Chapter 74
Three consecutive victories!
Jiang Che stepped down to rest.

There is half an hour of breath adjustment.

Jiang Che didn't care too much, the further back, the harder it is!

It is not so easy to kill all kinds of magic weapons in one punch.


Half an hour passed quickly.

On the page of the heavenly book, there are only 32 names and numbers left.

The top 32 are out.

We're also close to the semi-finals.

Jiang Che also took the stage again.

The consumption is not big, but the preparation is more sufficient.

Advance to the top 32, and the reward is also [-] merits.

But that's not his goal.

He is very interested in the Yin-Yang Hunyuan Pill that is the first seat of the peaks.


Sixteen contests.

more intense!
The battle is also faster!
Ring three.

Jiang Che's opponent also took the stage.

He was a fat young man with a simple and honest face.

But the breath is strong, the peak of true artistic conception!

"Jade Cauldron Peak, Yu Wencheng!"

The fat young man cupped his hands and smiled.

Jiang Che also bowed and saluted: "Xiao Qiong..."


Before the words were finished, the fat young man made a move in an instant, golden light bloomed, and fierce saber aura roared towards him.


The arena vibrated, stirring up smoke and dust.

Jiang Che's figure disappeared. Looking at this scene, Yu Wencheng's face showed a solemn expression.


There was a coolness coming from behind, and just as he reacted, a majestic force struck instantly.

Yu Wencheng's obese body instantly hit the barrier and landed heavily.

But in the next second, Yu Wencheng on the ground stood up flexibly, aroused with true energy, and the dust on the Taoist robe fell.

Jiang Che looked at Yu Wencheng's chest, and a ray of red light bloomed.

"Body armor!"

"Still top grade!"

Seeing through it at a glance, Jiang Che instantly understood.

"Junior Brother Jiang, your strength is very strong, but you still can't break my Chi Yuanbao Armor."

Yu Wencheng's voice sounded, and a strange color flashed across Jiang Che's dark eyes.

"Blade slash!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden knife in Yu Wencheng's hand shone brightly, and the powerful knife energy swept the entire arena.

A gigantic sword visible to the naked eye formed, cutting towards Jiang Che in an instant.


Jiang Che raised his hand and clenched his fist, and the majestic qi and blood burst out immediately.

He punched the attacking giant knife.


The fists and knives collided, and the powerful air flow hit the arena, and the barrier of the entire arena glowed with a strong light.

A trace of blood appeared on Jiang Che's fist, and the forceful cut caused his blood and vitality to shake quite a bit.


Shrinking the ground into an inch exploded in an instant, and in the next breath, Jiang Che came behind Yu Wencheng like a ghost.


The same punch landed blatantly, and Yu Wencheng's expression changed instantly.


The body flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out instantly.


The fat body hit the ground heavily, and the whole arena seemed to tremble.

"My armor."

A trace of horror flashed in Yu Wencheng's eyes, even the top-rank Lingbao couldn't bear the punch.

Although most of the power was blocked, the permeable power made him feel as if he had been hit by ten bulls.

There is a feeling of overwhelming the internal organs.

"Boom bang bang!!!"

Just when he got up, what greeted him was the impact like a torrential rain.

All over the chest, violent power poured in, and Yu Wencheng's true energy couldn't stop this terrifying power.


It hit the barrier again fiercely, and when it landed, Yu Wencheng's body shook the ring.

The aura of Chiyuan Baojia on his body was dim, and even the high-grade Lingbao-level armor was almost pierced by Jiang Che.

Blocking most of Jiang Che's strength, the remaining strength is also inhuman.

"Stop, I admit defeat!"

Seeing that Jiang Che continued to attack, Yu Wencheng spoke very simply.

Jiang Che's fist also stopped abruptly.


With cupped hands, Jiang Che's voice sounded.

Yu Wencheng looked at him, his heart twitched, and he felt unwilling, but he had to recognize the reality, got up slowly, and stepped off the stage directly with pain.

"His martial arts cultivation is equivalent to cheating..."

Seeing this scene, many disciples' hearts twitched.

A top-grade treasure armor, even at the peak of the True Artistic Realm, couldn't stop Jiang Che.

The strength of the sixth level of martial arts, strong pervert!
but no way...

This is "reasonable" cheating too!

You can also "cheat" if you have the ability.

"No. 666, win!"


The fierce fighting continued.

The top sixteen was also successfully released.

