Starting with Milan as a central defender

Chapter 245 Qin Yun’s anger

Chapter 245 Qin Yun’s anger
Although Liverpool under Rogers has lost the tradition of the previous iron-blooded Red Army to a certain extent, it often loses its energy in games against strong opponents.

Even last season's Double Red Club played tepidly, and their mental outlook was like clocking in to work and slacking off.

But after the first game of the Champions League, Liverpool has undergone a lot of changes. From the beginning of this game, it can be seen from the bloody collision between the players.

Only 3 minutes passed.

Everton planned an unexpected attack and gave up the passing control they were used to.

Barry made a long pass and accurately found Lukaku on the right.

A rhinoceros turns around!
Not very fast, but useful.

Manquillo's strong body prevented him from touching the football at all, and he was squeezed away.

Little bald guy with a beer belly, professional winger Lukaku.

That's right.

He started his career as a winger, but was stuck in the center position at Chelsea, which buried his terrifying physical explosiveness and ability to advance with the ball.

Instead of simply passing the ball, due to his recent weight loss, he began to frequently try to cut inside and hit the goal.

Lukaku held his head against the sun and changed direction lightly.

Before he could make a complete movement, a red figure rushed over, knocking Lukaku staggering and falling onto the turf.

Loud boos erupted from the Parc des Princes.

Everton fans put pressure on their opponents in this way.

Referee Atkinson immediately blew the whistle to signal a foul.

Here Lukaku is fighting against Van Dijk, mumbling constantly.

"Bastard, you hit me!"

"Huh? You can't even bear this confrontation? Why play football? Why not play house?"

Van Dyke looked like he wanted to be beaten, but he didn't expect that his poisonous tongue was quite high.

Lukaku was not good at words and could not formulate a counterattack in his mind, so he pushed forward angrily.

"Gentlemen, control your emotions and stop doing dangerous moves!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Atkinson quickly intervened and shouted a warning.

Teammates on both sides pulled them apart in time, so the conflict did not escalate.

Qin Yun became more and more excited and subconsciously squeezed his right hand.

"Coach Zhang, today's game is interesting."

"Hehe, it depends on Atkinson's ability to control the field. If there is a slight mistake that makes the players lose control of their emotions, the football game may turn into a fighting game."

"Let's take a look at this free kick. Barry took the penalty and did not choose to hang into the penalty area and hit the middle. Besic followed up and shot, and the football hit Qin Yun!"

The fight at two o'clock became more intense. Barry and Qiao Allen used their hands and feet to pull at each other frantically.

In the chaos, the football was pushed towards the center.

Qin Yun quickly stepped forward, kicked the ball, and passed it to his teammates in front of him.

no way.
The situation on the field was completely impossible to control the ball. If he was one second slower, he would probably be tackled by three Everton players.

As Liverpool's core player, he receives the most care
Although there is an injury immunity module, if his ankle is tackled, he will have to lie in bed for at least a few months.

Gerrard caught the ball and did not move forward in a hurry. Instead, he turned sideways and had a fierce confrontation with Barry.

Although the two are teammates on the national team, neither has the slightest intention of showing mercy.


However, Gerrard took the opportunity to gain a certain amount of space and directly looked for Suso in front.

The Spaniard's delicate foot skills and superb ball control ability are his biggest strengths
But it didn't work in the Merseyside derby, with Jagielka quickly closing in on the challenge.

In the face of huge power, Suso's technical movements inevitably deformed, and he was poked away by Stones who was assisting on defense from the side.

Liverpool's attack failed to achieve results, and the entire army immediately pressed forward and launched a high-level press.

The midfield was like a meat grinder, and the green field became bloody.

Although the players have not lost their minds and there are not many deliberate provocations, the strong hostility has caused a sudden increase in the movements of their feet and hands.

However, both parties had a tacit understanding and did not make any dangerous moves.

In this case, it had a huge impact on Everton's ball possession tactics, because the overall strength of the players was not able to cope with such a crazy press.

Frequent mistakes
The 13th minute of the game.

