I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 64 The Machine of the Thunder 【Seeking Support】

Chapter 64 The Machine of the Thunder 【Seeking Support】

Sunrise East.

The morning glow rises from the sky.

Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Jiang Che slowly opened his eyes.

In one night, he had swallowed all the blood of the demon.

However, he did not reach the realm of a great master.

But the promotion was also very rapid, reaching the peak of the fifth realm.

The strength of the physical body also broke the limit of the fifth realm, the strength of 130 cattle.

The power of the thirteen elephants.

Break through the power of a dragon, the real body is like a dragon!
The internal organs are like a rock, and the qi and blood in the body are washed away like a torrent.

Although he has not reached the sixth level and became a great master, but with his own blood, he is enough to touch the sixth level.

It is very difficult for fellow practitioners of Xianwu to go further.

This point, Jiang Che now also has a little bit of experience.

However, with the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique, it was much easier for him to step into the sixth realm than others.

This secret method is equivalent to the opening of martial arts.


Standing up, Jiang Che used the cleansing talisman to wash away the dirt and dirt all over his body, and his spirit became much clearer in an instant.

"Thunder God's thorn should be able to be cultivated, but it will be a lot of trouble to trigger the sky thunder..."

After walking out the door, Jiang Che looked towards the sky and narrowed his eyes.

The power of the sky thunder is definitely a fatal blow to the soul.

In the practice of immortality, only when one breaks into the Golden Core can one cross the catastrophe.

Although his soul is already more terrifying than the general true mood, but the power of the sky thunder cannot be underestimated.

"I have to think of a safer way..."

Lowering his head, Jiang Che fell into deep thought.


"There should be a corresponding method in the talisman?"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Jiang Che closed his eyes and began to search for memories.

Five Elements Talisman Collection!

Among them, there are endless talismans, and there are countless kinds of talismans.

"Have it!"

Soon, Jiang Che opened his eyes. In the five-element celestial talisman collection, he found a talisman that could weaken the power of the sky thunder.

Di Yuan Talisman!
This kind of talisman, like the sky thunder talisman, is a high-level talisman.

It can weaken part of the power of the sky thunder, extend the sky thunder it bears to the earth, and protect itself.

This talisman can also be used when crossing the catastrophe.

At the same time, Jiang Che also found two other kinds of talismans.

One is, Thunderbolt Talisman!
This kind of talisman can store the power of thunder.

It is a very special talisman, as long as it is within the range that the talisman can withstand, it can be stored in large quantities. When it reaches its peak, detonating the talisman can explode with a power ten times that of the thunder talisman.

The lethality is huge.

The second type of talisman is the lightning-inducing talisman!

Using this talisman can trigger the thunder to descend!
The three kinds of talismans are all what he needs.

Use the earth element talisman to protect the body, dissipate the sky thunder, and then store part of the sky thunder in the thunder explosion talisman.

The practice of Thunder God Thorn is not enough with just one thunderstorm. The further you go, you need more, stronger, and bigger thunderstorms.

The thunderbolt talisman stores the sky thunder, and he can take it whenever he needs it.

"Well, just refine these three."

Keeping his mind, Jiang Che made a decision in an instant, and his sword control skills erupted, and he went towards Tongtian Peak in an instant.

Purchase rune paper for high-level talismans.

The talisman papers of high-level talismans are different from ordinary talismans.

Jiang Che used ordinary talisman paper to depict the Heavenly Thunder Talisman before, but he couldn't bear the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power at all.

Advanced talisman paper is required.

Prices are also different.

Ordinary spirit talisman talisman paper, one spirit stone can buy ten talisman papers, but the talisman paper of advanced talismans is also in a one-to-one ratio.

And the talisman paper of the high-level talisman is not made of ordinary materials, it is made of monster skin.

Therefore, the price is expensive!
The raw materials are ten times that of ordinary talisman paper!
He still has some high-level talisman paper, but to successfully portray it, he must need a lot.

The success rate is not inevitable, he has not yet reached the point where there is no trace of failure rate.


Half an hour later, Jiang Che bought [-] high-grade talisman papers, which cost him [-] merit points, and also spent [-] merit points to buy a psychic talisman pen.

The [-] merits obtained from the joint mission were also completely spent.

But this is not important, as long as it is successful, he thinks it is worth spending more.

Lingshi merits can be earned!

With such a stable sales channel as Lingjian Peak, his wealth will only increase.

