I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 56 Evil God Sect 【Seeking support】

Chapter 56 Evil God Sect 【Seeking support】

The dazzling electric light dissipated, and a smell of barbecue filled the air.


The charred corpse fell to the ground from a height of hundreds of feet, smashing out a deep pit.

The demon of the Black Lotus Sect can't die anymore.

In the air, staring wide-eyed.

Bai Ze, Fang Zihe, Bai Jie, Xu Nan... and Fa Hai not far away all looked at Jiang Che.

"Did he use six Heavenly Thunder Talismans just now?"

Bai Jie blinked her eyes, and Xu Nan beside her couldn't believe it.

Although he knew that Jiang Che had the ability to make talismans.


This is too harsh.

He threw out six Sky Thunder Talismans in one breath.

More than 6000 spirit stones are gone.

Thinking about it made his flesh ache.

"Have no humanity!"

This method cannot be learned!

Jiang Che looked at the charred black corpse that fell to the ground, he was indifferent on the surface, but he was smiling brightly in his heart.

Six Sky Thunder Talismans were exchanged for a Hongzi third-grade reward.

It's definitely worth it.

It is even more explosive than this mission goal.

The talisman is gone, it can be refined.

This opportunity is missed, but there will be no second time.

Fortunately, his "repairing knife" technique was already very slippery, and once he got into his soul, he exploded this black lotus sect golden core monster.


"It's him again!"

Looking at Jiang Che, Fa Hai's calm heart also stirred up waves.

You can also meet Jiang Che here.

This fate is even more fateful than the Buddha.


Although he was surprised in his heart, Fa Hai quickly came back to his senses, and with a flash, he came to the charred corpse on the ground.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Fahai recited the Buddha's name, a golden bowl was revealed, the golden light shone, and in the next breath, the corpse of the Black Lotus Sect demon was put into the golden bowl by him.

At this moment, Fang Zihe, Bai Ze and the others also came back to their senses.

The demon of the Black Lotus Sect is dead.

This is no big surprise.

First he was severely injured by this Buddhist eminent monk, then he suffered a blow from the joint swordsmanship of the two of them, and finally he was hit by Jiang Che's six heavenly thunder talismans.


After receiving the corpse of the Black Lotus Sect monster, Fa Hai's body was filled with golden light, and he flew straight into the sky, before arriving in front of Jiang Che and the others.

Standing in the void, the white moon Buddha's robe blows, and the golden light wraps around, like the coming of the Buddha, with majestic momentum.

Looking at Jiang Che, Fa Hai saluted with one hand: "Amitabha, Layman Jiang, we meet again, we are really destined!"

"I have met the master, and I have never thought of meeting here. It is really fate."

Jiang Che smiled back.

Looking at Fa Hai in front of him, he felt that this monk was indeed his lucky star.

When Jincheng met for the first time, he gave him a big gift.

Then I was on a mission a month ago, and I was given another "big gift"!
This time, another big gift!
Three visits to the thatched cottage, this is it!
If possible, Jiang Che would really like to follow him and travel around the Eastern Desolation Continent.

This will definitely blow up all the way.

It's a pity...he is a Taoist, not a Buddhist.

Although he had a good impression of this monk, Jiang Che didn't have such a good impression of Buddhism.

"I haven't seen you for more than a month. The poor monk misses the layman a little bit. He never wanted to meet here. The layman has made great progress!" Glancing at Jiang Che, Fa Hai spoke again.

"Slightly more diligent, master praise." Jiang Che said with a smile.

It is normal for Fa Hai to see through his cultivation!
"Master, these are my Daozong Senior Brothers, this is Bai Zebai Senior Brother, Fang Zihe, Fang Senior Brother, Xu Nan, Xu Senior Brother, Bai Jie, Bai Junior Sister!"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and introduced them one by one.

Several people also bowed to Fa Hai: "I have seen the master!"

Looking at Fa Hai, several people also respected Fa Hai.

The strength just now has been shocking.

Even the monsters in the golden core state were severely injured by him, and they were dying. The strength of this monk had to make them admire.

"You guys are being polite."

Fa Hai nodded slightly, and then looked at Jiang Che, "The poor monk still has something to deal with. Layman Jiang, you guys, I will take my leave first."

