Chapter 167 The incredible reward!
【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten artifacts! 】

The second reward is ten artifacts.

When he saw the reward clearly, Gu Junlin was completely stunned.

In the original work, there are only five artifacts in total.

One of them is the Eight Wings of Poseidon that evolved after Tang San became a god!
In addition to the Eight Wings of Poseidon, strictly speaking, there are only four artifacts.

They are Poseidon Trident, Rakshasa Demon Scythe, Angel Holy Sword and Shura Blood Sword!
And these four artifacts also represent the four gods.

In other words, these four artifacts are weapons of the gods.

Only by obtaining the inheritance of these four gods can you obtain these artifacts.

And artifacts are synonymous with power!

It can be said that as long as you have an artifact, you have the power to wield it.

Then you can be invincible in Douluo Continent!

This shows how rare the artifacts in Douluo Continent are and how powerful they are!
But now, Gu Junlin obtained ten artifacts at once.

This reward is simply incredible!
Although he owns the Goddess Pavilion, as long as it is his woman, she will have a great chance of obtaining a divine weapon after settling in the Goddess Pavilion.

But these ten artifacts were awarded directly to him without any conditions.

With these ten artifacts, he can easily train ten invincible warriors from the Douluo Continent!
Coupled with the artifacts provided by the Goddess Pavilion, he can be said to be qualified to own an army of gods.

Gu Junlin exhaled heavily and withdrew the exclamation in his eyes.

Quickly choose to accept the artifact.

"System, accept the artifact!"

[Ding, the artifact is being distributed to the system space, please wait]

Gu Junlin waited expectantly.

Not long after, the system sound sounded again.

[Ding, the artifact has been sent to the system space, please check it yourself! 】

Hearing the system's beep, Gu Junlin instantly sank into the system space.

Suddenly, a bright and dazzling light almost blinded his eyes.

Gu Junlin suppressed the excitement in his heart, calmed down, and then checked the artifact.

Knife, spear, sword, halberd, whip
There were all types of weapons, which dazzled Gu Junlin.

But one thing is the same, these weapons all exude endless bright light and an aura of boundless terror!

"so horrible!"

Gu Junlin's eyes showed endless excitement.

He believed that any of these artifacts could make a soul master grow into the most outstanding Douluo in an instant!
Gu Junlin picked up one piece at random and studied it carefully.

He was holding a sword with a ferocious black dragon carved on the sword.

Holding it in your hand is like holding a rushing river, containing endless power!

Gu Junlin waved his hand, and suddenly a sword dragon that seemed to destroy the world surged out.

It seemed as if he was going to destroy the entire world where he was!

Gu Junlin was shocked when he saw this.

Quickly shoot out, crushing the launched Stegosaurus alive!

This prevented a disaster from happening!

Everything returned to calm, and Gu Junlin quickly returned the divine sword to the system space.

This thing is really scary. If you are not careful, there is a risk of hurting others.It's better to put such an artifact away when not in use!
However, even though he put away the artifact, the shock in Gu Junlin's eyes did not diminish.

A deep shock was still left on his face.

"With these ten artifacts here, who can stop me in Douluo Continent?"

A boundless confidence surged out of Gu Junlin.

As of now, he really can't think of anyone else in Douluo Continent who can stop him!
In the not-too-distant future, after he has trained the owners of all ten artifacts.

I'm afraid that even all the forces in Douluo Continent, plus the two empires tied together, will no longer be his opponent!

By then, let alone the Douluo Continent, I am afraid that even the Douluo God Realm would be qualified for an arm-wrestle.

Of course, there were so many powerful men in the God Realm, but he still couldn't resist them.

But if some god projectors appear like in the previous Tribulation, or if third-level and second-level gods take action, he won't be afraid!

Even if the person he chooses can truly control these artifacts, then entering the divine world will not be empty talk.

After all, the artifacts rewarded by the system are not the scumbag artifacts in Douluo's original novel.

Produced by the system, it must be a boutique!
This has been verified a long time ago.

Gu Junlin estimated that the power of these artifacts would not be weaker than Douluo's original super artifacts.

And the super artifact is the exclusive artifact of the powerful God King!

Even if Gu Junlin's magical weapon is not as powerful as the God King.

But after complete control, he will not be weaker than the first-level god of Douluo God Realm!

This is his confidence in the system!

Shaking his head, Gu Junlin put back his excitement and continued to check the next reward.

But the calm mood just now started to tremble again when he saw the next reward.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for receiving ten 10-year-old soul bones of his choice! 】

Ten soul bones of your choice for 10 years!
What is a 10-year-old soul bone?
That is a super treasure comparable to a 10-year-old soul ring!
A 10-year-old soul bone can give a soul master two soul skills!

In Douluo Continent, where twin martial souls are extremely rare, the soul skills of soul masters are almost fixed!

Without a 10-year-old soul ring, everyone has nine soul skills.

very fair!
However, the existence of 10-year-old soul bones has broken this balance!
Not only can it bring two soul skills to the soul master, but it can also greatly improve the soul master's physical fitness!

Basically, with a 10-year-old soul bone, a soul master in the same realm has an invincible physique!
In addition, the two soul skills brought by the 10-year-old soul bone are not comparable to ordinary soul skills.

The reason why a 10-year-old soul beast is so precious.

It's because the soul skills they bring are capable of destroying heaven and earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power of a 10-year soul skill is at least dozens of times that of a [-]-year soul ring!
And what is the concept of having two at once?
Tang Hao in the original work, when he was first promoted to Title Douluo, was able to suppress the three major Title Douluo with his level 93 soul power, causing one death and two serious injuries!

Among them is Qian Xunji, the super Douluo!

The reason why Tang Hao is so terrifying is because of A Yin's sacrifice!

After Ah Yin was sacrificed to Tang Hao, he provided Tang Hao with four terrifying 10-year soul skills!

There are two brought by the soul ring and two brought by the soul bone.

With just four soul skills, he was able to suppress three veteran Titled Douluo as soon as he entered the Titled Douluo.

This shows how huge the improvement brought by 10-year-old soul skills is to a soul master!

And now, Gu Junlin possesses ten 10-year-old soul bones at once.

This also means that twenty 10-year soul skills will be provided!

Just thinking about it is enough to make your blood boil!
(End of this chapter)

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