I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 36 Demon Slaying Maniac 【Seeking support】

Chapter 36 Demon Slaying Maniac 【Seeking support】

The power of three bulls!
With a movement of the fist, the strong wind howled.


A crisp sound sounded, and the power shook the air!

The first time I practiced martial arts, I directly reached the third realm.

This kind of practice speed made Jiang Che clearly understand the abnormality of the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique.

There is enough demon essence and blood to cultivate into a golden body that is indestructible to all monsters. This is definitely not a false talk!
The surging energy surged.

For the first time, so powerful!
The energy and spirit are at their peak state!
Looking at the night outside the window, Jiang Che's eyes flashed red.

The Northern Wilderness Mountains will be the best place for him to practice.

Practicing honestly can't compare to the speed of cheating.

The demon-slaying operation must continue!

With such a considerable improvement, it won't take long for him to step out of the Taoist sect and face head-to-head with the monsters outside.

There are countless worlds, demons and ghosts in the vast world!
Stabilizing his mind, Jiang Che immediately cleaned his whole body with zhenqi, put on a new cassock, and then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.

Martial arts improved rapidly!

The strength of the physical body skyrocketed!

Without using true energy, Jiang Che was able to compete with basic monsters.


Dawn breaks!

The sunlight shone on the Daozong Mountain Gate, and Jiang Che also woke up from his cultivation.

The pupils opened, and a ray of light flashed away.

This night, the improvement was huge.

Immortal practice, martial arts practice, two-pronged approach.

King Ming's True Qi in his body became stronger.

According to this kind of improvement, within a few days, it may not be a problem to break through the seventh level of Qi gathering.

"The soul has improved!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up. Although he couldn't realize the perception soul, his extraordinary perception power expanded a lot.

Wearing it overnight, the perception expanded by more than ten feet.

The stronger the perception, the stronger the soul.

"The big shot is really extraordinary..."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Through the window, look towards the direction of Qiongfeng Hall in the distance.

With friends like Master, he wished to have more friends.

After calming down, Jiang Che immediately got up to wash up.

After washing up, Jiang Che walked out of the yard.

Soon, he came to Qiongfeng Hall.



At the entrance in front of the hall, when Jiang Che was about to speak, a figure in a light blue palace dress appeared, with a slightly disheveled opening on his chest and a little disheveled hair. It was Meng Qiuyun.

"I've seen Uncle Meng!"

Seeing Meng Qiuyun's figure appear, Jiang Che bowed in salute.

"En." Meng Qiuyun nodded lightly, then stepped out of Qiongfeng Hall and opened her mouth into the hall.

"Miaoyin, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Qiuyun turned to look at Jiang Che in front of him again: "Come to Zhongzhou for a sit down when you have time."

Before Jiang Che could reply, Meng Qiuyun was stepping into the sky, and there was a faint elegant fragrance in the air. When Jiang Che came back to his senses, her figure had disappeared without a trace.

"Master Meng's personality is probably a bit weird..."

Looking at the sky, Jiang Che smacked his lips, and turned his gaze to Qiongfeng Hall again.

After tidying up his clothes, he stepped into the palace.

In the depths of the hall, on the white jade floor, Xuan Miaoyin lay lazily on the jade floor, wearing a white gauze skirt, revealing a faint tinge of fairness, lying on the jade floor on her side, it looked even more turbulent, and there was still a touch of blush on her beautiful face.

"Disciple, please greet Master!"

After Jiang Che calmed down his thoughts, he came to the front of the white jade tower and bowed in salute.

"En." Xuan Miaoyin nodded slightly.

Immediately, Jiang Che raised his head, passed the proud and majestic peak, looked at Xuan Miaoyin's stunning face, blinked his eyes, and said, "Master, why is Master Meng leaving early in the morning, don't you want to stay for a few more days?"

"Why do you care so much about her?"

Xuan Miaoyin got up slowly, took a sip of the white jade gourd at the side and asked the fairy drunk.

"Master Meng is a friend of Master and also a guest. This disciple just feels that it is too hasty to entertain Master Uncle Meng."

Jiang Che spoke.

Xuan Miaoyin smiled, and looked at Jiang Che: "You really have intentions, but last night, the teacher was well received."

Jiang Che nodded, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and said, "Master, what kind of power is the Supreme Daoist?"

"Are you concerned?" Xuan Miaoyin asked with a glance at him.

Jiang Che nodded, and said, "The disciple is indeed a little curious."

"Taishang Dao is the Daoist power of Central Continent, and has a certain status in Central Continent." Xuan Miaoyin said lightly.

"Is that Uncle Meng also a Supreme Thunder Tribulation?" Jiang Che blinked and continued to ask.

"Well, it's equivalent to being a teacher." Xuan Miaoyin nodded slightly, and took another sip of Xianshenzui.

