I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 326 Destroy the Starry Sky and Fight the Demon Lord

"What kind of secret technique is this!"

In the broken starry sky, the eyes of the Demon Emperor of the Sun and the Demon Emperor of Darkness looked at Jiang Che, with shock that could not be concealed in their eyes.

But now, it is not the time to consider this issue, Jiang Che's strength has risen to a very abnormal level.

Even if they join forces, they can't stop it.

"There is also a powerful ant, huh, no matter how powerful the ant is, it is just an ant!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, his eyes still cold and without any emotion.

In one step, he disappeared in place. The infinite power of heaven exploded instantly. The starry sky of a hundred thousand miles collapsed instantly. The sacred light bloomed. Jiang Che's figure appeared from the darkness. The fist of heaven came again with a sweeping force.


In an instant, the Demon Emperor of the Sun and the Demon Emperor of Darkness manifested their true bodies as demons. In their strongest forms with three heads and six arms, they directly unleashed their respective magical powers.

"Netherworld Universe!"

"The Great Sun is sinking!"

Wu Shang struck Jiang Che with one blow, and the aura that exploded instantly made the starry sky tremble.


The two supreme magical powers collided with Jiang Che's fist, and a bright light burst out in an instant, just like the brilliance produced by the explosion of millions of stars in an instant, sweeping across the starry sky.


Half of the three heads and six arms of the Great Sun Demon Emperor were directly shattered, a mouthful of purple demon blood spurted out, and his aura instantly dimmed a lot.

The Dark Demon King was even more miserable. His physical body was directly destroyed, and his three-headed and six-armed real body was directly destroyed, leaving only his soul.

The breath fell like a cliff.

The figure was pushed back a hundred thousand miles, but Jiang Che didn't move at all.

He resisted the joint attack of the two supremes, but his breath did not waver at all.

Just like the Yang God Emperor, the power of heaven is unparalleled!

The mana flowed, the light bloomed, and the Dark Demon Emperor reunited with his body, his face very pale.

The Great Sun Demon Emperor is a little better. His immortal body is at the peak of human immortality. Even if he suffers heavy damage, he can instantly return to his peak.

A heavy blow, not far away, Dongfang Shuo's eyelids jumped wildly.

He almost defeated the Great Sun Demon Emperor directly.

Judging from this point alone, Jiang Che's strength surpassed him by no means.

Even if he explodes with all his strength, he can only be at a [-]-[-] against the Great Sun Demon Emperor at best.

And Jiang Che, coupled with the Dark Demon Emperor, still crushed him and was at an absolute upper hand. The gap was not as big as usual.

Even if he looked at ancient and modern times, he had never seen this special secret technique.


The Demon King of the Sun raised his hand and tore apart the starry sky, the magic light shone, and a distorted time and space appeared instantly.

"If you want to leave, you are blaspheming God. You will die today!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, the light of heaven bloomed, and the terrifying power of heaven burst out again. He punched in the air and rushed towards the Dark Demon Emperor and the Great Sun Demon Emperor.

"call out--!"

A few rays of fairy light were activated and he rushed towards Jiang Che as fast as possible.


The voice of the Demon Emperor of the Sun sounded, directly detonating the immortal weapon.

At the same time, he slapped the Dark Demon Emperor on the side with his palm, directly knocking him into time and space.

"The reincarnation of heaven!"

"If you want to run away, stay with me."

Jiang Che's momentum was overwhelming, and his majestic voice penetrated the starry sky.

The power of the immortal weapon explosion only blocked him for a moment. The next second, the Dark Demon Emperor, who had escaped into time and space, was directly exploded by the terrifying power of heaven.

The reunited physical body was shattered again.

The soul manifested and the aura was severely damaged.


Seeing this scene, the Great Sun Demon Emperor became furious instantly.

"The sun, moon, heaven and earth, the starry sky is sinking!"

The demonic energy in his body surged wildly, and he unleashed his strongest attack, directly attacking Jiang Che.

"I'm just a super ant, but I dare to attack God!"

Jiang Che's eyes were as cold as ice, and the next second, a golden beam of light burst out from his pupils.

Containing the supreme power of heaven, it instantly destroyed the Great Sun Demon Emperor's peerless blow.

The remaining golden light fell on the body of the Great Sun Demon Emperor, directly piercing through the demon body, and purple demon blood gurgled.