Everton made a long pass from the backcourt, targeting Mignolet's weakness of not being good at attacking, and hit the space between the opponent's defense and the goalkeeper.

Naismith ran wildly.

Since joining Everton in 12, he has scored 18 Premier League goals, 6 of which came against Chelsea.

He is also the first player to score against M Moser Chelsea in three different Premier League games and can be called Chelsea’s nemesis.

Strong confrontation ability and not weak speed
Everton fans waved hats and scarves wildly.
They couldn't wait to give Liverpool fans a slap in the face with their mocking chants that had been changed before the game.

Mignolet was very confused. He didn't know whether he should attack. Before he could make a decision, a fiery red figure appeared in his field of vision.

There was a tooth-aching sound of muscle clashing.

Naismith was thrown half a meter away and rolled several times on the turf, holding his calf and howling in pain.

Qin Yun ignored it, stepped on the ball and turned around.

Naismith took the initiative to hit him, so he is the victim, right?
"I feel that Qin Yun is stronger than in the World Cup. It should be because he has added an appropriate amount of strength training after coming to the Premier League."

"Let's see Liverpool's counterattack!"

Qin Yun raised his head and glanced, then cooperated with Lucas on the left to hit the wall, and continued to dribble the ball forward.

Everton's defensive shape formed in his mind.

There is no key single-point defensive area in the midfield, but the midfield and backfield are integrated into a whole.

Barry and McCarthy are like two strong locks, working with the experienced Jagielka and the well-positioned Stones to defend the penalty area.

A very balanced defensive approach.

The way to crack it is simple, put enough pressure in the center so that Everton has to shrink its formation to make room on the wings.

To put it simply, it is to remove a lock first and expand it in that space.
Qin Yun did whatever he wanted and made gestures to let his teammates get closer to him.

Forming a multi-person pushing group, through rapid passing and cutting, they constantly attack Everton's midfield.

But it's just rubbing on the outside, not really digging in.

After several consecutive attempts, Everton's midfield defense was shaky and it would not take long for it to be penetrated.

McCarthy had no choice but to tuck in to help Barry relieve the pressure.

at the same time.

Qin Yun moved the instep of his foot violently to meet the ball.

The football drew a seamless arc on the green field and penetrated Everton's defense.


"A very subtle outside-instep pass!"

Sterling sensed that the fighter had started early and understood Qin Yun's thoughts perfectly, but instead of breaking through with the ball himself, he hit the ball across the middle.

The Liverpool captain appeared here at some point and gently pushed forward.

A very clever pass.

"Single knife!"

"Suso followed up in the middle, he was very fast, in front of Everton's centre-back"

Sterling saw Everton goalkeeper Howard moving towards the center, presumably to guard against his cross, so he raised his right leg and shot into the near corner.

Howard realized something was wrong and rushed to remedy the situation. His body was stretched to the limit, but he still failed to touch the football.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!"

"The goal is scored!"

"In the 22nd minute of the game, Sterling did not waste the opportunity and helped Liverpool score the first goal!"

Zhan Jun held the wheat beside his mouth with trembling hands and explained in his trademark hoarse style.

Goodison Park was brought to a boil.

Everton fans shouted abuse, while Liverpool fans burst into laughter.

Sterling ran towards the stands, putting his palms to his ears, as if to say that the jeers and cheers should be louder.

Silent ridicule!
The Red Army fans laughed heartily and continued to sing the songs they had prepared.

Qin Yun couldn't help but wave his arms in celebration.

In the suffocating atmosphere on the field, it is really hard to be able to score first.

And he found that his tactical understanding has been deeper recently, especially when it comes to deconstructing the opponent's defense.

It's like opening up the Ren and Du channels, and you can quickly analyze the players and formations to come up with the most efficient offensive method.

Perhaps as football develops, it will become the most important ability of an organizational defender.

side of the field.

Martinez's face was ashen. The team fell behind so fast that he didn't expect it.

