I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 282 The Temple Sequence of the Immoral Taoist


Jiang Che swallowed a large amount of the source of immortality in one gulp.

Crazy absorption.

Throughout his body, wisps of chaotic light bloomed.

Absorbed a hundred thousand sources of immortality at once.

Jiang Che's whole body was filled with majestic aura.

In the Heavenly Palace, the primordial spirit shines with light, and the traces of law manifested on the primordial spirit are improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One hundred thousand pieces of the source of immortality were quickly absorbed by him.

The physical body was transformed by the immortal substance, and Jiang Che's lifespan was increased by a full 10 years in one go.

The vast life essence rushed out, and the surrounding chaotic void set off waves.

The momentum swept away, pushing away the surrounding chaotic energy, forming a vacuum area.

On the skin, a hazy light blooms.

Without any pause, Jiang Che once again took out one hundred thousand sources of immortality and began to absorb them frantically.

Spirit, body, mana!
After absorbing the immortal substance, it rapidly improved.


In the dark atmosphere of chaos, the terrifying electric light shines.

The divine thunder of the avenue crisscrosses and releases a terrifying electric current.

Within ten thousand miles, it instantly evolved into a world of thunder.


Jiang Che's aura also increased rapidly.

The figure became taller and taller.

The breath is also more unpredictable.

The criss-crossing avenue of divine thunder is raging with rays of light, and the terrifying current is enough to crush everything.


An hour passed.

More than 60 pieces of the source of immortality were all absorbed by Jiang Che.

The majestic breath circulates.

A vast coercion descended.

The vertical and horizontal lightning froze under his momentum, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Jiang Che's aura became even more terrifying.

The frozen lightning formed a beautiful picture.


With a gentle step, the frozen avenue divine thunder collapsed on the spot and completely dissipated.

Jiang Che's body also fully manifested.

Absorbing more than 60 immortal substances brought his strength to a new level.

However, it did not allow him to break through the fifth realm in one go.

The laws of the creation realm are still a little short of the mark.

Although he has never entered the fifth realm, his improvement has been huge.

His physical body transformed, and his life energy and blood became more vast.

Like a vast ocean, endless.

The spiritual will and the thoughts of the soul have reached their peak.

The energy and spirit have been raised to unprecedented heights.

The basic power of the physical body reaches the power of nearly ten million dragons.

By condensing Qi and blood and controlling the power of 360 acupoints, he can easily burst out with power comparable to the peak of a human immortal.

Although the physical body is still in the realm of flesh and blood, it is only one step away from the peak.

Yuanshen thoughts reached 130 million terrifying thoughts.

The supreme thoughts of the five realms are not as good as his.

And the quality of each primordial thought is stronger.


Letting out a breath, all the momentum converged into the body.

Although it was a bit regretful that he had not broken through to the fifth level, Jiang Che felt that he was almost there.

Immortal matter can be improved rapidly, but the understanding of the realm itself still needs to be understood by oneself in order to break through.

If you can't break through the fifth realm, you can only continue to accumulate.

However, it is also easier to absorb the immortal substance and comprehend the Dao of Law.

He has not broken through to the fifth realm, but his own strength has also improved a lot.

As for whether he could defeat Zhou Tian Zhizun, he didn't know.

The gap is too big, but even if he can't lose, he can still draw.

His strength is not only his immortality, but also his martial arts improvement, even surpassing his immortality cultivation.

Without the physical cultivation of martial arts, he might not be able to defeat the fifth level at most.

"Let's go to the core place first..."

After exhaling a breath, Jiang Che's figure moved and instantly disappeared into the vast and chaotic void.


A day later, a faint light could be seen blooming in the gray and chaotic atmosphere.

An endless land appeared in Jiang Che's field of vision.

The place of origin!

The core!

When he saw this boundless land, Jiang Che's heart was filled with excitement.

Take a deep breath.

Transforming into a bolt of lightning, it cut through the energy of chaos. In an instant, Jiang Che descended on this boundless continent.

The body landed on the ground, and the sense of security brought by the ground made Jiang Che feel slightly calmer.