"Die to this god!"

Jiang Che raised his hand at the same time, and the vast and infinite power of heaven gathered together to form the big hand seal of heaven, sealing the starry sky and heading towards the Dark Demon Emperor.


Sensing the fatal crisis, the Dark Demon Emperor instantly sacrificed his Dao Immortal Weapon, exploded with all his strength, and blasted towards the Heavenly Dao Grand Hand Seal.


The light wave bloomed, but was instantly suppressed by the great hand seal of Heavenly Dao.

The vast power of heaven suppressed this Dao Immortal Artifact, merged into Jiang Che's body, and grabbed it directly in front of him.

The great hand seal of Heavenly Dao continued to blast towards the Dark Demon Emperor.

"Great Sun, save me!"

At this time, the Dark Demon King was completely frightened and asked for help.

The face of the Great Sun Demon Emperor changed wildly, and a black and white divine wheel appeared, activating this Dao Immortal Artifact, and instantly blasted towards the Heavenly Dao Grand Hand Seal.

"I want to save people, but I have your mother's dream!"

Dongfang Shuo came to his senses and instantly activated the golden spur in his hand.

"Great Wilderness Battle Heavenly Halberd!"

The terrifying blow exploded instantly, directly intercepting the attack of the Great Sun Demon Emperor.


An explosion shook the starry sky, and a ray of light shone in the starry sky.

The power of destruction spread directly to hundreds of millions of stars.

In the billions of starry sky, countless stars collapsed and turned into fragments.

Dongfang Shuo intercepted the Great Sun Demon Emperor's supreme attack, and Jiang Che's Heavenly Dao Hand Seal completely fell. With one palm, he directly knocked the Dark Demon Emperor's spirit into nothingness, completely obliterating it.


Seeing this scene, the Great Sun Demon Emperor became furious, and his eyes turned completely scarlet.

The two demon emperors were killed one after another by Jiang Che.

This scene instantly filled the Sun Demon Emperor's heart with murderous intent.

"If you dare to curse God, you will die!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, and without any hesitation, the infinite power of heaven gathered together to form the big hand seal of heaven again, and directly blasted towards the Great Sun Demon Emperor.

Feeling a strong crisis, the Great Sun Demon Emperor instantly activated the black and white divine chakras, and at the same time exploded with his strongest magical power, and charged out directly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

But in front of the great hand seal of Heavenly Dao, the Great Sun Demon Emperor's attack could not be stopped.

The attack that activated the Dao Immortal Weapon was instantly shattered, and the magical power also died in an instant.

A palm hit the Demonic Body of the Great Sun Demon Emperor, and it was smashed into powder.

But relying on the immortal body at the peak of human immortality, the Great Sun Demon Emperor recovered instantly, but his breath dropped a lot.

The soul is injured.

Vitality suffers damage.

The raging power of heaven collided within his body and had to be suppressed with great magic power.

"It is indeed a super ant. It is still difficult to kill, but in front of this god, you can't even think of living today."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, his expression still cold and emotionless.

"Has this guy's will been invaded by the way of heaven? Why do you speak in such a tone?"

Not far away, Dongfang Shuo looked at Jiang Che and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

This tone does sound a bit weird.

It always feels like something is wrong.

His demeanor and behavior were completely different from Jiang Che's before.

But now is not the time to consider this issue. The most important thing is to kill the Great Sun Demon Emperor.

With the fall of the Great Sun Demon Emperor, the demons in the Wuji Star Region will inevitably suffer huge losses.

But he couldn't do it with his strength, and all hope now lies in Jiang Che.

No matter what the change is, as long as it can kill the Great Sun Demon Emperor.


The sacred light of heaven bloomed in Jiang Che's body, and the terrifying power of heaven exploded instantly.

Seeing this scene, the Sun Demon Emperor's face changed wildly.

Although he has an immortal body, Jiang Che is too perverted.

He is not an opponent, because the murderous intention can only be suppressed.

"The great Lord of the Beginningless Demon, I ask for your help to kill this person. I am willing to sacrifice the power of my soul to kill this evildoer forever!"

In the starry sky, the Great Sun Demon Emperor spoke with a sacred look, and at the same time, a powerful light of the soul bloomed.

Plunge into the dark void.

The next breath, deep in the broken starry sky, a terrifying aura descended instantly.

