I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 53 News of the Talisman Maniac

Chapter 53 News of the Talisman Maniac
"The talent is evil, this talisman is better than the one refined by the disciples of Tianfu Peak."

"His practice is even more monstrous. He has reached the second level of Shenhai within a few months. It seems that he will catch up with Senior Brother Shangfang in a short time."

"Yeah, I can't compare to this kind of evildoer, junior sister, you have to relax."

Fang Zihe said.

"Well, I understand." Bai Jie nodded.

"If you have time, you can communicate with this person more, learn and learn, maybe he will be the next mysterious sound."

Looking at Bai Jie, Fang Zihe's eyes flashed.

"I will." Bai Jie nodded.


"Close the stall!"

Jiang Che got up slowly, and cleaned out the spirit stones in the storage bag. There were more than 4000 low-grade spirit stones in total.

He didn't take all of the Explosive Flame Talismans, there were still a dozen left.

In one transaction, the cost of two hundred spirit stones earned dozens of times more violence.

Seeing Jiang Che stand up, the eyes of several street vendor disciples turned red.

Witnessing Jiang Che's collection of spirit stones in large quantities right under his nose, he would be a ghost if he wasn't jealous.

Thousands of spirit stones!
When can I earn it myself!
People are more mad than people!

After leaving Fangshi, Jiang Che bought a bunch of talisman papers, a total of [-] pieces.

As for the talisman pen, Jiang Che has not changed it yet.

Earn a wave first.

Accumulate more wealth and then replace it.

Anyway, he didn't make top-level talismans, and he didn't need such a good talisman pen.

After everything was done, Jiang Che followed him back.


Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky.

In the first transaction, he earned thousands of spirit stones.

He had to sigh, talisman making is really a huge profiteering industry.

But this line of work also requires talent.

Failure is common.

Fortunately, my talent and comprehension are good.

Otherwise, it’s okay not to lose money.

Several times, his Dao heart almost collapsed.

The process is both comfortable and tortured!
"Take a rest for a while, take advantage of the Mechanism Talisman, and then perform the task."

After making up his mind, Jiang Che turned around and entered the yard.

Cultivate immortals, practice martial arts, make talismans, life is boundless joy!

Time passed little by little.

A month is fleeting.

Daozong remained calm as usual.

Jiang Che's life was also spent in peace.

One month, in addition to making talismans is cultivation.

Jiang Che's cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds.

After a month, under the accumulation of a large number of spirit stones, he stepped into the fourth heaven of Shenhai in one breath.

As for the cultivation of martial arts, he has also improved a little, reaching the terrifying eight-element power.

Blood growth.

However, it is impossible to be as fast as before.

Martial arts practice, the further you go, the more difficult it becomes.

His speed is already unbelievably fast.

But in Jiang Che's view, this is all taken for granted.

In half a month, Jiang Che's accumulated wealth has broken through tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

In addition to the Explosive Flame Talisman, there are other kinds of Talismans.

Earth movement talisman, ice thorn talisman, water escape talisman...

Jiang Che basically did all kinds of five-element talismans.

Except for the ones sold, there are more talismans left by him.

It can be called a super talisman maniac!

In the future, when he slays demons and eliminates demons, he will directly transform himself into the Heavenly Talisman Emperor, and attack with overwhelming talismans, he will also be able to kill demons to death.

Its own fighting power is swift and violent, if adding talismans, it would be an unknown.


"It's done!"

"Ha ha!"

In the room, Jiang Che looked at the purple light talisman in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

Thunder Talisman!
The once powerful rune!
He's finally done it now.

From the fluctuation of spiritual power contained in the Sky Thunder Talisman, Jiang Che could sense the approximate power.

Absolutely no less than the original power.

But the success rate is also scary.

Out of a hundred pictures, there is only one success.

But this one is enough.

One sky thunder talisman, one thousand low-grade spirit stones.

If he can achieve mass production, then his wealth alone will be comparable to a peak.

"But this thing consumes too much soul and energy."

"It is obviously unrealistic to manufacture in large quantities now..."

Jiang Che came back to his senses and let out a breath.

He wanted to mass-produce it, but the situation didn't allow it.

The Sky Thunder Talisman is already a high-level Talisman.

Describing a picture consumes a lot of mental power and true energy.

Even with his current cultivation at the fourth level of the Divine Sea, he couldn't continue to describe it.


Just as Jiang Che was looking at his masterpiece, suddenly, his eyes flashed, he took a breath, spread his hands, and a sound transmission talisman appeared in his hand.

"Junior Brother Jiang, is it convenient now? I'm at the foot of Xiaoqiong Peak, if it's convenient, I'll come up right now."

In the sound transmission note, a voice came.

