I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 49 The Merit of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 49 The Merit of Heaven and Earth
The next day.

The morning glow illuminated the land of Bashu, and Jiang Che also opened his eyes from his cultivation.

After a night of practice, relying on his top-level talent and understanding, Jiang Che quickly mastered this soul-eating technique.

This secret method of the immortal way can devour souls for his own use, which is very overbearing.

At the same time, you can also cultivate your exclusive supernatural powers, the soul-stirring eye.

It can read the memory of other people's souls, confuse the enemy, and make them temporarily lose their souls.

The stronger the soul, the more terrifying its power.

However, the consumption of one's own soul is also very huge.

The completion of this soul-eating technique will also become a new trump card.

In the future, he doesn't mind using this method to slay demons and demons. If he wants to kill, he will kill them cleanly, and his bones will be ashes!
Of course, Jiang Che is not a big devil, so he would not use this method on ordinary people.

One, it is against the harmony of heaven, it is easy to be punished by heaven, and it is easy to go crazy when practicing!

Second, this is not his way.

I am not a good person, but I am definitely not a devil.


Letting out a breath, Jiang Che immediately took out a "cleaning talisman", washed his whole body, and instantly became refreshed.

"It's time to return to Xianmen to deliver the task."

Standing up, Jiang Che stepped out of the room.


For a moment, the main hall of Mo Mansion.

A dozen figures gathered here.

Men and women, old and young.

The leading person is the Patriarch of the Mo Mansion, Mo Gan.

"Chief Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Che, Mo Gan immediately showed a bright smile and stepped forward.

"Meet the Master Immortal!"

Behind them, a dozen people spoke in unison.

Although Jiang Che looks young, his supernatural powers are extraordinary.

Suppressing the monsters in one fell swoop, I heard that even the body of the second lady has been fixed, it is really the means of a fairy, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint!
"Patriarch Mo is being polite!"

Jiang Che smiled.

He was also very happy to be thanked.

At this moment, Jiang Che also understood why those people who slay demons and defend Taoism on TV always like to do such things.

This taste really makes people ascend to heaven!
The spiritual comfort is self-evident.

"The Daoist Priest descended to earth, with great supernatural powers, to eradicate evildoers for our Mo Mansion, and to return the whole Mo Mansion to a clear sky. A little care is not a respect, and the Taoist Priest must accept it!"

While speaking, Mo Gan handed out ten golden tickets with both hands.

Each golden ticket has a denomination of 100 taels of gold, and the total price is thousands of gold!

Looking at the thousand gold ticket, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Converted into spirit stones, that is one hundred low-grade spirit stones.

This deal is worth it!
"Patriarch Mo is too polite. Eliminating demons and defending Taoism is my duty as a practitioner."

Jiang Che smiled and opened his mouth without being polite, and directly accepted the 1000 taels of gold ticket.

"The Taoist priest is humble, and it is nothing to be able to make Mo's house clean."

Mo Gan said with a bright smile on his face.

Jiang Che looked at him, and said, "It's almost time, Patriarch Mo, the poor Taoist has to return to his clan, so let's go ahead."

"Congratulations to the Daoist!"

Mo Gan saluted again, and the dozen or so people from the Mo family behind him also saluted.

When he raised his head again, Jiang Che's figure had completely disappeared in front of them.


Mo Gan let out a long sigh.

But at this moment, a beautiful woman with a slightly protruding belly came to him, and said softly: "It's a pity, I still want to thank this priest again."

"Haha, Jiao'er, you have to live up to it, give birth to a big fat boy, and let him practice Taoism and become a fairy in the future!"

Mo Gan laughed.

The pretty woman blushed slightly, and nodded slightly.



The moment Jiang Che stepped out of Mo's residence, his soul suddenly trembled, and a little golden light seemed to enter his body from the sky and the earth.

Immediately after the soul was absorbed, Jiang Che felt more enlightened.

All of a sudden, his realm seemed to have improved a little bit.

"Could it be that this is the merit of heaven and earth?"

In the alley, Jiang Che looked up at the sky and blinked.

But this feeling came too fast, before he had much reaction, it was gone.

Like a hallucination.

But the improvement in the soul is real.

There is no illusion.

"It should be like this... But why didn't it happen before?"

Looking at the sky, a thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

Heaven and earth merit!

In the biography of Xianmen, there has been such an introduction.

This is a kind of magical power that exists between heaven and earth.

Just like Nuwa created human beings, they can become holy through meritorious deeds!

It is possible to become a fairy immediately by adding merit and virtue to one's body!
But it's just a legend.

