I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 345 The Ancient War

There was silence in the hall.

Emperor Haotian glanced at the emperors and said, "What do you fellow Taoists think?"

"Now that I have received a response from Fellow Daoist Jiang, it doesn't matter whether we meet or not."

A great emperor spoke.

Several other great emperors looked at each other and nodded.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, there is still no news about Emperor Destiny?"

At this time, Emperor Taiqing spoke and looked at one of the middle-aged men in ancient robes.

He is one of the three great emperors of the Temple of Origin, Emperor Huang!
He is also the founder of the Jie Cult, and also the most terrifying one among the three great emperors of the Temple of Origin.

Even the top ten Demon Ancestor-level beings blessed by the power of darkness can fight one on one, or even one on two.

Emperor Taiqing spoke, and the other emperors' eyes instantly turned to Emperor Huangtian.

Emperor Huangtian pondered for a while and said: "He fought with the Dark Demon Ancestor in the Endless Star Abyss. He was injured and could not show up for a while."


Hearing these words, all the great emperors were shocked.

"Fellow Taoist Destiny has already fought against the Dark Demon Ancestor?"

Emperor Taiqing stared at Emperor Huangtian.

"Yeah." Emperor Huang Tian nodded.

All the great emperors looked at each other and their expressions changed.

"Several other Demon Ancestors have united, and it is estimated that they will come soon." Huangtian Emperor spoke again, throwing out a shocking news.

"The Dark Demon Ancestor..."

A great emperor frowned and looked at Emperor Huangtian.

Emperor Huangtian looked at him and said: "Although fellow Taoist Destiny was defeated, the Dark Demon Ancestor was also injured. If we join forces, at least blocking it won't be a problem."


"That is not bad."

Several great emperors breathed a sigh of relief.

With the current combined strength, they believe that there should be no big problem against the Demon Ancestor.

As long as he blocks it and allows Jiang Che to kill Tuntian and Taiyou Demon Ancestor forever, then he can show up and take action when the time comes.

Although some of them have never seen the only twin emperors in eternity, they have learned about them from the mouths of Emperor Haotian and others.

I'm afraid it's even scarier than Emperor Fate.


Suddenly, Emperor Haotian looked outside the Heavenly Palace.

The other great emperors also looked outside the Heavenly Palace at the same time.

In the void, a space-time vortex appeared.

Two tall figures stepped out from the vortex of time and space.

"Shen Ni, Shen Yuan!"

Looking at these two figures, the emperors recognized their identities with just one glance.

The two ancestors of the chaotic beasts!
What are they here for?
Could it be that they are also co-opted?


The next second, more than ten emperors stepped out of the Heavenly Palace.

Looking at Shenni and Shenyuan, Emperor Haotian said: "Two fellow Taoists, why are you here?"

Emperor Haotian spoke, and all the emperors suddenly understood that this was not a win-win.

But what are these two guys doing here?
"Haha, Shen Ni has met all of you fellow Taoists."

Shen Ni took a step forward and bowed with his hands.

Shenyuan also spoke and said hello.

Emperor Haotian frowned slightly and looked at Shenni and Shenyuan, "Two fellow Taoists, what do you want?"

"It's nothing, I just heard that we would fight against the demons together, so the two of us also wanted to work together." Shen Ni said.


Emperor Haotian and all the emperors were stunned for a moment at this opening.

Are you so kind?
These two guys have not made any big noise since the catastrophe, and have always disappeared.

Is this... a sexual transition today?

"Why, not welcome?"

Shen Ni said lightly.

"I will naturally welcome you to fight against the Demon Ancestor." Emperor Haotian said.

"But... I'm curious, why did you two show up to help?"

Shen Ni: "The reason is very simple. Demons are the enemy of all living beings. Moreover, I also come here to thank Fellow Daoist Jiang to provide my strength."

As soon as Shen Ni opened his mouth, all the great emperors were stunned.

Thank Jiang Che?

Could it be that it was Jiang Che who helped the gods break the seal in the first place?
An idea appeared in the minds of the emperors.

"That's very good. Welcome two fellow Taoists." Emperor Haotian came back to his senses with a bright smile on his face.

The other emperors also smiled.