Jiang Che came back to his senses in an instant, and the light in his eyes became even brighter.

Fang Zihe!
In the past month, I have been here several times, and each time I made a large purchase, it is definitely his big customer.

After coming and going, Jiang Che also got to know Fang Zihe a lot.

He was naturally happy when a big customer came to the door, and the Lingshi was coming soon.

Immediately transmitted the sound, Jiang Che tidied up his clothes and went out immediately.


Little Qiongfeng, Qiongfeng Hall.

Jiang Che looked at Fang Zihe in front of him with a bright smile on his face.

Fang Zihe also looked at Jiang Che with a bright smile on his face.

Both are very happy.

Jiang Che's ability to make talismans is getting more and more terrifying. In this month, he has purchased them three times.

A person, he naturally cannot swallow so much.

It is also to help other brothers and sisters to buy.

You can also earn an intermediary fee yourself.

Jiang Che's talismans are of high quality, and are also very popular among Lingjian Peak disciples.

Most of the Lingjian Peak disciples purchased from Jiang Che through Fang Zihe.

Good quality and low price, who the hell still loves Tianfu Peak?

This super genius has no airs at all, and Fang Zihe is also very happy to be able to meet such a super monster.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you've made another breakthrough, so gratifying!"

Looking at Jiang Che, Fang Zihe spoke.

"Slightly diligent, Brother Fang, please be polite." Jiang Che smiled and cupped his hands.

"Sit down, Senior Brother Fang, drink tea first!"

Jiang Che stretched out his hand to signal, and then poured two cups of spirit tea.

Now he can be regarded as a small rich man, so he naturally cares about big clients.

If he continues to develop and his fame spreads, he doesn't even need to go to the market to trade, and there will be endless wealth in the future.

Fang Zihe sat on Jiang Che's left side and took a sip of spiritual tea.

Putting down his teacup, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "Junior Brother Fang, let's be frank, I came here this time to get some talismans again."

"One hundred Soul Fixing Talismans."

"One hundred Phantom Talismans!"

"One hundred Spirit Sword Talismans!"

"One hundred Red Explosion Talismans!"

"One hundred Earth Explosion Talismans!"

"This is a deposit, three thousand low-grade spirit stones. After half a month, I will come to pick up the goods, okay?"

As Fang Zihe spoke, he made a list and handed it to Jiang Che.

Looking at the talismans on the list, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

This quantity is so many!

He still has no problem with these talismans within half a month.

The deal is done, and he can make a fortune again.

At least more than 2 spirit stones can be earned.

"I happen to have a hundred phantom talismans here, Senior Brother Fang, you can take them first."

After Jiang Che finished speaking, he took out a stack of talismans and handed them to Fang Zihe.

"Ten days will be enough for the rest. After ten days, Senior Brother Fang can come to pick up the goods."

"Haha, Junior Brother Jiang is so happy." Hearing these words, Fang Zihe's smile became even brighter.

He also knew Jiang Che's efficiency.

Fast shipping, key quality is good.

"With so many talismans, I'm afraid senior brother Fang also purchased them for other senior brothers?" Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Yes." Fang Zihe nodded, and said, "Most of them were purchased for other senior brothers, and the rest is for personal use. There is mainly a mission. For the sake of safety, I purchased more."

Fang Zihe said.


Jiang Che nodded.

"Is Junior Brother Jiang interested? The difficulty of this task is not small. If it is successful, it will be a lot of merit."

Looking at Jiang Che, Fang Zihe spoke.


Jiang Che hesitated slightly.

After a while, he looked at Fang Zihe and said, "What kind of mission is it, can Senior Brother Fang tell me?"

"It's a mission to slay demons and eliminate demons. Besides me, there is another brother and two juniors. However, this monster is not small. It is a big monster. It is quite difficult, but if you complete the task, the merits will not be small."

Fang Zihe said slowly.

"However, Senior Brother Bai is leading the team this time. It shouldn't be a big problem. I plan to recruit another person. If Junior Brother Jiang is interested, you can join. Even if you share a part of the merits, it will be much more than ordinary task merits."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che stroked his chin, pondered for a while, and said, "That's fine, I can join."


Fang Zihe looked at him, his eyes lit up.

"Of course, I've always liked slaying demons and eliminating demons." Jiang Che nodded.

Fang Zihe came back to his senses, nodded, and said: "That's fine, this is the copy of the mission, you can take a look at it first, when the time comes, I'll get the talisman, let's go together."

As he spoke, Fang Zihe took out a jade slip and handed it to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che also took the jade slip.

"Okay, come early in the morning after ten days." Jiang Che nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Fang Zihe cupped his hands, and immediately stepped out of Qiongfeng Hall.

After sending Fang Zihe away, Jiang Che turned his attention to the jade slip in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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