Seeing the eyes of all the Qin officials in the hall looking here, Zhu Biao also felt the pressure, although it was Li Chengqian who spoke first.

But Zhu Biao also took this step together with him, and also expressed some attitude. At the same time, he, who was very close to Li Chengqian, also felt the changes in Li Chengqian at this moment.

He secretly took a deep breath. Zhu Biao was still honest and was not frightened by the momentum in front of him. He knew what he was going to do at this moment.

"Your Majesty the Black Dragon Emperor, I also agree with Brother Cheng Qian's words.

"We don't know your decision this time, and we don't want to interfere, but your decision is indeed a bit too sudden.

"These envoys and I were surprised. Don't blame us for the offense, because we are also thinking about the soldiers of our dynasties.

"If this matter is not done well, even if we are the princes and crown princes of major dynasties, we will not be able to explain to the major emperors behind us."

Zhu Biao was not timid, but spoke out the doubts in his heart sonorously and forcefully, but he also nodded slightly and bowed to express his greatest respect for the Black Dragon Emperor of Great Qin.

Jin Wang Zhao Guangyi, who originally looked up at the ceiling, nodded slightly at this moment, looked at the two people who took a step forward, and secretly clicked his tongue in his heart.

It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. This is in the Great Qin Dynasty, and in front of so many courtiers, he dared to question the Black Dragon Emperor Ying Zixiu.

This is the heroism and courage of a young hero. If Zhao Guangyi were twenty or thirty years younger, he would probably have done the same thing as Zhu Biao and Li Chengqian.

But now he is no longer the high-spirited young man. He knows the dangers of the major dynasties in this court, so now he has been polished by the Song Dynasty to be more smooth.

He also knows how to deal with things, and he also knows that Zhu Biao and Li Chengqian are not fools. If they don't do this, he will not be able to explain to the emperors behind them.

Zhao Guangyi lamented in his heart that Zhu Biao and others committed suicide, but his face still did not help him to question the Black Dragon Emperor's actions.

Still watching with cold eyes, Zhu Biao's fourth brother Zhu Di frowned. Of course, he also thought of the thoughts of Zhu Biao and others.

But before he could think of a countermeasure, his eldest brother and Li Chengqian had already spoken. For a moment, Zhu Di felt helpless and didn't know what to do.

Feeling the gazes of many officials of the Qin Dynasty, Li Chengqian felt even more pressured. At the same time, he saw Zhu Biao who spoke with him and questioned the Black Dragon Emperor's decision.

There was a feeling of warmth in his heart, and he glanced at Zhu Biao gently from the corner of his eyes, because Zhu Biao's opening also diverted the attention of some of the officials of Great Qin.

It was like half of the burden of hundreds of kilograms was taken away from him. When Li Chengqian relaxed a little, the two of them were like criminals who were watched by everyone, in the eyes of many generals.

The civil servants on the side, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang, and Han Fei still wanted to remain relatively calm, but they also frowned slightly, but soon these resourceful advisers came to the rescue.

I thought of Li Chengqian and Zhu Biao's situation as envoys from major dynasties, and at the same time I also knew what they were thinking, yes, if they, envoys from major dynasties, attended the Qin Dynasty.

The Black Dragon Emperor gave them such significant military power to an unknown soldier, Han Xin, without giving them any hint.

Although they have been in contact for three years, these ministers have already got to know each other somewhat. At the same time, they are also optimistic about Han Xin's ability to lead troops in war.

But how could the envoys know? After all, Han Xin was just a nobody in Hanzhou before. If he hadn't been rewarded by the Black Dragon Emperor, he would have become the Grand Lieutenant of the Qin Dynasty. Who would know that there is a guy named Han Xin in Jiuzhou Continent? Who is Han Xin?

Therefore, it is no wonder that the Tang Dynasty Prince Li Chengqian and the Ming Dynasty Prince Zhu Biao made such a series of actions, and Han Xin, who had just received the military power tiger talisman from Wang Li, also looked behind him.

Looking at the two Tang Dynasty and Ming Dynasty envoys, they questioned the Black Dragon Emperor's decision to give Han Xin the title of general general and were not optimistic about Han Xin's ability to lead the army.

But there was no displeasure on Han Xin's face, because he had experienced humiliation day after day, and Han Xin's character and determination were beyond imagination.

Seeing that Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian would say such words, Han Xin did not make any explanation or refutation, because there was no need at all.

He, Han Xin, was only loyal to the Black Dragon Emperor, the emperor of Great Qin, and worked for Ying Zixiu and Great Qin. The eyes of others were of no use.

Now that Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian are doubting that the Black Dragon Emperor reuses their Duel, it doesn't mean anything. In fact, it is because in the past, he thought that the Nine Provinces Continent was all led by brainless guys.

Until he met Ying Zixiu, the Black Dragon Emperor, Han Xin only looked at the Black Dragon Emperor's eyes and absoluteness. Even if the Black Dragon Emperor took back the tiger talisman in his hand, it would be nothing.

Because Han Xin knew that what belonged to him would eventually be obtained, he just had to wait quietly, and then Han Xin slowly looked away from Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian.

Looking at the plain-faced Black Dragon Emperor Ying Zixiu on the high platform.

At this moment, the emperor of Great Qin was not angry because the two envoys in the audience questioned the Black Dragon Emperor's decision to hand over the tiger talisman to Han Xin in front of so many courtiers.

His eyes were still as calm as water, and he bowed and saluted, but from his mouth came words that made all the generals sound rebellious.

"You two don't believe in my Black Dragon Emperor's vision.

"Still don't believe in the abilities of Han Xin, the Grand Lieutenant of the Qin Dynasty?"

The Black Dragon Emperor's words were plain, but when he heard Zhu Biao and Li Chengqian's minds, it was like a heavy hammer hitting their minds hard, making them buzz.

"I don't dare to wait. It's just"

Li Chengqian was the first to come to his senses. He was feeling very stressed at this moment, but he still opened his mouth to explain, and the implication was clearly expressed.

What you Black Dragon Emperor did made it difficult for me, Li Chengqian, to deal with in front of Tang Emperor Li Shimin, so I need you, Black Dragon Emperor, to make an explanation.

Even if it was just a rhetoric or an excuse, it would be easier for him to speak in front of his emperor.

The Black Dragon Emperor, who was originally majestic and solemn, saw that his brother-in-law, who usually laughed and laughed with him, actually made this gesture.

There was no sign of anger on his face because of this incident. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised, as if he wanted to give him an explanation, so that both Li Chengqian and Zhu Biao could explain it to him.

"I, the Black Dragon Emperor, only handed over the military power tiger talisman of our Great Qin Dynasty to Taiwei Han Xin.

"I think Han Xin is qualified for this crusade against the Han Dynasty and the ability to command the overall situation from the rear." (End of this chapter)

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