Look around and into the distance.

The mountains are so high that there is no end in sight.

And here, most of the area is shrouded in the energy of chaos.

The immortal material here is stronger.

Jiang Che looked at this boundless continent and set foot on the core for the first time.

This is the place where Yang Shen practices.

Jiang Che was even a little excited.

Emperor Yangshen.

This is the existence of the pinnacle of the avenue.

And deep in this ancient land, there is more than one Yangshen Emperor.

Because of the existence of immortal matter, Emperor Yang Shen's lifespan is almost eternal.

The pinnacle of strength.

It is also the pinnacle of all living beings.

It took a while before Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Looking back at the endless sea of ​​chaos, in the next breath, he took a step forward and headed towards the depths of the boundless continent.

Regarding the core area of ​​the Land of Origin, Jiang Che also has a general understanding of some situations.

This ancient continent is also known as the Endless Continent.

The Etu Plateau is just a region of the Endless Continent.

Deep within the deep.

Here, there is no peripheral division of areas.

However, there are also some regional names.

The Etu Plateau, the Xuantian Heaven, and the Heavenly Vault.

He only knew the names of these three regions. As for whether there were other regional divisions, Jiang Che didn't know.

And the place I just stepped into is probably the meeting point of the three regions.

As it continues to deepen, the scope is also rapidly expanding.

Looking up at the sky, there seems to be a mysterious power of the avenue that isolates the energy of chaos.

Clear and turbid.

The deeper you go, the clearer the sky becomes.

The sun, moon and stars appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

Countless stars bloomed with starlight, illuminating the core area.

Jiang Che was full of vigilance.

Stepping into the core doesn't mean it's safe, on the contrary, it's more dangerous.

Here, in the endless chaos, terrifying chaotic beasts may emerge at any time.

Of course, where the light shines, the possibility of encountering a chaotic beast is still very small.

Unless you escape into the endless chaos.

Although Jiang Che really wanted to hunt the chaotic beasts, but... after stepping into the core area, he suppressed this idea.

The chaotic beasts in the endless chaos here are more than one level stronger than the chaotic beasts that appear in the Chaos Sea.

It would be too dangerous to do it here.

Moreover, if you escape into the dojo where Du Yang Shen is in chaos, you won't even be alive.

According to his understanding, most of these Yang Shen Emperors opened up their own training places in chaos.

It is equivalent to opening up a separate world.

That ordinary chaos may be filled with terrifying restrictions.

Although he was confident in his own strength, he would definitely not be able to stop the restrictions imposed by Yang Shen.

Courting death is not such a way to die.

The purpose of coming here is to broaden your horizons.

Second, visit the immoral Taoist.

If he didn't have the token of the wicked Taoist back then, I'm afraid he is still in the Central World now, and maybe even hang up.

Moreover, the wicked Taoist also has another identity, that is, the giant supreme of the Temple of Origin.

His strength is unknown, but his identity is definitely deserved.

The Temple of Origin is also the only immortal force named after Origin in the Origin.

Origin represents the beginning of all things.

The founder was more than one Yang Shen Emperor.

More terrifying than other immortal forces.

It is also the place of origin and is the well-deserved number one force.

Even though he has been in the Origin for a long time now, he still knows very little about the Origin Temple.

Not much is known.

There is always a veil of mystery hanging in my heart.

After walking a certain distance, Jiang Che stopped.

He now encountered a problem...

That is, he didn't know where to go.

He only has a road map from the periphery to the core, but no road map to the core.

"By the way, the evil Taoist's token should be able to guide you!"

After stopping to think about it, Jiang Che suddenly had an idea in his mind and showed his token on the spot.

The magic power is activated, and the token instantly glows.

Jiang Che stared at the token, and a figure appeared on it.

He is a wicked Taoist.

"Fellow Taoist, I am really surprised to have come so soon."

Among the tokens, the voice of the wicked Taoist sounded.

With a serious look on his face, Jiang Che bowed his hands and said, "I'm here to pay a special visit to my senior."

