Chapter 101 Bibi Dong Breaks through Level [-]!

【Chapter 96 has been released. Everyone knows that the ones reviewed are all classics. Hurry up and watch them! 】

Having made up his mind, Gu Junlin turned to look at Li Xueqin.

"Ma'am, I have something to do tonight, so I won't come back to sleep."

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Li Xueqin and many side concubines were obviously taken aback for a moment.

In the past, Prince Xue Xing had never had the experience of staying outside.

Why today, suddenly want to sleep outside?
Could it be that Jiahua couldn't satisfy him anymore?

But everyone was just surprised and didn't say much.

No one is qualified to make irresponsible remarks about Gu Junlin's decision.

After all, everyone is just an appendage of Prince Xue Xing, and the latter can easily kick everyone off if he is a little unhappy.

So, how dare they say more?
After saying goodbye to everyone, Gu Junlin found a place where no one was around.

Then he took out the teleportation bead, squeezed it lightly and disappeared in place.

In the next second, Gu Junlin returned to the Pope's Palace.

Whether it's Yuexuan or the Prince's Mansion, Gu Junlin feels less comfortable than the Pope's Palace.

Here, he can truly relax.

So basically during the time he went to Tiandou Empire, he often slept in the Pope's palace.

At this time, Bibi Dong and the three daughters were in the hall, discussing something excitedly.

Gu Junlin surrounded him, smiled lightly and said, "You three little ancestors, what makes you so happy?"

The three girls turned their heads together, surprise flashed in their eyes.

Afterwards, Nihuang quickly stepped forward, took Gu Junlin's hand, and sat down on the sofa.

"Husband, I have some great news for you!"

"Dongmei has broken through level ninety!"


Hearing Nihuang's words, Gu Junlin was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy.

Back then when Bibi Dong was still on Hell Road, she had said that she would be able to break through level ninety within three years at the most.

Later, Ah Yin also stayed in Hell Road for almost a year, and then came to Wuhun Temple, and it was only about a year.

With all his efforts and calculations, it has only been more than two years since Bibi Dong left Hell Road.

Originally, in the past two years, Bibi Dong's cultivation had reached level 89.

But after Gu Junlin was awarded the title of Heavenly Chosen Patriarch yesterday, Bibi Dong has gained a lot of cultivation, and her cultivation speed has greatly increased.

No, just one day later, she broke through level ninety!
So far, at the age of less than 30, she has broken through level ninety. As long as she obtains one more soul ring, she can become the youngest Titled Douluo in the Douluo Continent!
It was more than ten years earlier than Tang Hao!

In the original book, Bibi Dong became a Titled Douluo at about 36 years old, and reached level 55 Ultimate Douluo at about 99 years old, and obtained the inheritance of the Rakshasa God.

Finally, around the age of 62, he became a Rakshasa god.

But now, she became a Title Douluo nearly seven years earlier.

Moreover, she had taken the fairy grass cold spirit ghost flower before.

Talent has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the reason why the title of Patriarch is now chosen by heaven.

It is estimated that Bibi Dong will be able to grow to level 40 Ultimate Douluo before she is 99 years old at most.

In the original book, 40-year-old Tang Hao has not yet become a Titled Douluo, but Bibi Dong has already reached level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

What is this concept?
Moreover, Bibi Dong still has the divine crystal given by Gu Junlin.

As long as she can refine the god crystal, her strength will be greatly improved.

Coupled with her almost heaven-defying talent, Gu Junlin couldn't help imagining secretly, if Tang San still existed, could he really prevent Bibi Dong from unifying?

Shaking his head, Gu Junlin withdrew his excitement, and said to Bibi Dong, "Dong'er, I will take you to hunt for spirit rings tomorrow."

"En." Bibi Dong nodded obediently.

Gu Junlin smiled, then turned his head to look at Nihuang and A Yin, and said earnestly: "Dong'er has already broken through level [-] first, you two have to work hard."

Nihuang and Ah Yin looked at each other, then nodded firmly.

"Don't worry my husband, we will!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong asked Gu Junlin: "Brother Junlin, how is your development in Tiandou City?"

Gu Junlin opened his mouth and replied: "Everything is going well. At present, Prince Xuexing has been replaced. As for the next plan, I plan to incorporate the seven advanced soul master academies in Tiandou City."

"Incorporate the academy?"

Bibi Dong was a little puzzled why Gu Junlin wanted to incorporate into the academy.

Gu Junlin nodded and explained aloud.

"Yes, I plan to subdue the seven high-level soul master academies, control the talents in them, and then spread the talents to the military and business circles, and then gradually encroach on the Heaven Dou Empire."

Hearing Gu Junlin's explanation, Bibi Dong finally came to her senses.

Brother Jun Lin wants to... control the Heaven Dou Empire from the root.

Originally, her plan was to let Gu Junlin compete for the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire.

As everyone knows, Gu Junlin was even more ruthless, and directly set his sights on the foundation of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This is much more ruthless than fighting for the throne.

One must know that even if Gu Junlin won the throne, he might not necessarily have absolute control over the Heaven Dou Empire.

After all, the power of the entire empire is scattered.

It is impossible for the emperor to have so much energy to control everything in his own hands.

But the inclusion of the academy allows the talents of the academy to be used by oneself.

Then let the various talents be scattered to the military and business circles, eating away at the foundation of the Heaven Dou Empire.

When the time comes, with one order, both the military and business circles have to serve themselves.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether he is the emperor or not.

Turning her head to look at Gu Junlin, Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel palpitations in her eyes.

Don't be afraid of the strong, be afraid of the strong with brains.

It doesn't matter if you are strong, but you are still so meticulous.

Bibi Dong is very fortunate that brother Jun Lin is her own.

If this kind of person becomes an enemy, it will be a nightmare for a lifetime.

Shaking her head, Bibi Dong put away her excitement, then looked at Gu Junlin and said, "Brother Junlin, if you need any help in Tiandou City, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"Speaking of which, Tiandou City also has a Spirit Temple. Although it's not as good as the Pope's Hall, it can still play a big role when necessary."

Gu Junlin smiled and nodded, "I don't need help right now, and I will tell you when I need help in the future."

"Well, that's fine.

The third daughter also knew that Gu Junlin was very tired during this time, so she was very considerate and didn't keep exploiting him.

The four hugged each other tightly and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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