The atmosphere of the audience also pushed to a new climax!
Rest for half an hour, then continue.

Under the stage, Little Qiongfeng queued up.

Jiang Che took the elixir to adjust his breathing.

Pairs of eyes looked at his figure, and many giants were also very concerned.

Dark horse!

Super dark horse!

This is the rhythm of Xiao Qiongfeng's rise!

Among the top sixteen, only Jiang Che was at the ninth level of the Divine Sea, and the rest were at the peak of the True Artistic Realm.

What's more, it seems that even the peak of the true mood can't stop Jiang Che.

Could it be that they want to compete for the first place among the peaks?

A thought appeared in the minds of the elders and disciples of Zhufeng.

If this happens, it will be a Taoist myth!
For the first time in the world!

There was only one disciple, but it was this one disciple who went from the knockout round to the top sixteen.

Just outrageous!
But this is the reality.


The half-hour break is over.

The bell rang again.

The atmosphere of the audience also ignited.

On the central platform, an elder and deacon read out the number.

"No. 33, Ring No. [-]!"

"No. 59, ring No. [-]!"

"No. 95, ring No. [-]!"


"No. 666, ring No. [-]!"

The numbers of 16 people were read out, and all [-] disciples also came to the stage.

On stage nine, Jiang Che looked at the figure in front of him.

White Pond!

On the way to the quarterfinals, we met.

"Junior Brother Jiang."

Bai Ze made a bow and opened his mouth.

"Brother Bai!"

Jiang Che also saluted.

Advance to the quarterfinals and meet in the battle.

Jiang Che didn't expect it either, but the smaller the number of people, the greater the chance of encountering them.

"Brother once, even if he loses, he will be willing!" Bai Ze said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, a spirit sword was drawn out of its sheath, and the sword energy pierced through the air, and a sharp breath permeated out.

"Brother Yibai!"

Jiang Che smiled lightly, the light in his hand flashed, and a spirit sword appeared.

"True Spirit Nine Swords!"

Bai Ze's momentum changed, he raised his hand and swung his sword, cutting it out instantly.

Nine fierce sword qi turned into nine divine swords, sweeping from all directions.

Lingjian Peak, housekeeping swordsmanship, true spirit swordsmanship!
"Thousand swords cut!"

Jiang Che was not careless, the Heavenly Sword Art erupted in an instant, thousands of sword qi formed a void sword array, and a radiant divine sword bloomed.

"Clang clang!!!"

The divine swords condensed with sword energy collided like substance, and half of the nine divine swords were cut off by Jiang Che.


The air exploded, and the fierce sword energy collided, making Jiang Che as stable as Mount Tai.

After the collision, the sword energy dissipated, but the remaining breath left people with lingering fear.

Bai Ze looked dignified, and the spirit sword in his hand erupted into the sky again.

"True Spirit Transformation into Thousands!"

The Xeon swordsmanship erupted instantly, this time, it was even more violent.

The spirit sword in Jiang Che's hand trembled, and the Thousand Swords Stance was activated again.


The sword light lingered, occupying the ring, drowning the figures of the two.

After a while, the figures of the two reappeared.

Both of them were slightly pale.

"The True Spirit Sword Technique is my strongest strike. If my junior can take it, it proves that I can't beat you anymore. I admit defeat."

Bai Ze's voice sounded.

Below, a group of elders and deacons in the Lingjian Peak queue frowned slightly, but they didn't say anything.

"Senior brother accepted." Jiang Che said with a smile.

Bai Ze smiled, then turned around and stepped off the stage.

He still has the strength to continue fighting, the collision just now, Jiang Che didn't use that perverted power, and just for this, he already knew the result.

The life-and-death battle may be different, but it doesn't need to be like this at the Zhufeng Conference.

What's more, they have already struck with all their strength, and it seems that they are evenly divided, but Jiang Che still has the upper hand.

"It seems... this is probably going to compete with Dao Yuanfeng for the first place."

Lingjian Peak lined up, Fang Zihe looked at Jiang Che on the stage, and a thought flashed in his mind.

Even if senior brother Bai is no match, other than the one from Dao Yuanfeng, I am afraid that no one can beat Jiang Che.


The top eight list is released!

Jiang Che was steadily among them.

The goal of the top three is not far away.

The battle of the top four!

This step is also a crucial step. Although it is three chances, if you fail once, it is equal to a complete failure.

(End of this chapter)

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