I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 4 Action Ancient Alien Species【New book please support】

Chapter 4 Action Ancient Alien Species【New book please support】

God Arrow Crossbow...

Jiang Che looked down at the delicate crossbow in his hand, his eyelids twitched.

This power...

It's more appropriate to call it the God Arrow Cannon!


A few figures came from a distance, carrying a gust of wind, and soon came to Jiang Che's side.

All in black uniforms, all of them are strong and energetic. They are all full-time guards of the Hou Mansion.

All of them are also martial arts masters.

"Young master, are you alright?"

Looking at Jiang Che, a guard stepped forward and looked at him nervously.

Several other guards also looked dignified.

If something happened to Jiang Che, then they could not escape the blame!
Those who didn't know about the explosion just now thought that some evil spirits had sneaked into the Vientiane Garden.


"I'm just testing the power of the divine arrow crossbow."

After recovering, Jiang Che said with a smile.

Several guards looked at the divine arrow crossbow in Jiang Che's hand, and they also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Clean up here, I'll go back first."

Looking at the guard in front of him, Jiang Che said something, and then left with the divine arrow crossbow.

After testing the power of the divine arrow crossbow, Jiang Che became more confident in tomorrow's demon slaying.

This power can definitely kill!
Seeing Jiang Che's leaving back, several guards looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't say much. They don't need to ask what Jiang Che wants to do, just protect Jiang Che's safety.



Walking back to his room, Jiang Che was out of breath.

It was only one mile from Vientiane Garden to his room, and his body was already unable to bear this distance.


Sitting down on the bed, Jiang Che closed his eyes, and in his mind, the simple and mottled demon book appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the demon book in his mind, Jiang Che was also full of anticipation.

I don't know what rewards will be given after the demon slaying tomorrow!
For the first time, I was nervous, but full of excitement and anticipation.

"Rest and rest, after tomorrow, we will see the outcome..."

Opening his eyes, a gleam of color flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.


The day passed quickly.

The next day, early in the morning.

The soft sunlight shone on Hong Wuhou's mansion, and the mansion was as calm as usual.


Pushing open the door, Jiang Che narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the sun in the sky.

He was very excited about killing the demon!
Although he had seen the appearance of a demon in his memory, he still couldn't help being excited.

Seeing it for real is two different things.

"Good morning, son, you look much better today."

Not far away, Qing Luo's figure appeared, stepped forward, and saluted Jiang Che.

"Well, better." Jiang Che nodded.

"My lord, the breakfast is ready. Should I eat in my room or go to the cafeteria?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Qing Luo blinked her eyes and said.

"Come on, just eat in the room."

Jiang Che spoke.

"Okay." Qingluo nodded, then turned and left.

Jiang Che also withdrew his gaze, turned around and looked at the divine crossbow on the table, and a ray of brilliance flashed in his eyes.


After eating breakfast in one go, Jiang Che's pale face also had a tinge of blood.

But it still looks pale.

Born with a weak constitution, the biggest dream in the past was to have a healthy body.

But for some unknown reason, even the court's imperial physician couldn't heal his body.

But now, Jiang Che has hope.

As long as the rewards for killing monsters are rich enough and the body is healthy, it will only happen in an instant.

Not only to be healthy, but also to practice.

In this world, if you don't practice, it is very dangerous.

It is impossible to stay in Hou Mansion forever.

Jiang Che will definitely not settle down here.

The world is so big, he wants to see it.

With the Demon Book, Jiang Che is more or less confident.

After all, he is the "man who cheats" in this world!

After breakfast, Jiang Che sat in the room and waited for Jiang Hong's figure, while wiping the magic crossbow in his hand.

On the side, Qingluo looked at Jiang Che who was constantly wiping the arrow crossbow, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, "My lord, didn't you dislike these weapons before? Why are you so elegant today?"

Jiang Che's expression was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation, "It was before, but now I like it."


When Qingluo was about to continue speaking, Jiang Hong's figure appeared at the door of the room.

Seeing Jiang Hong appear, Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly.

Stepping into the room, Jiang Hong walked up to Jiang Che, "Young Master, it's done. You can go with this old slave, Young Master."

"Thank you, Uncle Hong."

Jiang Che smiled happily, stood up and took the magic arrow crossbow.

"My lord, what are you doing here?"

Qingluo stood aside, looking at Jiang Che with bright eyes and asking.

