Chapter 148 Silver Dragon King!I have a cure!

"Brother Emperor, are you guarding a god? The Silver Dragon King!"

Gu Junlin looked at Ditian, and then asked Ditian word by word.

"How do you know?! Who are you?"

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Ditian was startled, and then said to Gu Junlin with killing intent!
What Gu Junlin said was the biggest secret of the Star Dou Great Forest, and it was also the biggest secret of Ditian. It is impossible for outsiders to know about this matter.

Including the rest of the beasts, they only know that they are guarding a senior soul beast, but they don't know who it is!
But Gu Junlin said something, which made Ditian angry. He seriously doubted whether Gu Junlin had any plans?
"Brother Emperor, please don't be excited. The reason why I know this is because the god of my inheritance told me."

"I have no bad intentions, I just thought that we have already cooperated, and you and other beasts have paid so much for my lover, I want to make up for you!"

After saying that, Gu Junlin said seriously again: "I can cure the Silver Dragon King!"


Hearing this, Di Tian felt a huge wave of shock in his heart, and then he tried to remain calm and asked Gu Junlin: "Can you really cure the Silver Dragon King?!"

"That's right! As far as I know, there are two reasons why the Silver Dragon King has been unable to recover. The first is a weak soul, and the second is lack of energy!"

Gu Junlin first analyzed the Silver Dragon King's situation, and then said again:
"And I have a way to repair the soul of the Silver Dragon King and provide a lot of energy!"

"It's just that the Silver Dragon King has a strong foundation, and the treasures to repair the soul are too rare, so it will take time to gather them together!"

Gu Junlin is not just talking nonsense. He has a system and believes that sooner or later he will be able to obtain the treasure to repair his soul.

As for the treasure that provides energy, he has it now.

God Crystal!

He believed that there was nothing richer in energy than the divine crystal!

And the reason why Gu Junlin said this.

Of course he has his own plan.

He wants to bring the Silver Dragon King into his harem!
"What treasure? Just tell me, no matter what it is, as long as it is available in Douluo Continent, I can get it!"

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, Ditian seemed extremely excited.

After so many years, he finally heard the information that could restore the Silver Dragon King. If the Silver Dragon King was allowed to recover on his own, he didn't know how many years it would take.

What Gu Junlin said was so logical that he couldn't help but not believe it.

There is another point, the Silver Dragon King is not only the god he guards, but also the object of his heart!
He was equally eager to wake up the Silver Dragon King.

Gu Junlin nodded and told Di Tian the required materials, the environment in which each material lived, and where it might appear. He spoke to Di Tian without missing a beat.

Although his system is there, it is unstable after all.

So he was still going to ask Di Tian to collect some herbs to repair the soul.

It is better to start both sides together than to wait for the system to die.

"Okay, I will try my best to find it!"

Ditian recorded everything Gu Junlin said without missing a beat. After Gu Junlin left, he would immediately start searching for information!

Gu Junlin nodded, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he said slowly, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

"I send you."


The next second, the three people appeared directly in the hall of the Pope's Palace.

At this time, the Nihuang prostitutes were having a fight in the bedroom. After hearing the noise, the three women hurriedly came to the hall.

When they saw Xu Hongling and the three girls beside Gu Junlin, they immediately understood.

So he hurriedly came to Xu Hongling's three daughters and looked them up and down.

"They must be the dean, vice dean and dean of Tianshui College that my husband mentioned, right?"

Ah Yin spoke first and asked the three women.

As she asked, she looked at the three women carefully.

The more he looked at it, the more satisfied Ah Yin became.These three beauties are all extremely beautiful.

Their personalities also seem to be different.

Presumably he can take good care of Brother Junlin on weekdays.

On the side, a blush appeared on the pretty faces of Xu Hongling and the three girls as they were looked up and down by several girls.

But this was not the time to be shy. Xu Hongling stood up first and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Sister Xu Hongling, I have met three sisters."

"We are all one family, sister, you don't have to be polite!"

Hearing Xu Hongling call them sisters, Ah Yin and the other girls were overjoyed and hurriedly spoke out.

Immediately afterwards, each of the three women took one of them and sat down on the sofa nearby, and began to chat.

"Sister Hongling, your husband didn't bully you, right?"

"" Xu Hongling blushed and said softly: "My husband is very good to the three of us!"

"That's good!"

Nihuang turned around and raised her fist at Gu Junlin as if to demonstrate, and then said to Xu Hongling: "If my husband dares to bully you, tell me, let's deal with him together!"

After saying that, she turned to the other two girls and asked, "What are the names of these two sisters?"

Hearing Nihuang's question, the two women blushed and introduced themselves.

"My name is Su Yuechan."

"My name is Xu Wanshi."

"Okay, okay, he's good-looking and his name is nice!"

Hearing the self-introduction of the two women, Ah Rou couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing softly.

"Three sisters, look at your bellies, are you pregnant?"

"Well, it's not long since I was pregnant." Xu Hongling glanced at the other two women, then nodded shyly.

Ah Yin smiled softly, "It just so happens that we are all pregnant, and we are only a few months old."

"Really? That would be great"


On the side, seeing several girls mingling together, Gu Junlin couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

By now, in addition to the concubines in the Prince's Palace, he already has eight women.

And so far, many women are getting along pretty well.

Didn't let him worry too much.

Gu Junlin only felt in a good mood.

If this trend continues, it won't be long before he can collect all the beauties in Douluo's original novels into his harem without having to worry about the harem being on fire.

Thinking of this, Gu Junlin chuckled and went to take a bath on his own without disturbing them.

Seeing Gu Junlin leave, the girls chatted even more happily.

We can talk about all kinds of things for a long time.

And the effect of doing so is also excellent.

Just like the three Xu Hongling girls now, they no longer have the restraint they had when they first arrived, replaced by relaxed expressions on their faces.

Obviously, the easy-going A Yin and the girls have completely dispelled their worries.

From this moment on, the three women completely recognized this big family in their hearts.

Next, the two sisters completely let go, chatting all over the world.

Cheers and laughter continued to fill the entire palace hall.

(End of this chapter)

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