Chapter 225 Caesar!

After the award ceremony, Qin Yun received a notice from the team leader to undergo a post-match test by FIFA.

It mainly includes urine sample testing, contraband urine testing, doping testing, and breath testing.

During the World Cup, urine tests are necessary, but there is no fixed frequency. Basically, they are random tests.

Mainly because football is not like sprinting, swimming and other sports, and the impact of doping can be limited.

However, in the 1994 World Cup, Maradona tested positive for urine and was banned by FIFA.

Since then, testing has been stepped up in the World Cup, especially in the finals.

Arriving outside the room inside the center of the stadium, Qin Yun found that people were already queuing up.

When it was his turn, Qin Yun walked into the room and found that it was empty, with only a few staff members holding tools and standing ready.

I can’t urinate when I’m being stared at!

In the end, Qin Yun didn't receive any follow-up notification, so he just regarded it as a small episode.

Post-match interview.

"It's an unbelievably difficult game. Germany is a great opponent and it won't be easy to take the World Cup away from them."

"But the players showed tenacity and gave their best performances, which proved that we have to be even better."

"We have successfully completed our World Cup journey and here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Brazilian people."

"Everyone I've met over the past month has been courteous, respectful and civilized."

"Brazil created a perfect World Cup. We left a lot of positive energy here. This is the most shining moment of my coaching career."

"As for whether to continue to coach the team, it may take some time to make a decision."

Prandelli, the personable and handsome man, held the microphone and said with a smile.

the other side.

"We lost the game tonight but we need to accept it. We had a great World Cup and it's a shame it had to end like this.

"We are disappointed but we are proud of the players. They will look back on everything they have achieved and remember all the good moments."

"Ever since Klinsmann coached the German team, the team has formulated a plan to win the championship, and we have continued to get stronger over the years."

"Today's game proved this. We are strong in every position and the players performed at a normal level. No one can fault their performance."

"It only shows that the opponent is stronger."

"We need to forget this night, certainly not a permanent farewell."

"Germany needs to continue to innovate."

Loew had prepared his draft early, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

On the team bus.

Qin Yun leaned back in his chair and flipped through his phone comfortably.

FIFA has just released the best lineup for this World Cup on its official website, and a total of three Italian players have been selected.

The specific list is as follows:

Goalkeeper: Buffon!
Defenders: Rojo, Silva, Qin Yun, De Vrij!
Midfielder: James Rodriguez, Lahm, Pirlo!

Forwards: Robben, Muller, Messi!
As for why Ram is classified as a midfielder, it's because he served as a midfielder in the group stage and performed extremely well.

Qin Yun looked at the text message sent by Raiola.

[When you return to Italy, the contract renewal is in progress! 】

Qin Yun had already informed the other party of his requirements. There were three main points.

First, the right to suggest transfers.

In disguise, the club is required to step up recruitment to improve its strength and prepare to win the Champions League again.

But this amounted to a direct challenge to the authority of Barbara and Galliani.

But now they are competing for rights due to conflicts in competition and team construction and management, and they have no time to pay attention to it for the time being.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for maintaining stability within the team, and if the club's performance is good enough, it is estimated that infighting will break out in the winter window.

Previously, Galliani used retreat to advance, regaining the advantage on the condition of regaining his rights after achieving a certain victory.

And he said a few days ago that he could leave, but the huge liquidated damages would not be reduced by a penny.

But standing behind Barbara was Berlusconi, who was banned from continuing to serve as a senator due to Japan's deep scandals and judicial turmoil.

So he announced his candidacy for EU membership and needed Milan to build momentum for him. The power must be in his own hands.

Then something happened.
Barbara made a formal request to review the club's accounts, particularly how funds have been spent on signings in recent years.

Isn't this equivalent to directly forcing the palace?

Everyone knows that executives of Italian clubs have frequent business dealings with each other.

As long as old accounts are turned over, black money collected and kickbacks can definitely be found.

Even Qin Yun's transfer was done behind closed doors.

Why did Bologna readily let him go?

Some things go unchecked.
Second, salary.

