Chapter 155 The dead dog-like Yu Xiaogang!
"How about it, are you willing to help me?"

After Gu Junlin finished describing everything, he turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang calmly.

Looking at Gu Junlin's calm eyes, Yu Xiaogang's heart trembled suddenly.

This look was so terrifying, and he saw endless killing intent in it.

Yu Xiaogang had no doubt at all. If he dared to say no, he would be killed immediately.

Yu Xiaogang touched the cold sweat on his head and began to think.

Although he didn't know whether what Gu Junlin said was true or false.

But one thing is certain, if Liu Erlong gets the support of Gu Junlin.

Then she may really hope to build a team that will shock the world.

Even if the royal resources Gu Junlin said were false.

But as a prince of a country, Xuexing also has the qualification to push Liu Erlong's current level up several levels.

Perhaps, there might be a way to get himself and Erlong recognized by the family.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang raised his head, looked at Gu Junlin, and said in a bitter tone: "But Your Majesty, I may not be able to persuade Dean Liu!"

"I believe you can do it!"

Gu Junlin stepped forward, patted Yu Xiaogang's head, and said coldly: "If you can't handle this little thing, what's the use of staying in this world?"

After saying that, Gu Junlin changed his tone and added in a cold voice: "Did you offend me and don't want to make amends?"

miss you!
Of course I do!
Yu Xiaogang couldn't wait to compensate Gu Junlin now, and then treat him as far away as possible.

But he can't!

In no way was he qualified to compensate a prince.

The only chance now is to follow the wishes of His Majesty the Prince.

If there is even a little bit of dissent, I'm afraid he will die now!
Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang felt endless regret in his heart.

Why did you provoke such a disaster star when you have nothing to do?
But things have come to light, and no matter how unwilling he is, he can only face it.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang turned to look at Gu Junlin and said, "I can give it a try. I'm not sure whether I can persuade Dean Liu!"

"Only for success, not for failure!"

Gu Junlin glanced at Yu Xiaogang contemptuously and said ruthlessly: "If you can't do it, then I will hold you accountable for offending me!"

Gu Junlin has no intention of playing these word games with Yu Xiaogang now.

In his opinion, if Yu Xiaogang cannot help him, he is a useless person.

Since he is a useless person, what else is there to say?

Just kill it!

But Gu Junlin, who was well versed in human nature, was not prepared to push him to a dead end, so he softened his tone and spoke softly.

"I promise you, as long as you agree to help me persuade Dean Liu, then the offense you and I have made against me will not be pursued any further and will be wiped out!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's face looked much better, and he asked with some excitement: "Is what His Majesty the Prince said true?!"

"I never lie to anyone!"

Gu Junlin waved his hand and said indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a control card from the system space and handed it to Yu Xiaogang.

"Here, keep this card. When the time comes, you can persuade Dean Liu and come directly to Yuexuan to find me!"


All Yu Xiaogang could think about was to quickly distance himself from the scourge in front of him and escape from its clutches as soon as possible!
So although he was a little puzzled about the card that Gu Junlin handed over, he didn't think too much about it, and just reached out to accept it.

But the moment he touched the card, he was stunned.

In an instant, Yu Xiaogang felt his scalp numb and numb.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt that a dangerous object that could explode at any time was installed in the deepest part of his life.

As long as Gu Junlin had a thought, this dangerous object would be detonated and completely destroy him.

Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his expression became extremely frightened.

At this moment, he really panicked!
As proud as he is, he simply cannot accept that his life and death are controlled by others.

His voice was trembling, and he asked Gu Junlin in great horror: "Your Majesty, what is this card?" On the opposite side, Gu Junlin smiled calmly and murmured.

"Can't you feel something?"

"I tell you, this thing is called a control card. From now on, your body, your soul, and everything about you are controlled by me!"

"If you have any evil intentions, you know the consequences!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need for this, right?!"

After receiving Gu Junlin's confirmation, Yu Xiaogang couldn't hold himself any longer.

He never expected that he was fine before meeting Gu Junlin.

He fantasizes about being able to obtain some resources through Liu Erlong and improve his core theory.

Who would have thought that before Liu Erlong saw him, his life no longer belonged to him.

Yu Xiaogang stared at Gu Junlin almost viciously.

If it weren't for the huge gap in status, I'm afraid he would have jumped up and fought Gu Junlin now.

"It is necessary!"

Gu Junlin smiled softly, like a seducer seducing the soul.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Junlin thought and directly communicated with the control card implanted deep in Yu Xiaogang's life.

Suddenly, an invisible spiritual power burst out and entered Yu Xiaogang's body through an unknown space.

Yu Xiaogang's body suddenly stiffened for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a pain that seemed to come from the depths of the Nine Nethernesses spread from his heart.


A miserable roar sounded, and Yu Xiaogang could no longer care about his wasted legs and rolled crazily on the ground.

The pain caused by the control card is pain on the soul and even on the life level!
Can't see, can't touch!

Yu Xiaogang didn't even know where the pain was coming from in his body.

I just feel as if I have been banished to a desolate, bottomless abyss.

At any moment, you have to face the pain of ten thousand poisons gnawing at your heart!

"Stop! Stop!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Yu Xiaogang held back the last trace of consciousness and begged Gu Junlin for mercy.

However, Gu Junlin seemed oblivious and did not even look at Yu Xiaogang.

To beat a dog, you have to beat it once.

Otherwise, when it recovers, it will bite you a few more times.

If he doesn't teach him to be good once now, who knows what outrageous things he will do in the future?
It's better to take this opportunity to teach him to recognize the situation and figure out his own position.

The inhuman torture lasted for 10 minutes.

Yu Xiaogang's screams also turned from high at first to weak.

In the end, it was impossible to even make a sound.

Only heard the miserable moan of 'ho ho ho' in the throat.

"Can you listen well?"

Gu Junlin recovered his mind and asked Yu Xiaogang calmly.

Yu Xiaogang nodded subconsciously.

In just 10 minutes, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have walked through the gates of hell several times.

Showing an image of a depressed look and dull eyes.

Gu Junlin smiled knowingly, it seemed that he was completely obedient this time.

"I'll give you three days. If you can't do it, then there's no need for you to survive in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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