Chapter 174 Dugu Bo: Give it your all!

In Dugubo’s view,

Prince Xuexing is usually a secretive person, but now that he can defeat a titled Douluo like him, what else can't he do?
Moreover, there is another reason that Dugu Bo really believed.

Gu Junlin took the energy that appeared in his third move!
At first he didn't notice it, but when the energy started to play, Dugu Bo could clearly feel it.

The level of that energy far surpassed that of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, who had reached the level of Titled Douluo.

In other words, Gu Junlin has an energy in his body that makes him even want to be defeated.

From this point alone, Dugu Bo had great faith in Gu Junlin.

Only higher energy can solve the toxins in your body, right?


"Brother Xuexing, I agree to the conditions you mentioned!"

"However, I also have a small condition, which I hope Brother Xuexing can agree to."

"Of course, even if Brother Xuexing doesn't agree, it doesn't matter. After all, the conditions you proposed are not excessive."

Dugu Bo showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said bitterly to Gu Junlin.

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Gu Junlin replied that in fact, he had probably guessed what Dugu Bo's conditions were.

"Brother Xuexing, it's like this. I have a granddaughter, and she also has the same situation as me!"

"So I hope Brother Xuexing can treat my granddaughter as well, or give my granddaughter the chance to treat me."

At the end of the sentence, there was only one expression left on Dugu Bo's face, and that was kindness.

At this moment, Poison Dao Master Dugu Bo seemed like the most ordinary old man, thinking about his descendants.

Seeing this, Gu Junlin couldn't help but feel a little moved, but he obviously had his own ideas, so he spoke with a half-smile.

"Oh? I promised to only treat you, Brother Dugu. As for others, it has nothing to do with me."

"Of course, since Brother Dugu has already spoken, it seems too unkind for me to refuse him."

"Well, I can also treat Brother Dugu's granddaughter."

"But what price can Brother Dugu pay for this?"


Dugu Bo was stunned.

Yes, who am I to beg him to have the right to impose conditions?
In addition, although he and Gu Junlin had some friendship, they were not close to each other. How could others help him so easily?

Dugu Bo knows how difficult it is to clean up the toxins in the body.

I'm afraid that even if Gu Junlin can treat it, it will take a lot of effort, right?

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's face became even more bitter.

"I can give all my wealth, I just need Brother Xuexing to cure my granddaughter!"

What is the concept of Title Douluo's possessions?
To put it bluntly, as long as Dugu Bo thinks about it, buying a small city is not a problem at all.

After all, all the treasures he can leave behind are probably related to Title Douluo.

In Douluo Continent, all items related to Titled Douluo are very expensive.

After all, with such items, there is a certain chance of being promoted to a titled Douluo.

Become one of those few characters at the top of Douluo Continent.


"Brother Dugu, I'm afraid you are overthinking. I am not short of money."

"Actually, Brother Dugu, you don't have to think so complicatedly. There is a very simple method."

"That is, we should be our own people first, and then help you save our granddaughter. Isn't this a reasonable thing?"

Gu Junlin reminded Dugu Bo.

Sure enough, Dugu Bo's eyes lit up when he heard Gu Junlin's words.

My own... my own...

Got it!

Dugu Bo immediately thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Well, Brother Xuexing, my granddaughter just turned 14 this year!"

"How about I betroth my granddaughter to you as your concubine?" "In this way, we will be our own!"

That's right, the solution Dugu Bo came up with was to let his granddaughter Dugu Yan marry Gu Junlin as a concubine.

In this way, it is only natural for Gu Junlin to save Dugu Yan.

Besides, what parent wouldn't like someone like Gu Junlin?
Dugu Bo is no exception.

He also hopes that his granddaughter can marry into a good family, and Gu Junlin in front of him is the best choice for a spouse.

Without him,

Gu Junlin is simply the standard template for a golden son-in-law, with noble status, rich wealth, and strong strength!
If he can't even look down on His Majesty the Prince, then no one in the world can make him look down on him.

Immediately, Dugu Bo looked at Gu Junlin with meaningful eyes.

That kind of look is like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks at it, the more satisfied she is.

In the end, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, Dugu Bo has completely forgotten that his granddaughter still has a boyfriend, Yu Tianheng!

But so what if you don't forget?
Although Yu Tianheng is not a bad person, he is also a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

But compared with Gu Junlin, that's really far behind!

First of all, Gu Junlin's identity is not weaker than that of the other party.

As the prince of the empire, Gu Junlin, if nothing unexpected happens, the entire empire will be his backer.

Compared with the heirs of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family, this kind of status is only high but not low!
In addition, let's talk about strength.

Gu Junlin's strength can directly compete with his title Douluo.

And Yu Tianheng is just a student.

In Gu Junlin's hands, he might not even be able to make a single move!


Just when Dugu Bo was secretly happy about his decision, Gu Junlin's confused voice came.

This is this...

Dugu Bo is misinterpreting my meaning, right? !

"Brother Dugu, why do I want your granddaughter? What I want is you!"

Gu Junlin was speechless. Did he seem to be so in need of women?

Well, let it be.

But you won’t marry a girl you’ve never met before, right?
Although judging from the original book, Dugu Yan is not bad.

But compared to Dugu Bo, he still wanted the latter.


Now it was Dugu Bo's turn to be confused.

Brother Xuexing, does it taste so strong?
I have an old bone...

Forget it, for the granddaughter, go all out!

"Brother Xuexing, as long as you can cure Yan'er, I..."

"I'm willing to risk everything."

After saying that, Dugu Bo closed his eyes as if he were dead, waiting for Gu Junlin's next move.


Gu Junlin first raised a few questions, but he didn't know why.

But then, combined with what Dugu Bo said, coupled with his facial expressions and movements, he suddenly understood!

Gu Junlin almost vomited it out, and then glanced at Dugu Bo disgustingly, he was so embarrassed.

"Ah? Brother Xuexing, what do you mean?"

Dugu Bo was puzzled, why was Gu Junlin so good and so good?
"Okay, stop it now! I'm telling you to serve me!"

"Serving you?"

Only then did Dugu Bo realize that this was what Gu Junlin meant when he said he wanted him?


(End of this chapter)

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