I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 297 Time and Space Confrontation Donghuang Bell


Bloody light shined, and Jiang Che's body reappeared.

The aura of destruction swept through the starry sky, and the supreme soul of the Eighth Realm seemed to be destroyed at any time.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

Jiang Che once again activated the Wheel of Life and Death, and at the same time activated the power blessing of the Temple of the Heavens, bursting out the Divine Wheel of Law of Power and crushing it directly.


In the vacuum, that finger burst.

Completely crushed with the help of the power of the All Heavens Temple.

The soul of the Eighth Realm Supreme was shaken. Seeing this scene, his eyes showed extreme disbelief.

The power of Demon Ancestor's blow did not kill him!

What a freak!

His heart was filled with chills, and before he had time to think about it, his soul directly escaped into the vacuum and fled as fast as he could.

"Want to run!"

"Leave me!"

Standing in the starry sky, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the bright glass light bloomed, directly entering the dark vacuum.


The starry sky vibrates, the vacuum annihilates, and endless chaos surges.

A dark light flashed.

"Give me town!"

Jiang Che tried his best to activate the All Heavens Temple, and in an instant, the All Heavens Divine Robes on his body turned into its true form, covering the supreme soul of the Eighth Realm.

Suppression together!
Once you enter the Temple of the Heavens, don’t even think about leaving again!


A roar came from the depths of the endless vacuum.

Jiang Che's eyes were solemn, and he frowned as he looked at the endless darkness.


The Temple of the Heavens burst into light and instantly submerged into Jiang Che's body.

The Supreme Demon Clan of the Eight Realms was completely suppressed!

Even if the devil took action, he was still suppressed by Jiang Che.

Although Jiang Che's body was shattered by a blow that was separated by billions of time and space, it did not cause him to perish.

Although he suffered some injuries, he was generally fine.

"You guy from the human race, I remember you. Wait, I will kill you one day!"

Angry voices came out from the endless vacuum, like thunder exploding in his ears.

But Jiang Che remained calm.

This demon god did not launch a second blow, which meant that he was suppressed somewhere in the endless starry sky.

Now, there is no way out.

However, he didn't feel too happy. Being targeted by a demon god, Jiang Che also felt a lot of pressure.

The dark starry sky returned to calm.

The scene just now seemed like an illusion.

Jiang Che exhaled a breath, and with the next breath, he disappeared from the spot instantly.

With his own strength alone, he could not resist the demon's attack.

Even if it spans billions of time and space and its power is greatly weakened, it is not something he can resist.

Fortunately, his All Heavens Temple did not let him down. With the power of All Heavens Temple, he was able to block it.

And it actually destroyed the demon's blow.

It was his first confrontation with the "Yangshen Emperor".

However, this is only one ten thousandth of Yang Shen's power, and it still spans endless time and space.

Jiang Che didn't have any joy, only endless solemnity.

The intense crisis forced him to raise his mind.

But at least for now, he's safe.

As for the future, we will talk about it later.


Donghuang, Daozong.

Countless figures gathered in front of Samsara Peak.

Among them, the Supreme Being of Dao Sect was also present.

Jiang Che had just gone out to hunt down the mysterious Demon Supreme. Everyone present was very concerned about the outcome.

Samsara Peak was surrounded by almost everyone from Dao Sect to the top.

Crowds of people.


At this moment, in the void, a golden light tore through the void and descended.

Jiang Che's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone in Daozong.

Seeing Jiang Che's appearance, everyone in the Daozong cheered.

Jiang Che showed up, which meant that he was fine. It didn't matter whether the demon supreme was caught or not.

Even if he is not caught and killed, he will definitely be severely injured.

Arriving at Samsara Peak, Jiang Che looked at the figures of many Dao sect disciples outside the dojo, frowned slightly, and his magic power transmitted sound, and the sound resounded throughout the void like thunder.

"Go away."

Jiang Che's voice reached the ears of every disciple of Dao Sect.

After hearing these words, a group of Dao Sect disciples left the Samsara Peak with reluctance.

In a moment, only a group of Thunder Tribulation Supremes were left.

Jiang Che glanced around and opened the Samsara Peak formation, saying, "Fellow Taoists, please come in."

