I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 94 Leifeng Pagoda, Flood Dragon Soul 【Subscription】

Chapter 94 Leifeng Pagoda, Flood Dragon Soul 【Subscription】

Baiyun County.

It is a relatively prosperous county.

With a population of hundreds of thousands, various economic developments are also quite good.

Compared with the surrounding counties, it belongs to the upper middle level.

After walking around the county town, Jiang Che came to an inn to check in.

In the side room, Jiang Che stood in front of the window. From this position, he could see the situation of Hanshan Temple.

Through some simple understanding, Jiang Che basically understood the more specific situation of Hanshan Temple.

In Baiyun County, Hanshan Temple can be regarded as a temple with a prosperous incense.

There are more than a hundred monks in the monastery, and they are relatively well-known in Baiyun County.

There are many people who offer incense every day.

"I'll check the situation at night..."

Looking at the Hanshan Temple halfway up the mountain in the distance, Jiang Che made up his mind.

Whether there are ghosts or ghosts, he can only know if he stepped into Hanshan Temple.

However, according to common sense, in such a popular monastery, the probability of ghosts and ghosts appearing is very small.

If there is, then it is definitely not an ordinary monster, at least it is a big demon level existence.

After all, ordinary monasteries are full of Buddhist aura, and the Buddhist aura also restrains demons to a certain extent.

Taking the incense and popularity of Hanshan Temple as an example, ordinary ghosts and ghosts cannot sneak in at all.

The popularity of incense is not something ordinary demons and ghosts can resist.

The demons and ghosts that can exist in this kind of monastery are by no means ordinary.

Of course, this is only one of the cases.

Maybe there are other situations too.

Bai Yutang also said that this information is not very certain, but possible.

But it's all here, so he wants to find out what's going on.

If a grand prize is revealed, he will be able to go one step further.

When Jiang Che came to the bed, with a thought, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade appeared in his hand.

After a few days of practicing in Ancheng, he can basically control this Taoist weapon.

Although it can't arouse all the power, even if it is only a part of the power, it is earth-shattering.

It is no problem to cut the river with a single knife and reverse the river.

Dao Artifact, a terrifying magic weapon that contains the way of heaven and earth, its power is also quite huge.

And the fairy artifact has the power to shake the universe and shake the world.

He has already refined about [-]% of the Sky Demon Life Blade. Although he has not really tested its power, Jiang Che can sense it a little bit through telepathy.


After stroking the blade, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade trembled, and the gloomy light on the blade became stronger, and the breath filled the room.

Immediately, Jiang Che took the Sky Demon Life Blade into his body.

He showed Lihunfan, and continued to devour the demon souls within it with Soul Eater.

In the Divine Sea of ​​Heaven, Jiang Che's soul has truly materialized.

The most yang energy contained in the soul is also increasing.

Today's soul has reached the level of Jindan intermediate soul, which is twice as big as his realm.

The stronger the soul, the more satisfactory the practice of Taoism and supernatural powers will be.

Today's Taoism and supernatural powers, Tianlong Zhen magic seal, Tianjian Jue, shrinking the ground to an inch, and Lightning and Thunder Fist have all been cultivated by him to the pinnacle of perfection.

By rubbing the sky thunder with his bare hands, he can even induce the thunder of heaven and earth to descend, bursting out with terrifying power.

While devouring the soul, Jiang Che also looked at the incarnation of Yuanling in the map of mountains and rivers.

In a few days, Yuan Ling's cultivation has reached the sixth level of energy gathering.

Its growth rate is several times faster than the original improvement.

Of course, this is his true self comprehending the realm.

Only Yuan Ling can easily cultivate so fast.

Jiang Che also threw some pills to Yuan Ling without hesitation.

Due to multiple reasons, it was possible to improve so rapidly!
If you can't reach it, then the hell will happen.

After glancing at it, Jiang Che withdrew his mind and devoted himself to the progress of devouring the soul.

The soul in Li Hunfan was devoured and absorbed, and he estimated that he would have no problem reaching the soul level of the late Jindan stage.

It can even reach the peak of Jindan, and one step closer, then you can manifest your soul into a primordial spirit!

The soul has been greatly improved, and Jiang Che's conception of the gods and kings of the heavens is also one step closer, and he is not far from the fourth god king manifesting.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The night also swept over Baiyun County.

Late at night, midnight.

Jiang Che, who had been devouring his soul on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

A ray of light like electricity flashed in the pupils.


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che slowly got up and came to the window.

Looking at the Hanshan Temple with bright lights in the distance.

In the middle of the night, Baiyun County faded away from the prosperity of the day and returned to silence.

Between heaven and earth, there is silence.