The current highest-paid player in Serie A is De Rossi, with an annual salary of 650 million euros.

Qin Yun is stronger in both strength and commercial value.

However, due to the limitations of the overall environment, even if it is high, it will not be too exaggerated.

However, given 850 million, he can barely squeeze into the top ten in the world's player salary rankings.

To be honest, Qin Yun quite wanted to own shares in the club, but unfortunately active players were not allowed to hold them.

Besides, the club probably won’t give it to him.

We can only find other ways to compensate, such as portrait rights, jersey share ratio, etc.

Regarding salary, Qin Yun's requirements are not harsh, or even very lenient. After all, the value he can bring is extremely high.

The Triple Crown winner and the World Cup champion have received countless endorsements from major brands.

The billboards around the San Siro stadium are almost full and it's a huge source of revenue.

Third, the choice of head coach.

Allegri has made it clear that he wants to quit, but he has not yet determined his next home.

After all, with the triple crown, this qualification can be regarded as a big shot in Italy.

As for the real reason, perhaps he doesn't want to get involved in the murky waters of the club's top brass fighting for power.

The less hair there is, the smarter the person is.

Allegri saw clearly.

You know, Barbara has been unhappy with him for a long time.

But this is a pain for Milan. Nowadays, there are not many coaches who are idle at home and have extremely high tactical level.

There is still a month and a half left before the start of the season, and the right person needs to be found as soon as possible.
If the original trajectory is followed, Seedorf will take over.

But this guy has a high level of football and being a head coach is really boring, and Milan probably won’t choose him.

After all, a person without coaching experience can at best put out fires.

Qin Yun rubbed his eyebrows.

After winning the championship, it should have been time to enjoy it, but now we still need to deal with this matter.

He is also very sad!

two hours later.

The national team bus returns to the training base.

Qin Yun said hello to his teammates and returned to the room alone.

Instead of thinking about those messy things, I turned on the system expectantly.

The rewards for winning the World Cup should be very luxurious.

Whether you go or stay, you must ensure your hard power.

"Congratulations on completing the main mission of the national team: reaching the top of the world!"

"Mission reward: World Cup Champion Treasure Box!"

A box wrapped in thick smoke slowly emerged in mid-air.

Through the smoke, many familiar faces can be vaguely seen. "Pele's 'skills dominate the crowd' template!"

"Maradona 'Wings of the Pampas' template!"

"Zidane's 'King of France' template!"

"Barresi 'Apennine Barrier' template!"


Qin Yun was almost dazzled.

The reward for the World Cup champion is actually a "template" rather than a "module".

It is indeed the highest honor in world football.
While the difficulty is high, the rewards are also generous enough.

"Congratulations to the host for getting: Beckenbauer's 'Caesar' template!"

at the same time.

Beckenbauer's "Trivela" module and "Indomitable" module quietly shattered into powder.

Turn into bits and pieces and blend in
Qin Yun entered the reincarnation space again.

Unlike before, he seemed to have experienced Beckenbauer's life personally.

It started with a slap from Haggard Koenig, the central defender of the Munich 1860 echelon, and ended across the Atlantic.

Although after the concept of zone defense became popularized, the pace of modern football games is getting faster and faster. It is impossible to require a player to run all over the field and maintain sufficient physical fitness in such a fast-paced game.

But the "offensive sweeper" style of play still has its own meaning, not as a mechanical trick, but as part of the whole.

Ribs, sides, and back.
Integrate into every needed space.

Moreover, in modern football, the role of "sweeper" has not disappeared, but has been shared out, spreading one role among many players, rather than doing only one thing in one position.

What Qin Yun needs to do is to take on as many tasks as possible, liberate his teammates, and wait for opportunities to liberate himself.
And with the decline of pass-and-control football, efficient counterattacks have gradually become the mainstream.

In this environment, "offensive sweepers" will have greater room for development.

Qin Yun kept thinking about technical and tactical plans.

He wants to set clear goals for his future career path.

That night.

The news that Italy won the World Cup swept the world.

