I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 304: The Ultimate Blast of Demon Purgatory

Chapter 304: The Ultimate Blast of Demon Purgatory
"Cough cough..."

The black-robed demon supreme fell to the ground of the bloody palace, coughing out purple blood from the corners of his mouth, and the divine light in his eyes dimmed by three points.

He stood up unsteadily, looked at the feminine young man above the blood pool, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Your Majesty Luo, please forgive me. I just found out about this not long ago."


The figure of the feminine young man in the blood robe flashed and came directly in front of him. A cold light bloomed in his blood-colored eyes: "There is no trace of you?"

"Yes." The black-robed Supreme nodded and said hurriedly: "My subordinates guess that he should be the human supreme from outside. However, this person has a heavy treasure to protect his body, and I cannot deduce it."

"Heavy treasure body protection..."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the feminine young man in blood robe, and then, with a movement of his slender fingers, a layer of terrifying magic light bloomed.

In the void, a blurry picture appeared.

In the picture, a young man in a blue robe appeared.

However, there was a layer of divine light surrounding him, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

At this moment, the green-robed man in the picture seemed to notice something, a dazzling fairy light bloomed, and the condensed picture collapsed and dissipated on the spot.


"Sure enough, there are two brushes!"

Looking at this scene, a trace of shock flashed across the pair of bloody eyes of the feminine young man in blood robe.

On the side, the black-robed demon supreme watched this scene, and his eyes fell on the feminine young man in blood-robed: "Emperor Luo, what should I do now?"

"This person has extraordinary strength. I'm afraid he won't be that easy to deal with. I will activate the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation immediately. I will wait here for this guy to come to my door."

The feminine young man in blood robe said.


"Waiting for him to come?"

The black-robed demon supreme was slightly startled.

The young man in the blood robe said calmly: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go quickly? I deliberately left a trace of my breath just now. This person will definitely not miss it."

"Then... what if he doesn't come to the door?"

The black-robed demon supreme said.

"I said I would come, and I will definitely come." The young man in blood robe said calmly.

After hearing this, the black-robed demon supreme fell silent, and finally nodded: "Yes, I will make arrangements right now."

After saying that, his figure moved and disappeared into the bloody palace in an instant.

"Interesting human race... This person's flesh and blood essence must be pretty good. If he devours it, he might be able to let me break through..." Looking at the void outside the bloody palace, a greedy and bloodthirsty look flashed in the eyes of the young man in blood robe.

In the next breath, his figure disappeared.


Abyss world, eighth level.

On an unnamed hill, a young Taoist priest in blue robe looked towards a certain direction in the void.

"It's actually possible to deduce me... Although it's not confirmed, it seems like this guy should be a very powerful being."

Jiang Che muttered to himself.

Just now, he felt a heavenly secret coming over him. Although the Temple of the Heavens blocked most of the heavenly secrets, some of them still captured him.

Based on his own experience, it was not difficult for Jiang Che to guess that this should be a demon supreme deducing him.

Although it is impossible to determine his position, if he can break through the defense and deduce it, he must be an existence beyond the Zhoutian realm.

Either he is the supreme being in the eighth realm, or he is the supreme being in the ninth realm.

Only those in these two realms can deduce themselves.

But at that moment, while Jiang Che shattered the Demon Clan's supreme deduction, he also caught a trace of his aura.

"Then let's see who this guy is!"

As soon as he thought, the next second, the wheel of the heavens appeared in front of him.


The divine wheel turned, and a picture appeared in his eyes.

With the help of the captured aura, Jiang Che instantly found the exact coordinates.

In the picture, there is a thousand-foot-tall sacred mountain. What is particularly eye-catching is the bloody palace on the sacred mountain.


But just as Jiang Che continued to deduce, the thousand-foot sacred mountain instantly erupted into a sky-reaching red light.

The red light directly covered the Holy Mountain Palace, and there was only a bloody light on the Wheel of the Heavens.

