I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 58 Instant Kill in a Dangerous Situation【For further reading】

Chapter 58 Instant Kill in a Dangerous Situation【For further reading】

Among the clouds and sky, Jiang Che and his party flew in the sky.

The eye of the sky is opened, and the closer you get to Beiman Mountain, the more you can feel the billowing evil spirit.

In addition to the demonic aura, Jiang Che could also see the ghostly aura of resentful spirits.

Beiman Mountain is a real place of demons and ghosts.

Even if he was alone, he might not have the strength to come here.

The risk factor is very high!

"Beimang Mountain has poisonous barriers running rampant, everyone is on guard, so don't be careless."

While advancing, Bai Ze still didn't forget to remind.

Jiang Che used the talisman and stuck it on his body to hide himself. At the same time, he also took out a few poison-repelling talismans and gave them to several people respectively.

"This is the poison-avoiding charm I refined. It can prevent the poison barrier from invading, and can better display its strength."

One per person, Jiang Che introduced at the same time.

"Junior brother is really caring."

Looking at Jiang Che, Fang Zihe smiled.

"It's a mission together, let's help each other out." Jiang Che said with a smile.

A few poison-avoiding charms are nothing to him.

A few people were not polite, and used poison-avoiding charms one after another to hide themselves.

You can resist the poison barrier without using true energy, which indeed saves some strength.


In a short while, several people descended from the sky and came to a majestic black mountain.

The mountain is hundreds of feet high, stretches vertically and horizontally, the mountain road is steep, and there are all kinds of strange rocks. It is a dangerous place at first glance.

Surrounded by clouds and fog, more than half of the mountain is almost invisible, wrapped in thick fog.

A great yin energy filled the space between the heavens and the earth, approaching here, one would feel an uncomfortable feeling from the bottom of one's heart.

And here is Beimang Mountain!
It is the ultimate destination of their trip, and it is also the realm of monsters that makes everyone in Changxian County turn pale.

The eyes of the sky opened, and the billowing demonic aura permeated the sky, and the terrifying demonic aura made people palpitate.

"Be careful, everyone, don't leave without authorization, act collectively, understand?"

Looking at Beiman Mountain in front of him, Bai Ze said solemnly.


Several people nodded at the same time, holding the spirit swords in their hands.


Bai Ze took the lead, stepping into Beiman Mountain, followed by several people, Jiang Che followed at the end, with the spirit sword in one hand, and a few talismans and a black rope quietly appeared in the other hand.

Following at the end, Jiang Che's spiritual sense did not relax at all.

The spirit is also highly concentrated!
He came to Beimang Mountain to kill monsters, and he didn't want to be killed by monsters!

A few people walked on the rugged mountain road.

The deeper you go, the more you can sense the demonic aura between heaven and earth.

In the air, there is a layer of poisonous air.

However, several of them had poison-repelling charms, and the poisonous energy in the mountain did not harm them.

"This poisonous mist also has the effect of blocking spiritual consciousness, no wonder it is easy to stumble here."

After entering the mountain at the end, Jiang Che discovered the difference the further he went.

It looks similar to ordinary fog, but in fact, this poisonous fog is weird, it can block the consciousness, and stepping into it limits part of their strength.

Without the help of divine consciousness, it can only rely on the instinctive induction of the physical body.

Although the sense of consciousness is restricted, the physical sense cannot be restricted.

Among them, Jiang Che's physical vitality and blood are the first.

Even Bai Ze, who has the strongest cultivation base, does not have such a powerful martial arts cultivation base as him.

Bai Ze's martial arts cultivation is only at the fourth level of martial arts.

Here, the advantages of warriors are more obvious.

Although the spiritual consciousness was restricted, it had little effect on Jiang Che.

With his terrifying physical body, even in the white poisonous mist, he can sense the wind and grass nearby.

In Beiman Mountain, the poisonous fog was rampant, and the deeper it went, the denser the poisonous fog, and the few people also slowed down their speed and were very careful.


deep in the mountains.

In front of a deep cave, a figure appeared in front of the cave like a ghost.

The surrounding poisonous mist is vertical and horizontal, but there is no front of the cave, as if blocked by a mysterious force.

The figure came to the entrance of the cave, manifesting its true face, a monster with a wolf's head and a human body.

The evil spirit permeated the air, very fierce.

Still holding a rough mace in his hand, looking at the deep cave, the wolf monster showed a humane respectful look on his face, and turned towards the cave, uttering words:

"My lord, my lord, there are practitioners coming!"


