Chapter 165 Gu Xihua and Gu Lianyue!

the next three days.

Gu Junlin stayed at the Pope's Palace.

It was only after he had taught all the women in the Pope's Palace that Gu Junlin returned to Tiandou City.

Later, he spent more than a week teaching the Yin Yang Dragon Phoenix Jue to Xu Hongling, Tang Yuehua and Liu Erlong.

At this point, all his women have learned the god-level technique of Yin Yang Dragon Phoenix Jue.

Of course, he did not teach the concubines in the Prince's Palace.

First, his current identity is Prince Snow Star.

It is simply impossible to be qualified to possess such an almost heaven-defying skill.

If the news was spread by those concubines, he would definitely be suspected by the senior officials of the Tiandou Empire.

Second, those women are just pawns for him to have many children and many blessings.

There is no emotional foundation, and the talent is not like Tang Yuehua and others, who have the qualifications to reach the pinnacle of Douluo.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, Gu Junlin will not teach them the Yin Yang Dragon Phoenix Art.

After teaching all the women how to learn the Yin-Yang Dragon-Phoenix Art, Gu Junlin continued to check out the rest of the rewards for Tang Yuehua's birth.

Nine-Colored Tulip: An advanced version of Qiluo Tulip. Taking it can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, the light of the sun and the moon, advance the martial soul, and evolve the talent!
"Qiluo Tulip Advanced Edition?"

After seeing the system prompts clearly, Gu Junlin was a little shocked.

He knew that Ning Rongrong in the original work evolved the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda because of taking Qiluo Tulip.

You know, the Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial soul of the Qibao Glazed Sect can only have seven soul rings at most.

After a soul master who possesses this martial soul reaches the soul saint level, his strength cannot continue to improve.

Only after it evolves into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda can it be cultivated to the level of Titled Douluo.

It is precisely because of Qiluo Tulip that Ning Rongrong is qualified to practice to the title of Douluo, and even become a god in the later stage!

It can be said that Qiluo Tulip has created the existence of a god!

But what Gu Junlin got at this time was the advanced version of Qiluo Tulip, the Nine-color Tulip.

What effects do these treasures have?
Gu Junlin didn't know.

But one thing that can be confirmed is that the effect of nine-color tulips must be stronger than that of Qiluo tulips!

As for how strong it is, we can only wait and find opportunities to test it later.

Gu Junlin calmed down, then put away the nine-colored tulips, and then checked the last reward.

Ten divine crystals!

Gu Junlin nodded with satisfaction.

It is indeed a god-level gift package.

The several items rewarded are all super treasures that far exceed the Douluo level.

There are these items, whether it is himself or the people around him.

The growth rate will be greatly improved.

I believe it won't be long before he can truly dominate Douluo Continent!


Gu Junlin put away the divine crystal and murmured with satisfaction.

Then, he turned to look at Tang Yuehua, who was resting on the bed, with a look of satisfaction rising in his heart.

He climbed into bed, chatted softly with Tang Yuehua about home affairs, and thanked her for giving birth to two twins for him.

"Yuehua, I've suffered a lot from you these days."

"It's too late for Yuehua to be happy about being able to reproduce for her husband, so how can she be miserable."

Tang Yuehua shook her head gently, showing a beautiful smile
Then, she got up and played with the two children in her arms.

Tang Yuehua stretched out her slender hands and gently stroked the little faces of her son and daughter.

At this moment, she was no longer the aloof Mrs. Yuexuan, nor a direct disciple of the Haotian Sect.

Now, she is an ordinary mother, exuding a burst of maternal glory from the inside out.After teasing for a while, she finally put down her son and daughter, and turned to Gu Junlin and said, "Husband, speaking of which, you have been busy these days, and you haven't even named the child yet."

After saying that, she said softly, "You can name our son and daughter."

"What about a name?"

After hearing Tang Yuehua's words, Gu Junlin began to think slightly.

As he had more and more children, naming them became a laborious task.

But he had to choose a name, so he thought hard and it took a long time before he came up with two suitable names.

"The son's name is Gu Xihua, and the daughter's name is Gu Lianyue."

Gu Junlin spoke softly and said the name he had chosen for his child.

"Cherish the flower and pity the moon"

Tang Yuehua was obviously stunned when he heard the name given by Gu Junlin, and murmured again.

She is thoughtful and naturally understands the meaning of Gu Junlin's name!
Gu Xihua, Gu Lianyue
These are all named after her.

And from the name, Tang Yuehua felt a strong love.

For this reason, she couldn't help but be moved to pieces.

Holding Gu Junlin tightly, he spoke with love.

"Husband, thank you!"

"You girl."

Gu Junlin smiled and pinched her nose, and then said nonchalantly: "Between you and me, there is no need to say such polite words!"

"Yeah." Tang Yuehua nodded lightly.

Then, she lowered her head and kissed her son and daughter gently on their foreheads.

"Xihua, Lianyue, you must grow up healthily. Your parents will protect you."

With a murmur, Tang Yuehua lay quietly on Gu Junlin's chest, looking like a little bird.

Gu Junlin held his children in one hand and the beauty in the other.

A strong sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

At this moment, he felt that the so-called family happiness was nothing more than that.

In the days that followed, Gu Junlin took care of Tang Yuehua during her confinement period while going to other places to accompany other women.

The days were peaceful.

In the blink of an eye, another half year passed.

On this day, as soon as Gu Junlin arrived at the Pope's Palace from Yuexuan, he heard some exciting news.

Bibi Dong’s daughter is about to give birth!
Ever since Ah Rou arrived, it didn't take long for Bibi Dong and the others to become pregnant with Gu Junlin's children.

It has been more than half a year now, and their due dates have gradually arrived.

The first one to give birth to a son was Nihuang.

She had given birth to a daughter to Gu Junlin before.

So she is relatively experienced in giving birth this time.

As a baby cried, Gu Junlin also received the system prompt as he wished.

[It is detected that the host has given birth to an heir, and a big gift package will be rewarded, please check and collect it yourself! 】

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Gu Junlin's mind.

Before he had time to check the gift package, Gu Junlin set his sights on the midwife who walked out of the room.

The two midwives walked out of the room with the baby in their arms, came to Bibi Dong and spoke respectfully.

"His Majesty the Pope, please pay tribute to me. Elder Nihuang has given birth to a big fat boy!"

One of the midwives handed the wrapped baby to Bibi Dong and congratulated her.

(End of this chapter)

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