"This is the breath of the Beginning Demon Lord. He is forcibly summoning the power of the Beginning Demon Lord to come!"


In the distance, Dongfang Shuo hurriedly spoke, and at the same time activated the Dao Immortal Artifact to protect his body.


In the starry sky, Jiang Che cast his gaze into the depths of darkness.

"The breath of God..."

He murmured, and his face became serious for the first time.

A black-robed figure stepped out of the darkness, and a monstrous aura swept across the starry sky.

"This is the clone of the Beginning Demon Lord, which contains part of the power of the Beginning Demon Lord. Be careful!"

Dongfang Shuo reminded him again.

"Hahahahaha, Jiang Che, let you be as evil as you are. Today, the demon lord comes and I will kill you!"

A arrogant smile appeared on the pale face of the Great Sun Demon Emperor.


Jiang Che's cold voice sounded, and in the next breath, the power of heaven gathered and slapped the Great Sun Demon Emperor on the face.


His body was instantly flown a hundred thousand miles away, and demonic blood sprayed into the starry sky.

"For bullying my clan in front of me, do you think my demon clan has no one?"

An angry voice sounded, and in the next breath, the black-robed demon lord's clone moved, and his supreme power exploded instantly, turning into a shocking demon dragon and rushing directly towards Jiang Che.

"Humph, I am afraid of you!"

Jiang Che snorted coldly, and the golden light of heaven instantly erupted in his body, and he was directly transformed into a golden dragon of heaven. With a roar, the starry sky was shaken, and he rushed directly towards the demon dragon.


The demon dragon and the golden dragon of heaven collided, and a majestic force of destruction spread.

Except for the clone of Wushi Demon Lord and Jiang Che, Dongfang Shuo and the Great Sun Demon Emperor were directly knocked away a hundred thousand miles away in an instant.

A showdown between two supreme powers.

Golden heavenly light and magic light swept across the starry sky.

The sky is broken.

Within billions of miles, except for the Supreme, all other lives were wiped out in an instant.

The light dissipated, and the Heavenly Golden Dragon and the Demonic Dragon disappeared.

In the central area of ​​destruction, only the clones of Jiang Che and Wushi Demon Lord existed.

"The power of heaven and the will of heaven are interesting!"

The Demon Lord Wushi murmured, and with the next breath, his figure moved and disappeared instantly.

At the same time, Jiang Che's figure also disappeared in an instant.


They collided in an instant, and Jiang Che and the clones of the Wushi Demon Lord clashed directly, and the fight was inextricable.

The destructive power it inspired even made the Demon Emperor of the Sun and Dongfang Shuo dare not approach.

This destructive power would cause even them to be injured.

The physical body can bear it, but the will of the soul cannot.

This kind of fighting has reached the Yangshen level.

Although it is a little worse than the real Yangshen duel, it is infinitely close.

The power of heaven collided with the power of the clone of the Beginning Demon Lord, and they fought fiercely.

In a short time, there were tens of thousands of confrontations. "boom--!"

An explosion shook the starry sky, and the clone of the Wushi Demon Lord and Jiang Che's figure separated instantly.

The surrounding starry sky has turned into primitive chaos.

Standing in the primitive chaos, the violent power of destruction continues to rage.

"You can let the will of heaven come to you for a few moments, but the longer you persist, the greater the price you pay. I want to see how far you can persist!"

The voice of the Beginning Demon Lord sounded, and the demonic energy in his body surged.A terrifying force arose.

"You are just a clone of God. Is God afraid of you?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and the bright light of heaven rose from his body.

The breath soared instantly.

"The beginningless way!"

"Heavenly Ruler!"

At the same time, two different powers erupted, one containing the way of heaven and the other the way of one's own demon.

The attack turned into a collision of paths.

They clashed together instantly.

The figures of Jiang Che and the Wushi Demon Lord were instantly obscured by the light.

10,000+ miles away, Dongfang Shuo and the Demon Emperor of the Sun spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The faces of one person and one demon changed drastically, and they retreated crazily.

The power of destruction penetrated the endless starry sky. At this moment, almost half of the infinite star field felt the vibration.

Above a galaxy, the dark starry sky suddenly collapsed, and a destructive force invaded.

In the galaxy, every life felt the arrival of the supreme power, their expressions changed drastically, and they fled as fast as they could.