"Haha, my fellow Taoist has come all the way from afar and is very interested. In that case, just follow Pindao's token. The token will guide you in the direction of travel. Let's talk after we meet."


Jiang Che nodded.

The next second, the hanging token instantly turned into a divine light and flew away into the distance.

Jiang Che followed closely behind, following the token as he went deeper.

While walking forward, Jiang Che also secretly recorded the route.

No way, this place is too big.

Writing down the detailed route will make it easier for him to travel back and forth in the future.

At least nothing like this will happen.


Five days passed by in a flash. Under the guidance of the token, Jiang Che traveled for five full days.

Finally, the token stopped, glowing in the air.

Jiang Che's eyes were focused on a sacred mountain in front of him.

The sacred mountain is tall and straight, towering into the clouds.

It seems to have penetrated the chaos.

The entire sacred mountain was shrouded in a layer of mysterious power, making it difficult to see clearly what was going on.

On the top of the mountain, there is even more chaos.

Faintly, Jiang Che could only clearly see the shadows of some palaces and pavilions.

The immortal substance here is more powerful.

After five days of marching, Jiang Che clearly memorized the route and etched it in his mind.

"Is it here?"

Seeing that the token in front of him was no longer moving forward, Jiang Che stretched out his hand and the token fell into his palm.

And at this moment, a divine light descended from the sacred mountain.

In an instant.

Divine light condensed, and a white-robed Taoist appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

He is a wicked Taoist.

At close range, Jiang Che sensed the vague aura of the wicked Taoist.

It was more terrifying than Xuanyuan Mingkong he had ever seen.

Nine Realms Supreme!Peak of Thunder Tribulation!

One step away from becoming the Great Emperor of Tao Yangshen and achieving immortality.

"Meet the seniors."

Looking at the immoral Taoist in front of him, Jiang Che bowed and saluted, neither humble nor overbearing.

Taoist Wicked stepped forward, looked at Jiang Che, and nodded gently: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, I haven't seen you for a few years. My Taoist friend has made amazing progress!"

"Senior, thank you. My strength is barely enough to cross the stars."

Jiang Che smiled.

The wicked Taoist looked at him and said: "Haha, fellow Daoist Jiang, you are extremely talented. There is no need to be modest. Since you are here, just follow the poor Taoist and enter the Taoist temple first to sit for a while."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and then followed the wicked Taoist to fly to the sacred mountain.

On the top of the mountain, in front of the water pavilion, the figures of Jiang Che and the wicked Taoist appeared.

The wicked Taoist stepped into the waterside pavilion, and Jiang Che followed closely and entered it.

In the center, on a stone table, there were many divine fruit snacks. The wicked Taoist gestured with his hand, and Jiang Che immediately sat down.

Picking up the teapot on the stone table, Taoist Wicked poured two cups of fairy tea.

A cup was given to Jiang Che, and he immediately sat down.

"Fellow Taoist has reached his current state in just a few years. It is very rare among the immortal forces."

The wicked Taoist spoke, looked at Jiang Che, and sighed in admiration.

"Senior, I'm grateful. I just had more lives and deaths, and got some good luck. So far, I've had a narrow escape from death."

"The road to the road is full of ups and downs, and nothing is smooth sailing. If you put in the effort, you will be rewarded."

The wicked Taoist smiled.

Jiang Che: "Senior said so."

"My fellow Taoist has an astonishing destiny. There may be great hope in the future to attain Tao Yang Shen. I have already seen a rising star." The wicked Taoist said with a smile.

Jiang Che smiled and took a sip of tea: "I am going to the place of origin this time because I want to see it. Secondly, it is also to thank my seniors."


The wicked Taoist looked at him with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Jiang Che immediately spoke and told about his encounter in the Central World.

After all, he was pretending at first, so he took the initiative to admit it and left a good impression.

The wicked Taoist is the Supreme of the Temple of Origin. If he finds out later, it will be very embarrassing to meet him again.

Jiang Che also didn’t want to be at odds with such a supreme being.

It's better to speak out proactively.

