Chapter 109 The Temptation of Auction

"Welcome to the Fourth Prince of Ming Dynasty, come to our Nabuhani."

Although the king tried his best to hurry, he always cared about ostentation, and the team was too huge. By the time he arrived, the auction had already entered the countdown.

Although I really want to see what goods are in the auction, but the prince of Daming has been waiting there for so long, it is not appropriate not to meet him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, it is a great honor for me to be here."

After listening to the translator's translation, Zhu Gaoyu thanked him.

The two parties hugged each other warmly, and under the arrangement of the minister, they sat down in the living room where they met.

After the servants served snacks and various drinks, the king hesitated for a while, but asked:
"I'm very sorry, Your Highness, I don't know much about Daming, can you tell me something about Daming?"

Zhu Gaoyu has already understood this situation.

Timur was an unfamiliar existence to Daming. Before the other party wanted to conflict with Daming, Daming didn't even know much about this country.

But in Central Asia, the Timurid Empire was no less deterrent than the Mongols, and even surpassed the Mongols to a certain extent.

The Mongols are only a threat on land, and some remote countries will not be affected much.

But the Timurid Empire developed on both sides. Not only was it absolutely powerful and unreasonable on land, but it was also very domineering at sea.

According to his inquiries, the sea to the east has been blocked by the fleet of the Timurid Empire. Without their permission, no ship is allowed to go east.

The main reason was not that the Timurid Empire wanted to monopolize Daming. The main reason for their blockade was for the Asan area.

There is a huge plain in the north and rich products in the south. The cripple Timur didn't want others to know about this kind of superior land.

Therefore, under the blockade of the Timurid Empire, the Western countries in Central Asia had almost no understanding of Ming Dynasty, and even some countries thought that the eastern world was still dominated by the Mongols.

They have never even heard of Daming.

For this situation, Zhu Gaoyu was not only not upset, but also a little happy.

The less clear the better, you know, how can I fool people.

When a power meets another power, if it does not know the details of the other party, it will often be confused by the phenomenon seen on the surface.

For example, animals in nature are very vigilant when they see animals they don't know.

There used to be such a little story.

The first time the donkey went up the mountain was met by the tiger. The tiger was very wary when he saw this strange creature for the first time. He wanted to attack tentatively, but was frightened by the donkey's braying, and turned around and ran away.

Although Da Ming is not a donkey without combat effectiveness, it is not better to let others think that Da Ming is stronger.

Following Zhu Gaoyu's eloquent narration, the officials of the Nabuhani Dynasty were stunned.

Good guy, with over 5000 years of heritage.

The country stretches as far as the eye can see, has millions of troops capable of fighting, the domestic population is tens of millions, and there are tens of thousands of warships sailing on the sea.

King Nabuhani didn't believe this at first, but thinking of the battleships he saw on the sea, he became a little unconfident again.

The prince in front of him said that the warships under his command belonged exclusively to him.

If a prince can control so many warships of this size, then how powerful their central court must be.

As for the millions of troops, the old king thought about the strength of the Timur Empire, and felt that it seemed quite reliable.

After all, such a powerful Timur Empire did not have so many huge and mighty warships on the sea, but this Ming Dynasty has so many, and it is not impossible to have millions of troops.

He still vaguely remembers that the prophet Aladdin told him that a few years ago, Timur almost used the power of the whole country to conquer the legendary East.

It can be seen from this that one can imagine how powerful a country that Timur, an old cripple, attaches so much importance to.

The old cripple died later, and his fourth son, Shaharu, did not inherit his father's behest and continue to attack eastward after the rebellion was put down. Instead, he withdrew his troops and returned.

He even heard that instead of going to the east, the fat man sent envoys to negotiate peace with them.

It can be seen from this that Dongfang's strength is definitely very strong, otherwise Fatty Sha, who is as arrogant as his father, would not be able to persuade him so quickly.

Although he guessed so in his heart, the king still wanted to try again.

