Kyushu: Prince Qin, his understanding is against the sky!

Chapter 366: Drawing a pie, a bowl of water is even

Xu Da became a little anxious when he saw Chang Yuchun asking for orders from his ancestor without respecting martial ethics.

"If I can complete this order, I will definitely not die in the land of the Three Kingdoms!"

Xu Da followed Chang Yuchun's words and spoke. This is a rare opportunity. The Black Dragon Emperor of Qin Ying Zixiu sent Qin's famous general Wu Anjun Bai Qi.

What kind of person is Bai Qi? He is a famous general and commander who is only recorded in history books, and he has just been resurrected.

Whether it was from the perspective of Chang Yuchun and the two generals, or whether they wanted to see if the dead Bai Qi was really resurrected.

They all have to go to the scene to see for themselves and learn about the ability of this "human massacre" Bai Qi. Is it true that as recorded in the history of the Ming Dynasty, an attack will win and a defeat will annihilate.

Therefore, the two gods of war, who had always been extremely calm in the eyes of the people of the Ming Dynasty, were completely anxious.

"I go!"

Chang Yuchun pressed his shoulder slightly on Xu Da's arm. Xu Da, not to be outdone, pressed his shoulder back.

"I go."

Then the two of them glared at each other unwilling to be outdone. They would not let this matter go, and they must appreciate Bai Qi's style.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the eyes of the two of them, as if they were about to fight in the next second. Jiang Yu and Zhang San couldn't help but spit, "Let's go!"

At the same time, I was secretly glad that Emperor Hongwu was still here, otherwise the two of them would definitely become casualties affected by the two gods of war.

When the two of them saw Chang Yuchun and Chang Yuchun's jealous moves to take over the mission, Lao Zhu was also slightly startled. He didn't expect that a dead man, Bai Qi, could actually make his two old brothers behave like this.

But thinking about Bai Qi's deeds before him, Lao Zhu also sighed in his heart. Before he spoke, he was also a commander and a general. Of course, he could understand the mood of Chang Yuchun and Chang Yuchun at this moment.

If his identity as Emperor Zhu Hongwu hadn't been displayed here, how could he have left this matter to Chang Yuchun and Chang Yuchun.

But that's the thing. He is the leader of a country, and he has to sit in the rear and ensure that there is no chaos in the rear of the Ming Dynasty.

"Okay, okay, why don't you look at your two morals?

"Is this the God of War of our Ming Dynasty?

"If you tell me, don't let our people laugh at you for your childish behavior!"

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth to stop the fight between the two, and at the same time scolded them both angrily. After hearing Lao Zhu's scolding, Chang Yuchun and Chang Yuchun stopped what they were doing.

At the same time, he bowed and faced Lao Zhu. Lao Zhu felt helpless when he saw this, but he still pointed at Chang Yuchun and spoke. '

"Old Chang, go!

"We, Lao Zhu, still know your temper."

But before the old man could finish his words, Xu Da on the side suddenly raised his head like a doormat and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with aggrieved eyes.

It's like saying, Zhu Chongba, you big brother, is partial.

"Okay, okay, Lao Xu, why do you still give us, Lao Zhu, this trouble?

"It's for your own good that I don't let you go. If you go to the battlefield, you must be red-blooded. This time you go to the Three Kingdoms to fight against the Han Dynasty, you might cause some trouble for us."

But Xu Da remained silent, still looking at Zhu Yuanzhang with aggrieved eyes. Seeing this, Lao Zhu secretly cursed Te Niang in his heart.

Then he seemed to have thought of something and continued to speak.

"Xu Da, just because we let you stay doesn't mean that you don't have a mission, given our understanding of the Black Dragon Emperor Ying Zixiu.

"You said that Beiyuan and the Han attacked the Daqin border of Ying Zixiu. Now they have announced that they will take action to deal with the Han. What about Beiyuan? "That boy has the character of revenge, and he will not delay it until The next day, do you think Beiyuan will be left behind by Ying Zixiu?

"Look, Beiyuan will also pay the price for sending two Celestial Realm masters to attack Great Qin Saibei. Now Ying Zixiu sends Bai Qi.

"Then will he personally lead the troops to deal with Beiyuan? When the time comes, we will send you to support Beiyuan."

After the words fell, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Xu Da with raised eyebrows. After hearing this, Xu Da was stunned for a moment, then realized that Lao Zhu's words made sense.

Since I can't see Wu'an Jun Bai Qi's grace, it would be a good idea to see the methods of Jiuzhou Military God Ying Zixiu, otherwise it would be a real loss if I don't see anything.

Thinking of this, Xu Da showed a silly smile and nodded heavily to Zhu Yuanzhang in agreement.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The position of the leader of the Ming Dynasty was really difficult, especially for the two old brothers under him.

He, Lao Zhu, always has to hold a bowl of water level when doing things, but fortunately, his skill in painting cakes is not bad, and Xu Da, an old boy, eats it quite well.

The old eunuch Jiang Wei didn't say anything and stood aside silently, as if he was used to Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's style of doing things.

But as a spy like Zhang San, this was the first time he saw Emperor Hongwu's ability to draw cakes. The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, but was quickly suppressed by him.

Otherwise, Zhang San’s head would be moved in front of Emperor Hongwu, but it would be too difficult to suppress, even harder than AK.

Emperor Hongwu secretly rejoiced at his own methods. As long as he, Zhu Yuanzhang, was around, everyone in the Ming Dynasty would always be named Zhu.

At this time, Lao Zhu saw that Zhang San was even more difficult to suppress than ak, and looked at Zhang San with his thick eyebrows slightly raised.

Sensing Emperor Hongwu's gaze, he knew that the expression on his face must have caught his attention. Thinking of Lao Zhu's methods, Zhang San shuddered involuntarily.

But Chang Yuchun didn't see it and suddenly said.

"Your Majesty, I am going down now to select the best among our soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Even if it is just a formality, I don't want to be too careless in the army!"

Chang Yuchun raised his hand and spoke. After all, Lao Zhu wouldn't let him lead the Shenji Battalion, so he had to select some talents from various troops to be his subordinates.

Otherwise, an army of 100,000 people would be difficult for even him, the God of War, to control without his own confidants leading the army.

Hearing Chang Yuchun's request, Lao Zhu nodded slowly. Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang agreed, Chang Yuchun then walked out of the side hall.

Seeing this, Xu Da on the side also said, "I'm going to help Lao Chang!"

After the words fell, Xu Da followed him and left the sight of Jiang Wei and the others.

Lao Zhu looked at Jiang Yu and Zhang San in the main hall, and finally focused on the wretched man.

"By the way, why don't you leave?"

"Biao'er, what if there is more news over there?"

After the words fell, Zhang San raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, His Highness the Crown Prince also has the boy's brother Li Si with him.

"His younger brother is not inferior in skills. If the prince has important news to convey, Li Si will do his best to deliver it."

Zhang San said to Lao Zhu flatteringly.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu nodded slowly with satisfaction. (End of chapter)

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