Starting with Milan as a central defender

Chapter 252 Manchester United was kicked out!

There were less than 10 minutes left before the end of regular time in the first half. As soon as Manchester United kicked off, Liverpool immediately pressed forward.

Don't show mercy when you gain power.
They want to seize the opportunity to defeat each other.

Manchester United repeated their old tricks and continued to attack from the wing.

But they suddenly discovered that Liverpool not only increased the protection of the two wings, but also provided the three central defenders at the same time to supplement the strength of the midfield.

The overall formation is compact and flexible, and it is very aggressive in local confrontations.

And who is Manchester United's central axis in this game?
Fellaini, Rooney and Carrick, it’s difficult for them to wash the ball out smoothly.

The 43th minute of the game.

Liverpool unknowingly shifted the direction of the pressing, focusing on Rooney and Mata's side.

A small gap was exposed on the other side.

as predicted.

Manchester United quickly passed the ball over.

Fellaini received the ball with his back, used his physical advantage to hold Sterling, and tried to find his teammates to play the ball.

Henderson decisively chose to get close and block the inward passing route.

At this time, other Manchester United players obviously did not provide enough support.

Ashley Young's position requires Fellaini to turn between two defensive players to release the ball.

But it is Rooney who needs to shoulder the responsibility of receiving the ball more. He is completely blocked by Henderson.

And he chose to stand and wait for the ball. If he ran forward in advance, Fellaini could quickly find space no matter how poor his vision was.

Faced with double-teaming by two people, Fellaini's weakness of slow movement was completely caught.

Sterling's short leg passed under Fellaini's crotch and poked the ball forward.

Henderson followed up effortlessly to take control of the ball.

"Beautiful coordinated defense!"

"Liverpool counter-attacks!"

"Come and see this wave!"

Blinder decisively grabbed the ball.

Liverpool must not be allowed to advance easily from the wing, otherwise Manchester United will easily fall into a numerical disadvantage in the hinterland with a single defensive midfielder.

Henderson raised his head slightly and moved the ball directly to the center without giving his opponent a chance.

After forming a pushing group on the wing, Liverpool is used to frequent linkage with the center, because this can better turn the side and increase the diversity of offense.

Rogers is definitely a world-class coach when it comes to coaching offense, but he's just too bad at dealing with players on the defensive end.

However, this year he made a mistake and spent most of the budget directly. He had no chance to introduce other players, but made Liverpool stronger.

Coutinho made a false concession, pushed hard with his left foot, and his whole body shot out like a sharp arrow.

Although Carrick is very strong, his physical condition inevitably declines as he grows older.

You are not afraid of your opponent making fake moves, but you are afraid of your opponent forcing it.

Coutinho stepped out of the space and passed the ball without hesitation. He has got rid of his bad habit of sticking to the ball this season and handles the ball more cleanly.

"Imaginative passing!"

"Behind Smalling"


The Serbian wing is very fast.

After he gave up lying down, his mentality changed drastically, and his whole person became obviously more energetic.

Smolin's turning speed was comparable to that of an aircraft carrier, and he subconsciously bumped sideways.

This is what every defender does
But the scene on the green field was unexpected. Markovic fell directly with the help of the force, without any sign of struggle.

The referee immediately blew the whistle and pointed to the twelve yards.

Old Trafford echoed with deafening boos.

Manchester United players quickly surrounded the referee.

"I just touched him lightly."

Smolin said aggrievedly.

"Don't talk!"

"He obviously dived!"

The referee took out a yellow card from his jacket pocket and said seriously: "I saw it clearly, don't make excuses anymore, and he has already admitted it."

De Gea was so angry that he punched the goalpost.

What teammates?

If you fight in that place, can they survive?

At that time, he was already preparing to attack and had a high probability of blocking the ball. Smallian did not have to make any decisions at all.

Qin Yun took over the football and he has been promoted to the first penalty kicker in the team.

for what?
Gerald gave up on his own initiative, but the others did not dare to fight.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Yun's penalty kick rate is very high, and his big heart can always play an important role at critical moments.

