Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 151 You don’t want Xiaogang to be looked down upon by others all his life, right?

Chapter 151 You don’t want Xiaogang to be looked down upon by others all his life, right?

"His Majesty the Prince made a strong statement. His personality is not worthy of mention. He is just trying to survive in the cracks."

Hearing Gu Junlin's praise, Liu Erlong just waved his hand and did not take it seriously.

Gu Junlin nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a smile but not a smile: "That being said, who can know the pain in Dean Liu's heart?"

Liu Erlong turned his head and looked at Gu Junlin, a hint of difference flashed in his eyes.

She didn't expect that Gu Junlin would say such words.

But as a strong woman who has been independent for so many years, how could she be moved by these two sentences.

She smiled softly, with a calm look in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. I have not had a hard time over the years."

"In other words, how can I be miserable when I have so many children with me all day long?"

"Haha, you know whether it's bitter or not, just like whether your shoes fit or not, only you know."

Gu Junlin said casually and did not delve into this topic, but changed his tone and said.

"If it is said that I have a way to make your wishes come true, Dean Liu, and successfully prove myself to the family, what does Dean Liu think?"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's body suddenly froze, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, but then he regained his composure and said calmly: "Why did His Majesty the Prince say this? I, the dean, didn't quite understand!"

Seeing Liu Erlong's reaction, Gu Junlin smiled softly and said directly: "I can let Lanba Academy win the championship in the continent's advanced soul master competition!"

Gu Junlin wasn't going to beat around the bush anymore and directly brought the topic to the climax!
In the original book, Shrek Academy only won the continental senior soul master competition championship after joining Lanba Academy.

If Lanba Academy did not provide Shrek with a platform, Shrek Academy would not even be qualified to participate, let alone win the championship.

The reason why Gu Junlin wants to control Lanba Academy is also very simple.

That is to control Shrek Academy through Lanba Academy.

He believed that as long as he controlled Shrek Academy, he would control the lifeblood of the entire Douluo World.

By then, he will no longer have any worries on Douluo Continent, nor will he need to worry about being stabbed in the back.

You just need to put all your energy into the confrontation in the Douluo God Realm.

Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Gu Junlin came to Lanba Academy.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, he also wants to taste Liu Erlong, a domineering mature woman.

After all, it blooms in many ways.

Since we have all come to Douluo Continent, we naturally want to try the local specialties of Douluo Continent.

Opposite him, Liu Erlong also had an expression of disbelief upon hearing Gu Junlin's words.

It had to be said that Gu Junlin's words had reached her heart and touched the softest part of her heart.

Although she founded Lanba Academy, although proving herself is also a purpose, it is not the most important purpose.

The most important purpose is to wait for that person!
The person who made her heartbroken, but also made her miss him.

Missed the person of his life!
He is Yu Xiaogang!
And her purpose of creating Lanba Academy is to wait and find Yu Xiaogang.

As for proving the matter to the family, it was actually to prove Yu Xiaogang to the family.

As for myself, I don’t need to prove it at all.

After getting the family's approval, she planned to ask the family to recognize Yu Xiaogang.

To gain recognition from the family, one naturally needs to make a career.

Cultivating a team that wins the continent-wide senior soul master competition is obviously a big undertaking.

Therefore, what Gu Junlin said at this time obviously touched her weakness.She calmed down her excitement a little and asked word by word: "Is what His Majesty the Prince said true?"

"That's absolutely true!" Gu Junlin nodded without hesitation.

Then, he deliberately looked embarrassed and said, "It's just that if you want to help Dean Liu win the championship in the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition, you will definitely consume enough resources."

After saying that, Gu Junlin looked at her with a half-smile, and said with a half-smile, "I wonder what Dean Liu thinks about this, or if Dean Liu can provide some help?"

Liu Erlong was stunned when he heard Gu Junlin's words.

It turned out that he had this idea.

Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to get something, you have to pay a price.

Liu Erlong naturally understands this truth.

After thinking clearly about this, Liu Erlong nodded slightly and said, "I wonder what kind of help His Majesty the Prince needs from me?"

"This is the only college I have now."

Having said this, Liu Erlong paused for a moment and then said: "As long as His Majesty the Prince can keep his word, I am willing to give Lanba Academy to you!"

"In fact, even if it is my life, it is not impossible for His Highness to take it away."

"Dean Liu is joking, why would I take your life if I have nothing to do?"

Gu Junlin quickly stopped her from continuing.

Then he frowned tightly and said in embarrassment: "Speaking of which, I have an idea, but it's a bit hard to talk about!"

Liu Erlong didn't even think about it and said directly: "Your Majesty, it's okay to say so!"

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll just say it straight."

Gu Junlin nodded slightly, and then began to make up a story on his own.

"The thing is like this, the Tiandou royal family has always had an unwritten rule in their struggle for the throne!"

"That is, no matter how many princes compete for the throne, the royal family will give certain compensation to the loser!"

"And in our generation, there are only two princes in total, so the compensation given to me is relatively generous!"

"One of them is to provide certain resources to support my family!"

"I believe that with the resources provided by the royal family, we can easily build a team that can win the continental senior soul master competition championship!"

After making up the story, Gu Junlin stood quietly, waiting for Liu Erlong's response.

Across the way, Liu Erlong was stunned after hearing Gu Junlin's narration.

Her delicate body was trembling slightly, and she asked Gu Junlin: "Your Majesty, do you mean that as long as I become your woman, I can get the resources and support from the Tiandou royal family?"

"That's right! As long as Dean Liu can become my woman, then I am confident that I can help you build a championship team!"

Seeing that Liu Erlong was able to get through it with just one click, Gu Junlin couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

But he was not very good at showing it on his face, so he could only pretend to be embarrassed and added: "This is the rule of the royal family."

Liu Erlong had a sullen face and said coldly: "Your Majesty, isn't this taking advantage of others' danger?"

"I don't want to take advantage of others' danger, but the rules are like this, and I can't do anything about it."

After speaking, Gu Junlin stared deeply at Liu Erlong and spoke calmly.

"Dean Liu, you don't want the people you care about to be looked down upon, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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