Chapter 79 Weird

The days passed quickly.

Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Jiang Che also made the necessary preparations.

Breaking through the true meaning, it is easier for him to describe the talisman.

Jiang Che also prepared a lot of high-level offensive charms in a few days.

There are quite a few talismans in the Five Elements Talisman Collection, and Jiang Che has also prepared some other auxiliary talismans.

"Almost, it's time to move!"

Pushing open the courtyard door, Jiang Che looked up at the sky.

After joining the sect for a year, it can be regarded as a small achievement now.

"I don't know if Master is here..."

Jiang Che looked towards Qiongfeng Hall, his figure flashed, and quickly disappeared in place.

After a while, he came to the hall.

In the empty hall, only one piece of jade tile appeared in the eyes.

"Disciple seeks to see Master!"

Standing in the hall, Jiang Che cupped his hands, and his voice sounded.


As soon as the words fell, a burst of light bloomed, and in the next breath, an illusory figure appeared in front of him.

"The teacher is retreating, you have to go out, just be more careful."

Xuan Miaoyin's voice sounded, Jiang Che looked at the illusory figure in front of him, and bowed again: "The disciple will take his leave first, and I wish Master all the best."

"Well, let's go."

The voice sounded again, and in the next breath, the illusory figure disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Che glanced at one direction in the depths of the hall, then turned around and stepped out of the hall with strides.


Yujian Flying to the Sky!

Little Qiongfeng gradually disappeared from Jiang Che's field of vision, and he also completely stepped out of the scope of the Taoist sect.

Looking back for the last time, Jiang Che stepped on the spirit sword and disappeared into the sky.

Mountains, rivers and rivers appear beneath your feet.

Compared to when he first came here, Jiang Che was completely different.

At the beginning, he hadn't stepped into the path of practice, but now, he has fully stepped into it.


Skimming the numerous mountain peaks, Jiang Che suddenly stopped walking forward.

Looking down, through the thin clouds, a village appeared in the eyes.

"It's demonic!"

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed, and at the same time, the sky eyes opened silently.

Looking at the village below, there was a red light in his eyes.

In addition to the fire of the world of mortals, there is also a wisp of black evil spirit hidden in it.

"This village is haunted by demons."

Watching the demonic aura in the fire of the world of mortals, Jiang Che's palm flashed, and in the next breath, a magic talisman appeared in his hand.


When the talisman entered his body, Jiang Che's aura was instantly hidden, just like a mortal, the qi and blood around him were hidden by the talisman.

"Go and see."

With a thought, Jiang Che stepped across, and with the next breath, he fell from the sky and came to the outside of the village below.

Coming down to the earth, with a powerful soul, Jiang Che's sense of monster energy became clearer.

He can be sure that there must be monsters hiding in this village.


A talisman was shown again, and Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared out of thin air.

The invisibility effect can be achieved within a quarter of an hour, and his aura is hidden, unless it is a monster that surpasses his spirit, otherwise, his existence cannot be sensed.


Following the evil spirit, Jiang Che quietly stepped into this mountain village.

Scattered old houses are scattered throughout the mountain village.

This mountain village has a small population.

The resulting fire of the world of mortals is also very weak.

Occasionally, Jiang Che only saw one or two figures.

In the entire mountain village, there are no more than twenty families,
After continuing to enter it, Jiang Che quickly tracked down the source of the evil spirit.

The entrance of a dilapidated farmhouse.

"Just a little demon..."

Sensing the strength of the evil spirit, Jiang Che quickly knew it.

The figure quietly entered the small farmyard.

With extraordinary induction, there are only two people in the small courtyard.

In the room on the east side of the yard, a white-haired old man was lying on the bed, and beside the bed was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

In his hand was a small worn-out bowl containing some traditional Chinese medicine.

The little girl carefully fed the traditional Chinese medicine to the old man on the bed.

"Grandpa, you will be fine."

While feeding the traditional Chinese medicine, the little girl still showed worry on her face.

And in the corner of the room, a shadow was watching this scene.

Jiang Che had a panoramic view of everything in the room.

"It's a weasel..."

"After absorbing the popularity of this family, it seems that the old and the young will return to the underworld in a short time."

With the insight into the situation with the eyes of the sky, Jiang Che instantly became clear.