Both Shen Ni and Shen Yuan are very powerful. The addition of two great emperors will be of great help to the entire situation.

Even if the Dark Demon Ancestor comes in the future, the remaining seven Demon Ancestors will still be in great trouble.

The seven demon ancestors blessed by the power of darkness are all very powerful.

For them, it cannot be underestimated.


Months flew by.

The news that the two demon ancestors were suppressed also inspired many forces. With the joint efforts of all the forces, the demon clan's momentum was temporarily suppressed.

Even some of the invaded worlds have completely eradicated the presence of demons.


In the place of origin, a dark space-time vortex appeared in the endless chaos.

A wisp of terrifying demonic energy spread out from the vortex of time and space.

The next second, several tall and majestic figures stepped out from the vortex of time and space.

Surprisingly, they are several Demon Ancestors of the Demon Ancestor.

Directly across the endless starry sky to the place of origin.

Looking at the endless chaos, the Chaos Demon Ancestor turned back and said: "Everyone, we don't have much time now. Taiyou's true spirit mark has been continuously weakened. The current situation is very dangerous. Once it falls completely, it will be detrimental to us."

"Jiang Che's strength is so great, and there are many great emperors helping him. I'm afraid we may not have any hope if we join forces."

At this time, a purple-robed demon ancestor spoke.

The Chaos Demon Clan glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, our mission is to contain the other great emperors. Jiang Che has the Dark Ancestor to take action."

"Didn't the Dark Ancestor get injured in the fight with Emperor Destiny?" Another Demon Ancestor frowned.

Chaos Demon Ancestor: "We have almost recovered. After we take action, the Dark Demon Ancestor will also follow suit. As long as Taiyou and Tuntian can be rescued, we are done."

"Moreover, he is suppressing it with all his strength now, and he will definitely not be able to mobilize more power. The Dark Demon Ancestor will definitely be able to rescue him, and maybe he can also take the opportunity to inflict serious damage."


The demon ancestors didn't say much, and nodded at the same time. In the next breath, their figures disappeared into the vast chaos.


The place of origin, the deep chaotic time and space.

In the Heavenly Palace of the Origin Temple, a group of figures appeared.

It was Emperor Haotian and the others.

Stepping out of the Heavenly Palace, the gazes of all the great emperors looked at the sky with sharp eyes:
"With the aura of the Demon Ancestor, those seven guys should have arrived."

Emperor Taiqing spoke.

"Everyone, now is the time for us to take action. Stop them and buy Jiang Che more time."

Emperor Haotian spoke.

The other emperors nodded silently, and the next second, they disappeared into the time and space of the Temple of Origin.


The place of origin, in the endless chaos.

Emperor Haotian and the others appeared.

Stepping on the surging chaos and looking into the endless depths of chaos, Emperor Haotian was the first to speak: "Since you are here, why don't you dare to show up?"

"Don't dare to show up, tsk tsk, it's up to you?"

A faint voice came from the depths of chaos.

The next second, in the endless chaos, seven figures appeared in the eyes of Emperor Haotian and the others.

The demonic energy was overwhelming, rendering the surrounding chaos into a demonic realm.

"It's been a long time since there has been such a big scene. Tsk, tsk, it looks like this is a fierce battle!"

A demon ancestor spoke, and his cold voice echoed through the chaos.

"You were defeated in the Dark Age, and you are still evil. This time, you will also be defeated!"

Emperor Yuanshi spoke, and his loud voice echoed through the chaos.

"Really? Then let's see how powerful you are!"

A demon ancestor spoke, and as soon as he finished speaking, monstrous demonic energy and dark power erupted, the terrifying breath impacted the chaos, and a beam of destruction instantly blasted out.

At the same time, other Demon Ancestors also took action instantly.

The supreme supernatural power contains the laws of the great road, forming a world-destroying torrent that sweeps away.

"Frozen forever!"

"The way of all worlds!"

"Xuantian is destroyed!"

"Eternal fall!"


At the same time, more than ten great emperors took action in an instant, and their supreme magical power contained the power of the supreme law of the avenue.

Billions of chaos were torn apart instantly.

