In the golden light, a potbellied figure appeared in the void.

A golden Buddhist robe.

The Buddha spirit is monstrous.

It is indeed a Buddha-level supreme existence.

"Four Realms..."

Hidden in the darkness, Jiang Che felt the aura strength of this golden-robed Buddha.

Supreme of the Four Realms!


"This is the base camp of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor. How could a Buddhist Supreme come here?"

Jiang Che was stunned.

And at this moment, a terrifying demonic energy rushed out from the demon palace in the distance.

A tall and mighty figure appeared in Jiang Che's field of vision.

Dressed in a black robe, with a demonic aura.

Stepping out of the demon palace, he came directly towards the golden-robed Buddha.

"Silver Moon Demon Emperor!"

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes and recognized it at a glance.

In his memory, the silver-robed demon king had met the silver-moon demon king.

There is no mistake, this Demon Emperor should be because of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor.

"It's also the four realms."

Sensing the breath, Jiang Che knew it instantly.

A demon clan supreme, a Buddhist supreme, this scene, he felt somewhat inconsistent.

"Yuan Buddha has come, so welcome!"

In the void, the voice of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor sounded.

But at this time, the golden-robed Buddha smiled and responded with a Buddhist ceremony in his hand: "The poor monk has seen fellow Taoist Yinyue."

"Haha, Yuan Buddha is very polite, come and let our place flourish." Yinyue Yaohuang laughed.


"It seems that the relationship between the two is quite good?"

Looking at Yuanfo and Yinyue Yaohuang who were talking and laughing happily, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Soon, he came back to his senses.

The target has already appeared, so he doesn't need to hide.

He was [-]% sure of winning a Four Realm Supreme.

"seal up!"

With one thought and the next breath, the Dinghai Shenzhu burst into light, and in an instant, sealed the sky and forbidden the earth.

A powerful enchantment directly blocked the world completely.

The Yinyue Yaohuang and Yuanfo, who were chatting and laughing at first, suddenly changed their expressions.

They all looked in one direction.


In the void, light bloomed, and Jiang Che's figure stepped out.

Silver Moon Demon Emperor and Yuan Buddha looked at him instantly.

Sensing the breath, the faces of the demon and the Buddha became even uglier.


Immortal light shone, and in the next breath, the Silver Moon Demon Emperor directly showed a fairy weapon spear, with a vigilant look on his face.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

The voice of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor resounded, and the voice was icy cold.

On the side, Yuan Fo looked at Jiang Che in amazement, felt his breath, and his heart sank.

"Amitabha, what is the name of this fellow Taoist?"

Yuanfo also said hello.

But Jiang Che didn't make any response. He looked at the Silver Moon Demon King, raised his hand and punched, and the wheels of life and death exploded instantly.

The wheel of law crushes the void and strikes.

The ultimate crisis exploded in the heart of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor in an instant.


The fairy weapon spear in his hand made a tremor, and shot out in an instant.

At the same time, the Silver Moon Demon Emperor roared, manifesting his body.

A Silver Moon Sirius!

In the blink of an eye, the attacks collided.

The fairy spear let out a mournful cry and flew away.

The terrifying power came, and the Silver Moon Demon Emperor roared and attacked, but facing Jiang Che's power, he was completely invincible, the attack was shattered, the body was directly exploded, the soul was directly injured, and he was dying.

King Kong Zhuo manifested, and a golden light directly collected the immortal weapon spear.

Jiang Che looked at the Silver Moon Demon Emperor, who only had his soul body left. In the next breath, his figure instantly appeared in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist, stop!"

At this time, Yuan Buddha on the side also came back to his senses, and immediately spoke.

Jiang Che turned a deaf ear, and the immortal light burst out from his palm, crushing his soul under the horrified gaze of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor.

The demon book vibrated, and the rewards of Yuzi Bapin emerged.

The battle is over.

Complete spike.

There is no suspense.

Jiang Che also put away the Dinghai Shenzhu at the same time.

At the same time, he spit out a red light from his mouth, and the Blood Sea God Pearl appeared instantly. The overwhelming blood light shattered the demon mountain guarding formation. Thousands of demons didn't even have time to scream, and were completely destroyed.

The smell of blood filled the world, making people sick.

"This fellow Taoist, you have such a cruel method, and you have committed such a murder, you will never recover!"

At this time, Yuan Buddha's voice sounded.