"2014 World Cup Champion: Italy!" ! ! 》

"The Rise of the Azzurri!" 》

"The Death Group qualified and defeated the Orange Legion, Pampas Eagle and German Tank in a row!" 》

"The tactical product of the new era: center back forward!" 》

"Who will win the Golden Globe Awards? This station will follow up and report!" 》

"Liverpool sold Suarez for 7500 million euros, and with [-] million euros in hand, officially made an offer to Milan!" 》

"Real Madrid."

"Manchester City."



[I really didn’t expect Italy to win the World Cup. 】
[It made me laugh so hard. The previous Brazilian gambling advert has now become a prophecy! 】
[To be honest, the Italian lineup this year is not strong, mainly in the midfielder and defense, but Qin Yun's characteristics perfectly make up for it. 】
【Lucky enough. 】
[Italy didn’t seem to be strong in 06. If Zizou hadn’t been sent off with a red card, it would have been hard to say. 】
[But the French team is not guaranteed to win. Before Zidane came off the field, although France had the advantage, the Italian team's defense did not fall into chaos, and the few counterattacks were threatening. 】
[Trezeguet’s crossbar! 】
[The World Cup is over, why don’t the giants except Barcelona spend much money? 】
[We are all waiting for Qin Yun. If he wants to transfer, he will probably cost upwards of [-] million.]
[The most expensive transfer fee nowadays is Cristiano Ronaldo, right? 9400 million euros? 】
[Yes, second is Bale with 9100 million euros. 】
【This is the highlight! 】
[How come I saw Evergrande and they also issued quotations? 】
[Don’t underestimate the Chinese Super League, their offer is 5000 million euros! 】

The next day.

Rome International Airport.

The Italian Air Force aerobatic team took to the skies and sprayed red, white and green smoke.

Buffon appeared in front of thousands of fans holding the Hercules Cup.

this moment!
The whole city was set on fire.

As the players walked out one after another.

The fans chanted their names loudly.

And the moment Qin Yun walked down the gangway.

The cheers reached a climax.




Gaius Julius Caesar has long been a household name in Europe and has always been an idol of people.

Italian fans believe that this black-haired boy can lead Italian football to glory.

This glittering Hercules Cup is the best proof.

Qin Yun smiled and waved to the fans.

He also didn't expect that he would suddenly come up with such an appropriate nickname.

really not bad.
The Italian team members did not stay at the airport for too long, there were more important things waiting for them.

Two buses drove slowly on Rome's ring road.

Near it, all the cars stopped and honked their horns in celebration.

Quirinal Palace.

Italian President Napolitano met with all members of the national team.

"Congratulations on doing it!"

"You are Italy's heroes!"

Napolitano then announced that all players, coaches and delegation members of the Italian national team will be awarded the Order of the Republic.

After 10 minutes, the reception will end.

Then comes the most important part.

A parade to celebrate winning the World Cup.

The whole Apennines echoed with Rhapsody in Blue.

Various banners such as "Champions" and "The World Belongs to Us" can be seen everywhere.

Tens of thousands of fans followed the bus and celebrated with the players on both sides of the street, shouting excitedly and venting their high emotions.

The blue bus finally stopped in the middle of the Colosseum.

Abate kept waving the national flag.

De Rossi was shirtless and waving the medal around his neck.

Pirlo stood quietly on the edge of the bus.


Balotelli passionately sang "We Are the Champions", pushing the celebration to a climax.

There is also a hidden program, that is, Prandelli led the players in a dance.

A folk dance from southern Italy called "Tarantula".

It has the same name as the local poisonous spider, and those bitten by it must dance vigorously to detoxify.

So it feels like.

Qin Yun is very embarrassed!

It feels like I am about to dig out three bedrooms and one living room.

The key is that this piece is very long, nearly 15 minutes.

So hundreds of thousands of people twitched in the Colosseum.

Then some singers came on stage to sing for the fans.

Finally, all the Italian team players took the stage to thank the fans for their support.

The exciting celebration party is temporarily over
Players go home!
 Sorry, there are less updates today because I have made three outlines and haven’t chosen where to go.
  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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