The aftermath spread out, and the entire place of origin was shaken violently.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The divine light intertwined, and the war broke out instantly.

It can be called the most terrifying battle after the resurrection of darkness, and the endless chaos was destroyed and dissipated.

The whole place of origin is in turmoil.

The aura of destruction overflows, and even when separated by time and space, it can erupt with power that destroys everything.

Billions of lives were wiped out in an instant.

Mountain cities and cities collapsed, and the earth collapsed.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos exploded into huge waves.

The power of destruction is boundless.

The battle of the world!

In the depths of the chaos, the emperor's figure was covered by divine light, and in a moment, hundreds of millions of miles of chaos were penetrated.

Countless stars were annihilated.

The peak of the avenue collides.

This battle not only shook the entire place of origin, but its aura also spread to the starry sky outside the territory.

The strength of Yang Shen exploded, and more than twenty supreme gods clashed.

This kind of high-level battle only appeared once in the Dark Age.

And today, it happens again.

The Seven Demon Ancestors are blessed with the power of darkness, so even one against two is not a problem.

Emperor Huang Tian single-handedly held back the two demon ancestors, and also greatly reduced the pressure on Emperor Haotian and the others.

He even had a slight upper hand.

When the power of the Great Law collides, the destructive power that breaks out is beyond imagination.

The sky domes of the four Origin Regions were all blown apart.

The power of destruction washed away, and anyone swept away, not even the Supreme One, could escape.

Although some forces have been transferred in advance, there are still many left.

Hundreds of millions of monks died in an instant.

Ashes and annihilation.

Even the soul was shattered into ashes after death.

There is no chance of reincarnation.

The four realms trembled, and the sacred mountains collapsed.

Among them, even the Etu Plateau has not been discussed.


All the sacred mountains and lands on the Etu Plateau collapsed in an instant.

The power of destruction forms a terrifying chaos storm, destroying everything.

Under the Emperor, even if you were lucky enough to escape, you would be severely damaged.


In the place of origin, the boundless chaos was blasted through, and billions of time and space were destroyed.

There is almost no intact time, space or world.

Except the time and space of origin.

This is the supreme formation of the avenue jointly arranged by more than a dozen great emperors, blocking the endless invasion of destructive power.

Only the origin time and space remained intact, while the other time and space were completely destroyed.

And in the midst of the battle between the Seven Demon Ancestors and Emperor Haotian.

About half an hour later, outside the origin time and space of destruction, a black-robed figure stepped out from the terrifying chaotic storm.The demonic aura is permeating the air, and the aura is terrifying, even several times more terrifying than other great emperor demon ancestors.

A ray of breath was released, and the surrounding chaotic storm was instantly calmed down.

At this moment, the great emperors who were fighting in the depths of chaos also sensed it.

"Dark Demon Ancestor!"

Seeing the black-robed figure appearing outside the time and space of origin, the expressions of all the great emperors changed wildly.

Dark Demon Ancestor!

He is also the first demon ancestor among the ten great demon ancestors.

It can even be said that he is the ancestor of the Demon Ancestor!

A terrifying existence whose strength exceeds that of any other Demon Ancestor.

Also called the Dark Ancestor!

With the arrival of the Dark Ancestor, even Emperor Huangtian's expression changed.

On the contrary, the Seven Demon Ancestors were excited.

If the ancestor of darkness comes in person, he will definitely be able to rescue Tuntian and Taiyou.

"Be careful, Jiang Che's strength cannot be underestimated."

Deep in the chaos, a reminder came from the Chaos Demon Ancestor.

At this time, all the great emperors also came to their senses.

"If you want to support, dream!"

"Dark creation, turning everything upside down!"

The seven Demon Ancestors took action with all their strength, and instantly went from being at a slight disadvantage to having a slight upper hand.

All the power of darkness exploded, and the aura soared.

It instantly entangled Emperor Haotian and the others, making them unable to escape.

At this moment, the Dark Ancestor looked at the origin time and space in front of him.

Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly looked into the depths of the chaos of destruction.

Amid the chaotic storm, a young figure stepped out.

The surrounding chaotic storm calmed down instantly in front of him.

Completely still, completely suppressed by the breath.


