Chapter 435 Return to the world!

"Hello, Mr. Su, Nice to meet you!"

On June 6, Su Changwei, who had just rested in China for a night, unexpectedly welcomed a strange guest:

"I'm Ryan, Ryan Giggs, assistant manager of Manchester United. I hope I don't disturb your holiday."

Although this is the private villa of the Su family in the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, just 5 minutes after Su Changwei opened the door and led Giggs into the yard, the Internet was already full of photos and videos of them!

"Manchester United assistant coach went to China to meet with new players!"

"92 celebrities, legends of the Red Devils, have traveled thousands of miles to visit the dock!"

Although Giggs is a legendary superstar of Manchester United, he was still a little nervous after meeting Su Changwei, the first player in football history.

In particular, Su Jiaguang arranged 8 bodyguards, as well as more than a dozen fat and thin exotic maids with different characteristics, which made "Wang Lo Kat" shine...

The host and guest took their seats on the sofa, and the maid immediately served tea and the freshest fruits. Giggs couldn't help but blush.

Since the "sister-in-law scandal" broke out in 2011, the image of a good man he had cultivated for more than 20 years has completely collapsed. His brothers have turned against each other. His first wife divorced him and divided up his 4000 million family property. He earned less from his investment business and lost more. In the end, he could only be embarrassed. Make a living at his old club Manchester United.

Only Manchester United, where he has played for nearly 30 years, can regard him as a meritorious figure and a star.

"Well... As a member of the Manchester United coaching staff, I would like to personally feel extremely happy and honored to have you join..."

Just as Giggs started, he was interrupted by Su Changwei.

Su Changwei clasped his hands on his chest and looked at him with a half-smile:

"The coaching staff for next season has not been announced yet!"

Giggs suddenly broke out in cold sweat!

Manchester United has always valued the authority of the head coach, but that was during the Ferguson era!

Afterwards, where did Moyes and Van Gaal have a trace of authority?

In this day and age, those with big fists have the final say!

Superstars of the level of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi can control the locker rooms of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​not to mention Su Changwei riding on top of them? !

Today's Manchester United club has ushered in a new owner after getting rid of the control of the Glazer family.

If Su Changwei makes it clear that he doesn't like a certain coach, and if Wang Congsi, as the CEO, hesitates for a second before firing that coach, it will definitely be disrespectful to the Su Group!


Giggs wiped a cold sweat and smiled twice, pretending to be calm:

"As a player who has played for Manchester United for many years, I have maintained close contact with old teammates such as Beckham, Scholes, Cantona, Evra, and the fans association. If I can help you better Integrating into the team, ah no, is to better lead Manchester United to victory and towards revival, and they must be willing to contribute their own strength!"

Su Changwei laughed:

[This old boy is almost kneeling down and hugging his thigh! 】

[Is this a Welsh declaration of allegiance? 】

[ he showing his value to the new boss? 】

[Can we unite the group of Manchester United celebrities and the fans together without holding me back? 】

[It sounds a bit valuable, but...]

Su Changwei raised the teapot and filled Giggs' cup until it almost overflowed:

"This is the best Longjing tea sent by the Hangzhou Football Association. You can't drink such good tea in the UK."

[Although Wang Laoji’s moral character is corrupt, he just made the same mistakes that all men make]

[Save it for later use and see! 】

[Anyway...he can't get on my head! 】

Giggs' visit to the dock has another meaning.

He came to ask Su Changwei about Manchester United's plans for the new season.

After firing Van Gaal, the Red Devils are bound to welcome a new head coach.

In today's European football, the wealthy clubs and famous coaches are very stable for the time being.

Real Madrid has just welcomed Benitez, and is planning to take advantage of Master Bei, who has insufficient emotional intelligence, to complete the renewal of the team - for example, using Bell to completely replace Ronaldo.