There are only a few introductions in the biography of Xianmen.

I also slayed demons and demons before, but no merit came.

This time, it seems to be different.

Jiang Che couldn't figure it out either.

"Forget it, let's go back to the sect first!"

To calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che's figure disappeared in an instant as soon as he thought about it.


After leaving Baling City, Jiang Che immediately took off with his sword.

Heading towards Daozong.

Among the hundreds of feet of cloud and sky, Jiang Che walked like a sword fairy, his clothes fluttering.

Slay demons and eliminate demons, travel the world!
This feeling is very comfortable!

But the world is big, and there are more terrifying monsters. Now, at most, he is wandering around within the border of Dagan, not to mention traveling across continents, even if he leaves Dagan, he doesn't have the strength.

This extraordinary world is not as beautiful as imagined.

Even if there are monsters lurking in the borders of Daqian and turmoil in the world, it is not as good as a small country in Daqian, and the situation will be even more dangerous.

The area occupied by the Dagan border only reached four-tenths, less than half.

Outside of it, it is even more dangerous.

The entire Eastern Wilderness, all the countries added up, it is definitely over a hundred.

The scope of an Eastern Desolation Continent can be called endless.

The Four Continents, also known as the Four Continents.

Plus a Middle-earth.

That is the five continents.

Every continent is separated by oceans.

There are four seas, east, west, north, south.

There is also an even wider endless sea.

The world is so big that it is beyond imagination and boundless.

But this is the real world.

Jiang Che would like to visit other places, but unfortunately, his strength is not enough.

Not to mention being able to reach the level of Master, at least one must be in the Realm of Reality or the Golden Core Realm.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to run into a monster.

The world is beautiful, but under the beautiful appearance, there are unimaginable dangers hidden.

When you meet a big demon, then he, let alone slaying demons and eliminating demons, will be swallowed directly and become a blood meal.

You have the heart to rule the world, but you need to have a certain strength.

At present, he is still insignificant and developed, and he can play wild, but don't be too loud.

Too much waves, it will easily capsize!

Having a backing does not mean that one is invincible.

You are invincible if you are invincible!
This has always been his point of view.


"So strong blood..."

During the march, Jiang Che suddenly stopped, stood on top of the flying sword, and looked down.

A village appeared in the eyes.

The eyes of the sky opened, and there was a terrifying bloody resentment everywhere.

All the people in a village were killed.

The blood on the ground stained the ground red.

Such a strong blood evil resentment is enough to cause a certain impact on ordinary monks.

Ordinary people set foot here, and if they don't die, they will also get seriously ill.

A once prosperous village has now become a desperate place.

The evil spirit of blood is full of resentment, and the wind is blowing.

If it is allowed to develop, something unclean may be born in the future.

"This village must have been slaughtered by the demon toad..."

Inexplicably, Jiang Che thought of the demon toad he met the day before yesterday.

Fa Hai also said that this monster slaughtered many mortals, and all the people in several villages were killed.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"

Chanting the Taoist name, the zhenqi in Jiang Che's body surged rapidly, and in the next breath, infinite golden light burst out from his body.


A roar of dragon chant resounded between the heaven and the earth, shaking the earth in a radius of more than ten miles. The phantom of the sky dragon turned into a giant seal and rushed out instantly.

"Tianlong town magic seal!"

With one hand, Jiang Che quickly delivered the strongest blow.


Many houses in the village were destroyed by the terrorist attack, and the earth trembled.

Opening the eyes of the sky and looking again, the bloody resentment between the heaven and the earth has dissipated a lot.


Roaring again, Jiang Che hit the Tianlongzhen magic seal for the second time.

With two blows, the bloody resentment between heaven and earth was completely wiped out.

"It can be regarded as helping you to escape. May all be well in the next life."

After doing all this, Jiang Che felt much more at ease.

Get rid of the blood evil resentment, then there will be no horrible existence here.

It can be regarded as a little contribution!
Just when Xue Fiend's resentment was completely clear to him, Jiang Che's soul shook again.

The sky and the earth rang, and infinite golden light spots struck again.

The merits of heaven and earth have come!


The soul body made a trembling sound, and a sense of comfort bursting from the depths of the spirit swept through the whole body.

This time the merits of heaven and earth are several times that of before.

Under the blessing of heaven and earth merit, Jiang Che's soul doubled in an instant.

His divine sea has expanded to a range of two hundred feet.

With one action of his own accord, he gained a lot of benefits!
(End of this chapter)

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