De Gea stood on the goal line and kept jumping.

'Qin is used to playing in the middle, or waiting until the goalkeeper moves before playing in the opposite direction. '

'I just have to stay still. '

'bring it on! '

In the spotlight.

Qin Yun waited until the referee blew the whistle, then strode forward and twirled his legs high.

There was an explosion of gold and stone.

The football flew to the left side of the goal like a cannonball.

De Gea's pupils shrank suddenly and he stood there blankly.

Why not play cards according to common sense?

Did anyone shoot a penalty kick?

"No problem, Qin Yun's mentality is very stable and he made the free throw steadily!"

"Towards the end of the first half, Liverpool stepped up their frontcourt press and played a smooth attack."

"Here I want to criticize Manchester United's defenders. Even if Markovic gets the ball, De Gea and Phil Jones still have the opportunity to cover and help defend."

"But it's not worth it for Smalling to pay a penalty for such a ball. He should know that he needs to be more cautious in his defensive actions in the penalty area."

[Just use your strength, whether the ball can go in depends on God’s will! 】
[Is De Gea crazy? I rarely see a goalkeeper standing still. He feels like a goose. 】
[Manchester United did a terrible job playing the ball in the frontcourt! 】
[Liverpool’s siege was very targeted at Fellaini, and this pre-match arrangement was simply amazing! 】
[Manchester United still lacks the kind of midfielder who can hold the ball and pass the ball. 】
【Pogba! 】
[Furthermore, Manchester United is aging seriously and must seize the time to replace its high-paid veterans. Either the salary of the high-paid veterans will be reduced or they will be transferred. 】

side of the field.

Rogers put his hands in his pockets, not knowing what an opponent was.

He has long heard that Manchester United is entering the "Van Gaal Era".

But in his opinion, Liverpool is about to enter the "Rogers" era.

Now, based on Qin Yun, he has made Liverpool's defensive and offensive routines extremely diversified, and he can also develop new players along the way.

For example, Van Dijk, Markovich, etc. can all play a vital role in the middle and late seasons of the season.

The other side.

Van Gaal covered his face with his hands.

Signing Di Maria was the most losing business he ever made.
Not only did it fail to achieve better results, it also caused Manchester United to have no money to buy a midfielder.

Today's Manchester United's overall formation is obviously broken on the left and right sides.

Not only is the offense weak, but they can only rely on mindless passes from the ground up.

The defense is also full of loopholes, especially in the protection of depth and width, which makes it difficult to complain.

The mid-race circle reopens.

Manchester United planned the offensive at the kick-off, began to compact the formation, and increased the frequency of passing and cutting cooperation.

But this leads to
Manchester United did not have a midfielder who could hold the ball, so they could only ask Rooney to retreat.

Gerrard and Coutinho kept harassing and almost took the ball back again.

Rooney hurriedly returned the pass.

"Manchester United's central attack is unsightly!"

"Football is like a hot potato. Manchester United players don't dare to make any moves with the ball. It's obvious that there is something wrong with their mentality."

"There is no spiritual support in the team."

When the first half ended, Manchester United still failed to create an opportunity to equalize the score.

Old Trafford.

Liverpool fans waved flags and sang "You'll Never Walk Alone."

Today's Double Red Club, their chances of winning are getting bigger and bigger.

Players from both sides walked off the green field without any communication between them.

Most of the Manchester United players focused their attention on the back of Liverpool's No. 6.

At first, no one paid much attention to this man who came from Apennines.

But as time passes and the BIG6 of the Premier League fall one after another, they can only wonder and marvel.

In the modern football system, there are still central defenders who can do this.
Liverpool players returned to the dressing room laughing.

"We played very well in the first half, but we must not relax and continue to press in the midfield and frontcourt."

"Especially the cutting of Manchester United's left and right halves."

"Also, don't compress your formation to defend. Manchester United's players are pretty good at heading the ball and it's easy to create scoring opportunities!"