All the supreme beings nodded and stepped into Samsara Peak one after another.

In the Reincarnation Hall, all the supreme beings from the Dao Sect gathered.

Looking at Jiang Che, a supreme peak master couldn't help but say, "Elder Jiang, that supreme demon clan?"

"It has been resolved, you can rest assured."

Jiang Che said lightly.


"already solved?!"

The demon supreme in the eighth realm died so quickly?

This... how is this possible? !
Although they had some guesses in their minds, Jiang Che's words shocked them very much.

This news is really shocking.

Even the Supreme Beings of the Eight Realms can be killed!

So how strong is Jiang Che? !

"Elder Jiang, is this...really?"

A Supreme Master came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Che.

"of course."

Jiang Che nodded.


Seeing that Jiang Che's expression didn't look fake, everyone took a deep breath.


In the Reincarnation Hall, Jiang Che asked about the situation within a hundred years.

Everything was as he expected.

Daqian unified the Eastern Barrens, which was the general trend.

Just a matter of time.

As for whether they will attack other Immortal Sect Saints, that is an unknown.

However, as time goes by, this situation should be inevitable.

Jiang Che didn't care about these issues.

Whether the Immortal Sect surrenders or not has little impact on him.

Even though Daqian was as powerful as the Daxia Dynasty, he was not worried at all.

On the contrary, the stronger, the better.

Looking at the overall situation, the unification of Daqian will inevitably improve day by day.

When the calamity comes, it may be a completely new situation.

There are many supreme beings that are better.

At that time, the power to resist the demons will be enhanced by one point.

"Everyone, I still need to practice, so I won't spare you any more." Looking at the supreme peak masters, Jiang Che said.

After hearing these words, all the peak masters came to their senses, got up one after another, and left the Reincarnation Hall.

They dispersed after a moment, leaving only the Great Elder who had not left.

"What else?"

Looking at the great elder, Jiang Che asked.

The great elder looked at him and said: "Jiang Che, the master has said that after you come out of seclusion, Daozong will obey your orders."

"Follow my orders?"

Jiang Che was stunned, looked at the great elder, and said, "Are you worried about the problems of other immortal sects?"

"You can say that." The great elder nodded.

Jiang Che smiled and said: "Then you can rest assured. When it's time to take action, I will naturally take action. All affairs in the sect are still presided over by the great elder. I am not good at this."

"Yeah, that's okay." The great elder nodded.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing the great elder's hesitant expression, Jiang Che asked.

The great elder looked at him and shook his head: "It's okay, I'll leave first."

After saying that, the great elder's figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Jiang Che.

"what the hell?"

Jiang Che was stunned when he saw the disappearing figure of the great elder.

However, without thinking too much, Jiang Che took one step and arrived at the side hall.

In the room, Jiang Che had a thought, and the next second, his figure disappeared from the room.

Soon, his figure appeared in a purple void.

These are the 36 days of the Temple of the Heavens, Taixu Heaven!
The internal time and space of the Temple of the Heavens is very vast. 36 days are 36 worlds of the heavens.

The heavens and the universe were formed, becoming more vast and vast.

Standing in the void of Taixu Tian, ​​Jiang Che raised his hand, the heaven and earth shook, and the sound of thunder sounded.

The light bloomed, a ray of light condensed, and a soul body appeared in front of him.

It was the supreme soul of the eight realm demons who had been suppressed before.

Burning 1000 million soul thoughts, he summoned the power of the devil to strike, but in the end he could not escape Jiang Che's pursuit.

was suppressed in the Temple of the Heavens.

Everything here is under Jiang Che's control. Even the Nine Realms Supreme is no match for him in the time and space world of the Temple of the Heavens.

Looking at the body of the demon supreme soul in front of him, Jiang Che said calmly: "What's your name?"


The demon supreme in front of him spoke with a calm voice.

It seemed like she wasn't afraid of him.

"Molu Tian..."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, looked at him, and said, "Which demon god from your demon clan is the demon ancestor you summoned just now?"

"If you want to get information out of me, do you think I will tell you?"

Moluotian looked at Jiang Che coldly and said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che didn't show any anger at all. He still looked at this Moluotian with a calm face: "You can tell me, and I will give you a happy death."