My own country is still under the ban of the Timur Empire, if Daming is really that strong, and I make good friends with them, the fat man on the opposite side will not dare to embarrass him.

If they can take advantage of this to start business and trade with Ming Dynasty, their country's economy will recover quickly, and it may be possible to reproduce the glory of the Arab Empire by then.

Thinking of this, the king said with a smile on his face: "Fourth prince, I heard that in the past two years, that fat man Shaharu sent someone to your Daming again."

Zhu Gaoyu squinted his eyes, this camel is cautious enough.

"Yes, Your Excellency, on the day I led the fleet to set off, Your Excellency Carfit went to our Daming through the Silk Road to pay homage to my father, His Excellency the great Emperor Yongle."

Hearing Caffett's name, the smile on the king's face became wider. Driven by the smile, the dense beard on his chin unfolded like a sunflower.

That's right.

But he found out clearly that the envoy minister going to the East was named Calfit.

After confirming that Ming Dynasty might really be that strong, the king became more enthusiastic. He enthusiastically invited Zhu Gaoyu to taste all kinds of special delicacies, and then chatted to the most hearty point, and even let the dancer perform a national characteristic dance.

After confirming the temporary establishment of exchanges between the two countries and the establishment of temporary trade, the king was so happy that he almost wanted to sing and dance with the dancers.

In the following time, the two watched the singing and dancing while waiting for the start of the auction.

As for how to establish exchanges between the two countries and how to carry out commercial trade, the two did not discuss a single word.

The two are the bosses, as long as the general direction is determined, the following details will be discussed by the people below.

After all, there will definitely be some disputes in the negotiation of interests. The two bosses have just established a friendly relationship. If they quarrel over some trivial matters, it would be a bit inappropriate.

And as two people, talking about money hurts feelings, eating all kinds of delicious snacks, drinking all kinds of drinks, isn't it good to watch dancers dance.

"Your Highness, the auction can already begin."

Just when Zhu Gaoyu and the king were chatting about the customs of the two countries, and the relationship was very harmonious, a manager of the chamber of commerce in charge of the auction came over and reported in a low voice.

"Your Excellency, the auction is ready to start, please come and watch with me if you are interested."

After listening to the translator's translation, the king laughed.

"It's my honor. I have been deeply attracted by what the fourth prince said about Daming, especially those beautiful silks. I believe my wife will definitely like it."

The two talked and laughed, and walked to the auction site together.

As soon as he left the room, the lively atmosphere rushed towards him in an instant.

The aroma of roasted camels and the chorus of dancers dancing by the fire while the merchants were watching flooded into their nostrils and ears.

"It hasn't been so prosperous here for a long time. I don't know if this kind of prosperity can continue."

Looking at the lively venue, the king couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Zhu Gaoyu, who was walking alongside him, looked at the king and replied with a smile.

"I believe that with the concerted efforts of our two countries, this prosperity will not only continue, but even reach a further peak."

The king stopped and looked at Zhu Gaoyu who was looking at him with a smile.

The two looked at each other for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter, holding hands, and walked to their seats under the cheers and applause of the businessmen on both sides.

The auction will be divided into three days in total, and the time will start in the evening.

The reason for choosing this time is that the current Arabian region has already entered summer, and the heat of the day is by no means unbearable for ordinary people.

The stage of dusk is just right, and more importantly, there is actually a little conspiracy of Zhu Gaoyu in choosing this time.

He had people buy camels, butchered them and roasted them, and sprinkled all kinds of spices on them for almost free.

Moreover, a large number of dancers were invited to dance by the fire to enhance the atmosphere.

In addition, there are plenty of drinks by the fire, which are unlimited, and you can drink as much as you want, and eat as much as you want.

It seems that this is an act of being taken advantage of, but in fact there are many details hidden in it.

Men have always been very generous in front of women.

When the auction starts, their emotions will reach their peak, stimulated by drinks.