"It's best to make the offense simpler and not stay in the middle for too long. By the way, Coutinho, don't always avoid physical confrontation. Carrick is no better than you."

"Qin, you have to remind your teammates to keep a reasonable distance."


Rogers' adjustments were spot-on, and he is truly a tactical genius.

"Okay, coach."

Qin Yun nodded, then leaned against the cabinet door to meditate, falling into deep thought.

The three-center-back system prevents wing attacks. If the midfielder wants to be separated, the center-back must push forward.

But this will lead to an increase in the distance between the defense and the goalkeeper. Manchester United is likely to strengthen vertical long passes in the second half and directly find Van Persie from the midfield.

Manchester United dressing room. “If you don’t want to win, you won’t win!”

"During the game, transitions between offense and defense and fatigue are the times when players are most likely to lose concentration."

"But looking at the first half, the Liverpool players' tireless running completely dominated the midfield. Once the ball was lost, they would immediately maintain their formation and press."

"And what about you?"

"Instead of making positive adjustments, there is a tendency to be impatient, complaining and working alone."

"Have you forgotten the traditions of Manchester United?"

"There is nothing to adjust tactically, just get excited and chase the football like crazy!"


Van Gaal's bad temper is undeniable, and his "hair dryer" level may be second only to Ferguson.

"Viewers, welcome back. Now we are live broadcasting the seventh round of the Premier League in the 2014-15 season."

“The second half of Manchester United vs Liverpool!”

"Both teams have not made adjustments for the time being. They probably want to save the substitutions for more critical times."

"After the halftime adjustments, I believe the game will be even more exciting!"

With the whistle of the referee.

The game officially begins.

Liverpool moved forward quickly from the kick-off.

They need to use enough pressure to prevent their opponents from attacking, thereby liberating their own backcourt.

Simple and effective passing and cutting cooperation allowed the football to shuttle back and forth on the green field, constantly tearing apart Manchester United's defense.

Fellaini had no choice but to retreat to the backcourt and partner with Carrick to form a double midfielder.

Otherwise there is nothing we can do!
As soon as Liverpool crossed the half-court, they immediately launched a fixed-point attack. Even the cunning Sterling would wander into the middle from time to time to "bully" the aging Carrick.

If he doesn't help, Manchester United's midfield and backfield are expected to explode and the whole team will collapse.

Over time.

Manchester United gradually adapted to the intensity of their opponent's offense and began to try to counterattack.

But when Liverpool's No. 6 came forward, they once again had a numerical advantage in the midfield and pushed Manchester United back again.

Qin Yun received the ball and quickly distributed it to the flank.

At the same time, analyze the opponent's defensive strategy in your mind.

Let’s start with Fellaini.
He is not suitable to be a sweeping midfielder, and most of his steals rely on "blocking in the front and grabbing in the back."

One is that the full-back blocks the advancing route of the opponent's wide players. He presses from the midfield to the sideline to grab the ball.

The second is that the central defender forces the opponent's forward to slow down, and he chases back and uses his strong body to grab the ball.

But paired with the thin Carrick
So he made a gesture and focused on attacking the middle.

The Liverpool players did not have any doubts and quickly moved towards the center.

The football came to Sterling's feet.

Happy Ball King is a weapon to break through dense defenses, let alone such a vast space.

The center of gravity shook continuously, making Fellaini dizzy.

Carrick stepped forward to help defend.

Sterling made a decisive cross-stroke and passed the football to the center.

Coutinho also found Fellaini when he got the ball.

Liverpool's positional battle will not stop until the opponent collapses.

After several consecutive games, Manchester United's midfield and backfield were full of holes, and Fellaini and Carrick's positions were no longer close.

The Manchester United players didn't notice.

Liverpool's overall formation is retreating unconsciously, and they subconsciously follow up the defense.

in the stands.

Ferguson's hands couldn't stop shaking. He knew the score might soon be changed.

Sterling received the ball again and rushed towards Fellaini.

