Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 125 I can't do it, you guys are also delivering food!

Chapter 125 I can't do it, you guys are also delivering food!

"Really, my lord?"

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the three girls of Nihuang screamed excitedly.

Just now, they all saw the power of Bibi Dong's artifact.

Just a divine weapon can make Bibi Dong strong enough to compete with Qian Daoliu.

It is conceivable how great the improvement of the divine weapon is to the soul master.

At that time, they were thinking how great it would be if they could obtain a divine weapon.

However, now I heard Gu Junlin say that as long as they are obedient, they can get the artifact.

How can this not excite them!
On the opposite side, seeing the excited three girls, Gu Junlin smiled slightly, and then spoke softly.

"How could my husband lie to you?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the girls and continued:
"From now on, you guys will go out with Dong'er if you have nothing to do. It's best to join her plan."

"In addition, you have to work hard to improve your cultivation. If you don't understand anything about cultivation, ask Dong'er for advice."

"As long as you do what I say, then I believe that it won't be long before you can have your favorite artifact just like Dong'er!"

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the three girls looked at each other, then nodded firmly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will definitely do what you say!"

"En." Gu Junlin nodded, then turned to look at Bibi Dong: "Dong'er, help me supervise them from now on."

After all, Gu Junlin looked at the sky outside, "I'll go back to Tianshui College first, it's just getting on the right track, and the next step is to start the plan."


Bibi Dong nodded, then looked at Gu Junlin worriedly, and said, "Brother Junlin, you must pay attention to safety over there. If there is any problem, remember to notify us through the teleportation bead as soon as possible."

Now that Bibi Dong's cultivation has broken through level 96, and she has obtained her favorite artifact, her strength can be said to have undergone an earth-shaking change.

In the past, she was not strong enough, she had more than enough heart but not enough strength.

But now, after she has this strength, she naturally wants to share more for Gu Junlin.

Gu Junlin smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Dong'er, Brother Junlin, I have my own measure."

After finishing speaking, he half-jokingly said: "In other words, if I can't solve the problem, asking you to go is also delivering food."

"Haha, yes, I almost forgot about your strength, Brother Junlin."

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and gently adjusted Gu Junlin's collar, her tone full of worry.

"That being said, Brother Junlin, you must pay attention to your safety when you are outside alone. If you have nothing to do, we sisters will definitely not accept it."

Gu Junlin nodded: "Don't worry, with you guys here, I can't bear to die early."

"Okay, I'll go first, and I'll come back to see you when I have time."

After finishing speaking, Gu Junlin took out the teleportation bead, pinched it lightly and disappeared in place.

The next second, his office at Tianshui College.

Gu Junlin returned to the office, looking at the teleportation bead in his hand, he felt moved.

"I remember that there are one hundred teleportation beads in the big gift bag, right? It just so happens that the teleportation beads are not enough."

After speaking, he remembered that he still had several rewards that he hadn't checked yet.

Gu Junlin pulled a chair and sat down, and continued to check the rewards in the big gift bag.

The second reward is stones, a total of three.

Gu Junlin took it out and held it in his hand.

When they got closer, Gu Junlin could see the shape of the stone clearly.

The three stones look exactly the same, they are all in the shape of a triangle, and the whole body is green. When they shake gently, there is the sound of water flowing.

[Three Lives Immortal Stone: There are three pieces in total, the users must be three people, require the same attributes, and have a certain tacit understanding.

[Effect: When three people work together, their strength will break gold!
The Three Lives Immortal Stone will bind the user together. In addition, the three can also be combined. After the combination of the three, the initial strength of the three will be increased by ten times. As the strength grows, the multiple will increase! 】

When Gu Junlin saw the introduction of Sansheng Xianshi clearly, he immediately thought of the golden iron triangle in the original book.

Isn't this Three Lives Immortal Stone the Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Technique?
But suddenly, Gu Junlin felt something was wrong.

System produced, must be a boutique.

The fusion effect of the Golden Iron Triangle Martial Soul in the original work cannot be as strong as the Three Lives Immortal Stone.

However, no matter how Gu Junlin looked at it, he felt that this thing was no different from the Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Technique. What was the problem?
After thinking about it, Gu Junlin still couldn't think of a reason.

So he could only ask the system aloud.

"System, is this Sansheng Xianshi a trinity martial soul fusion technique?"

[The host please don't compare the garbage of Douluo Dalu with the rewards of this system! 】

A slightly disdainful voice sounded from the system.


Hearing the system's rampant words, Gu Junlin suddenly felt that there must be no problem with his thinking.

So he continued to ask aloud: "Then what is the use of this Sansheng Immortal Stone? I read the introduction, it is no different from the Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Skill."

[The Three Lives Immortal Stone is a treasure in the universe. 】

[The effect it has is not comparable to the trinity martial soul fusion skill! 】

[The fusion of the three immortal stones is not a skill, but a comprehensive fusion, which fully integrates all the attributes of the three fusions and obtains a tenfold increase at the same time! 】

[After the fusion, a main body will appear. The main body can use all the skills of the split body, and it also has a tenfold increase.At the same time, there is no time limit for combining, and you can combine infinitely. 】

[In addition, the three-life fairy stone is bound to get the sharing of the cultivation results.In other words, if any one of them practices, the other two can obtain the results of that person's cultivation. If three people practice together, then the results of the three people's cultivation will also be superimposed. 】

[And the above are only some of the functions of the Sansheng Immortal Stone. Strictly speaking, it can be said that the Sansheng Immortal Stone allows the three users to be truly bound together, no longer distinguishing you and me, and at the same time it can combine all three people. The talents are all fused together and shared among the three. 】

[The host can think about it, what kind of concept would it be if all the talents of the three people are superimposed together! 】


After listening to the system's detailed explanation, Gu Junlin was completely stunned.

The talents of the three are superimposed and shared?
The so-called three cobblers beat Zhuge Liang, this is just an additive effect.

And the Three Lives Immortal Stone is to multiply the talents of the three people together, and at least increase it by ten times.

If this is the case, I am afraid that any three pigs can surpass Einstein, right?

Let alone three people.

Gu Junlin reckoned that if any three soul emperors with six rings were used to combine them with the Sansheng Immortal Stone, they would be at least as good as the Titled Douluo!
If it is used by three Title Douluo, it may be able to reach the point of killing gods!

(End of this chapter)

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