Looking at this young man, Emperor Taiqing and his friends instantly showed smiles on their faces.

The expressions of the Seven Demon Ancestors darkened.

Emperor of Destiny!

It's him again, damn it!

The ancestor of darkness frowned slightly, but the expression on his face did not change much.

With one step forward, Emperor Destiny was in front of him in an instant.

When their eyes met, an invisible aura rushed out, causing a wave of chaos in the surroundings.

"You are no match for me. This time, I am here only for Tuntian and Taiyou. You'd better get out of the way."

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded.

Emperor Destiny's face did not change at all. He looked at the Dark Ancestor and said, "Then what if I don't let you?"

"court death!"

A sharp look flashed in the eyes of the Dark Ancestor, and with the next breath, he raised his hand, and a terrifying power exploded in an instant, blasting towards the Emperor of Destiny.


At the same time, Emperor Destiny stretched out his white palm, and a green light bloomed.


The destructive level waves spread out, and the surrounding chaotic storm disappeared directly.

Two figures appeared, and the aura of the Dark Ancestor did not shake at all.

Emperor Destiny took a step back, and the aura on his body shook slightly.

"Well, the power of heaven!"

Looking at Emperor Destiny, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Dark Ancestor.

"You haven't completely succeeded in integrating the origin of the dark heaven, and it seems unstable."

Emperor Destiny spoke and his voice sounded.

"It's enough to deal with you."

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded, and with the next breath, he took action instantly.

"Dark Abyss!"

"Fate dominates!"

The two Supremes took action instantly, and the ultimate light swept through billions of chaos.

The entire place of origin was shaken again.

There were fierce exchanges, almost in an instant, and they fought tens of thousands of times.

The place of origin was almost beaten to pieces.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The collision of the supreme power of destruction, the confrontation between the Dark Ancestor and the Destiny Emperor, produced a wave of power that made other Demon Ancestor Emperors feel terrified.

The two battlefields quickly began an unprecedented battle!

Ten years passed.

The place of origin has been completely destroyed.

The four realms, including the Sea of ​​Chaos, were destroyed by the supreme power.

Except for the time and space of origin, there is almost no intact place.

Even the extraterrestrial starry sky in the place of origin, the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away, has been completely penetrated.

This battle can be said to have reached an unprecedented peak.


Deep in the Broken Origin, a vast wave of power swept across.

In the light, the figure of Emperor Destiny appeared.

Blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and the aura on his body had dropped a lot.

"It's just a matter of relying on the power of heaven. Isn't it already at the end of the war?"

A faint voice came, and the figure of the Dark Ancestor stepped out.

Compared to the heavy injuries suffered by Emperor Destiny, his aura was only a shock.

Sit down!

After ten years of fighting, the Dark Ancestor had the absolute upper hand.

On the other hand, it is basically a lose-lose situation.

But no one retreated.

This battle is also an important battle that determines the demon clan's invasion of the world.

If it is done, all the heavens and worlds, and even the eternal immortal world, will completely become the land of demons.

Emperor Destiny stood in the broken chaos, looking at the Dark Ancestor with cold eyes: "Then you can give it a try!"

"You are a tough talker, I will suppress you forever. When I fully integrate the dark heavenly origin, you will be my sacrifice."

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded again.

The monstrous demonic energy surged, and the supreme blow containing infinite dark power erupted again, instantly blasting towards the Emperor of Destiny.

"Fate is reincarnated!"

At the same time, Emperor Destiny unleashed his supreme supernatural power, evolving a terrifying scene of reincarnation, blessing the power of heaven, and instantly struck the Dark Ancestor.


The collision of the supreme avenue, the collision of the dark way of heaven and the power of heaven.

The generated power wave completely shattered the place of origin. At this moment, even the protection of the origin time and space was completely shattered.

Life turns into nothingness.

Emperor Destiny's body was instantly shattered, leaving only his immortal spirit.

Moreover, cracks appeared on the Immortal True Spirit.

The erosion of the power of the dark heaven caused his breath to plummet.

At this moment, the figure of the Dark Ancestor appeared. Although he was also injured, he was much better than the Destiny Emperor.

