I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 30 Sky Thunder Talisman, Time to Hunt【New book for support】

Chapter 30 Sky Thunder Talisman, Time to Hunt【New book for support】

"Desolate characters three grades..."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and with a thought, he immediately took out the reward.

With a flash of purple light, a talisman appeared in Jiang Che's hand.


Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

This is the first time a talisman has been released as a reward.

On the purple talisman, there is a faint flash of electricity, which is extraordinary.

Even Jiang Che couldn't understand the symbols engraved on it.

Daoist talisman, this is a profound knowledge.

Those who have not practiced this way specifically will not be able to understand it.

Drawing characters is not just scribbling with a pen.

A special item like a talisman also has powerful power.

The dark font appeared in the eyes.

Thunder Talisman: A Talisman containing extremely strong spiritual energy, which can be activated by true energy and can attract thunder to attack. It is extremely lethal and a one-time consumable.

The gloomy characters gradually dissipated, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Looking at the Heavenly Thunder Talisman in his hand, his eyes suddenly became much brighter.

Thunder Talisman!
Trigger the thunder attack.

This is definitely a big killer.

How terrifying is the power of the sky thunder?
This blow must be a lore!

Jiang Che did not expect such a reward from a little boar spirit.

The wild word reward seems to be good.

"There is only one chance, so it seems that ordinary monsters and spirits should not be used."

With a flash of thought, Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses, and directly put the Thunder Talisman in his hand into his storage bag.

In the Northern Wilderness Mountains, there are no powerful monsters and spirits.

He didn't need to use such a big killer.

In the future, when receiving missions from the sect and facing powerful monsters, it can be used.

Good steel must be used wisely!

Putting away the Sky Thunder Talisman, Jiang Che took out another small porcelain bottle.

Looking at the corpse of the wild boar spirit on the ground, Jiang Che picked up the dharma sword and sliced ​​open the wild boar spirit's body.

Break open the heart, use true energy, and quickly extract the blood essence of this wild boar essence.

A wild boar essence doesn't have a lot of blood, and it's gone after only half a bottle is filled.

After quickly collecting the blood essence, Jiang Che felt at ease.

After returning, he can use his blood essence to practice the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique.

The remaining Jiang Che was not wasted either.

The meat of wild boar essence is also a great tonic.

Go back and make delicious food, and you can enjoy it for a while.

After removing the internal organs, Jiang Che cut five times and two times, and directly carve up the corpse of a wild boar spirit.

After everything was done, Jiang Che circulated his true energy, and with a movement of his figure, he continued to walk towards the depths of the Northern Wilderness Mountains.



A bottle of stinky blood was splashed on the weeds, and Jiang Che immediately hid aside.

The spirit is highly concentrated, and the surrounding situation is explored with extraordinary perception.

After killing the wild boar spirit, he didn't waste the blood of the wild boar spirit, and collected all of it.

When he felt that the depth was about the same, Jiang Che splashed some demon blood.

This can attract other monsters and spirits to come.

The method is a little old-fashioned, but Jiang Che has no better method at present.

After all, he has no means of tracking the demon.

It can only be sensed if there is a monster close to the range of his perception.

Demon blood is more attractive than normal fresh blood.

For other monsters and spirits, it is more tempting.

Although low-level demons and spirits have some spiritual intelligence, most of them are still dominated by animal nature, unless they become a higher-level big monster.

His method still had some effect.

It's better than looking for it like a headless chicken.

The Northern Wilderness Mountain Range is so big, it's impossible for him to keep shrinking to an inch all the time, even King Ming's true qi can't hold it back!
After cultivating the first zhenqi, his zhenqi is only about one or two times stronger than ordinary zhenqi.

Visualize the second god king, cultivate the second true qi, and integrate into one, there will be a bigger gap.

If you are just getting started, use the starting method.

A strong smell of blood permeated the dense jungle.

Jiang Che crouched not far away, his powerful mental power was always sensing the situation within a hundred feet.

In the deep mountains and old forests, spiritual perception is better than what the eyes can see.

"Well, there is movement!"

After waiting for a while, there was a commotion in the bushes ahead.

Jiang Che's concentration was high immediately, and there was a commotion in the bushes.