Carrick positioned himself early, ready to make up defense.

at the same time.

Qin Yun quickly moved forward, raised his head slightly, and had a panoramic view of the positions of the players on the field.

A detailed and complete plan emerged.

"Sterling passed back?"

"Henderson knocks across the face!"

"Liverpool changed the direction of their attack instantly!"

Liverpool No. 6 made consecutive stops and burst forward at a terrifying speed.

Rooney, who was nearest, hit him sideways.
But his battered body was no longer the English tank it had been, and it didn't create much pressure at all.

Qin Yun's figure swayed slightly and quickly maintained his balance.

"Manchester United's center is open!"

"Can you seize the opportunity?"

At Old Trafford, only one side cheered.

God's perspective.

The Liverpool Trident opened up the width and pushed forward crazily.

The three central midfielders all dived into the middle, forming sufficient contact points.

Qin Yun's eyes narrowed.

The moment is fleeting.

He stood up suddenly.

A crisp sound.

The football rolled quickly on the turf.

Coutinho passed the ball in front of him, grabbed Carrick and passed it to the right.

The football slipped through the gap between Phil Jones and Blind.

"Nice pass!"

"Sterling is very fast and drives the ball towards the penalty area!"

"Pass the ball to the far end with your right foot!"

"Sturridge leaked behind Malkovich!"

"Shovel shot to score!"

"De Gea can't react!"

"The goal was scored. Only 5 minutes passed in the second half, and Liverpool expanded the score advantage again!"

[The state of Manchester United players is obviously not right. 】
[Liverpool should have no problem winning the game. 】
[Fellaini is so unlucky that he is constantly being fucked by two little quickies. 】
[The main reason is that Carrick cannot provide effective support. 】
[Qin Yun’s command is becoming more and more like everyone’s style. 】

"Van Gaal couldn't sit still, replaced Carrick with Herrera, and Falcao replaced Rooney."

"Strengthen the defense in the middle and attack in the frontcourt!"

"But will this mean that no one in the frontcourt of Manchester United can get the ball?"

"It's probably a wrong decision"

"Liverpool also made adjustments, Lucas replaced Gerrard."

The game restarts.

To everyone's surprise, the scene turned out to be one-sided.

Manchester United's adjustment was really poor and they seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

With the wing already crowded, except for Mata's occasional transfers, most of the time it went all the way.

At present, Manchester United's ability to cooperate in a small area to break through dense defense is really hard to praise.

I finally made several smooth advances, but they were all accomplished through side-to-side transfers.

Unfortunately, it was just a flash of inspiration. Under Qin Yun's broad field of vision, he shifted the focus of defense early and eliminated the threat invisible.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Manchester United players became impatient.

Falcao often dribbled the ball into the crowd alone, and the wide players often struggled to the end until they were forced out of the baseline.

In the 78th minute of the game, Liverpool intercepted the ball and counterattacked. The Manchester United players did not immediately chase and attack, but stood there and complained to their teammates.

Qin Yun didn't care about that and just started to pass long.

The ball crashed behind the Manchester United defence.

Sturridge is very fast.

Ironically, it was Phil Jones who persisted in the end.

Although he had good intentions and did bad things, he tripped Sturridge and gave him a penalty kick.

Qin Yun succeeded in one fell swoop and once again broke through De Gea's goal.


"There is no suspense in the game!"

"Liverpool played their best in this double-header match, but it was Manchester United's preparation and attitude towards the game that allowed them to be humiliated by their bitter rivals at home."

"Rather than saying that Manchester United lost in terms of technical tactics and personal ability, it is better to say that the team's mentality is now out of balance."

"Manchester United needs to forget the ridicule of Liverpool fans for the time being. How to prevent the team from collapsing is the top priority now."

Old Trafford.

The Manchester United fans looked gloomy, cursed loudly, got up and left the field early.

The Liverpool fans sang louder and louder.



The referee blew the whistle to end the game.

Liverpool wins big! (End of chapter)

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