When a weasel enters the house, it's not for revenge, it's for revenge!
Judging from the current situation, this family may have offended the weasel.

Otherwise, this weasel spirit would not absorb their popularity.

Although it won't kill you in one breath, this kind of torture is even more tormenting.

"In that case, let's kill this evildoer!"

With a flash of eyes, and the next breath, Jiang Che quietly appeared in the room.

And at this moment, the weasel spirit who was hiding his body seemed to have noticed something, and in the next breath, he appeared from the corner in an instant.


The weasel spirit suddenly appeared, and the red eyes made people shudder. The little girl screamed instantly, and the bowl in her hand fell to the ground instantly.


The Chinese medicine that hadn't been drunk was spilled all over the floor, and he looked at the weasel spirit in horror.


At this moment, a light flashed in front of the little girl, and Jiang Che in Tsing Yi appeared in front of the little girl.

As soon as Jiang Che appeared, the little girl froze for an instant, looking at the figure in front of her with big eyes at a loss.

"Don't be afraid."

Jiang Che's voice sounded like a sedative that hit the little girl's heart.

But at this moment, the weasel with crimson eyes looked at Jiang Che in front of him, and his hair exploded all over his body.


The instinctive reaction made the weasel make an instant decision, and he was about to flee with a leap.

But at the next breath, it suddenly stopped moving.

A small blood hole appeared on the head, and the breath of life was completely cut off.

It was directly obliterated by Jiang Che.

The body fell to the ground all of a sudden, lifeless.

At the same time, the demon book in Jiang Che's mind vibrated.

The dark font appeared in the eyes.

Demon Book gave an evaluation: Huangzi Yipin.

A golden reward light group emerged above the mottled atlas.

Jiang Che: "???"

Huangzi first-grade reward?
Looking at the weasel corpse on the ground, Jiang Che was stunned.

This is just a mob who has just joined the demon, at most it is two or three times as high as the energy gathering, how can the reward be so big?

What's happening here?
It's not in line with common sense!

Before killing monsters, the stronger the player, the higher the reward.

Jiang Che wondered if it was a reward for a first-time little demon who could break out the first grade of Huangzi.

Otherwise, there is something wrong with the demon book.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out.

The gloomy font dissipated, and the golden reward light group appeared on the demon book.

Huangzi first-grade rewards, for real!

"You... who are you?"

At this moment, a timid voice sounded, pulling Jiang Che's mind back.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Jiang Che slowly turned around and looked at the little girl in front of him.

Although her body was dirty, this little girl was full of aura.

A pair of eyes are very spiritual.

Looking at the small eyes with big eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses and said, "I am a cultivator. There are evil spirits in your family, so I came here."

"Cultivator? Monster?"

The little girl blinked her eyes, then looked at the dead weasel as big as a dog, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Big brother, you... are you a fairy?"

The little girl asked timidly.

Jiang Che laughed uncontrollably, "No way, you can't be considered a fairy."

"Big brother, you have the ability to slay demons and demons, so you must be a fairy in the legend. Big brother, please, save grandpa, please? Grandpa has been seriously ill for many days, Niuniu begs you."

The little girl burst into tears and knelt down in front of him with a plop.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

"Get up, I can save your grandpa." Jiang Che stretched out his hand and helped the little girl up.

"Really?" There was hope in the little girl's teary eyes.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, then raised his hand, and the light burst into the body of the old man on the bed in an instant.

For a moment, the old man on the bed made a weak voice, and a rosy color appeared on his pale face.

Immediately, Jiang Che stretched out his hand again, and a pill the color of white jade appeared in his hand.

The grandfather fed the pill to the little girl, and soon, the old man on the bed moved his fingers, and slowly opened his cloudy eyes.

"Grandpa is awake!"

Seeing this scene, the little girl instantly showed joy, and immediately wiped the tears on her face with her little hands.

"Niu Niu~"

The old man on the bed reached out and touched the little girl's head, his cloudy eyes showed a hint of pampering.


The little girl burst into tears of excitement again.


But just when the little girl turned her head to express her thanks, the bodies of Jiang Che and the weasel on the ground had already disappeared.

But on the table beside the bed, a few taels of gold appeared at some unknown time.

"Big... big brother is gone..."

There was a gloomy look on the little girl's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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