"It's almost time."

With a single thought, with the next breath, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared into the room.

Within a few breaths, Jiang Che left Baiyun County.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is as dark as ink, only a little bit of starlight shines.

On the bank of the river, the river was surging, and the sound of the water was rushing.


With a wave of true energy, Jiang Che's body slowly lifted into the air, across the Qianlong River, and headed towards Hanshan Temple on the other side of the river.

Hanshan Temple is located in the eastern suburb of Baiyun County.

You have to cross the Qianlong River.

The majestic river flows, and the water is turbulent.

Soon, Jiang Che crossed the tens of feet wide Qianlong River and arrived at the foot of Hanshan Temple.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Jiang Che's figure did not stop, like a ghost in the night, he quickly walked towards the Hanshan Temple halfway up the mountain.

Soon, Jiang Che arrived at the gate of Hanshan Temple.

Approaching Hanshan Temple, the eyes of the sky are opened, and the burning incense and Buddha's light flames appear in the eyes.

He still didn't see any demonic aura, which made him suspicious.

But already at the door, even if he didn't see it, Jiang Che would definitely check it out.

seeing is believing!

Taking out an invisibility talisman, a faint aura swept over his body, and with the next breath, Jiang Che successfully became invisible.


After crossing the temple, Jiang Che quietly stepped into the temple.

Hanshan Temple is not very big, but it is not small either. There are several temples and temples.

"It's demonic!"

Stepping into Hanshan Temple, Jiang Che's eyes lit up immediately.

In the powerful soul induction, he noticed the existence of a faint evil spirit.

Although it is very faint, it proves that there must be demons in Hanshan Temple.

At least he is also a big demon who has cultivated to the Golden Core level!

Thinking of this, Jiang Che's figure moved again, followed the evil spirit, and headed towards the depths of Hanshan Temple.

Soon, Jiang Che came to a tall tower deep in a monastery.

In order to prevent alarming the monsters, Jiang Che did not use his spiritual sense to investigate.

Divine sense can detect monsters, but it can also make monsters sense.

Unless it goes beyond too much, it cannot be avoided.

He wasn't sure what level of demons and ghosts this Hanshan Temple monster was, so he had to check it out before doing anything.

If it is determined, then it must be ensured that no accidents will happen.

Jiang Che also didn't want to hurt the innocent.

Slaying the demon smoothly is his goal!
"Leifeng Pagoda..."

"This name... is really impressive!"

Looking at this ten-foot-high tower, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

This name was quite famous in the previous life.

"It should be here."

Taking a closer look, Jiang Che confirmed that the source of the evil energy came from this Leifeng Pagoda.

Looking around, Jiang Che's figure moved, and the next breath, he jumped up like a bird, and entered directly from a window on the second floor of Leifeng Pagoda.

Stepping into the Leifeng Tower, the evil spirit is even stronger.

At the same time, there is an invisible aura that pervades the entire Leifeng Pagoda.

Jiang Che took a closer look and confirmed that the evil aura came from below the Lei Feng Pagoda.

In a flash, the figure came directly to the first floor of Lei Feng Tower.

It's pitch black here, with only a little bit of starlight shining from it.

Silent and silent, at a glance, it is clear at a glance.

The dark inside of Lei Feng Pagoda did not affect him. Jiang Che took a closer look and locked his eyes on a corner.


Like a ghost, Jiang Che came to the corner of the first floor.

After the invisibility state was lifted, Jiang Che squatted down, opened his sky eyes, and a gloom appeared in his eyes.

It's a demonic aura, but it seems to be different from the demonic aura I met before.

"This breath..."

"It seems to be similar to the breath of the blood jade dragon tooth rice, but it seems not so pure."

Jiang Che's eyes were solemn, and he thought about it for a moment. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.


This monster aura contains dragon aura, but it is not pure, it is the aura of flood dragon.

Under the Lei Feng Pagoda, there is actually a flood dragon? !

Thinking of this, Jiang Che's heart shuddered.


This kind of ferocious monster is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

At the same time, Jiang Che thought of a legend in Baiyun County.

And this legend is the story about Jiaolong.

A hundred years ago, in the Qianlong River, there was a dragon doing evil, eating people for pleasure, making waves, and the common people were in dire straits. Then a fairy came and fought against the evil dragon, and finally killed the evil dragon...

This story has been widely circulated in Baiyun County.

And it has evolved into many versions.

There is a version in which the immortal kills the dragon, and there is also a version in which the Buddha subdues the dragon with one finger and suppresses the dragon.

But how, no one knows.

But the legend is true.

Because more than one person has seen it.

Although most of the people I have seen are dead, there are also some who are alive.