Barcelona has entered Enrique's second season as coach. Although the Cosmos lost to Milan in the Champions League final, the club's senior management is quite satisfied with Enrique's work and is not prepared to make early substitutions. Allegri, the world's No. 1 coach for the past three years, had his contract with AC Milan expire, but he was not prepared to leave Italy, so he turned around and joined Juventus...

Juventus' previous coach Conte had just taken over the Italian national team.

Mourinho has just led Chelsea to two consecutive victories in the Premier League. He and Abramovich have a close relationship and there is no sign of unpleasantness in the short term.

Guardiola has entered his third season at Bayern. Having dominated the Bundesliga for two consecutive years, he is preparing to launch his final assault on the Champions League.

Simeone is living happily at Atletico Madrid and has just renewed a big contract. Obviously he will not leave. What's more... because of the reason why he cheated Beckham back then, Manchester United fans have never liked him.

Wenger...he loves Arsenal so deeply that even if Kroenke only gave him a transfer budget of 1000 million this summer window, he would not leave.

The only famous coach who is unemployed at home is the German Klopp.

In the 2014-2015 season, Dortmund not only lost Lewandowski, a big killer, but also suffered a large-scale wave of injuries. It was once ranked at the bottom of the Bundesliga, which also put Klopp under tremendous pressure. I had to take the initiative to resign.

Uncle Zha, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, was a passionate and charming head coach, but when Manchester United's senior management was selecting a coach, they directly rejected him.

The reason is somewhat speechless. Klopp has twice made allegedly sensitive remarks, which made Boss Wang, who is very protective and does not dare to make mistakes, have to be cautious.

This has also resulted in Van Gaal having paid his liquidated damages for more than half a month, and Manchester United's new head coach...has not yet surfaced.

Then, before Giggs left, he tentatively asked:

"Boss, ah, it's Sir Alex Ferguson. He really wants to experience cooperation with the biggest superstar in football..."

After hearing this somewhat unexpected name, Su Changwei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then laughed:

"It's not impossible!"

After receiving Su Changwei's positive reply, Giggs immediately flew back to Europe and reported the results of the interview to his mentor in person.

Just 2 days later, Manchester United officially issued an announcement:

"After many considerations, Sir Alex Ferguson, who is deeply respected and loved by fans, has returned to his position as Manchester United's sports manager!"

Everyone noticed that the position in the announcement was not an ordinary coach, but a manager with more British characteristics.

Ferguson also announced immediately that he would reorganize the coaching team.

In addition to his most trusted assistant Meulensteen, former favorites - Giggs, Scholes, Gary Neville, Bart gathered together, and even the old goalkeeper Schmeichel came from Denmark Help out!

Sir Alex Ferguson, who has suffered from heart disease, obviously cannot stay as Manchester United coach for too long.

He gathered his old subordinates together, obviously hoping to cultivate and select a successor from them, thereby ensuring the continuation of Manchester United's DNA.

Although there is some suspicion of nepotism, this combination of punches made all Manchester United fans satisfied!

Some fans even said:

"Even if our four major players come up empty-handed in the new season, I will never criticize the new boss!"

Before he finished speaking, Manchester United's stock price soared 28% again!

Players currently playing for Manchester United even patted their chests to express their heartfelt feelings.

Captain Rooney was the first to stand up:

"Whoever dares to leave Manchester United, I will kick his head off!"

De Gea, who was originally flirting with Real Madrid, also publicly announced:

"Real Madrid has always lacked human touch, and the way they dealt with the meritorious captain Casillas makes everyone feel chilling!"

The Dark Left Envoy Ashley Young and the Dark Right Envoy Valencia issued military orders:

"We are already working hard on our passing skills!"

"In the new season you will see the strongest wings in football return!"

Manchester United’s youth training youngster Lingard even said:

"My idol was Cristiano Ronaldo until I saw Mr. Su's performance."

"I can't wait to play alongside the biggest superstar in football history!"

(End of this chapter)

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