Chapter 104 Kill the two forest kings!

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the eyes of the two forest kings shrank sharply.

Just as he was about to beg for mercy, he saw a flash of light as bright as the sun.

I saw a burst of dazzling light emitting from Gu Junlin's huge python body.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Sun Heavenly Prison was used by him.Immediately, a great sun and sky fire descended from the nine heavens, forming a boundless flame prison in an instant, enveloping the two forest kings in it.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape wanted to resist.

But the gap between bloodline level and cultivation level is too huge, and they can't raise any energy in the face of Gu Junlin's terrifying attack.

Although the two kings of the forest can dominate the Star Dou Forest, they have no power to resist Gu Junlin's great sun and sky fire.


There was the sound of flesh exploding.

Endless pain struck, and the two kings of the forest ran about like headless chickens in the Great Sun Heavenly Prison.

But Gu Junlin, as a fierce beast of nearly 40 years, used the Great Sun and Heavenly Prison, so how could the two kings of the forest be able to resist it.

The final result can only be burned alive to death!
On the side, Gu Junlin couldn't help smiling slightly when he saw that the two kings of the forest had completely lost the power to resist.

Afterwards, with a thought, he put away the Great Sun Prison, and motioned for Bibi Dong to come up to make up the knife.

"Dong'er, you have absorbed both soul beasts, just in time, your second martial soul can also start to absorb the soul ring."

Gu Junlin knew about Bibi Dong's twin martial souls.

The owner of twin martial souls must cultivate to the title of nine-ring Douluo in the first martial arts, in order to fully exert the power of twin martial souls.

After the cultivation base reaches the title of Douluo with nine rings, the soul master can absorb the 10-year soul ring.

Gu Junlin is preparing to collect all the 10-year-old soul beasts in the Douluo Continent for Bibi Dong to absorb, so that her second martial soul can absorb all the 10-year-old soul rings.

He wants to create a supreme empress with his own hands!

Gu Junlin has read the original book, and knows that there are far more than ten soul beasts in the entire Douluo Continent with 10 years.

On the premise of disregarding Ditian's super ferocious beasts, the Star Dou Forest alone has no fewer than four 10-year-old soul beasts.

In addition, nearly 70.00% of Douluo Continent belongs to the ocean.

Connaught is an ocean, and there are countless soul beasts.

In the original book, there are several 10-year-old soul beasts and one million-year-old soul beast just in the ocean near Sea God Island.

If he searched the entire ocean, Gu Junlin reckoned that hundreds of 10-year-old soul beasts would be fine.

However, these are all later stories.

Now Gu Junlin doesn't have that much time, he is prepared to think about this matter after the Tiandou Empire's affairs are finished.

Now, it's better to focus on the present.

On the opposite side, after receiving Gu Junlin's signal, Bibi Dong stepped forward quickly.

Then he summoned the first Wuhun reincarnation spider, and inserted the sharp spider legs into the heads of the two forest kings.

A few minutes passed, and the vitality of the two forest kings was exhausted, and two scarlet soul rings slowly rose from their corpses.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb the spirit ring.

The first spirit ring she absorbed was the spirit ring of the Azure Bull Python.

What she wants to absorb now is the ninth spirit ring of her first martial spirit, and the Azure Bull Python looks obviously stronger than the Titan Giant Ape.

As the ninth spirit ring, naturally the stronger the better.

As the soul ring of the Sky Blue Bull Python was pulled onto the martial soul by Bibi Dong, the majestic soul power rushed around in the body, fortunately at this time Bibi Dong's powerful body was also exerting its effect.

Bibi Dong's soul power has already reached level ninety, and she could pass the tempering of fairy herbs before.

Under such conditions, Bibi Dong's absorption was relatively smooth, and all parts of her body became more and more tough and crystal clear after passing through this huge energy flow.

And in the process of absorbing the spirit ring, a bright red torso spirit bone emerged from the body of the Azure Bull Python.

The magic of the 10-year-old soul beast is that when the soul master hunts and kills, it will automatically form the soul bone of the missing part of the soul master.

The bright red torso spirit bone instantly melted into Bibi Dong's body.

Although it looked like there was no change on the surface, Bibi Dong felt that her chest seemed to be expanding infinitely.

A powerful feeling filled the entire chest cavity, and the meridians under the smooth skin were constantly squirming.

Under the dual effects of the 10-year spirit ring and spirit bone, Bibi Dong's bones also made crackling noises.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes, slowly absorbed these two terrifying energies, and gradually...

Bibi Dong was completely enveloped by the red light, and a powerful aura emanated from her body.

Until most of the spirit ring and spirit bone energy were absorbed, Bibi Dong underwent a huge change!
The scarlet soul ring surrounded her, emitting dazzling light.

Waves of terrifying energy lingered around her body, and her whole body exuded an extremely fierce aura.

And the remaining small part of soul power was absorbed by Bibi Dong and raised to soul power.

The level soared in a straight line!

Level 91!
Level 92!

It didn't stop until it broke through level 93.

The energy of the 10-year spirit ring is really huge, and it raised her level by three levels in a short period of time.

But this is really normal. If the 10-year soul ring has not been improved enough, how can countless soul masters break their heads and pursue it.

"Soul ring, show me!"

Bibi Dong suddenly opened her eyes, the sharp light in her eyes, as if condensed into substance, flashed past!

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black black red!
Nine optimally proportioned spirit rings spun on Bibi Dong's body.

Especially the ninth red soul ring, which gave off a trembling aura as it spun.

Next, Bibi Dong didn't rest, but struck while the iron was hot, and continued to absorb the soul ring of the titan great ape.

With the previous experience, it is obviously much easier to absorb this time.

In less than half an hour, she attached the soul ring of the titan great ape to her second martial soul.

In contrast, the second 10-year soul ring didn't improve her as much as the first one.

The soul power has only increased by two levels, reaching level 95.

And the titan great ape also provided a soul bone, a 10-year-old right leg bone.

So far, Bibi Dong has owned two 10-year-old spirit bones.

After absorbing it, Bibi Dong stood up, feeling the powerful force coming from her body, she couldn't help clenching her pink fist.

Suddenly, a powerful force emerged spontaneously.

Afterwards, she put away her excitement and looked at Gu Junlin who was standing aside.

"Brother Junlin, I have succeeded!"

"Dong'er is awesome!"

Gu Junlin nodded with a smile, and then asked aloud: "How about Donger, how about the promotion?"

Bibi Dong stepped forward and hugged Gu Junlin, a charming smile appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"As expected of a powerful 10-year spirit ring, my spirit power has been raised to level 95."

(End of this chapter)

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