I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 38 Stepping on the Sea of ​​Gods 【Seeking support】

Chapter 38 Stepping on the Sea of ​​Gods 【Seeking support】

"call out!!!"

Baidao Jianmang rushed out, pierced the air, twisted the void, and quickly turned into a one-foot-high sword, which quickly fell on the lake.


A violent explosion sounded, and waves five feet high exploded in the center of the lake.

The mist filled the air, and the whole lake was trembling.

"Finally something has been accomplished."

Looking at the churning lake water, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

The power of Tianjian Jue was about the same as he expected.

Genuine energy turned into a sword, a hundred swords combined into one, the integrated power was three points stronger than he expected.

"one third……"

"It seems that with the current true energy, I can maintain it up to three times."

Withdrawing his gaze, he sensed the true energy of King Ming in his body, and Jiang Che had a rough prediction in his mind.

Heavenly Sword Art contains infinite sword moves.

Basically, there are three stages.

Hundred Swords Slash, Thousand Swords Slash, Ten Thousand Swords Slash!

Now, he has completed the first stage, Hundred Swords Slashing.

But to upgrade to Qianjianzhan, his cultivation base is not enough to support it.

Jiang Che didn't find it too difficult to comprehend the Heavenly Sword Art.

It's just that his zhenqi can't exert the power of Qianjian Slash.

Even cohesion is difficult.

If it's normal-level zhenqi, one slash with a hundred swords is likely to be enough to completely drain a Qi-gathering Nine Layers.

Consumption and power are also directly proportional.

How much it consumes, how much power it has!
The second stage of Tianjian Jue, Thousand Swords Slash!

The power will be even more terrifying.

The surface of the lake gradually calmed down and returned to calm.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the boulder beside him, visualized the Great Riming King, and began to restore the true energy in his body.

After an hour or so, his true qi returned to its peak state, and his energy and energy quickly became full.

It has been almost ten days since Xuan Miaoyin left.

Jiang Che still hadn't stepped into the realm of the Divine Sea.

Opening the Divine Sea was a little more difficult than expected.

But according to his practice speed, he can basically step into the sea of ​​gods in half a month at most.

"Be proficient in the magic seal of Tianlong town."

With a steady mind, Jiang Che quickly settled down and began to practice the Tianlongzhen magic seal.

A layer of golden light bloomed from behind him, and in the golden light, a terrifying phantom appeared, like a dragon.

The magic seal of Tianlong Town!
Jiang Che had to step into the Qi Gathering Ninth Level to be able to cultivate this supernatural power.

He has only used it once since practicing.

The power is earth-shattering, but the consumption is also very terrifying.

His true energy can only be activated once.

Couldn't even play it twice.

This supernatural power is also his supernatural power at the bottom of the box.

Take a shot, if he doesn't kill the enemy, then he will have to run away.

Jiang Che did not lag behind in the cultivation of the magic seal of Tianlong Town.

Continuous practice, after going out, this will also be his strongest demon-slaying supernatural power.

The golden light became stronger and stronger, and Jiang Che also sank into it. In his mind, the heavenly dragon circled and shook the chaos.

The phantom of Tianlong behind him also gradually became clear.

A sense of oppression from the depths of the soul swept over and permeated the surroundings.

Suddenly, Jiang Che's pupils opened, and a ray of golden light flashed in his eyes.


With one hand, the zhenqi in the body burst out quickly.

The golden light behind him surged, and in the next breath, it turned into a terrifying phantom with a size of one foot and rushed out quickly.


The phantom of Tianlong rushed out, quickly bursting the air, and the lake surface exploded immediately, creating a shocking wave ten feet high.


There was a dragon chant that shook Xiaoqiong Peak, and in the next breath, the phantom of Tianlong crossed the lake and rushed directly to a huge stone with a size of one foot on the opposite side of the lake.


The phantom of Tianlong came with infinite power. In an instant, the dust and smoke stirred up, and the huge boulder the size of one foot collapsed instantly, turning life into dust.

A powerful gust of wind swept in, and the impacting waves could still be felt at a distance of hundreds of feet.

When the dust settled, the phantom of Tianlong disappeared, and a pit appeared at the original position of the boulder, with white powder scattered around it.