Seeing this, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the Wheel of the Heavens disappeared instantly.

"It seems that such a powerful demon formation is not simple."

"But if we get rid of this vote, it should be a super grand prize."

Looking into the void, Jiang Che's eyes burned brightly.

Although he had only seen part of it just now, based on his experience, this was definitely one of the demon clan's strongholds.

There are quite a few of the number of supreme beings you have.

And the most important thing is the demon supreme who deduced him.

Killing this vote must be a shocking explosion.

Although there were some top demon supremes in the eighth-level world, he had not met any of them in half a month.

The strongest one is the demon supreme who has killed six realms.

Further up, there is no encounter.

Now, after finally meeting him, he definitely couldn't miss it.

If he is the Nine Realm Supreme, he can successfully retreat even if he is defeated.

Donghuang Bell has the ability to travel through time and space, and can break through any avenue formation.

Unless it is arranged by Emperor Yang Shen, otherwise, everything is invincible.


With his mind settled, Jiang Che disappeared on the hill in an instant.


Traveling through the void and across thousands of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che quickly arrived at his destination according to the deduced coordinates.

On the hillside, Jiang Che looked at the scene in front of him.

Countless red lights enveloped the Shenshan Palace, covering a thousand-mile radius, all within range.

Jiang Che could also feel the invisible aura of the great avenue formation.

There seems to be no danger, but in fact it is dangerous.

The formation enveloped the area, and his consciousness was unable to detect any situation.

This strong demonic energy was rolling, and what was in front of him felt like hell.

Looking at the great avenue formation in front of him, Jiang Che also raised his head solemnly. The magic power enveloped his whole body, and when his energy and blood gathered a little, he could unleash a fatal blow at any time.

And at this moment, in the center of the formation, in the Shenshan Palace, the blood-robed young man who disappeared appeared again.


With one step, he arrived outside the palace.

"He came so quickly. It seems that this human monk has a lot of trouble."

"The peak human immortal, no wonder he can kill so many demon supremes."

Looking into the void, the blood-robed young man flashed a cold light, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared again.

At this moment, outside the formation, Jiang Che's body flashed with fairy light, and the All-Heaven Temple transformed into the robes of the gods and was worn on his body.

The Donghuang Bell is in the body and can explode with power at any time.

After making all preparations, Jiang Che took a deep breath, took a step forward, and stepped directly into this avenue formation.


The moment he stepped into the formation, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Jiang Che came to a magnificent palace.

In front of him, there were countless enchanting figures, all of them beautiful.

Wearing purple tulle, her looming delicate body is shocking.

In the void, the pink atmosphere fills the air, giving people a feeling of being intoxicated in a gentle country.

"Sir, come quickly, I have been waiting for you for a long time~"

"Sir, come and accompany me."

One by one, gentle voices came into Jiang Che's ears.

Those graceful bodies quickly moved closer to Jiang Che.

The beautiful face makes people's hearts flutter.

The looming delicate body makes people's blood surge even more.


But the moment these delicate bodies approached Jiang Che, a bell rang instantly inside his body.

In the next breath, the graceful figure was directly shattered, and the golden palace collapsed.

turned into nothingness.

Jiang Che's eyes also regained their clarity.

But just after the shattering blow, the scene changed again.

He appeared again in an antique room.

"It's an illusion again..."

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

At this moment, the door to the room opened.

A graceful figure appeared in his eyes.

Dressed in sky blue clothes, her enchanting figure is full of endless charm.

With slender steps, she stepped into the room.

Looking at this enchanting figure, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed.

The face of this figure turned out to be his master.

"My dear disciple, Master misses you so much."

The "Xuanmiaoyin" in front of me spoke, her voice was full of tenderness, and her eyes were as tender as water, which made people feel an impulse.

Jiang Che's mind was shaken.

Look at the "mysterious sound" in front of you.