Jiang Che's voice sounded very calm.

He couldn't use the soul-searching method to search. The soul of the Eighth Realm was more powerful than his soul.

If you conduct a soul search, it will be extremely dangerous.

"If you kill me, Demon Ancestor will definitely make you die miserably."

Looking at Jiang Che, Mo Luotian said coldly.

"Do you think I will be afraid of your threat?" Jiang Che said calmly.

Moluotian's expression kept changing, looking very ugly.

"Since you don't want to say it, I'll send you on your way."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, and in the void, terrifying lightning flashes intertwined, thunder light shuttled, and lightning raged.

The Great Avenue Divine Thunder manifests.


The world-destroying fairy light came and instantly fell on the soul of Mo Luotian.

The shrill sound of pain resounded throughout Taixu Tian, ​​making people feel shuddering when listening to it.

Jiang Che mobilized the All Heavens Temple and used the power of the All Heavens Temple to destroy his soul.

This process is thousands of times more painful than tearing one's soul apart.

Even the supreme mind cannot bear it.

"I say!"

Suddenly, Molotian's voice sounded.

Jiang Che stopped instantly.

The world-destroying fairy light disappeared and everything returned to calm.

Looking at Jiang Che, Mo Luotian's eyes were filled with murderous intent and fear.

Jiang Che was not affected in any way. He looked at him quietly and said, "Speak, tell me, and I can give you a pleasure."

Moluotian nodded slightly, and then he slowly lowered his head and said: "I am the subordinate of Demon God Qingtian, Demon God Qingtian. In the world of Moko, you are the best..."

Jiang Che listened, but suddenly, a destructive aura came from Mo Luotian's soul. "Let's die together!"

His face showed extreme madness, which directly detonated all the spirits.

But the sudden change did not surprise Jiang Che in the slightest.

A light of destruction bloomed.

The light of glazed glass enveloped Jiang Che's whole body, and at the same time, boundless power swept across.

"The demons are treacherous. As expected, do you think I will be unprepared for you?"

Jiang Che's voice reached Mo Luotian's ears.

In the next breath, in an explosion that shook for 36 days, Moluotian's soul disappeared.

Totally destroyed.

If it hadn't been for self-destruction, he wouldn't have been killed so easily.

It's a pity that this guy chose the easiest way to die.

It also saved Jiang Che's time and energy, and he didn't need to spend too long to get rid of it.

It was a shock for 36 days, but calm soon returned.

Although 1000 million Yuan Shen thoughts have been eliminated, the remaining Yuan Shen thoughts still have destructive power.

If it were the Dinghai Divine Pearl's universe, it would probably be destroyed directly.

The 36th heaven world of the All Heavens Temple is more terrifying than the all heavens world of the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Even if a peak soul of the Eighth Realm Supreme self-destructs with all its strength, it will not be able to destroy the Temple of the Heavens.

The power of defense is even more terrifying than a special defensive Dao Immortal Weapon.

This is the ultimate treasure of his enlightenment.

And it’s not completely finished yet, and the potential is huge.

The demon book shook, and a platinum reward light group emerged.

The reward for the fifth grade of Yu.

It was a shocking explosion.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and his figure instantly disappeared into the Temple of the Heavens.

In the next breath, he came to the room.

The All-Heaven Temple transformed into the All-Heaven God's Robe and was worn on his body. Jiang Che sat on the bedside and touched the All-Heaven God's Robe.

The Temple of the Heavens has ever-changing abilities and can transform into different forms.

And this is one of the abilities.

Also has more features.

"Moco World..."

Jiang Che lowered his head and pondered for a while, and suddenly, he thought of it.

Searching his memory, Jiang Che quickly identified this world.

This is a world that is very far away from the vast world, and it is also a very powerful world.

"This world is not far from the Ancient God's Nest..."

"It seems that I have to go there if I have time in the future."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

From Mo Luotian's mouth, I learned that this Moko world should suppress the demon ancestor who attacked him.

If he had not been suppressed, he would definitely take action again across the starry sky, and Mo Luotian sacrificed 1000 million soul thoughts in exchange for this Demon Ancestor's chance to take action, which means that this Demon Ancestor must have been suppressed.