In the next second, a black shadow jumped out of the bushes.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up immediately.

His eyes are piercing.


This is a spirit monster as big as a calf.

The whole body is covered with sharp thorns like steel needles.

It's a porcupine!
However, it is larger than the average porcupine.

The evil spirit on his body is also more terrifying than the pig demon hunted before.

The smell of demon blood attracted this porcupine spirit, but this guy seemed very cautious, seeing the demon blood on the grass, he didn't approach rashly.

And at this very moment, Jiang Che instantly activated the Sword Control Technique.

The flying sword quickly pierced through the air, carrying a red sword light, and quickly slashed at the porcupine spirit.


The sharp sword light pierced the air, and the red light was like electricity.

The porcupine essence instantly noticed that its body curled up, and the needle-like spikes on its back shone with a faint light. In the next breath, several sharp steel spikes rushed directly towards the sword light.


The flying sword collided with the porcupine spirit's steel spines, making a sound like gold and iron.

However, Jiang Che's sword control technique is not a vegetarian. Although it blocked it for a while, it was no match for Jiang Che's flying sword.

Several sharp steel thorns were cut off in an instant.


The remaining sword light fell on the body of the porcupine spirit, drawing bloodstains.

One blow hurt the porcupine spirit, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the flying sword quickly fell into his hand as if it had a spirituality.


In the bushes, Jiang Che shrunk to an inch and disappeared in place.

In the next second, he came directly in front of the porcupine essence.


One-handed tactic, Yu Jianshu activated again, the scarlet sword light flashed, and before the porcupine essence had any reaction, it quickly pierced into the porcupine essence's body.

A sword penetrates!
Blood flowed out immediately!

The porcupine spirit also let out a shrill scream, shaking the nearby bushes.


Jiang Che's eyes were cold, and with a movement of the flying sword, his sword control skills erupted again, and with a puff, it pierced through the internal organs of the porcupine essence.

This time, even the spirit's tenacious vitality was completely lost.


The demon book vibrated, and the pattern information of the porcupine spirit appeared on a page of the demon book.

A ball of golden light appeared on the mottled ancient bronze book.

The font manifested, and the demon book once again gave an evaluation: the second grade of Huangzi!

It is a small grade higher than the killed wild boar essence.

As soon as Jiang Che took out the reward, the light in his hand flashed, and a small and exquisite object appeared in his eyes.

It is a pill.

The dark font also immediately appeared in the eyes.

Gathering Spirit Pill: A pill that condenses the aura of heaven and earth, which can enhance a part of the true energy of cultivation.

"Spirit Gathering Pill..."

Looking at the font manifested in his eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

A elixir to enhance cultivation broke out.

Although it is a little bit unsatisfactory, it is not bad.

After all, the probability of something good being revealed as a reward for wild characters is too low.

Thunder Talismans are rare.

Jiang Che put it away for the time being. Taking this elixir when he goes back to practice will have a better effect. He doesn't consume a lot of true energy now, and if he uses it, there will be some waste.

It will also take some time to absorb the power of the pill.

Juling Pill should be better than Baihua Pill.

Putting away the elixir, looking at the dead porcupine essence on the ground, Jiang Che prepared it in the same way.

Opened his stomach, took out a new small porcelain bottle, filled with half of the blood essence.

The carcasses were not wasted, and the porcupine pork was good.

Great supplement!

After everything was settled, Jiang Che disappeared in place.

In the next breath, he continued walking into the depths of the jungle.




"Master, be careful!"

In the dense jungle, Jiang Che moved forward like a ghost.

But suddenly, he heard the sound of fighting in the distance, and there was a demonic aura.

"Could it be that other disciples are fighting the demon again?"

A thought popped into his mind, and Jiang Che's spirit moved, and he sensed it a little. In the bushes in the distance, several figures and a huge monster appeared.

Although I seldom meet other disciples, there are quite a few disciples who have entered the Northern Wilderness Mountains.


With a movement of Jiang Che's figure, he disappeared without a sound.

No matter who it is, he has to help with things like killing monsters.

Although he is not used to forming a team, it does not prevent him from "helping others"!

Anyway, he is also a "five good youth"!
How can you miss such a thing as killing a demon!
(End of this chapter)

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