"That's probably how things went. Please forgive me, senior. I was forced to do so at the beginning."

Jiang Che looked at the wicked Taoist and said.

Listening to Jiang Che's narration, the wicked Taoist nodded, with an indifferent expression on his face, and said: "It's okay, the situation forced me to understand."

"Thank you senior."

Jiang Che also breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt much better after saying it.

"But the Shura clan you mentioned, I'm afraid you should be more careful."

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist said.

"I will pay attention. If we meet again, I believe there will be no problem."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

The wicked Taoist looked at him, shook his head, and said, "I'm not talking about Emperor Shitian, but the ancestor of the Shura clan."

"The ancestor of the Shura clan?"

Jiang Che was slightly stunned, looked at the wicked Taoist, and said, "Senior, what do you mean by this?"

"The ancestor of Shura is a Yangshen Emperor. He is currently in the chaos of origin. The Shura clan will definitely take revenge. If they know about it, they may attack fellow Taoists."

The wicked Taoist said slowly.

Jiang Che: "..."

The ancestor of Shura, Emperor Yangshen!
Jiang Che's heart twitched.

If he was really taken care of by a Yang Shen Emperor, he would probably be doomed.

Emperor Yang Shen, even if he spans thousands of miles of time and space, it is easy to kill him.

The pinnacle of the great avenue is the end of all living beings, an invincible existence!

"Understood, I will be careful." Jiang Che nodded.

The wicked Taoist glanced at him and said, "I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

Jiang Che: "?"

"What proposal?"

Looking at the wicked Taoist, Jiang Che was curious.

The wicked Taoist touched his beard and said: "It's very simple. If you are willing to become a member of the Temple of Origin, you don't have to worry about this problem."


Jiang Che was stunned for a moment when he heard the wicked Taoist speak.

Join the Temple of Origin?

Jiang Che: “???”

Are you sure you got it right?

Shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

Become a member of the Temple of Origin…

Jiang Che really didn't expect it.

Temple of Origin, the first immortal force in the place of origin.

It is also the number one force in the entire heavens and worlds.

This force is definitely something that many people dream of joining.

After all, with this level of identity, you can come and go freely in all the heavens and worlds.

At this time, the wicked Taoist spoke again: "Being a member of the Temple of Origin can be protected by the luck of the temple. Even the Emperor Yangshen, unless you are face to face, it is difficult to deduce your trace."

Jiang Che lowered his head and remained silent.

He did not doubt the words of the wicked Taoist.

As the number one immortal force in the world, it is not unusual for him to have this ability.

However, this somewhat surprised him.

The wicked Taoist opened his invitation. Is this because of his strength?
Or maybe you fancy his potential to become a Yangshen in the future?

Maybe both are possible.


Will there be bondage?

Jiang Che pondered for a while, looked at the wicked Taoist, and said, "Senior, can I ask a question?"

The wicked Taoist nodded and smiled: "Of course you can. Speak freely. I can tell you everything I know."

"What does it take to become a member of the Temple of Origin?"

Jiang Che got straight to the point.

The wicked Taoist looked at him and said: "I won't ask for anything. I have free time. I won't have jurisdiction under the circumstances of a temple."

"What about special circumstances?" Jiang Che asked.

"Special circumstances... There is only one, and that is the movements of the demons. Only the demons show up, and if there is any movement, the temple may communicate through the orders of the members to fight against the demons."

The wicked Taoist said slowly.

"Others, it won't have any impact. You can continue to join the force you originally joined, or even establish your own force. If you are in the place of origin, the temple may still give you some support."

The wicked Taoist said.

"The only condition is that regarding the demons, after the demons appear and communicate, they must be implemented to compete with the demons."


After hearing what the wicked Taoist said, Jiang Che probably understood.

No imaginary constraints.

On the contrary, freedom is beyond imagination!

This is incredible.

"If you want to practice here, you can also open your own dojo."

"These are all fine."

The wicked Taoist said.

Jiang Che recovered, looked at him, and said, "Senior, how can I join?"