But before he could run out, the destructive power emerging from the broken starry sky directly destroyed the entire galaxy.

The life in the galaxy didn't even have time to scream, and was directly wiped out.

The same scene happened in every starry sky in the Promise Star Territory.

Half of the Wuji Star Territory has been affected by the destructive power.

Normal supreme beings couldn't stop it, they were instantly strangled and turned into nothingness.


"This is a collision of Tao!"

"It has reached the stage of Yangshen level!"

Looking deep into the center of the destruction, Dongfang Shuo and the Great Sun Demon Emperor showed shock in their eyes.

Although they claim to be infinitely close to the existence of the Yang God, compared with the real Yang God, they are not on the same level at all.

To be able to block the power of Yang Shen, it must be separated by many layers of time and space.

Face to face, it would be extremely difficult to block even one move.

A collision of Yangshen-level power.

Dao showdown!

It is not difficult for the clone of the Beginning Demon Lord to exert this kind of power, because it is the clone of the Beginning Demon Lord and the Tao-transformed clone of the Beginning Demon Lord.

But for Jiang Che to be able to burst out with this kind of power is terrifying.

This secret method has never been heard of in ancient times.

The light dissipated, and the clones of Jiang Che and Wushi Demon Lord appeared.

Their auras have dropped a lot, but even if their auras have dropped a lot, they are still far more powerful than the Great Sun Demon Emperor and Dongfang Shuo.


The clone of the Wushi Demon Lord looked ugly. This attack had already consumed [-]% of the clone's power, but this guy was still not dead.

Just hurt.


The clone of Wushi Demon Lord raised his hand, and a divine light instantly swept across the Demon Emperor of the Sun in the distance.

The next breath directly tore apart the original chaos and disappeared without a trace.

If the battle continues, maybe Jiang Che's power will not be exhausted, and his Tao clone will collapse in advance.

And seeing the clone of the Wushi Demon Lord disappearing with the Great Sun Demon Emperor, Jiang Che did not take action.

The golden light of heaven on his body became extremely dim.

The breath has dropped a lot.


Dongfang Shuo came to his senses, took one step forward, and was in front of Jiang Che in an instant.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Che looked at Dongfang Shuo with cold eyes.

Being stared at by Jiang Che's cold eyes, Dongfang Shuo's heart beat violently.

"Jiang Che, I don't mean any harm."

Dongfang Shuo spoke directly. He estimated that it was not Jiang Che's own will that was speaking now. If this guy attacked him, even if his strength was greatly damaged, he would not be able to defeat Jiang Che. He would show his kindness first.

"Huh, I'm not afraid of you!"

Jiang Che snorted coldly, but the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth made his face even paler.

"That's that, that's right, I have..."

"I don't need the mercy of ants!"

Before Dongfang Shuo finished speaking, Jiang Che's voice sounded again. As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che's figure moved, he raised his hand and the power of heaven blossomed, forming a time and space. When he stepped into it, he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Dongfang Shuo: "..."


Can you be more arrogant when you talk on horseback?
Dongfang Shuo only felt his teeth itching, but there was nothing he could do.

"Forget it, it wasn't this kid's own will, I forgive him."

Comforting himself in his heart, Dongfang Shuo's figure moved and disappeared instantly.

Jiang Che left, and he had to leave quickly.

If the clone of the Yuanshi Demon Lord turns back again, he won't be able to stop it.

And shortly after Dongfang Shuo disappeared, a majestic pressure filled the air from the darkness.

"The power of heaven..."

"There is also the will of heaven, tsk tsk, it's really weird!"

A voice whispered, but soon, the majestic pressure disappeared, leaving only a destroyed time and space.

At this moment, the entire Wuji Star Territory exploded.

In just an instant, the supreme power of Tao came, and many lives died under the power of Tao, but the key thing is that no source was found.

Everything is full of weirdness!
Countless forces are panicking, fearing that the same situation will happen again.

Everyone is at risk.

If the same situation happens again, no one can guarantee that bad luck will befall them.


Boundary sea, infinite star field.

Nantian Temple.

In the main hall of the Cloud Palace, a group of top officials from the Nantian Divine Palace appeared.

Their faces were serious.

I just received news that the same thing happened in half of the starry sky of the Infinite Star Territory. The starry sky was shattered, and the supreme power of Tao destroyed many living beings.

