Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 107 Devouring the projection of the gods, the strength has greatly increased!

Chapter 107 Devouring the projection of the gods, the strength has greatly increased!
The catastrophe ended.

Gu Junlin breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, it was only 40 years of catastrophe, and it attracted the projection of gods.

If it is 50 years or 60 years, wouldn't it directly lead to the coming of gods?

A third-level god, a second-level god, or even a first-level god?

But after Gu Junlin thought about it carefully, it was unlikely.

He has read the original book and knows that gods cannot descend to the realm casually.

But one thing is certain is that the next catastrophe, Douluo God Realm will definitely bring an even greater disaster.

In order to prevent himself from being buried under the catastrophe.

No way, my growth is too fast.

It has reached the level of shocking the God Realm.

In only 40 years, the projection of the gods has descended. One can imagine how huge the threat to oneself is.

But Gu Junlin naturally wouldn't back down.

The road against the heavens has been opened, no matter what means the God Realm will send, he will take them all.

Gu Junlin looked up at the sky, feeling something in his heart.

The confrontation has already begun, and those who cannot kill him will pay a heavy price.

Shaking his head, Gu Junlin stopped thinking about it, but turned his head to look at a certain place in the Star Forest.

"Is it Ditian?"

When he was crossing the tribulation earlier, he sensed the aura of a strong man.

That is a strong man who surpasses many of him.

He has broken through 40 years at this time, and his strength is different from before.

But that breath still gave him great pressure.

It is not difficult to see from this that the cultivation of that strong man far exceeds his own.

And in the Star Dou Great Forest, there are only a few super ferocious beasts headed by Di Tian who have cultivated for more than 40 years.

Naturally, Gu Junlin would not let go of these fierce beasts.

Of course, not now.

First, although his current cultivation level is not bad, but facing Di Tian's kind of powerhouse who can rival demigods, it is still not enough.

In addition, there is also the super bomb of the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena in the Star Dou Great Forest.

He knew that Gu Yuena had a strength close to that of a god king.

If I accidentally provoke her, let alone myself, I am afraid that the entire Douluo Continent will be wiped out by her.

"Let's talk about it later."

With a low groan, Gu Junlin withdrew his thoughts.

Then he set his sights on the projection of the god who was lingering on the sidelines.

Due to being seriously injured by Gu Junlin, the projection of the gods at this moment has lost its previous vigor.

Instead, there was a dispirited look on his face.

Seeing Gu Junlin's gaze at this moment, the projection of the gods couldn't help trembling.

Gu Junlin smiled slightly, his tone extremely indifferent.

"It's not rude to come and go, since you choose to make things difficult for me, you will naturally bear my anger."

Hearing this, the god's projection trembled violently, and he felt that his breathing was not smooth.

"Do you know who I am?"

Gu Junlin glanced at him, and said arrogantly: "No matter who you are, if you dare to attack me, you must pay the price."

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the projection of the gods completely panicked.

This time, he failed to stop Gu Junlin from crossing the catastrophe, but was seriously injured, which was enough to make him lose face.

If it is still swallowed up by Gu Junlin, if such things are spread to the God Realm, then it will definitely be ridiculed by the entire God Realm for countless years.

As a god, what he cherishes the most is his own face.

Naturally, he couldn't accept this result, so he could only threaten,

"I tell you, I am the god of strength, the third-level god of the Douluo God Realm!"

"This time, I was ordered by the God Realm Committee to stop you!"

"And what you see now is just a spirit body of mine!"

"If you dare to attack me, then my body will definitely apply to the God Realm Committee for the lower realm!"

"At that time, no matter how many tricks you have, you will surely die!"

"Are you crazy? Don't you know who is in charge of the situation now?"

Gu Junlin smiled cruelly, then took a step forward, and used it out.

Suddenly, an incomparably strong suction rose from around the projection of the god, squeezing his almost transparent body into pieces, and finally formed a golden light bead the size of a ping-pong ball.

Gu Junlin opened his mouth wide, and the light pearl seemed to be drawn by something, and was quickly swallowed by him, turning into his cultivation.

"What grade, dare to threaten me?"

Gu Junlin smacked his lips in satisfaction, then sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the power brought by the projection of the gods.

Unlike devouring the titan great ape, devouring the projection of the gods did not improve Gu Junlin's cultivation.

Instead, it turned into a force that Gu Junlin was extremely familiar with, circulating throughout his body.

"Divine power?!"

Gu Junlin was stunned, because the energy brought by the projection of the gods was exactly the same as the divine power obtained by refining the god crystal some time ago.

It's just that it is different from the divine power of the god crystal, the divine power brought by the projection of this god is much more mottled and messy.

If the divine power brought by the projection of the gods is the sewage in the stinking ditch.

Then the divine power brought by Shenjing is the holy water that can bring people back to life.

There is no comparison between the two at all.

Suddenly, Gu Junlin realized an extremely terrifying thing.

That is the divine power obtained by refining the god crystal, far surpassing the divine power of the gods in the god realm.

Only this reason can explain why he projected and defeated a god with only a ray of divine power.

You must know that the projection of the gods is a god after all, although the strength is not as good as the main body.

But the strength must also far surpass the creatures of Douluo Continent.

But when the projection of the gods appeared before, Gu Junlin didn't make much effort to defeat the projection of the gods.

After thinking about this fact, Gu Junlin couldn't help admiring the system even more.

Now he can finally understand why the system said that as long as he converts [-]% of the soul power in his body into divine power, he can kill the third-level gods in the Douluo God Realm!
There is no way, the quality of divine power obtained by refining Shenjing is really too high.

It's like he's holding an AK47, and God Douluo is holding a Nepalese saber.

There is a qualitative gap between the two!

Thinking of this, boundless confidence rose in Gu Junlin's heart.

He believes that it won't be long before he can reach the point where he can stand shoulder to shoulder with a god with a mortal body!

Withdrawing his excitement, Gu Junlin sank his mind into his body, concentrating on refining the projection of the gods.

And as Gu Junlin's mind sank into his body, the only ray of divine power in his body also gushed out automatically, purifying all the divine power brought by the projection of the gods, and turning it into divine power of the same quality as the divine crystal's divine power.

After purifying the mottled divine power, the wisp of divine power in Gu Junlin's body spun wildly, and then absorbed and refined it.

It has to be said that although the divine power brought by the projection of the gods is relatively weak, it cannot hold up to a large amount.

Just a projection of a god made the ray of divine power in Gu Junlin's body change from the thickness of a hair to the thickness of a toothpick.

After Gu Junlin felt it a little, he knew the result.

The divine power in his body has increased by about ten times.

Although it only accounted for an innumerable fraction of his overall soul power, it also increased his strength several times.

Gu Junlin reckoned that if he had the current strength when crossing the catastrophe, he would definitely be able to defeat the opponent within three moves!
Nodding in satisfaction, Gu Junlin looked up at the sky again.

"I hope you can send a stronger god projection next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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