Of course, without the strength to compete, Jiang Che would not go there rashly.

Even the suppressed demon is still very terrifying to him.

"Look at the reward first..."

After calming down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che immediately drew the reward on the spot as soon as he thought about it.


The light bloomed, and in the golden light, an exquisite fairy bell appeared in his eyes.

It was filled with powerful immortal power, very vast.

"A Dao Immortal Artifact!"

Looking at this exquisite fairy clock, Jiang Che's eyes instantly shined with light.

Although he has the All Heavens Temple, Jiang Che naturally doesn't mind having more Dao Immortal Weapons.

After all, every piece of Dao Immortal Weapon is prepared with supreme power.

And they are generally much more powerful than ordinary heavenly weapons.

Belongs to the top of the top.

The supreme divine object of enlightenment level.

If Jiang Che hadn't had the All-Heaven Temple refining method, and coupled with the special nature of the All-Heaven Temple, his strength would still be far from being able to refine such a terrifying Dao Immortal Artifact.

Looking at the golden fairy bell in front of me, there are mysterious avenue patterns all over the bell.

Contains the ultimate power of time and space.

The majestic aura circulated, the immortal power spread, and the void in the room was suppressed by the aura of immortal power, solidifying like an iron plate.

At this time, dark fonts appeared in his eyes.

Donghuang Bell: The innate avenue artifact, the supreme divine object that contains the laws of time and space, integrates offense and defense, contains the universe, and can reverse the time and space of heaven and earth...

"Eastern Emperor Bell?"

Looking at the divine clock in front of him, Jiang Che was slightly stunned.

In mythology, the name of this artifact is so thunderous.

Attack invincible!

Similarly, Donghuang Bell's defense is also very abnormal.

Jiang Che was very surprised by the reward for killing an Eight Realm Demon Clan Supreme.

The Donghuang Bell actually exploded.

After obtaining this Dao Immortal Artifact, his strength will be greatly improved.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che let out a breath, made a hand seal, and immediately started carving marks.


Half a month passed in a flash.

Jiang Che also completed the sacrificial refining and completely succeeded in refining the Donghuang Bell.

Exciting the Donghuang Bell can freeze time and space.

Mobilize the power of time and space to kill the enemy.

The power is extraordinary.


Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che got up immediately.

Now, he can no longer hold back anymore and is about to survive the catastrophe.

Entering the sixth realm of Thunder Tribulation, the realm of ghosts and gods.

His own strength will break through again and reach a new peak.

After this breakthrough, he must create his own Taoism.

The gods and kings of the heavens thought that their thoughts could no longer support him in continuing to practice, and reaching the sixth realm would be the peak.


Stepping out of the Reincarnation Hall, Jiang Che was about to fly into the sky when suddenly, his steps stopped.


"A guest comes to see me?"

Jiang Che took out a sound transmission bell. The great elder had just sent a message, saying that several guests wanted to see him.

Jiang Che looked at Tongtian Peak and frowned.

Immediately, he came back to his senses and sent a message with his magic power: "Great Elder, let the guests wait while I survive the disaster first."

After saying that, Jiang Che flew into the sky in one step, passed directly through the Dao Sect's protective formation, and arrived in the Nine Heavens Void.


Tongtian Peak, in the main hall, the great elder held the sound transmission bell in his hand and was stunned for a moment.

In the hall, there are still several supreme figures.

The four supreme monsters with golden horns are the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Seeing the great elder's expression, the Sihai Dragon King's expression changed.

The Dragon King of Nanhai was the first to speak, saying: "Great Elder, isn't it inconvenient for Jiang Tianzun?"

"... He is a little inconvenient now. He is about to undergo a catastrophe."

The great elder came back to his senses and looked at Sihai Longhuangdao.

Dragon King of the Four Seas: "..."


The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other.

Is there such a coincidence?

Could it be that you didn’t want to see them on purpose?

The Dragon King of the Four Seas' heart sank, especially the Dragon King of the South Sea.

Today he came to apologize. Just in case, he deliberately did not ask Ji Huan to follow him.

After all, Ji Huan was the one who chased and killed Jiang Che.

In order to minimize the impact, Ji Huan deliberately did not come with him.

In this way, you can also relax a lot and have more room for maneuver.