But at this moment, a scent of fragrance hit him, and Jiang Che's eyes changed instantly.

The black and white pupils were suddenly filled with blood.

A strong desire filled his mind.

"Xuanmiaoyin" stepped forward, wearing one less piece of clothing with every step he took.

Arriving in front of Jiang Che, all that was left was a piece of gauze full of temptation.

The graceful figure is looming, exuding invisible charm.

His expression is as gentle as water, which makes people feel more relaxed.

"Disciple, do you miss your master?"

"Xuan Miao Yin" spoke again, exhaling Orchid.

A pair of slender hands placed on Jiang Che's shoulders, "Disciple, master really misses you."

"Is it?"

At this moment, Jiang Che's voice suddenly sounded, and his eyes returned to clarity without any trembling.

"Transform into my master to enchant, you are seeking death!"

Jiang Che's cold light flashed, and in the next breath, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.


The "mysterious sound" in front of him was torn to pieces on the spot and turned into nothing.

In the next breath, the entire room collapsed instantly.

Jiang Che appeared in nothingness again.

But this time, the scene changed again, directly showing the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Endless demonic energy surged, and thousands of demons rushed out from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

A large area of ​​darkness covered the sky and swept directly towards Jiang Che.

"You can even make an axe with a small skill of carving insects!"


Above Jiang Che's head, the East Emperor Bell appeared. When the bell rang, the overwhelming demon clan collapsed on the spot.

It was shattered directly into nothing.

"Show up. With your little skills, you want to stop me?"

Jiang Che stood in the void, his voice shaking the world.

Wherever the sound came, the space was directly distorted.

"Very good, there are a few moments, but once you enter the Emperor's Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation, you can't even think about getting out."

A cold voice came from the depths of the void, and in the next breath, red light bloomed, and a young man with a feminine face appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

The demonic energy surged to the sky, and he was clearly a top demon supreme.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen demon supreme figures.But all together, they are no match for the aura of this feminine young man.

"Creation Realm!"

Jiang Che's eyes became bright as he saw the aura at a glance.

Eight Realms Supreme, very good!
That's what he wants.

"Human monk, I can give you a chance to surrender to me, become my slave, and become a human demon, and I will spare you."

The feminine young man's voice sounded, and every word came clearly to Jiang Che's ears.

"Just you?"

Jiang Che spoke.

"If you don't want to give me a chance, I would like to see how capable you are."

The face of the effeminate young man darkened, and in the next breath, a dozen demon supremes behind him took action in an instant, and powerful demon powers swept towards Jiang Che overwhelmingly.

More than a dozen demon supremes have joined forces, half of them are above the three realms, and their power is enough to destroy the world.

But Jiang Che didn't move at all. He raised his hand slightly, and the majestic power exploded instantly, and eight powerful heavenly dragons rushed out.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the destructive storm directly destroyed the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

The void of the earth turned into chaos.

The eight powerful heavenly dragons directly crushed the supernatural power with overwhelming force.

The bodies of more than a dozen demon supremes collapsed on the spot.

Instantly killed!

But seeing this scene, Jiang Che's expression changed slightly.

More than a dozen demon supremes are dead, but the Demon Book is not shaken, which means that these dozen demon supremes have not truly fallen.


Sure enough, in the next second, light bloomed in the chaotic void, and more than a dozen demon supremes appeared, their auras showing no harm at all.

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly condensed.

"Hahahahaha, human monk, you probably don't know how powerful the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation is. No matter how strong you are, you can't kill one of my soldiers. Here, you can't extract power from the heaven and earth to recover. Consumption can also consume you to death!"

Unbridled laughter resounded through the chaos. After hearing these words, Jiang Che looked at the feminine young man.

After sensing it, he really couldn't draw power from heaven and earth to restore himself.

The resurrection of the dozen demon supremes who were killed in front of them also confirmed this point.

"Since you are unwilling to surrender, I will let you die of exhaustion of your essence and blood!"