I thought it would take a fierce battle at halftime before a goal was scored
But he still issued instructions to the court, asking the players to follow the established plan and strengthen the offense in the frontcourt.

In fact, there is no need for him to say that the Everton players have done a good job of psychological work and their emotions remain high.

The other side.

Liverpool's substitutes hugged and jumped in celebration.

"Qin is becoming more and more proficient in mobilizing the frontcourt, making the team's overall connection smoother."

Rogers was uncharacteristically calm.

Due to his tactical philosophy, he hates players who are not good at playing the ball, such as Liverpool's original central defender Sktel.

But organizational central defenders are hard to come by.
It's really not a waste of [-] million yuan.

"my God!"

"In this wave of offense, Qin made 17 shots, with a 100% success rate."

"He integrates the midfield and frontcourt with his comprehensive passing and ball control abilities!"

Assistant coach Pasco looked at the data recorded in his notebook and said in disbelief.

The game restarts.

Liverpool took advantage of the situation and continued to press hard in the midfield and frontcourt.

The midfielders and frontcourt players ran without hesitation.

Steals, counterattacks, collisions.
There was a scene on the green field that made people's blood boil.Swearing, noise and singing filled the stadium.

In just 10 minutes, Atkinson showed two more yellow cards, one to Gerrard and Lukaku respectively.

"Today's Merseyside derby was even more intense, and the players from both teams were obviously on top."

"Hey, look at this ball. Besic broke through from the wing and passed the ball to the outside of the penalty area."

With sweat on his forehead, Lukaku stepped over the ball with his left foot and did it again in the opposite direction.

He believes that his fake moves are very realistic and can definitely deceive his opponents.

The results of it?
Qin Yun saw right through his underwear, judged the correct direction, and completed the steal easily.

Just as he was about to step forward to fight back, a huge force suddenly came from behind him, and he couldn't control his weight and fell to the ground.

The entire stadium suddenly became noisy, and fans from both teams greeted each other angrily.

"Son of a bitch, you can only do some petty tricks!"

"Can't afford to lose!"

Through the playback of the LED screen on the side of the court, you can clearly see Miralas holding Qin Yun to the ground in a wrestling position.

Players from both teams quickly gathered around, pushing each other, pointing at each other's noses and chattering.

The melee begins.

Atkinson kept blowing his whistle, making a shrill sound.

But it didn't work.
Qin Yun's chest was filled with anger. If it was a normal tactical foul, it would be no problem, but the key was that he was holding him and throwing him backwards.

If you hit the back of your head.
If you're lucky, it's just a concussion; if you're unlucky, you'll get a cervical spinal cord injury and you'll become a vegetative state.

This is simply for useless people!

Qin Yun angrily stretched out his big hand, grabbed Miralas, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, by the collar, and pulled him up with force.

"Are you looking for death?"


Miralas looked at those terrifying black pupils, his throat rolling.

He knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to refute and was afraid of being beaten.

Van Dyke came over, pulled Qin Yun away, and then directly grabbed Miralas' neck and pushed him back.

All the players were stunned and cast doubtful glances.

What is this operation?
Everton players wanted to support, but were blocked by Liverpool players.

Atkinson quickly gave both men a yellow card.

Finally, with the dissuasion of the staff, referees, and other players, the conflict was calmed down.

"Gentlemen, if there is another time, I will expel you from the venue!"

"Again, control your emotions!"

Although the conflict was suppressed, the anger in people's hearts became stronger.

The Liverpool players stared at the opponent with fire in their eyes.

Dare to mess with their core?
Qin Yun patted Van Dyke on the shoulder, "Thank you, but the chokehold is not professional enough. You have to pinch both sides but not the Adam's apple. This way you can make the other person feel pain without causing substantial harm."

Van Dyke rubbed his head.

Why are you so skilled?
But it does sound reasonable.

His idea is simple. Qin Yun cannot get cards, otherwise it may lead to cumulative suspensions, which will have a huge impact on Liverpool's subsequent league games.

The game restarts.

Liverpool's backcourt set piece was issued and they quickly moved forward.