After hearing this, the wicked Taoist smiled and held out two fingers: "It's very simple. There are two methods. The first one is that the temple will inspect you. If you pass the inspection of the temple, you can become a member of the temple."

"The second method is to be recommended within the temple."

"If Fellow Daoist Jiang agrees, Pindao can introduce him. There is no need for the first inspection, and he can quickly become a member of the temple."

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart moved.

The words were all said for this purpose, and the meaning couldn't be more clear.

Recommended by a wicked Taoist, becoming a member of the Temple of Origin is definitely not a problem.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Moreover, with such a big backer, it is not a problem to travel through the heavens and worlds, even to travel to the place of origin.

The identity of the first immortal force is a resounding signboard.

"Thank you, senior."

Jiang Che came back to his senses and cupped his hands in a bow.

"Haha, you're welcome. Being able to attract a genius to the temple can be considered a contribution."

The wicked Taoist smiled.

Jiang Che then continued to ask about other situations in the Temple of Origin.

He also has a better understanding of the situation in the Temple of Origin.

There are more members of the Temple of Origin than he imagined.

And basically they are all Thunder Tribulation Supremes.

The members are also divided into four sequences.

Heaven, Earth, Mysterious, Yellow!

four sequences.

Corresponding to the permissions of different members.

Heavenly level members can be mobilized to control any branch hall.

Maximum authority.

And the last thing is the yellow-level member sequence.

Basically, it’s just a layer of identity.

This is the foundation of the Temple of Origin.

But even if it is a yellow-level member, it is still the existence of the Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

The main reason for the four sequence divisions is strength.

Xuan level sequence, the strength of the three realms of Thunder Tribulation.

Earth level sequence, the strength of the Sixth Realm of Thunder Tribulation!

Heaven level sequence, that is basically the top level of Thunder Tribulation Peak.

Different sequences have different permissions.

The tokens are also different.

The wicked Taoist is a heaven-level member of the highest order.

Emperor Yang Shen is the leader of the Temple of Origin.

Listening to the narration by the wicked Taoist, Jiang Che became more aware of the structure of the Temple of Origin.

The Temple of Origin in the core place is a dojo space and time opened up in the chaos.

"Senior, how many emperors are there in the temple?"

Jiang Che asked curiously.


The wicked Taoist spoke.


Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

"Which four?" Jiang Che asked again.

Taoist Wicked took a sip of tea, put down the cup, looked at him, and said: "Emperor Haotian, Emperor Milo, Emperor Void, and Emperor Huangtian!"

Desolate Emperor? !

Jiang Che was stunned.

Emperor Huangtian, isn’t that the founder of Huangtian Palace?

How could it be the Great Emperor of the Temple of Origin? !

Jiang Che looked at the wicked Taoist and couldn't help but said with doubts in his heart: "Senior, Emperor Huangtian, isn't he the immortal power of Huangtian Palace in the Wilderness Realm? How..."

The wicked Taoist smiled and said: "What's so strange about this? Emperor Huangtian is the immortal power master of the Huangtian Temple in the Desolate Territory, but he is also one of the great emperors in my temple."

"Among the other three emperors, Emperor Milo is also the master of immortal power. It is normal."

"Emperor Milo too?"

Jiang Che was even more incredible.

The wicked Taoist nodded: "Yes, the Miluo Heavenly Palace in the spiritual realm was founded by Emperor Miluo."

"Can you still play like this?"

Jiang Che was stunned.

This operation...is true...well, awesome!

"Then are these two people from the Immortal Force also from the Temple of Origin?"

Jiang Che asked.

"That's different." The wicked Taoist shook his head and said, "Some are, some are not."

"The outstanding people under the Emperor's sect will be, but others will not."


Jiang Che nodded.

When the wicked Taoist said this, he understood.

"In that case, Xuanyuan Wuque may be from the Temple of Origin..."

In a flash of Jiang Che's thought, he thought of Xuanyuan Wuque who had met in the sea of ​​chaos back then.

With his strength, he is likely to be a member of the Temple of Origin by becoming a disciple of Emperor Huang Tian. (end of this chapter)

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