The cold voice reached his ears again, and in the next breath, the feminine young man took action directly.

A blood-colored divine sword appeared out of thin air, inspiring supreme immortal light, condensing the ten thousand-foot-long blade, cutting through the chaos, and killed Jiang Che.


The Donghuang Bell instantly protects the body, covering the whole body and resisting the ten thousand feet of the blade.

However, the power that penetrated also made his blood boil.

Before Jiang Che could take a breath, a dozen demon supremes joined forces again to form a supreme attack and struck him.


The Donghuang Bell was violently shaken, and it endured a combined blow from more than a dozen supreme beings, but it was still unharmed.

Jiang Che's figure retreated in shock, with the Donghuang Bell above his head, looking at the effeminate young man and a dozen demon supremes, the Great Void Sword Technique was activated instantly.

The overwhelming sea of ​​divine swords swept out, submerged the body, and shattered directly.

But the next second, a dozen of the slain demon supremes appeared again, still alive and well, and their breath had not dropped at all.

"Kill me!"

The voice of the feminine young man resounded through the void and chaos. A dozen demon supremes took action instantly, activating their top magical powers to destroy the chaos, and streams of destructive fairy light rushed directly towards them.

"Dao Wang Fist!"

At the same time, the feminine young man also launched a fatal blow, and the vast mana formed a divine fist, which was spread all over the avenue inscriptions.

Crush the chaos and come with the supreme power of destruction.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

At the same time, Jiang Che activated the Wheels of Life and Death and used the King of Dao Fists to attack.

Activate the Donghuang Bell and blast towards the Immortal Light of Destruction.

The void completely collapsed, and the power of destruction directly impacted Chaos.

Completely reduced to nothingness.


Jiang Che's figure was shaken back and collided with the feminine young man's fatal blow. Although he was crushed, he was not injured at all due to the existence of the Demon Purgatory Formation.

Standing in nothingness, Jiang Che looked solemn.

"No, we must break the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation, otherwise, we won't be able to kill these guys."

Jiang Che's thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the next breath, an aura of destruction bloomed from his body.

By activating the temples of the heavens and adding his own power, they merged into one and exploded instantly.

The fairy light soaring into the sky tore through the void.


A dozen demon supremes were instantly annihilated, but the next second, they were resurrected again.

The light of destruction disappeared, Jiang Che looked at the endless void, and his eyes darkened as he looked at the figures of the dozen demon supremes.

This power can't even destroy the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation? !
"Hahahahahaha, human monks, don't have any illusions. Even the Nine Realms Supremes cannot break through the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation."

"This is the supreme avenue formation created by Demon God Qingtian. If you surrender obediently, I can give you a happy ending!"

Unbridled laughter passed into Jiang Che's ears.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart sank again.

But his eyes did not lose their vigor.

"Is it?"

"Then let me show you what is impossible!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, his momentum instantly reached its peak.

"The Great Dao is infinite, the true spirit and all methods!"

A loud sound of the avenue sounded.

Jiang Che directly activated the Chaos True Spirit Technique, which instantly increased his soul thoughts tenfold, reaching an astonishing 2 million soul thoughts.

"The heavens are lawless, the heavens and the earth are lawless, and the power of the gods carries my body!"

The loud voice sounded again, and Jiang Che, who had broken through the limit of aura, improved again.

Mobilize the Temple of the Heavens to reach the maximum, a hundred and eight times improvement.

Standing in the void, his momentum swept across, like the Yang God Emperor, overwhelming for eternity.


"No, hurry up!"

The feminine young man felt the terrifying aura and instantly launched a fatal blow. At the same time, more than a dozen demon supremes also attacked Jiang Che at the same time.

"The light of rice grains dares to compete with the bright moon!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and he gently raised his hand and pointed towards the endless chaotic void.
With the next breath, there was a click, and red light bloomed.

