Chapter 119 I'm Missing Director Xu
The next day,

early morning.

Xu Hongling limped out of Gu Junlin's room.

Gu Junlin looked at her back and smiled calmly, feeling refreshed all over.

Overall, last night's experience was great.

The only thing that is unsatisfactory is that Xu Hongling is alone after all, and his time is too long.

He didn't come out the second time, which made him very angry now.

Strike while the iron is hot,
Gu Junlin thought for a while, got up and put on his clothes, and tiptoed towards Vice President Su Yuechan's room.

It was still early at this time, and Su Yuechan hadn't woken up yet.

When Gu Junlin came to her room, she was still sleeping soundly under the blanket.

Seeing this, Gu Junlin couldn't help laughing softly, and then gently lifted the quilt and lay beside her.

Looking at this exquisite and beautiful face, Gu Junlin only felt extremely hot in his heart.

Afterwards, he tilted his head and leaned closer, and kissed Su Yuechan lightly on the lips.

Although the movement was very light, it still woke up Su Yuechan.

When she saw the person next to her clearly, she suddenly lost all sleepiness, her face was red to the ears, and she couldn't speak clearly.

"My lord prince?"

Gu Junlin put his index finger on her red lips and made a hissing motion.

"This king misses you, so I came to see you."

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Su Yuechan was taken aback for a moment, and a deep sense of shame flashed in her eyes.

Come on, have you ever climbed into someone's bed to see someone like this?

Su Yuechan pulled the quilt to cover her charming body, then stammered.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Junlin chuckled and said, "Chan'er, after getting along with you for this period of time, this king has fallen in love with you deeply!"

"I don't see you for a day, and I miss you so much in my heart."

"No, this king can't wait to come and see you as soon as the sky dawns."

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Gu Junlin has already figured out their habits.

I have to say that the older I get, the more I like these earthy love stories.

Especially in a slightly backward place like Douluo Continent, Gu Junlin's earthy love words can be said to be a critical blow to Su Yuechan.

Sure enough, after Gu Junlin finished speaking, Su Yuechan's pretty face was covered with red frost.

Just like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl seeing her first love, her eyes are full of love.

"My lord, is what you said true?"

Seeing this scene, Gu Junlin couldn't help nodding secretly.

That's it!

This woman has completely fallen.

Thinking of this, Gu Junlin couldn't help but strike while the iron was hot and continued to speak earthy love stories.

"The world is huge, I just want to be Chan'er and you alone."

"Give me a chance to love you forever, please? My Chan'er."

Under the bombardment of Gu Junlin's earthy love stories, Su Yuechan finally couldn't hold back and was completely defeated.

She leaned gently on Gu Junlin's chest, and spoke in a delicate voice.

"My lord, please take pity on Chan'er."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head, closed her eyes gently, and made a gesture of letting you pick.

Seeing this, Gu Junlin was naturally not polite.

Under Su Yuechan's expectant eyes, she pounced fiercely.

When things are over,
It's already noon.

Su Yuechan resisted her burning body, and complained to Gu Junlin: "My lord, you are too powerful, you are almost broken by Chan'er."

Gu Junlin laughed uncontrollably, pinched her Qiong nose lightly, and said helplessly, "Hahaha, next time I will be gentler."

Su Yuechan rolled his eyes at him, and said coquettishly, "Oh, it's not a matter of whether it's serious or not."

After finishing speaking, she pursed her red lips in embarrassment, a little embarrassed, "The main reason is that it's been too long!"

Hearing this, Gu Junlin was taken aback, "I'm to blame for the long time."

Su Yuechan's face turned red, she felt sorry for delving into this issue, so she changed her voice and said, "Okay, Your Excellency, I still have lessons, so I have to leave first."

After that, she got up and put on her clothes happily.

"My lord, I'm leaving first, you can rest here by yourself."

Gu Junlin nodded, but did not stop, "Well, Chan'er, you can go."

Su Yuechan left, leaving Gu Junlin alone in her room.

Feeling the fragrance from the surroundings, Gu Junlin only felt that his heart was extremely dry and hot.

Although Su Yuechan let him release it again, after he acquired the talent of perseverance, he was full of energy every moment.

Obviously, the anger in his body has not completely dissipated.

After a little thought, Gu Junlin got up again, and then went to the dean Xu Wanshi.

At this time, Xu Wanshi was walking towards her residence from a classroom with a stack of documents in her arms.

"Director Xu!"

Gu Junlin stopped her from behind.

Xu Wanshi turned around and looked at Gu Junlin, with a trace of love flashing in her eyes.

Holding the document, she slowly came to Gu Junlin, her red lips slightly parted and she asked, "My lord, what's the matter?"

Gu Junlin smiled slightly, "It's nothing important. I'm still a little confused about our college's education policy. I would like to ask Director Xu for your advice."

"Oh?" Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Xu Wanshi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

She thought that Gu Junlin was looking for her for something embarrassing, but she didn't expect it to be just business.

But she quickly put away the disappointment, and said aloud, "No problem, let's talk here?"

Gu Junlin looked around, and then said lightly, "How about going to my office?"

"Well, let's go to the Prince's office."

Xu Wanshi didn't think too much, and agreed directly.

After finishing the negotiation, the two walked side by side towards Gu Junlin's office.

It is said to be an office, but it is actually Gu Junlin's dormitory.

All kinds of furniture, beds, sofas, and toilets are available.

After entering the office, Gu Junlin first poured Xu Wanshi a glass of water, and then sat on the sofa with her.

"My lord, don't you want to know the teaching policy of the academy?"

"I'll tell you now."

Xu Wanshi took a sip of water, and then introduced the teaching policy of Tianshui College to Gu Junlin on his own.

Gu Junlin looked at her faintly from the side without interrupting, just quietly listening to Xu Wanshi's introduction.

Soon, half an hour later, Xu Wanshi finished her introduction.

Gu Junlin moved towards Xu Wanshi without a trace of his body, and said aloud: "Director Xu, you are too powerful, you can easily speak out the policy of the college."

Xu Wanshi smiled, "It's just basic work."

Gu Junlin's heart was burning, and his body moved again, sticking tightly to Xu Wanshi.

"Director Xu, are you willing to teach me for the rest of your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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