Chapter 140 Di Tian’s excitement!
For this reason, the God Projector even ignited everything, using the most vigorous energy to launch the strongest attack!

"Failure or success?"

The God Projector was about to burst into tears, and he slapped down, but there was no change.

Gu Junlin broke his attack with just one shot!
The next moment, the god projector struck again with all his strength for the second time.

At the same time, blood mixed with brightly colored heart meat spurted out from his mouth.

"Failure or success?"

The body of the god projector shook violently.

Then, looking at the still-unchanged world, the whole person laughed crazily in an instant, and great sadness and regret filled his fragmented body.

At the same time, her world gradually faded from color, and darkness spread rapidly from the bottom like a tide, quickly enveloping everything.

"Killing God!"

Gu Junlin raised the god-killing gun. He knew that the god projector was trying the last resort, but he would not give it a chance.

At the last moment when the divine projector and the map of creation were enveloped in darkness——

"Open to me!!!"

There was a long and desperate roar, and then, the God Projector stubbornly hit it with his head, and blood burst out in large areas.

The picture of creation suddenly fluctuated.
Almost instantly.

In the sky that was originally filled with destruction and turmoil, the endless sea of ​​thunder suddenly became inexplicably still.

Gu Junlin was immediately stunned.

Then, his pupils suddenly shrank, and every cell in his body was filled with a crisis of annihilation!


A hole opened in the sky, and a portal appeared in the center of the vortex formed by the chaotic sea of ​​thunder, filled with flowing brilliance.

Gu Junlin felt as if his eyes were going to be blinded as soon as he took one look at it. It was unbelievable, it was not too scary, and he felt the aura that could not be described in words.

Even the heavenly calamity created by the gods themselves is simply insignificant, just like an insignificant grain of dust.

It is as if the entire Star Dou Forest is just a drop of water, nothing more!

At the same time, above the sky, Gu Junlin suddenly changed color because the area he was in was shrouded in the map of creation.

Including himself, the unknown projection of the god, and all the thunderclouds in the sky were soaring at this moment, rising uncontrollably from the ground, and actually flying towards the passage in the vortex.

"what is this?"

Gu Junlin realized something, and his eyes suddenly changed.


In less than three breaths, the passage in the vortex was closed, which was too abrupt.

At the same time, above the sky, nothing disappeared.

It ended extremely suddenly.

The time came when the divine projector struck the map of creation for the last time.

Boundless fire suddenly rose between the sky and the earth, and it looked like waterfalls falling from all directions.

There seem to be countless phantoms in it, which have evolved into a mysterious new world.

Gu Junlin's eyes changed abruptly, but before he could react, in his eyes, the world he was in was suddenly filled with countless slender lights.

These strands of light spread and intertwined in the void, expanding infinitely like a web, and connected to his limbs like spider threads.

In such a network of light, Gu Junlin actually felt a strange sense of comfort, as if life had returned to his mother's arms.


Gu Junlin reacted quickly, like a beast caught in a net, desperately trying to resist, trying to hold out the endless darkness.

However, as soon as he made a move, a huge pulling force came from above his head.

For a moment, it was as if an invisible hand grabbed his soul.At the same time, the dense light network around them was also rapidly pulling away.

The world in Gu Junlin's eyes has completely changed!
After a ray of light is stretched and lengthened, it actually looks like a river, and countless rays of light form countless rivers that rush upward.

The self mixed in it is like a fish.

At the same time, Gu Junlin saw another dark shadow out of the corner of his eye, which was also trapped in the flow of light like himself.

But before Gu Junlin could see the other person clearly, he let out a roar like a beast in severe pain.

He felt like his brain was being stretched, and even his voice was deformed.

Fortunately, this process only took less than three seconds.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

The outside world, Star Dou Great Forest.

The Heavenly Tribulation stopped for a moment, as if a supreme being had pressed the pause button.

Outside the sky, the great powers of the God Realm looked at the land of thunder clouds with some astonishment.

It was flat there, and nothing could be seen except for the everlasting white mist.

Don't say anything, even the slightest bit of extra breath has disappeared.

What just happened?
They looked up again at the passage in the whirlpool of the Thunder Sea, and only had time to see the last moment when the passage closed.

"Goddess of Creation succeeded?"

Not far from the ruins of the God Realm, a powerful man with the image of an old man was also in a daze.

He looked at the unobstructed open area in front of him and was stunned for a long time.


The destructive movement suddenly sounded again.

The extremely terrifying thunder light flashed in the endless deep space, shining on Gu Junlin's face, alternating between light and dark.

The great master of the God Realm turned his head stiffly and looked to another place, looking at the soul beast that had walked all the way from the bottom to the opposite side of the God Realm.

That was Gu Junlin who was bathing in the heavenly calamity and undergoing supreme transformation.


At this time, the sky seemed to have turned into a doomsday restricted area, and the dark clouds were so heavy that people could hardly breathe.

The light is so bright that the sky and the earth are almost burning!
Countless lightning strikes were like swords striking Gu Junlin's body, making a crackling sound.

Gu Junlin's catastrophe reached a fever pitch, with lightning and thunder, various mysterious scenes appeared, and every second was incomparably tormented.

But by this time, endless disasters could no longer threaten Gu Junlin.

I saw him calming down his fighting power, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth.

Endless calamity turned into a stream of water and entered his body.

The next second, the world returned to clarity.

Everything is at peace.

star forest,
Countless creatures have now seen this scene.

Suddenly, the entire Star Dou Forest was boiling.

Whether they were humans or spirit beasts, they all seemed to be surviving a disaster. Cheers erupted from everywhere, resounding through the sky, and every creature was extremely excited.

"It's over! It's finally over! It's so dark!"

"Unexpectedly, he really resisted the oppression of the God Realm, and even the gods were killed by him. Has there ever been such a figure in history? He resisted the existence of the God Realm by himself!"

Di Tian took a breath, his eyes full of excitement.

Countless years passed, and he finally saw hope for the soul beast!
(End of this chapter)

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