The aura of the dragon is sensed here, could it be that the legendary dragon is below here? !

Simultaneously with palpitations, Jiang Che also had a hint of excitement in his heart.

The stronger it is, the more likely it is to get big rewards!

After calming down, Jiang Che stretched out his hand and tapped on the ground, and a voice came from the ground.

Very empty sound.

Under the Lei Feng Pagoda, there must be a big space.

Perhaps, that dragon is hiding in the underground space of Lei Feng Pagoda.

"There is a formation..."

"But something seems to be wrong."

Taking a closer look, Jiang Che settled down.

He basically knew the reason for not being discovered.

Covered by formations, if his soul was not strong enough, he might not be able to sense it.

In Hanshan Temple, there are also Buddhist practitioners, but they are all of low cultivation level.

It is considered entry-level, so naturally it cannot sense the underground space under the Lei Feng Pagoda.


Taking out a talisman, Jiang Che looked at the ground in front of him, and the talisman rushed out like an arrow.


There was a loud bang, and a faint light appeared on the ground.

The formation is presented.

However, it only manifested for a breath, and then hid again.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che took out hundreds of talismans again, and under the control of true energy, hundreds of talismans rushed to the ground at the same time.


This time, the brilliance of the ground bloomed again, and ripples like water appeared. Jiang Che's figure flashed, he took a step, and the next breath, his figure disappeared strangely.

And the brilliance on the ground also returned to its original state after Jiang Che disappeared, as if everything was an illusion.


In the dark underground space, Jiang Che's figure appeared out of thin air, and his body fell to the ground all at once.

Jiang Che reacted quickly and got up quickly.

Looking around, he is now in a basement-like space about ten feet wide, about three to five feet high, surrounded by natural soil and rocks, not pitch black, but glowing.

On the rock wall, there are pieces of luminous fluorite inlaid. Although the light is not very bright, people can clearly see the environment they are in.

And in front, is a deep passage, I don't know where it leads.

The passage was pitch black, with no fluorite light.

But with Jiang Che's eyesight, even if he can't see his fingers, he can see clearly.

He looked towards the passage, and his expression became serious.

It is from this dark passage that the monster aura of the flood dragon diffuses.

The passage is winding and winding, with no end in sight.

The cold breath rushed towards the face, making people feel a chilling feeling in their hearts.

Jiang Che looked dignified, calmed down the turmoil in his heart, looked at the dark and tortuous passage, and in the next breath, his true energy shielded his body, covering his whole body, and under the Taoist robe, a few powerful and offensive talismans quietly appeared.

After making all the preparations, Jiang Che stepped into this dark and winding passage.

The passage is wide enough for easy access.

Stepping into the tunnel, Jiang Che felt the dragon's aura even stronger.

Step by step, when walking about several hundred feet in the zigzag passage, the light in front of his eyes bloomed, and he suddenly became enlightened.

A space with a radius of hundreds of feet appeared in front of him.

The light was bright, and Jiang Che stepped out and came into this huge space.

The top is inlaid with a fluorite the size of a water tank, emitting light that illuminates the entire space.

And this is not the focus of his attention, his eyes fell on the center of the space.

A black flood dragon with a size of more than ten feet appeared in his eyes.

A ferocious aura filled the air, and Jiaolong closed his eyes, as if he had died.

But relying on his powerful soul induction, he can be sure that this flood dragon is not dead, but still alive.

"Why does something seem wrong?"

Looking at the huge black flood dragon of more than ten feet, Jiang Che always felt that something was wrong.

He has never seen a dragon before, but the black dragon in front of him seems to have a feeling between reality and fiction.

"This is not the body of the dragon, but the soul of the dragon!"

In an instant, Jiang Che came to his senses.

Flood Dragon Dragon Soul!

It is not an entity, its physical body should have been destroyed long ago.

Occupying the center of the space, Jiang Che saw four Buddha statues standing in the southeast and northwest respectively, which seemed to form some kind of special barrier, and the dragon soul of the dragon fell in the center.

Looking carefully at the four Buddha statues, Jiang Che recognized them at a glance. They are the wrathful King Kong of Buddhism, who specialize in subduing demons.

The four Buddha statues are like the foundation stones of the blood gods that Ancheng met.

And the four Buddha statues trapping the dragon soul in front of him are the foundation stones.

Looking carefully, there are already a few cracks on the Buddha statue.

It seems that in a short time, this formation should be shattered, and when the time comes, the hidden dragon will come out of the abyss, and the dragon soul will be born, causing disaster to the world.


At this moment, the air suddenly trembled, and a majestic coercion permeated the air. The dragon soul with closed eyes opened them instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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