Hearing these words, Jiang Che looked at Yuanfo.

He didn't intend to do anything at first, but this guy seems to have some brain problems and can't see the form clearly.

Being stared at by Jiang Che, a boundless chill instantly burst out in Yuan Fo's heart, sweeping through his whole body.


"What do you want to do!"

Yuan Fo swallowed a mouthful of saliva abruptly, calming down the chill in his heart.

Jiang Che's eyes returned to calmness, and his murderous aura disappeared.

Just as he was about to turn around, the Yuan Buddha spoke again.

"Fellow Taoist, you have sown such evil, are you planning to leave like this?"

The voice reached Jiang Che's ears. Hearing these words, Jiang Che stopped.

Looking at this Yuan Buddha, he didn't even know how this guy became a Buddha.

Do you really think you dare not kill him?
"Oh, what do you want?" Jiang Che said lightly.

Hearing this, Yuan Buddha said directly: "Fellow Daoist, you have slaughtered so many lives, and there is a monster supreme who has already caused a catastrophe. As long as you follow the poor monk back to the Buddhist gate and spend a hundred years to clean up the evil, All karma will disappear.”

"Oh, you're useless if I give you a chance!"

Jiang Che let out a long sigh, and with the next breath, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared in front of this Yuan Buddha.


A punch blatantly landed, blasting Yuan Buddha's body alive.

The primordial spirit was severely wounded and dimmed.

However, there was a string of magic beads, which saved his life.

There was a breath left.


Jiang Che showed the Diamond Diamond, and with a flash of golden light, he instantly collected the fairy beads and suppressed them inside the Diamond Diamond.

At the same time, the power erupted again, and the primordial spirit was blown out with one punch, leaving him completely dead.

I didn't want to kill him at first, but this guy had to commit suicide, so don't blame him.

After killing Yuanfo, Jiang Che instantly disappeared in place.


Eastern Territory, Tianyuan Temple.

In a Buddhist temple.

A figure appeared in front of the Buddhist temple.

It is a Buddha in white.


With a movement of figure, the white-robed Buddha instantly stepped into the Buddhist hall.

Arriving in front of the Buddha Hall, the Buddha in white looked at the shattered golden powder in front of his eyes, showing disbelief in his eyes.

"Yuan Buddha is dead..."


The white-clothed Buddha had an unbelievable expression on his face, and he stretched out his hands to calculate, his pupils dilated.

And at this moment, the golden light of the Buddha Hall shone, and several Buddhas appeared again.

Look at the golden powder on the ground.

Several Buddhas showed extreme inconceivability.

"Yuanfo's Life Bead was shattered, he...is he dead?"

A Buddha spoke in a daze.

In the Buddhist hall, there was a dead silence.

None of the Buddhas spoke, just looked at the pile of golden powder.

If the life bead is shattered like this, it is absolutely dead and cannot die again.

The primordial spirit is completely annihilated and turned into nothingness.

"Yuanfo went to the Yinyue Demon Emperor, could it be that it was the hands of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor?"

One Buddha spoke, and at this moment, the other Buddhas also came to their senses.

"Impossible, how could the Yinyue Demon Emperor's strength kill Yuanfo?"

Another Buddha spoke and raised a question.

And hearing this, the other Buddhas also felt reasonable.

The Silver Moon Demon Emperor is the supreme being of the four realms, and Yuan Buddha is also the supreme being of the four realms.

They all have immortal artifacts, even if the Yinyue Yaohuang is slightly stronger than Yuanfo, it is impossible to kill Yuanfo so easily.

Defeating repression at most is remarkable.

Although there is some gap in strength, it has not reached this level.

Furthermore, with the confidence from the Yinyue Yaohuang, dare to attack Yuanfo?
"Immediately go to the residence of the Silver Moon Demon Emperor, and I will definitely find out!"

At this time, the first white-clothed Buddha spoke.

The other Buddhas nodded, and then their figures turned into golden Buddha light and disappeared into the Buddhist hall in an instant.

A Four Realms Supreme just fell away.

Even for Tianyuan Temple, it is a fatal blow!

We must find out, even if we pay the price, we must find out the real culprit!


Eastern Region.

Jiang Che's figure appeared on a hillside in Beiliang Country.

After solving the Silver Moon Demon Emperor, the next target is the Zixuan Demon Emperor.