"Master walk slowly!"

Jiang Che nodded, and several people also spoke accordingly.

The Zen stick in Fahai's hand burst out with golden Buddha light, sweeping the whole body, and disappeared without a trace in the next breath.

"Golden Core Peak..."

"Looks like he should be very young. Why have you never heard of such a number one person in the Eastern Wasteland Buddhism?"

Looking at the direction where Fa Hai disappeared, Bai Ze narrowed his eyes, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Jiang, do you know the origin of this master?"

On the side, Bai Jie looked at Jiang Che.

Bai Ze and the others also looked at him.

Judging from the simple communication, it seems that Fa Hai has a very good relationship with him.

"Understand a little." Jiang Che nodded.

Looking at the direction Fa Hai left, he continued: "He is from the Great Leiyin Temple in the West Desolate Continent."

"Xihuang, Great Leiyin Temple!"

As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, several people's hearts shook instantly.

"Da Leiyin Temple, the number one Buddhist gate in the Western Wilderness!"

Fang Zihe couldn't help sighing, his heart was turbulent.

"Not only is the number one Buddhist sect in the Western Wilderness, I am afraid that in the entire Great Thousand World, apart from Zhongzhou Tianfo Temple, there is no Buddhist sect that can compete with Daleiyin Temple."

At this time, Bai Ze sighed.

"Tianfo Temple..."

Hearing Bai Ze's exclamation, Jiang Che silently remembered the name of this Buddhist school in his heart.

"Brother, are you that powerful?" Bai Jie blinked and couldn't help but ask.

"Master once said that the power of Daleiyin Temple is probably three points more powerful than the three of my Donghuang Ten Great Immortal Sects combined. What do you think?"

Bai Ze turned his head, looked at her and said.

"It's so powerful, I'll be good!"

Hearing this, Bai Jie couldn't help sticking out her tongue.

"The Western Wilderness Continent is so far away from the Eastern Wilderness, why did he come to the Eastern Wilderness?" Fang Zihe asked.

"Traveling the world is also a kind of practice. Buddhism pays attention to fate. It should be to find fate, so that you can go to a higher level."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"This monk's talent is rarely comparable to that of my whole Taoist sect. I'm afraid only Senior Brother Li can compete with him!" Bai Ze sighed.

"Junior brother Jiang's talent is extraordinary, maybe he will be able to match it in the future." Fang Zihe looked at Jiang Che and laughed.

"I'm not as good as that." Jiang Che shook his head.

"Junior brother is too modest."

"Let's go, continue on the road, be careful, be on high alert, and prevent encountering the demon of the Black Lotus Sect again."

Bai Ze opened his mouth, and after finishing speaking, the flying sword moved and continued to move towards the distance.

Jiang Che and the others looked at the direction Fa Hai was leaving again, then turned around and continued walking.

Encountered such a situation on the way, no one thought of it.

However, this time, Jiang Che was also a big winner with the precise make-up.

Even if the next sneak attack on the monster fails, the trip will not be in vain.


"Recently, the Black Lotus Sect is about to move. I heard that several state capitals and towns have been attacked to a certain extent."

As he walked forward, Fang Zihe spoke.

Jiang Che followed behind, pricking up his ears to listen without interrupting.

He has heard of the Black Lotus Sect before.

It's an evil sect!
Cruel and ruthless, it is an out-and-out evil cult.


Known as one of the three cults.

"Dagan has sent troops to suppress it, so it's not a big problem," Bai Ze said as he walked.

"There shouldn't be too many riots in a short period of time, but if it continues, I'm afraid there will be disasters."

Fang Zihe said.

"Zongmen and other immortal sects are not vegetarians. Donghuang, it's not the turn of these demons to run rampant."

Bai Ze said with a righteous face.

"If you have the ability in the future, you will definitely destroy these demons." Fang Zihe gritted his teeth.

"These two people have a sense of justice..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Jiang Che let out a long sigh in his heart.

It is good to have a sense of justice.


These three major cults are not going to be wiped out at will.

Running rampant for a hundred years, the power behind him is not something ordinary practitioners can handle.

Otherwise, it would have died out long ago.

Personal might, unless it reaches a certain level of terror, can only be thought about.

(End of this chapter)

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