But now, he never expected that he would encounter such a situation.

Cross the robbery!

I'm afraid this is mostly a refusal.

Without even giving him a chance to meet and apologize, could it be that Jiang Che was determined to eradicate them...

The Dragon King of the Four Seas felt heavy in his heart.

But suddenly, their eyes all turned to the void outside the hall.

A terrifying calamity aura filled the air from the void of the Nine Heavens.

The Sihai Dragon King was startled.

Good guy, are you really going to survive the tribulation? !

In an instant, the Dragon King of the Four Seas came back to his senses, stood up, and looked outside the palace.

The Great Elder looked at the Dragon King of the Four Seas and said: "Four fellow Taoists came and just happened to catch up. In that case, how about we witness Tianzun's tribulation together?"

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other and nodded in unison.
The next second, their figures disappeared into the hall.

At the same time, all the supreme beings from the Dao Sect appeared one after another, all looking towards the depths of the Nine Heavens void.

"It's Jiang Che!"

All the Dao Sect Supremes looked in shock.

Seeing the vast clouds of calamity condensed in the depths of the void, the terrifying power of the great avenue filled the air. In an instant, everyone understood that Jiang Che was about to overcome the calamity.

At this moment, the Dragon King of the Four Seas had followed the Great Elder to the void outside Dao Sect and looked at Jiang Che's figure deep in the void.

"This is...the catastrophe of ghosts and gods in the sixth realm!"

The East China Sea Dragon King's pupils shrank, and the other Dragon King's eyes also showed solemnity.


Deep in the void, a terrifying avenue of divine thunder descended quickly, evolving into the shape of an ancient behemoth, and the world-destroying aura struck.

Jiang Che stood in the void, his soul came out of his body directly, and faced the great tribulation of the Great Dao.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of all the supreme beings jumped wildly.

Under the great tribulation of heaven, the soul directly leaves the body to overcome the tribulation.

This method of overcoming tribulation refreshed their understanding.

Moreover, he could resist the great catastrophe by relying solely on his soul without resorting to any magical weapons.

This method of overcoming the tribulation is simply fatal.

Even if the soul of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation has turned into pure Yang, facing the Great Thunder Tribulation, the damage will still be fatal.

After going through the tribulation like this, are you not afraid that your soul will be scattered and completely destroyed?

Or does it mean that he has absolute confidence and is not afraid of disaster at all?

In the void, all the supreme beings held their breath and stared straight at it without blinking, for fear of missing something.

The ancient behemoths evolved from the Great Avenue Divine Thunder are so fierce that even if they are far apart, they can still feel the aura of world destruction.

Not to mention fighting with pure souls, even with the help of fairy weapons, they couldn't stop them.


Jiang Che's Yuan Shen fought with the ancient giant beast transformed from the Great Dao Divine Thunder. In an instant, they were completely defeated. The Pure Yang Yuan Shen directly absorbed the Great Dao Divine Thunder that destroyed the ancient giant beast.

The powerful power of the soul spread out.

Vast spiritual pressure enveloped his heart.


The clouds of the Great Dao Tribulation surged, purple lightning flashed, and soon after, the second Heavenly Tribulation came directly, and Jiang Che's Pure Yang Soul was once again submerged in the Great Dao Divine Thunder.

Fight with the evolved ancient thunder beast.

Thousands of miles of void were shattered layer by layer like a mirror, and the violent force of destruction swept across the world.

The light intertwined and collided, and the vast breath washed away the chaotic nothingness.

Power destroys everything.

Seeing this scene, the Sihai Dragon King's expression became even more solemn.

My mood also became extremely heavy.

The single-unit god is so terrifying, and Jiang Che's strength is even more powerful than you can imagine.

If Jiang Che did not accept the apology, what would greet them would definitely be a devastating blow.

Even if the dragon clans from all over the world join forces, they will never be able to stop Jiang Che's strength.

If they don't accept it, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave Dao Sect.

Now, I can only hope that Jiang Che can put aside the previous grudges for the sake of the two top dragon clan supremes.

"I hope Master Zulong and Master Jiuyin's face can be effective..."

The Dragon King of South China Sea let out a long sigh in his heart. (End of chapter)

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