Among them, Nantian Divine Palace was affected to a certain extent.

Fortunately, it was only a moment, and the loss was not great. Hundreds of people died, including two or three Supremes.

The terrible thing is that the source cannot be traced at all.

"This kind of destructive power must be caused by Yang Shen."

An elder from Nantian Divine Palace said in a deep voice.

"Yangshen takes action..."

After hearing these words, in the main hall, the faces of the top leaders of the Nantian Palace changed wildly.

Although I don't believe it, the destructive power that can affect half of the Wuji Star Territory is probably something that only the Yangshen Emperor can achieve.

However, what circumstances would cause Emperor Yangshen to take action?

A few years ago, the demons invaded all major forces. The Nantian Emperor of the Nantian Divine Palace and the other Yangshen Emperor held back the Wushi Demon Lord, but they only held back, but did not really take action.

The appearance of Emperor Yang Shen was a shock.

Just as the Demon Lord Wushi was holding him back from taking action, the Demon Lord Wushi also held back their Emperor Yang Shen, preventing him from intervening.

But this happened just now.

Could it be that the Wuji Demon Master took matters into his own hands and prepared to bloodbath the Wuji Star Territory? !
A crazy idea emerged in the minds of the top leaders.

Thinking of this, they fell silent for a moment.

If that's the case, then I'm afraid there's nothing they can do, only Emperor Nantian can stop it.

At this moment, in Nantian City, in a special time and space, a figure appeared here.

It was none other than Feng Huang, one of the top leaders of Nantian Divine Mansion.

Stepping into this time and space, Fenghuang quickly came to a small farmyard.

Now outside the small courtyard, Feng Huang looked respectful and said: "The Great Emperor, I have important matters to meet you."

"come in."

An old voice sounded, and in the next breath, the door of the farmhouse opened.

Feng Huang arranged his clothes and stepped into the farmyard with a respectful look.

Arriving at the farmyard, an old man in white appeared in Feng Huang's eyes.

A head full of white hair, but filled with an aura that transcends everything.

"Disciple meets teacher!"

Arriving in front of the old man in white, Feng Huang bowed respectfully.


The old man in white nodded slightly.

"Teacher, what just happened..."

Looking at the old man in white, Feng Huang spoke.

Before he finished speaking, the old man in white said, "I already know."

After hearing this, Feng Huang's eyes lit up, he looked at the old man in white and said, "Teacher, is the disaster in the starry sky just now because of the Beginningless Demon Lord?"

"That's understandable."

Bai Yi looked at it and nodded.

Feng Huang: "?"

Is this understandable?

Is that a yes or a no? ! ?
"Teacher, could it be that the Beginning Demon Lord has taken action?"

Feng Huang came back to his senses and his expression changed.

Bai Yi looked at him and said calmly: "You are thinking too much."

"That was..." Feng Huang looked at the old man in white, his eyes full of confusion.

The old man in white said: "The situation just now was caused by the action of the Beginningless Demon Lord, but it is not his true self. His true self is still in the Forbidden Land of the Sea of ​​Boundary."

"Still in the Forbidden Land of Nothingness..."

After hearing these words, Feng Huang's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he came back to his senses, rolled his eyes, looked at the old man in white, and said: "Teacher, wouldn't it be because other Yang gods appeared just now that the clone of the Wushi Demon Lord took action?"

"It's not Yang Shen." The old man in white shook his head.

"It's a human monk who used some kind of secret method to influence the will of heaven and fight against the clone of the Beginning Demon Lord."


Feng Huang was stunned. He looked at the old man in white, his eyes full of disbelief.

What secret method can affect the will of heaven?
Apart from manifesting the will of Heaven during the tribulation, what other secret method can affect the will of Heaven?
"Teacher, is there such a secret method in this world?"

The Wind Emperor is incredible.

I have never heard of this situation.

"I don't know either, maybe there is." The old man in white said.

"Do you know who the teacher is this human monk is?" Feng Huang looked at the old man in white and asked curiously.

"You have seen this person before."

The old man in white said lightly.

Wind Emperor: "?!!"

I have seen? !

"I came to Nantian Divine Mansion a few years ago." The old man in white said calmly.

"I came here a few years ago..."

"Human monk..."

"It's him!"

For a sudden moment, Feng Huang's pupils shrank. (End of chapter)

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