The entire Heavenly Demon Purgatory Formation was directly destroyed.

At this moment, the attacks of the effeminate young man and a dozen demon supremes also fell on him, and the immortal light of destruction instantly flooded Jiang Che's body.

But the next second, his body reappeared.

Seeing this scene, the feminine young man's pupils shrank instantly.


The sound of the bell's collision sounded, and the Donghuang Bell was activated with all its strength, freezing the time, space, and world.

"Blast me!"

Sensing the fatal crisis, the feminine young man instantly self-destructed the magical weapon, broke through the time and space constraints of the East Emperor Bell, and escaped directly into the chaotic void.

But the remaining dozen demon supremes were not so lucky. The Donghuang Bell vibrated again and directly wiped them out.

The demon book shook, and more than a dozen Yuzi-level and Zhouzi-level reward light groups appeared.

"Want to run!"


Jiang Che raised his hand, and twelve powerful heavenly dragons manifested and roared out.

Rushed into endless chaos.


Thousands of miles away, the void burst, and a blood-robed figure fell out.

Before he could take a breath, a wave of terror penetrated directly from the chaos.


The physical body was annihilated and dissipated on the spot.

The soul was severely injured and instantly turned into the light of thousands of souls and fled in different directions.

But in the next breath, a loud bell rang again.


The Donghuang Bell stimulates the power of the laws of time and space, directly destroying the light of thousands of souls.


Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the chaotic void, and the Temple of the Heavens manifested, covering the void, and a scarlet light of the soul bloomed.


With the help of his vast magic power, Jiang Che immediately suppressed this soul.

Activate the power of 36 days to wipe out all life and death.

The demon book shook, and the rewards for the fifth grade of Yuzi burst out.

Jiang Che also breathed a sigh of relief after completely dealing with the Eighth Realm Demon Clan Supreme.


But in the next breath, Jiang Che felt an incomparably vast power coming across time and space.

A dark magic hand appeared.

Attacking with the supreme power of destruction.

"Kill me, the supreme demon, and you deserve to die!"

A cold voice came into Jiang Che's ears.

Looking at the dark demonic hand, Jiang Che was not afraid at all. He raised his hand and punched it, which instantly destroyed it. The powerful force not only shattered the demonic hand, but also penetrated thousands of miles of void and landed on him.

However, after launching this attack, Jiang Che did not pursue him and disappeared instantly, his aura completely dissipating without a trace.



Thousands of miles away, the void collapsed, and a destructive force came. In an instant, a purple light rose into the sky, meeting the destructive force. The void exploded, and the sky of a hundred thousand miles collapsed instantly, turning into chaos and violent The power of the void impacts the heaven and earth.

Mountains collapsed one after another, and the earth sank, collapsing directly into a super deep pit.

In the void, a purple-robed figure appeared.

He stood in the void, with demonic energy rippling around him.

He is clearly a top-notch demon supreme.

"Damn it, Emperor Luo is still dead!"

The face of the purple-robed demon was ugly and as gloomy as water.

"Could this guy be sent by Daxia?"

The face of the purple-robed demon was twisted, and his eyes were murderous.


With his mind settled, the purple-robed demon raised his hand, and a shining purple light appeared in his palm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

With a thought, the purple light ball in his palm instantly turned into thousands of purple lights and rushed into the endless void.

Seeing the thousands of purple lights disappearing into the endless void, the purple-robed demon's expression softened slightly.

Immediately, he waved his hands, and a purple mirror appeared in front of him.


The majestic magic power penetrated into the purple mirror, and a clear picture appeared instantly.

A young Taoist priest in a green robe appeared in the purple mirror.

But the picture lasted for less than three breaths. In an instant, a ball of divine light bloomed, and the young Taoist in the picture disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, his face darkened again.

"Ultimate treasure body protection!"

"It seems that if you want to track him, you have to wait until you take action..."

The purple-robed demon murmured to himself, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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