"Cut the demon!"

Jiang Che spat out two words and stepped out of the room.

Qing Luo instantly froze in place as if petrified.

Slash... Slash the demon?
Qing Luo's bright eyes showed shock.

Quickly came to his senses, and immediately stepped forward, "Young master, this is not acceptable, it is dangerous for your body to get close to the monster."

"With Uncle Hong here, there is no need to be afraid." Jiang Che said lightly.


"Needless to say, I've already made up my mind." Before Qing Luo could say anything, Jiang Che raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Then I'll go with you, Young Master." Qingluo said.

"No, it's fine if Uncle Hong is here. You go and do other things, arrange lunch, and I'll come back to eat."

When Jiang Che opened his mouth, Qing Luo wanted to say something more, but Jiang Che's eyes looked over, and she had no choice but to swallow the words that were on her lips.

"Don't worry, I won't let your son have an accident." Jiang Hong said.

"It's hard work, the boss!"

Qingluo opened her mouth.

"Let's go."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and walked away when he said he wanted to. Jiang Hong glanced at Qingluo, nodded, and then followed him out of the room.

"Young master...why do you feel like a different person?"

Looking at the backs of the two going away, Qingluo muttered to herself.

Compared to before, she feels...

Jiang Che has changed.

The former son was completely uninterested in such things as divine arrows and crossbows.

It is really unbelievable to want to kill a demon today for the first time.


Hongwuhou Mansion, Jiang Che and Jiang Hong walked on the gravel road in the green grass.

"Uncle Hong, where is it locked?"

Looking at Jiang Hong, Jiang Che said as he walked.

"At the horse farm outside the Hou's mansion, young master, you are not in good health, why don't you go with this old slave on your back?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hong opened his mouth and said.

"No, you're recovering well today, you can go." Jiang Che shook his head.

Seeing this, Jiang Hong didn't say much, Wei Wei took a step ahead and led the way to the outside of Hou's mansion.


After a while, Jiang Che followed Jiang Hong and left the Hou's Mansion, heading towards the horse farm outside the Hou's Mansion.

Hongwuhou Mansion is located in the eastern suburb of Yujing.

A Marquis Mansion covers an area of ​​over a thousand acres.

It is a super manor, and the entire eastern suburb is basically the territory of Hongwuhou Mansion.

It is almost a hundred miles away from the center of Yujing City.

The Hou Mansion has a dedicated horse farm with a large area.

There are many spirit horses and horses raised!

Among them, the most famous one is the Blood Qima.

Legend has it that this is a hybrid offspring of a unicorn, possessing the bloodline of a blood unicorn.

Traveling thousands of miles a day is a breeze.

He is very handsome.

A bloody unicorn horse is worth more than a hundred gold.

When he came to the horse farm outside Hongwuhou's mansion, Jiang Che was out of breath, with sweat on his forehead.

The grassland in front of me is huge, about [-] mu in size. The green grass is shady and the breeze blows, which makes people feel refreshed.

After taking a few breaths, Jiang Che recovered a little.

Looking at the pasture in front of him, Jiang Che turned his gaze to several huge houses not far away.

The black room is huge.

Jiang Che looked at the black room, and then at Jiang Hong who was beside him, "Uncle Hong, is that demon imprisoned there?"

"Yes, my lord, it's in that room." Jiang Hong raised his finger, and Jiang Che immediately looked at the room he was pointing at.

In the middle of several houses, at the door, there are guards from Hongwuhou's mansion.

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

I feel a lot less tired.

Jiang Hong looked at Jiang Che, who was panting slightly, with a solemn expression: "My lord, do you want to rest?"

"No, go directly."

Jiang Che shook his head.

Jiang Hong glanced at him and nodded slightly.

"By the way, Uncle Hong, what kind of monster is that monster?"

Jiang Che asked while walking towards the room where the demons were imprisoned.

In his memory, Jiang Che only knew it was a big black snake, but he didn't know the specifics.

"It's a black water dragon, an ancient alien species, and it took a lot of effort to clean up this beast." Jiang Hong said.

"It's a good thing I haven't turned into a dragon yet, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to deal with this beast."

"Black Water Profound Flood Dragon, an ancient alien species!"

Jiang Che's eyes became even brighter.

The more powerful you are, the richer the rewards will be!

 Thanks to Sima Qinxuan for rewarding 500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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