With consciousness entering his mind, Jiang Che immediately drew the reward as soon as he thought about it.

Purple light shone, and a purple snail-shaped fruit appeared in front of him.

Origin Dao Fruit!

After putting away the Dao Fruit, Jiang Che disappeared in place in an instant.


A day passed.

In the Eastern Region, a super earthquake swept through the demon tribe and Buddhism.

The three demon emperors were beheaded by the mysterious supreme within one day.

What's even more incredible is that a Buddha from Tianyuan Temple was also killed.

In one day, the entire eastern region changed drastically.

The three demon kings have fallen.

But the most important thing is, I don't know who the shooter is!
While being shocked, there is also a fear that permeates the hearts of all people and demons.

But for ordinary people, it is a peaceful day.


In the northern region, there is a vast Gobi Desert.

A gap opened in the void, and a starlight fell from the sky and landed on the vast Gobi Desert.

After solving the three major demon emperors in the Eastern Region, Jiang Che went directly to the Northern Region.

As for the storm it caused, it didn't matter to him.

Those who should be killed should never be kept.

The rewards for the two Yuzi Bapin also revealed two immortal artifacts.

In addition, the immortal weapons obtained by hunting down the three demon emperors and the immortal weapons of the Buddhist Buddha.

A total of eight pieces were obtained.

In addition to Dinghai Shenzhu and Vajra Zhuo, his immortal artifacts also consisted of 28 immortal artifacts.

It is one step closer to the small goal of the Temple of the Heavens!
"Check the situation first!"

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che activated Star Shift again, and disappeared into the vast Gobi Desert.

Using his spiritual sense to explore the world, he found a demon king, and searched for his soul. Jiang Che also learned about the situation of the demon clan in the Northern Territory.

Compared with the Eastern Territory, there are five demon emperors in the Northern Territory.

One step stronger.

"Five Demon Emperors..."

"Then there should be a lot of fairy artifacts!"


With a thought, Jiang Che's figure disappeared.

The hunting time begins again!

In just one day, under Jiang Che's non-stop rest, the five demon emperors in the northern region were wiped out.

Excluding the rewards that were not opened, there were six fairy weapons harvested.

The small goal of a hundred celestial artifacts has been added again.

Rewards for five Yuzi Bapin.

Two Origin Dao Fruits and three Blood Soul Pearls were opened.

Although a bit unsatisfactory, Jiang Che got used to it.

I have encountered even worse ones, so don't talk about these small problems now.


Five days passed quickly.

And these five days are an absolute nightmare for all monster giants.

In just five days, the entire demon clan in Amitabha World has undergone earth-shaking changes.

South, West, North, East.

The Supreme Monster Race of the Four Realms was beheaded by a mysterious Supreme One after another.

And with the same method, not only the Supreme was wiped out, but also all the thousands of monsters under his command were killed.

A dozen supreme beings all fell in a short period of time.

Now, the only demon supreme being still alive is the Central Region.

But the trace of the mysterious Supreme is hard to find. For the Monster Race Supreme still existing in the Central Territory, it is undoubtedly a sharp knife hanging above his head.

This sharp blade may take their lives away at any time.

More than a dozen monster race supreme beings in the four domains have no resistance in the face of the massacre of this mysterious supreme being.

Complete spike.

Whoever it is, has to panic.

Especially the existence of the Demon King level is even more terrifying.

This mysterious supreme never showed mercy.

Not only beheaded directly, but also the base camp was completely destroyed for you.

And the target is quite clear, mainly the Demon Emperor Supreme.

As long as you do it, it is absolutely doomed!


Middle domain.

Great Zen Temple!
Mahavira Hall.

In the resplendent and resplendent Daxiong Palace, a group of Buddhist supremes gathered.

On the upper lotus throne, there is a more powerful Buddha with a black bun and a sacred and solemn face, just like a real god and Buddha alive.

The strength surpasses all Buddhas.

The pervasive breath is terrifying.

And this Buddha is the leader of the Great Zen Temple today, Yunkong Shengfo!
It is also the entire Amitabha world, the strongest and supreme Buddha.

In the Daxiong Palace, more than a dozen Buddhist Supremes gathered, their faces were solemn.

Obviously, they are all aware of the major events that have happened in Amitabha World recently.

Within a few days, more than a dozen demon supremes fell, which had a huge impact on the entire Amitabha world. (End of chapter)

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