Once someone bid more than him, these specially arranged dancers began to play a role, and began to comfort and encourage.

Stimulated by wine and women, these businessmen will definitely increase their prices for the sake of face.

Only by paying for some roasted camels, wine and dancing girls, he can make a lot of money for himself, so Zhu Gaoyu is naturally not stingy.

Zhu Gaoyu and the king came to the seat hand in hand, waved to the cheering merchants around, and the two invited each other to sit down.


With the sound of a drum, a beautiful and graceful woman in a luxurious dress walked onto the stage slowly.


As soon as this woman appeared on the stage, it caused a burst of exclamation from below.

These businessmen think they have seen countless big scenes, and they have seen a lot of beauties, and some even have more than one beauties in their homes.

However, as soon as this woman appeared, their vision was severely refreshed.

They never thought that such a beautiful woman existed in the world.

The woman who appeared is the auctioneer of this auction, and she is also the most beautiful among Zhu Gaoyu's maids.

His appearance and figure, not to mention surprising the people present, Zhu Gaoyu was also severely amazed when he saw it for the first time.

As the fourth prince of Daming, he has never seen any kind of beautiful woman, and his wife Zhang Yue is also of the highest grade in terms of appearance.

But when he saw this woman, Zhu Gaoyu made up his mind.

It turns out that there are really women in the world who can be exchanged for a hundred years of peace by virtue of their beauty.

The small country where this girl lives, as long as she is honest and obedient in the future, Zhu Gaoyu can guarantee that there will be no wars in her country for a hundred years.

Zhu Gaoyu had no choice but to accept the other maids, but this was what he asked for on his own initiative.

The other party also knows how to be considerate. After following Zhu Gaoyu, he served him with all his heart, which made Zhu Gaoyu very satisfied. He directly promoted the other party to manage all the maids under his name.

"Welcome to the Daming Business Exchange Conference, I am the exchange teacher!"

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, all the men present couldn't help but feel their bones crumble when they heard the voice.

This voice is so tempting!
This is the only thought in everyone's mind.

The king sitting next to Zhu Gaoyu was even more confused.

Zhu Gaoyu looked at him suspiciously, not understanding how this guy could look like this.

After all, he is the king of a country, so he doesn't just meet a beautiful woman.

How could Zhu Gaoyu understand how lethal the women on the stage are to men.

Through the spatial feedback, not only his body has been strengthened terrifyingly, but his own willpower has also been improved.

Even a person like him who has cheats on his body will be amazed at the first sight of the other party, but how weak the resistance of ordinary men will be in the face of this stunning beauty.

The stunning beauty on the stage did not introduce her name, she heard from His Highness that in Daming, only her husband and family members could know the woman's name.

In order to integrate into Daming and become the closest person to His Highness, she forced her habits to move closer to Daming.

She turned a blind eye to the gaze of the man below. After she finished speaking, she glanced obsessively at Zhu Gaoyu, and tapped the snare drum in front of her.


"The exchange meeting has officially started, please invite the first exhibit!"

As the drums and the stunning woman's voice sounded again, many people present trembled slightly, their legs clenched in embarrassment.

The stunning woman's voice fell, and a dozen maids came out holding trays, on which were folded exquisite silk.

"Everyone, this is the finest silk in my Ming Dynasty. It is not only soft and strong, but also has various patterns."

The stunning woman put down the small hammer, picked up a piece of silk and unfolded it.

As the silk unfolded, it looked so gorgeous and noble under the light of the surrounding fire.

Especially against the stunning woman's creamy white skin, this piece of silk has been raised several steps.

"In addition to being exquisite in style, these patterns can be made into clothes and worn on the body, which can also set off a person's temperament to the highest level."

"Everyone, please see..."

The stunning woman seemed to have done enough homework, and explained the origin and development of silk, as well as the benefits of being able to wear patterns on the body, one by one without delay.