As soon as the wolf demon finished speaking, the deep cave suddenly glowed with pink light, and a cloud of pink mist slowly drifted out from the cave.

"Cultivators...how many people?"

A gentle and pleasant voice came from the pink mist, followed by the pink mist drifting out of the cave, and a graceful figure appeared.

She has shawl hair, delicate face, and a pair of eyes that seem to seduce people, making people feel restless just by looking at them.

Pink tulle, snow-white skin looming, and a seductive air all over her body.

The strange thing is that there are three snow-white tails dancing behind this seductive woman, which looks very strange.

Seeing the appearance of this seductive woman, the wolf demon immediately said: "My lord, there should be five people, four men and one woman."

"It seems that we can have a full meal again."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the seductive woman's face, and a pair of watery eyes burst into flames.

"Where are they?"

The seductive woman came back to her senses, looked at the wolf demon in front of her and asked.

"It's already halfway up the mountain."

"My lord, I feel that these cultivators are very powerful, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them!"

"It looks like it might be some immortal cultivator."

"Do you want...to inform the King of Montenegro?"

Looking at the seductive woman, the wolf demon asked cautiously.

The seductive woman thought for a while, and nodded: "You are right. Human cultivators are really difficult to deal with, so you can't be careless. How about this, you go to inform the King of Montenegro, and then send a few men to investigate the strength of these human cultivators."

"Let's go now, little one."

The wolf demon nodded, then turned around and left, his figure disappeared into the thick fog and soon disappeared.

The seductive woman looked at the disappearing figure of the wolf demon, a pair of eyes full of charm burst into a ray of light, and in the next breath, pink mist surged around her body, and disappeared strangely at the entrance of the cave.


The rugged mountain road is shrouded in poisonous fog.

The mountains and forests are silent, not even the chirping of insects and birds can be heard, it is so quiet and scary.

Jiang Che and the others slowed down, fully alert.

Already deep into the mountains, there is no guarantee that some monsters and ghosts will come out of nowhere.

This kind of place is very unfavorable to them, but it is very beneficial to the monsters and ghosts who are familiar with the terrain in the mountains.


Suddenly, Jiang Che stopped and looked into the depths of the poisonous mist.

At the same time, Bai Ze and Fang Zihe also seemed to have discovered something, and their expressions were instantly vigilant, their true energy emerged, and the spirit sword in their hands burst into light.


In the poisonous mist, a weak air flow was blowing, like an ordinary wind, but with his extraordinary physical sense, Jiang Che had already "seen" the figures of several monsters hidden in the poisonous mist.


Without hesitation, Jiang Che took the lead, and several talismans burst into red light, rushing towards the depths of the poisonous mist like arrows piercing through the air.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The power of the Red Explosion Talisman is not small, and Jiang Che was not stingy, throwing out seven or eight pieces in one go.

In an instant, screams sounded.


Immediately afterwards, the Xuanhuang Sword Qi pierced through the air, rushing towards the depths of the poisonous mist at a terrifying speed.

"Puff puff!!!"

Easily penetrated the demon in the poisonous mist, and was instantly wiped out.

In my mind, the demon book vibrated.

Four golden light clusters appeared in the mind.

The dark font keeps refreshing.

The rewards of the four wild characters and the seventh rank have been obtained.

The action is smooth and smooth, in one go.

Both Bai Ze and Fang Zihe were shocked.

This Jiang Che's attack speed was one step faster than all of them.

Just now when he sensed it, Jiang Che took the lead and killed the four monsters directly.


With a dodge, Jiang Che instantly came to the corpse of the dead monster, opened his eyes, and four illusory figures appeared in his eyes.

The soul body of a demon!

He has been killed, and within a moment, he will be completely out of his wits!
Can't be wasted!

Jiang Che burst out the soul devouring technique in an instant, a faint glow bloomed in his pupils, and a wave of soul pulling swept over.

The four demon souls instinctively expressed fear, but they couldn't resist Jiang Che's devouring at all.

In an instant, the souls of the four demons were devoured by him.

In an instant, Jiang Che's body trembled, his soul trembled, and the sea of ​​gods expanded again.


The souls of the four monsters were instantly devoured, and his soul soared a lot.

In the heavenly court and the sea of ​​gods, his soul gradually turned from illusion to reality.

There are already signs of turning fakes into real ones!
At this very moment, Bai Ze and the others also came in front of them, looking at the dead monster on the ground, their hearts skipped a beat.

Jiang Che slays demons and slays demons, why does it feel that he is more slippery than them all?

(End of this chapter)

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