Jiang Che nodded, Xuan Miaoyin's words also confirmed his guess.

A friend of an evildoer is indeed an evildoer!

"Are you planning to go to the Northern Wilderness again today?"

At this time, Xuan Miaoyin's voice sounded, looking at Jiang Che and asking.

"Well, this disciple is going to continue exercising, and he will gain a lot from his daily work." Jiang Che nodded.

The first time to slay a demon, the harvest is abundant.

Stop, how is it possible.

This is much faster than practicing honestly.

"Go, be careful yourself, don't be careless." Xuan Miaoyin said.

"Teacher will be careful."

Jiang Che nodded.

"By the way, Master, here is some demon flesh and blood that I hunted every day, it is very nourishing. If Master is free, you can get some to eat."

Jiang Che opened his mouth, patted the storage bag on his waist, and quickly took out the decomposed demon flesh and blood.

Seeing the flesh and blood of the monster in front of her, Xuan Miaoyin also accepted it unceremoniously.

"Remember to come back at night, don't go out at night."

"The disciple understands."

"Then Master, I will take my leave first."

"Well, let's go."

Xuan Miaoyin nodded, and Jiang Che immediately left the main hall, stepped out of the hall, revealed the magic sword, and the imperial sword flew into the air, heading towards the Northern Wilderness Mountains.

"It's good to have a sensible apprentice."

Seeing Jiang Che's disappearing back, Xuan Miaoyin muttered to herself, and at the next breath, her figure moved and disappeared directly into the hall.


Northern Wilderness Mountains.

Jiang Che's figure directly descended from the sky, and came to a position a hundred miles deep.

Compared with Zuo Ri, there are fewer disciples who came today.

Most of the disciples who cut monsters only come here occasionally, those like Jiang Che are very few.

In the air, a white poisonous barrier pervaded the air.

Jiang Che stepped on the soft ground, the magic sword flashed, and headed towards the deep direction.

Although his strength had improved a lot, Jiang Che was still not careless.

In case of being attacked by a monster, it is still full of danger.

After all, he wanted to kill the demon, not be killed by the demon!


Time passed in a mediocre way.

Two months passed quickly.

Among Daozong, it is very peaceful.

Nothing major happened.

The days were uneventful.

Jiang Che also continued to slay monsters for two months!

The monsters and monsters in the Northern Wilderness Mountains were almost finished by him.

The harvest is not cheap.

Relying on the rewards released from the Demon Book, Jiang Che's practice improved with each passing day.

Three months after entering the sect, he had already reached the peak of the Ninth Level of Qi Gathering.

The progress of martial arts practice has also reached the peak of the fourth realm, only one step away from the innate master of the fifth realm of martial arts.


The Northern Wilderness Mountains, the entrance and exit.

In the jungle, a figure in a blue and white Taoist robe stepped out of it.

It was Jiang Che's figure.

Not far away, several Taoist disciples looked at the figure, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Hello Senior Brother Jiang!"

"Hello Senior Brother Jiang!"


Several Taoist disciples greeted each other.

Jiang Che also responded politely, then flashed out the flying sword, and disappeared through the air with a whoosh.

Seeing Jiang Che flying into the sky and disappearing, several Taoist disciples withdrew their gazes, looked at each other, and let out a long sigh.

"After two months of uninterrupted killing of monsters, he has almost killed all the monsters and monsters in the depths of the Northern Wilderness Mountains. Alas, I don't know if there will be any gains this time!"

A Taoist disciple let out a long sigh.

As soon as the words fell, another Taoist disciple followed suit: "Senior Brother Jiang, a monster-slaying madman, I'm afraid he will kill all the monsters and ghosts in the entire Northern Wilderness!"

"It has been exterminated. I went deep for a long time a few days ago, and I didn't meet a single monster. In the end, I had to return without success."

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid this place of trial will only have a name for nothing."

Another Taoist disciple couldn't help but complain.

"It already has its name. I haven't seen any monsters for half a month." Another disciple said.

"Let's go in and have a look again this time. If it doesn't work, then we can only accept the task, otherwise, we will starve to death."

A disciple muttered, and with a movement of his figure, he stepped directly into the Northern Wilderness Mountains.

"A sin!"

Several Taoist disciples let out a long sigh, and stepped into the Northern Wilderness Mountains one after another.

In just over two months, no one would have thought that under the hunting and killing of the monster-slaying maniac Jiang Che, the entire Northern Wilderness had basically been emptied of monsters and spirits.

One person eats meat, and the others can't even drink soup!

This is the first time this has happened in decades.

But it's okay, people also use their ability to kill demons.

In the past, they were afraid of encountering powerful monsters, but now, disciples of the Taoist sect who entered the mountain are eager to meet monsters and spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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