Chapter 117 Heavenly Palace Jade Rabbit!


Ah Rou nodded heavily, and then swallowed the Jade Rabbit Heritage Bead in one gulp.

Following the inheritance of the pearl, a bright white light rose from Ah Rou's body, turning into a round of pure white moon.

Above the looming bright moon, a magnificent figure swayed in it, extremely charming.

For a long time, she seemed to feel Ah Rou's presence.

The figure that could turn the world upside down looked back and stared at Ah Rou quietly.

Because that figure was too illusory, everyone present could not see her face clearly.

But he could feel that the figure was waving at Ah Rou.

With her jade hand waving out, an incomparably pure power of the bright moon continuously poured into Ah Rou's body.

At the same time, an extremely soft light enveloped her delicate body.

Under this ray of light, Ah Rou's bloodline was also sublimated to the extreme.

As time slowly passed, Ah Rou's mind left her body and entered a heavenly palace completely composed of moonlight.

In the Heavenly Palace, there is a sacred pillar that stands up to the sky and the earth, spreading beyond the 33rd floor of the sky tower, and it does not know where it extends.

This towering divine pillar, called the Moon God Pillar, is the peak of the world in the Bright Moon Heavenly Palace.

The whole body of the Luna Tianzhu is made of hard divine granite, bathed in bright moonlight all year round, always looking down on the Tiangong below the feet, magnificent and unparalleled in the world.

The Moon God Pillar is located in the no man's land of the Tiangong, out of reach for many immortals, and only the most determined seekers are lucky enough to see it.

Many legends of Tiangong are related to Tianzhu, the moon god, which is the brightest symbol of Tiangong.

Some brave people will try to climb this extremely high mountain, maybe in search of wisdom and enlightenment, maybe in pursuit of glory, or maybe because of some kind of overwhelming desire deep in the soul.

Climbing to the top is not impossible. For countless years, some talented people have climbed to the top of the Luna Pillar.

However, the risk factor of Luna Tianzhu is extremely high.

Only a small percentage survived the summit.

And these people who came back, either their eyes were full of confusion and emptiness, or they were completely unrecognizable.

Only a very few will be chosen as the spokesmen of the bright moon, filled with an extraordinary and inhuman energy, and endowed with a destiny that only a few people can understand.

After Ah Rou entered the Heavenly Palace, she was teleported to the top of the Luna Heavenly Pillar.

What greeted her at the summit was the brightest and fullest full moon.

In her confused eyes, a beam of moonlight hit her.

She felt a strange presence occupying her body, sharing his blood, her flesh and blood with her.

And in this process, her original soft bone rabbit blood gradually transformed into something she couldn't understand.

According to the information from the consciousness, this is called the blood of the jade rabbit.

And the jade rabbit is an existence that can control the power of the bright moon.

In other words, from now on, Ah Rou has become the spokesperson of the bright moon.

It can replace the bright moon to purify the haze in the world.

When the light faded, she regained her sense of self.

"Thank you."

She whispered, continuing to follow the direction guided by the depths of her consciousness.

Ah Rou walked through a dead tree with thick branches, which had been dead for a long time.

Then we climbed up stony plateaus and passed twisted clumps of pines and firs.

Cross the creeks that flow through the mountains and wind around the steep slopes.

At last she came to a rocky plateau overlooking a great cold lake.

In the middle of the mesas there is a circular stonehenge, each boulder is engraved with a spiral half-moon imprint.

Ah Rou knew that she had reached her destination.

Her skin was numb for a while, and a hot premonition arose spontaneously.

She already knew that this feeling often meant some kind of wild and dangerous aura.

Ah Rou became alert, walked to Stonehenge, and looked around for signs of danger.

Ah Rou didn't see anything unusual, but she knew that there was something here, something hostile yet familiar.

Ah Rou walked to the center of the Stonehenge circle, and pulled out a full moon scimitar.

Pale moonlight pierced through the clouds and reflected on the blade, shining like a diamond.

She knelt on one knee, deep in thought, with the point of the knife resting on the ground, and the handle of the knife resting against her cheek.

What the eye does not see, the heart knows.

The momentum of a thousand weights is broken in an instant, and the speed of splitting the sky is in a flash.

Ah Rou's expression froze, and she held the moon blade tightly in her hand.

And at this moment, a mutation arose.

I saw the moon blade flickering rapidly, turning into a ray of bright light, it penetrated into the center of Ah Rou's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Ah Rou passed out directly!
Immediately afterwards, the bright light exploded in Ah Rou's body, rendering her whole body into a pure and flawless incarnation of the bright moon in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, Ah Rou's tender body continuously burst out the power of the bright moon, filled with the holy breath that purifies the world.

As the power of the bright moon continued to bloom, Ah Rou's body also slowly changed.

The first thing that changed was her hair.

Under the effect of the power of the bright moon, the originally lush black hair gradually turned into white hair.

That's right, it is the white hair that the old color critic loves most.

A strong sacred breath emanated from her body, so holy.

Immediately afterwards, a white half-moon mark appeared on her brow, adding a bit of holiness.

During this process, Ah Rou's whole body suddenly became much taller. She was originally only 1.6 meters 1.7 tall, but unexpectedly grew to about [-] meters [-].

The originally soft and weak Ah Rou disappeared, replaced by a bright moon god who could purify the world.

In the end, the white light disappeared, and Ah Rou suddenly opened her eyes, shooting out a sacred light that seemed to come from the deepest part of the bright moon!
Suddenly, Ah Rou felt something in her heart.

I saw her open her right hand, and her soft-boned rabbit spirit was replaced by a pure white Jade Rabbit exuding a sacred aura.


A moon rabbit bathed in the moonlight, as if walking out from the depths of the bright moon, suddenly appeared behind Ah Rou.

The Jade Rabbit is extremely handsome, with gleaming white hair, exuding a divine aura.

A pair of eyes are piercing, revealing a strong vitality!
At the same time, the six spirit rings on Ah Rou's body spun.

Especially the two black soul rings at the back, emitting endless dark light.

As the black light bloomed, Ah Rou's entire body began to slowly reveal black light.

The black light merged with Ah Rou's original white light, which looked very strange.

"Is this the Jade Rabbit inheritance? It seems so magical."

Feeling her powerful strength, Ah Rou couldn't help murmuring.

Just when Ah Rou lamented the power of Wuhun.

Sudden accident.

The Heavenly Palace World she was in collapsed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, her mind returned to her body.

A terrifying soul power erupted from her body like a tsunami.

Without time to think about it, Ah Rou hurriedly used the Jade Rabbit Wuhun to absorb this huge soul power.

While she was using the Jade Rabbit Martial Soul to absorb her soul power, her cultivation also increased crazily like a flood that opened the gate.

Level 62!

Level 63!

Level 69!

Level seventy!
After half an hour,
Everything returned to calm, and Ah Rou's soul power also increased from the initial level 62 to level [-].

A full upgrade of eight levels!

One must know that Bibi Dong's absorption of a 10-year spirit ring also raised her level by three.

One can imagine how powerful the Jade Rabbit inheritance is!
Being promoted to level [-] means that Ah Rou has completely become a real human being.

You only need to get another soul ring, even if you change the title of Douluo, you can't see her real body!

With this in mind, she turned her head and sincerely thanked Gu Junlin:
"Husband, thank you."

 Hey, the two chapters yesterday were unblocked this afternoon, but they were blocked again after only two hours.The editor said that the content needs to be modified and then unblocked again. I will modify it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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