Unlike the dark power of heaven, which was completely controlled by the Dark Ancestor, Emperor Destiny only relied on the power of heaven.

"Now, give me eternal sleep!"

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded, and a monstrous devil hand contained the power of the supreme dark heaven, and instantly moved towards the immortal spirit of Emperor Destiny.

And at this moment, in the void, a white palm appeared, collided with the monstrous demonic hand, and instantly destroyed the supreme blow of the monstrous demonic hand.


The expression of the Dark Ancestor changed.

The other Demon Ancestor Emperors were shocked.

And at this moment, the heavens and the world were filled with endless chaos, and a rain of blood descended instantly.

The avenue shakes.

There was a cry.

The emperor has fallen!
"Jiang Che succeeded!"

At this moment, Emperor Haotian and the others simultaneously had an idea in their minds.

Dao Dao cried blood, which proved that Jiang Che successfully killed the Demon Ancestor, completely killed him, and was destroyed forever.

In ten years, it was completely completed.

The hearts of the emperors instantly stirred up a storm.

At the same time, in the broken void, a young Taoist priest in blue robes appeared.

"Jiang Che!"

The Dark Ancestor's eyes fell on him instantly.

The eyes of the other ancestor emperors were focused on Jiang Che.

"This is the only dual emperor!"

Not far away, Emperor Destiny's eyes fell on the young Taoist in blue robes, and he sensed a terrifying aura from his body.

This breath even made him palpitate.

This is also the first time he saw.

Looking at Jiang Che, the Dark Ancestor's face completely darkened.

Dao Dao cried blood, which showed that Taiyou and Tuntian had fallen.

Or, one of them fell!
"Ancestor of Darkness..."

Stepping out of the void, Jiang Che looked at the black-robed demon figure.

"The power of dark heaven..."

Jiang Che's eyes froze.

"Well, the aura of the First Avenue... How come he has the aura of the First Avenue on his body!"

When their eyes met, the Dark Ancestor's pupils shrank.

One of the avenues.

Is it possible that Jiang Che controls one of the avenues? !
At this moment, even the Dark Ancestor couldn't believe it.

"The Taoist priest has recovered, now it's my turn."

At this time, Jiang Che spoke, and a ray of fairy light poured into the immortal spirit of Emperor Destiny. In an instant, the cracks in the immortal spirit healed, and his aura instantly recovered a lot.

"It seems that you are an anomaly in my demon clan!"

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded, shaking and shattering the void.

"The demons are the odd ones among all the races in the world."

Jiang Che's voice sounded.

"With control of the first avenue, no wonder you can kill forever. However, today I will let you see whether the first avenue is the opponent of the dark heaven."

The voice of the Dark Ancestor sounded, and in the next breath, his figure moved.

At the same time, Jiang Che's figure also moved instantly.


The two figures collided instantly, and two supreme powers spread out.

The power of destruction is released, destroying everything.

The power of the Dark Heavenly Dao and the First Avenue burst out. These two powers can even reach the level of killing the Yang God.

The confrontation between the Dark Ancestor and Jiang Che made even the Demon Ancestor and the emperors feel the terror.

The fighting on the other side stopped.

All the Demon Ancestor Emperors looked at the Dark Ancestor and Jiang Che.

The Dark Demon Ancestor controls the power of the Dark Heavenly Dao and integrates the origin of the Dark Heavenly Dao. Although it is not completed, the strength is not even able to withstand the fate of the Emperor of Destiny.

What's even more incredible is that Jiang Che actually controls the power of one of the avenues.

This shock shocked the hearts of the emperors and demon ancestors even more.

The one who gets "one of them" will become an existence that surpasses the Yangshen Emperor.

This has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

Transcend time and space, transcend the long river of time, and become an indescribable existence above the immortal.

But from ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to control one of the avenues.

It has even become an eternal legend. One of the avenues may not exist at all.

But today, it appeared.

Jiang Che became the master of one of the avenues.

In this way, it seemed natural that he would become the Twin Emperors, calm down the collision of the avenues, and become the only Twin Emperors in all eternity.

Controlling one of the avenues, surpassing Emperor Yangshen and becoming an indescribable existence.

This strength is no longer measured by realm. (End of chapter)

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