Under her narration in a voice so crisp that one's bones could turn into powder, Daming's ordinary silk became a symbol of magnificence and nobility.

The beauty, the silk, and the seductive voice made the listeners feel in a trance for a while.


Putting the silk that had been introduced in her hand into the tray, the stunning woman looked down and smiled and said, "This time, I am Da Ming, and I brought a total of [-] bolts of silk."

"But because there are too many people in need, we can't provide all of them, so after careful consideration, we decided to sell them by auction."

"Each round of transactions is 5 pieces, and a piece of silk weighs 20 catties. The base price of each piece of silk is [-] taels of gold, and each price increase must not be less than one tael!"

In order to unify the transaction value, each merchant participating in the auction has a list in his hand, which corresponds to the weight and value table of each country.

So the stunning woman on the stage told about Ming's weight system, and the businessmen below could understand it just by looking at the form in their hands.

During the Roman period, a piece of silk was transported from the East to Rome, and one kilogram could be exchanged for 20 taels of gold.

A bolt of silk weighs 2.5 kilograms and is worth 50 taels of gold according to its value.

Zhu Gaoyu is a wholesaler, and there is still a distance from Europe, so it is impossible to sell at 50 taels of gold.

If it was sold at 50 taels of gold, why did these merchants buy Zhu Gaoyu's? Isn't it cheaper to go on the Silk Road?

And even if they can be sold, these merchants will not be able to compete with those merchants on the Silk Road when they go to Europe.

After all, those white-skinned pigs are not stupid. You sell more than others for the same item. Why, has your silk been kissed by God?

After discussion, the stewards under him set the reserve price at 20 taels of gold, and the minimum auction floor was 30 taels of gold. If the minimum requirement was not met, their own staff would take the things for auction.

As the stunning woman quoted a reserve price, the merchants below forcibly pulled themselves out of the stunning woman's appearance, thinking about what price they could offer.

However, some people are thinking, and some people acted directly.

"25 taels!"

A fat businessman raised the sign in his hand without hesitation and raised the price to 25 taels of gold.

"This handsome gentleman bids 25 taels of gold per horse. Is there a higher price?"

When the peerless woman saw that someone had made an offer, she looked at the fat businessman holding a sign, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

It seemed that he was deeply attracted by the bold appearance of this businessman.

Seen by the stunning woman's gaze, the fat businessman's head was congested with blood, he raised his head up, and looked at the people around him with contempt.

However, as soon as he became proud, a skinny man snorted coldly and held up a sign.

"It's good to be conscious about the money. This is noble silk, not the linen you wear."

"I gave 30 taels."

Good guy, this guy's bid has reached the bottom line required by the chamber of commerce.

Zhu Gaoyu, who was sitting on the viewing platform, glanced admiringly at the stunning woman holding a small hammer and smiling all over her face, and gave you a look that rewarded you for an evening.

The stunning woman's pretty face flushed for a while, and after complimenting the skinny man, she smiled and said, "Your Excellency offered 30 taels, is there any higher price?"

"These silks are precious items. It is very difficult to transport them every time. If you want to get the next batch of goods again, you have to wait until a year later. Everyone, don't miss this opportunity!"

"32 taels!"

"I give 33 taels!"


Bewitched by the stunning woman's words, prices were quoted one by one.

"I give 38 taels!"

When the price reached 38 taels, other merchants hesitated and stopped quoting.

This price is already very high, if you buy it at a higher price, you will not earn much profit later.

"The first time in 38 taels..."

Seeing that there were no more quotations, the stunning woman raised her hammer slightly and started the countdown.

"38 taels, the second time..."

"38 taels..."

When she was about to apply for the third time, the stunning woman paused for a moment, looked down, and saw that there was really no one quoting, and the hammer in her hand fell heavily.

"The 3th time!"

"Boom... Congratulations Your Excellency, you have obtained the first batch of silk..."

ps: I have to wait for the next chapter, it will come out before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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