Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 163 God-level Kung Fu: Yin-Yang Dragon-Phoenix Jue!

Chapter 163 God-level Kung Fu: Yin-Yang Dragon-Phoenix Jue!

Gu Junlin started to check other rewards.

Yin Yang Dragon Phoenix Jue (God level): It is divided into Dragon Jue and Phoenix Jue. Both men and women who practice this technique will receive a large amount of essence after intercourse and improve their cultivation!
"Ah this."

After seeing the introduction of the technique clearly, Gu Junlin was stunned.

Dual practice?

Gu Junlin was paralyzed!

This system is so considerate.

Knowing that he has many women, he not only gave himself the talent of Yin-Yang Dragon-Phoenix Jue.

Now even the dual cultivation techniques have been developed.

Moreover, it is also a god-level dual cultivation technique.

Thinking about it with his feet, Gu Junlin knew how valuable this technique was!

You will definitely get a strong effect!
And this is exactly what Gu Junlin needs most right now!

As he has more and more women.

He spends more and more time on sex every day and doesn't have much energy to practice.

Although there will be more generous rewards for giving birth to an heir, Gu Junlin doesn't like putting all his eggs in one basket.

While having many children and many blessings, he also did not want to give up normal cultivation.

After all, his talent has greatly increased now.

Practicing on a daily basis will also yield very fruitful results.

But facing a group of women who are like wolves and tigers every day, he can't spare any time to practice.

But now, the system rewards directly solved his biggest dilemma.

He believed that with the yin and yang, dragon and phoenix, he could have many children and be blessed while improving his cultivation.

Belonging kills two birds with one stone!

Afterwards, Gu Junlin suppressed the excitement in his heart and used his mind to communicate with the system.

"System, fuse the Yin Yang Dragon and Phoenix Art!"

【Ding!Start integrating the god-level skills - Yin Yang Dragon Phoenix Jue! 】

Suddenly, a burst of warm energy suddenly appeared and slowly merged into Gu Junlin's body.

[Transferring, the current progress is [-]%! 】

With the fusion of energy, Gu Junlin felt that his mind became extremely clear.


[Transferring, the current fusion progress is 90.00% nine! 】

【Ding!The fusion is complete! 】

Half an hour passed, and the Yin Yang Dragon and Phoenix Jue talents were integrated.

Gu Junlin opened his eyes, and a strange light flashed in them.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Junlin arranged for his servants to take care of Tang Yuehua, who was sleeping soundly, while he found a deserted place and teleported to the Pope's Palace.

Papal Palace, inside the main hall.

Bibi Dong was walking from outside.

Gu Junlin stepped forward and shouted: "Dong'er!"

"Brother Junlin, why are you here?"

Looking at Gu Junlin, Bibi Dong asked excitedly.

"I have a treasure for you." Gu Junlin chuckled and said, "Dong'er, go and call them all."

"Okay, brother Junlin." Bibi Dong agreed directly without thinking.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dong'er."

Gu Junlin stepped forward and hugged Bibi Dong.

Then, he walked towards the big bedroom and waited.

Not long after, all four women including Bibi Dong gathered together.

Gu Junlin looked at the four girls, with deep love flashing in his eyes.

He took a step forward and said softly: "I have a super skill here. After practicing it, it can greatly increase the speed of cultivation. I will teach it to you now!" After that, he took out the Yin Yang Phoenix Jue and handed it to the women.

The women took it and examined it carefully.

Gu Junlin didn't bother the girls and just waited quietly.

As time passed slowly, the faces of the women gradually became heavy.

After a long time, the women looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"Brother Jun Lin! This technique is really amazing. I have a hunch that if I practice this technique, my training speed will definitely increase greatly!"

"With this technique, Ultimate Douluo is no longer a dream!"

"It's so amazing, I can't wait to practice now!"

Listening to the exclamations of the women, Gu Junlin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Awesome, I will teach you how to practice now!"

After speaking, Gu Junlin motioned to the girls to sit down, and then taught them to practice.

He had already practiced the Dragon Art at this time and was proficient in the Yin-Yang Dragon and Phoenix Art techniques.

In addition, the girls' talents were extremely high, so they learned Fengjue easily.

Bibi Dong has the highest talent and the best understanding, and was the first to learn Feng Jue.

The moonlight forced its way through the thick wall, sending the moonlight essence into their bodies to provide them with energy.

Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong are already extremely talented.

Especially after the evolution of various treasures, the various attributes of the body have reached their peak.

At this time, the energy poured in and was easily refined by the two of them, turning it into part of their strength.

In the room, a mysterious scene appeared above Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong.

In the picture, the two are like babies, curling up and holding each other together. This is self-protection and self-growth.

Faintly, if someone enters the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the two, they will find a faint purple light surrounding the baby-like soul.

Bit by bit, their souls and cultivation levels were improved.

The cultivation of their souls increased at the same time, and all kinds of impurities in their bodies were gradually emptied out of their bodies.

The light of the sun, the domineering power, is the supreme energy of Yang Qi, which was absorbed by Gu Junlin.

The light of the moonlight, the power of femininity, is the supreme energy of yin energy, which was absorbed by Bibi Dong.

In this way, the strength of the two people is improving at an increasingly faster speed.


At some point, the entire Pope's Palace was filled with vast waves of smoke, and the soul power of heaven and earth rose up like smoke.

worship hall,
At this time, Qian Daoliu was meditating and suddenly felt something, so he opened the door and saw an extremely shocking scene.

The moonlight was like silver, and a curtain of light shone down from the nine heavens, vertically downwards.

It is suspected that the Milky Way has set in the sky, shining on the roof of the Pope's Palace. Looking closely, there seem to be two phantoms standing there.

The shadow is too thin and I don’t know what it is doing.

All that can be seen is that under the bright moonlight, two almost transparent bodies exude a faint holy light. The sleeves are fluttering, like the immortal gods descending to earth. They are sacred and cannot be looked directly at.

Not only Qian Daoliu, but also the guards on duty at night in Wuhun Hall were also stunned.

The Papal Palace is the residence of Pope Bibi Dong.

They knew that His Majesty the Pope was very powerful, but they did not expect that their Pope seemed to be about to soar into the sky at this moment. This light curtain formed by the light of the moonlight was the bridge of connection.

However, what puzzles them is who is the other figure?
Why can he be on par with His Majesty the Pope?

Qian Daoliu knew that Bibi Dong's cultivation at this time had reached the pinnacle of Douluo, and he could even fight him!
But he never expected that Bibi Dong would be so terrifying at this time, and could even bring the essence of the moon into the world.

If it is forcibly divided, the energy he absorbs is that of fireflies on the ground, which can only emit a weak light.

So now Bibi Dong's palace is like filling up with the bright moon. The essence of the moon is endless, as if it costs nothing, and even overflows the palace.

Even so, Bibi Dong still had an attitude of not wasting and absorbed the overflowing essence.

But this absorption didn't matter, the essence of the moon in the room actually covered her.

So when other people saw this scene, they thought that Bibi Dong was like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, soaring up into the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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