After returning to Little Qiong Peak, Jiang Che started making talismans.

For high-level talismans, his success rate is only [-]%, or even less than [-]%.

The Qingxin Mantra stabilized the mind, refined the spiritual brush, and unified the mind and mind, Jiang Che began to make talismans.

For high-level talismans, he had only made the Sky Thunder Talisman, and it was Jiang Che's first time making other high-level talismans.

Three kinds of talismans.

The Lightning Talisman has the lowest difficulty, and the Earth Element Talisman has the highest difficulty.

The steps of the three kinds of talismans, Jiang Che has already engraved in his heart.

After spending eight pieces of high-grade talisman paper, Jiang Che also successfully produced the first lightning-inducing talisman.

Without stopping, Jiang Che started to carve the second talisman.


Three hours later, Jiang Che stepped out of the room.

The high-level talisman consumed a lot of his soul and true energy.

But hard work paid off, he spent three hours and failed more than 100 times, and finally made the three kinds of talismans he needed.

There are three pieces of each talisman.

in case!

"It's safer to go to the back mountain. This place has been destroyed, and there is no place to sleep."

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che's figure moved, and he went directly towards the mountain behind Little Qiong Peak.

After a while, he came to a flat land in the back mountain.

It is spacious all around without too much vegetation.

Standing in the middle of the open space, Jiang Che looked up at the sky.

The sun is shining.

weather is good.

The light flickered in his hand, and three kinds of talismans appeared in his hand.


He was the first to use the lightning talisman, and in an instant, the talisman burst into light, and an invisible force sank into the sky.


A thunderbolt sounded from the blue sky, and in the next breath, a thunderbolt as thick as a thumb quickly came towards Jiang Che in the blue sky.

With an extraordinary reaction, Jiang Che quickly took out the Earth Element Talisman to protect him, and at the same time, released the Thunderbolt Talisman.


The sky thunder entered his body, and in the next breath, silver arcs rose all over Jiang Che's body.

A powerful thunder and lightning crossed his body, and all internal organs were instantly penetrated.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong, and he also has the Earth Element Talisman to protect him, but there is only a slight pain, and no accident happened.

According to his plan, part of the lightning fell into the ground, and the other part was stored by the thunderbolt talisman.

The lightning disappeared, Jiang Che picked up the Thunderbolt Talisman on the ground, and sensed the thunder in the Thunderbolt Talisman.

Let his soul have a strong fear.

"This amount is too little, let's add a little more."

Jiang Che looked up at the sky, a flash of inspiration flashed in his palm, and the second lightning-inducing talisman was released.


The second thunderbolt from the blue sky exploded, and a thumb-thick thunderbolt descended, rushing straight towards Jiang Che's body.

With the experience of the first time, Jiang Che has become much more proficient in the second time.

The sky thunder that diffused into the ground was also stored by the thunderbolt talisman, which was a little more than the first time.

The lightning dissipated, and Jiang Che lightly exhaled a puff of white smoke.

Why does he feel inexplicably comfortable about being struck by lightning?
After checking his body, his qi and blood seemed to be still increasing.

The body's muscles, bones and internal organs seem to have been tempered.

"Isn't this the legendary Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering?"

Looking up at the sky, Jiang Che blinked.

It hurt a little the first time, but the second time, it felt quite comfortable.

The body is still improving.


Jiang Che released the lightning-inducing talisman, summoning the sky thunder again.

The sound of thunder exploded, and thunder as thick as a thumb quickly descended.


Thunder and lightning penetrated his whole body, and a part of the thunder was stored in the Thunder Explosion Talisman. Under the power of this thunder, Jiang Che's body hummed.

In the next breath, a golden radiance appeared on his skin, and at the same time, there was a layer of qi and blood light visible to the naked eye.


The essence is like wolf smoke, piercing the air, rushing straight up, and an invisible wave of air flow instantly swayed away.

Under the third thunderbolt, Jiang Che's energy and blood soared, and the bone marrow in the depths of his bones changed, stepping into the sixth realm of martial arts, Grand Master!
The five internal organs, the skin of the muscles and bones, and the bone marrow are tempered to reach the sixth state of martial arts, the state of marrow refining!
His strength also instantly broke the limit, reaching the strength of 150 cattle, the strength of fifteen elephants!
"It's okay..."

Jiang Che exhaled white smoke, his eyes overflowing with surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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