Unexpectedly, Everton actually shrank into their own half, leaving only Lukaku as a counterattack point in front.


No, because Martinez found that he couldn't beat Liverpool in the midfield, so he shortened the distance between the defense lines.

The football passed continuously and came to Qin Yun's feet.

His stance is very aggressive and he is already in the center circle.

Everton's defensive layout is as dense and tough as a spider web.

The original attack method cannot be used again.

The space in the middle is narrow, and you must move from individual to local areas to click on the surface.
So Qin Yun started to make arrangements.

First, tilt the attack direction to the right to create a one-on-one breakthrough situation for Joe Allen.

The latter lived up to his trust. By changing his focus, he passed Besic and opened up space on the wing.

Secondly, perform continuous one-twos in the open space to attract the opponent.

Everton players try their best to press, but they are always half a beat too late, or they are easily avoided by Qin Yun.

After a few moves, Everton's defense became chaotic and there was no time to reorganize.

Moreno did it again.

Qin Yun's eyes narrowed, and a perfect passing route appeared in his mind.

The football rose up in response and was instantly transferred laterally to the left wing.

The purpose is to give our offensive players an offensive window in the left area at this time point.

Everton players quickly turned back to chase.

but it's too late
Sterling faced the thin defensive wing and maximized his breakthrough ability.

"Beautiful, it's over!"

"If someone is outflanking you in front of the goal, you can lob the ball into the penalty area to seek opportunities."

This was what Sterling had expected.

But when he saw that familiar figure, he passed the ball without any hesitation.

Liverpool number 6!
This is Qin Yun's last move for Everton.

Plug in the back row!

In the chaotic defense, Everton players did not notice anyone coming to this dangerous area.

There is one exception
Stones strides forward.

He will use a perfect grab to win the cheers of the fans.

In the spotlight.

Qin Yun moved!

The field of vision is occupied by a bohemian football elf.

His right foot swings like a swimming dragon, and the football draws a strange arc.

Dynamic cow tail!

Barry assisted in the defense very quickly, using all his strength to bump into him sideways.

Even if you give your opponent a free kick
Qin Yun's waist and abdomen were tense, and his shoe spikes dug into the turf.

Like a sea-fixing needle!
Barry seemed to have hit a wall and was bounced half a meter away.

There were constant exclamations in the stands.

It's not over yet!

Qin Yun adjusted his posture slightly.

Swing your legs in place!

The terrifying aura emanates!

Howard took a deep breath.

It's okay, such a small leg swing will definitely not be too powerful.

You can do it yourself!
The shadow in Qin Yun's vision disappeared.

In its place is a phoenix.

Long neck and tall!

Red feathers look like blood!

Wail like weeping!
There was an explosive crack.

The seagulls outside Goodison Park were startled, flapping their wings and flying into the night sky.

Football is like a stream of light.

Shatter the pride of Everton fans into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, he got into the upper right corner of the goal, spinning wildly under the obstruction of the net, as if he was trying to break through the restraints.

0:2! ! !

"The ball is scored again!"

"Precise and orderly scheduling!"

"A fierce and domineering long shot!"

"In the 37th minute of the game, Liverpool scored another victory!"

Qin Yun ran under the stands, stretched out his right hand, and waved it hard.

Like a slap in the face
Everton fans suddenly felt their faces burning. They gestured with their middle fingers and threw lighters, water glasses and other debris to the field.

Liverpool fans became interested, and tens of thousands of them imitated Qin Yun's actions and slapped him hard.

It was chaos at Goodison Park.

not far away.

Howard was dumbfounded.

Is that human being?
Swing your legs in place!
Why can it emit so much power?
Stones' eyes were dark, and he truly felt the gap between them.

As different as clouds and mud
There was no suspense in the first half of the game.

If it weren't for Everton's resolute defense, another goal would probably have been scored.

In the end, Liverpool returned to the dressing room with a two-goal lead.

 Thanks to the book friend 110529114939614 for the reward.

  Thank you to all book friends for your subscriptions, monthly votes, and recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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