One move, direct crushing destruction.


Jiang Che panted heavily, his chest rising and falling.

The true energy in the body is only one-tenth of the amount left after urging this spirit to pass.

One blow directly consumed [-]% of King Ming's True Qi.

A paleness appeared on the ruddy face.

Looking at the powder on the other side of the lake, hundreds of feet away, Jiang Che also showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Although the magic seal of Tianlong Town consumes a lot, the power of this blow in exchange is terrifying enough.

And this is just the initial stage of the magic seal of Tianlong Town.

But this has reached the limit of what Jiang Che can display.

At the peak of the extreme, it is not the phantom of the sky dragon that is transformed, but the real sky dragon. It is easy to break the river and the ground.

But to reach this level, he is still far behind.

Not to mention stepping into the Divine Sea, I am afraid that stepping into the realm of true meaning will not work, at least it is the realm of Jindan.

But time is still plenty for him.

He has been practicing for less than four months, and the days to come are still very long.

Jiang Che also has the confidence to cultivate to the ultimate peak.

After all, he is a time traveler with a pendant!
With such a thing as the Demon Book, it is only a matter of time before reaching the peak of supernatural powers.

"The magic seal of Tianlong Town can only be used as a nirvana right now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to relax after stepping into the sea of ​​gods."

Looking across the lake, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

"However, if you reach the Divine Sea and can visualize the second Divine King, it should be much easier."

After thinking about it, Jiang Che calmed down the distracting thoughts in his heart, sat cross-legged again, and began to restore the true energy consumed in his body.

Shenhai, this is an important step.

The god kings of the heavens contemplate their thoughts, and to visualize the second god king, he is only qualified if he has stepped into the realm of the sea of ​​gods.

Step into the sea of ​​gods, visualize the second god king, cultivate the second true qi, and the fusion of the two kinds of god king true qi can also increase the quality of his true qi several times.

However, the premise of all this is that he has stepped into the realm of Shenhai.

If you don't enter the sea of ​​gods, it's all nonsense.


The days passed in a dull way.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Little Qiongfeng was as calm as ever.

Jiang Che's daily task is to cultivate, improve, and repeatedly polish his true energy and magical powers.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, Tianjian Jue, Tianlong Town Magic Seal!

These three magical powers are his life-saving skills!

Some other spells, such as sword control, earth stabbing, etc., Jiang Che did not miss.

Practice repeatedly to achieve the desired state.

Half a month of practice.

Jiang Che has comprehended the realm of the divine sea.

But it was still a little bit short to be able to step into it.


The starry night hangs in the sky.

The bright moonlight reflected in Xiaoqiong Peak.

It was quiet and peaceful.

Occasionally, the chirping of insects can be heard.

In the courtyard, in the room, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the bed, motionless like an old monk in meditation.

Between his brows, a gleam of light bloomed.

Like the light of a firefly, it is very faint.

A faint radiance enveloped the skin.

His breath is sometimes surging, sometimes low.

Inside the body, a strong true qi flowed.

The eyes were closed tightly, and with the passage of time, the gleam between the brows became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the faint light between the brows suddenly shone brightly, as if the eyes of the sky had been opened, and Jiang Che's aura also rose rapidly in an instant.


There was a shock in his mind, and in the next breath, Jiang Che's spirit moved, and his soul seemed to break some kind of shackles in an instant.

Jiang Che's consciousness also appeared in a clear sky.

The white light is bright, reflecting the universe!

It seems to be true!

It's like a special space that exists between the virtual and the real.

The spirit will condense and appear as an illusory figure.

The soul manifests!

Jiang Che's soul body looked at Fang Jietian and blinked his eyes.

"This is my Divine Sea?"

Looking at the white sky in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes fell on the ground in the distance.

A small lake with a size of hundreds of feet appeared in the eyes.

Inside is a golden liquid flowing.

Very viscous, like golden liquid.

Jiang Che's soul moved, and he came directly in front of this small lake.

In the next breath, his soul submerged into this small lake.

A warm, comfortable feeling swept over my heart.

Refreshing from the depths of the soul.

At this moment, Jiang Che opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed through them.

The impact was successful!

He has finally stepped into the realm of the divine sea!

(End of this chapter)

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